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The Return of Christ

Lisa Sims

Not BORN AGAIN Yet, But I'm On My WAY!
...In conclusion, I believe that most of the biblical stories about Jesus are plagiarized pagan myths, demonstrating that these stories are not unique and that paganism had a substantial impact on Christianity. In my opinion, the stories about him were greatly embellished, either copied and adapted from Greek mythology and other ancient pagan religions that his followers were aware of at the time or stories based on hearsay that became more elaborate as they spread...
Jesus himself discusses the influence of pagan myths (and Old Testament stories) on some of the miracles attributed to him in the Christian New Testament. While he asserts his abilities to heal the sick (including cases of apparent death) and cast out evil spirits, he denies changing water to wine, manifesting food to feed the "multitudes," and walking on water to name a few. He says his primary mission was to teach the availability of God's Divine Love and how to obtain it, as exemplified in his own person.

From Jesus' Second Coming Message Series, 1914 to present:
Jesus 2/3/1955


Veteran Member
Jesus himself discusses the influence of pagan myths (and Old Testament stories) on some of the miracles attributed to him in the Christian New Testament. While he asserts his abilities to heal the sick (including cases of apparent death) and cast out evil spirits, he denies changing water to wine, manifesting food to feed the "multitudes," and walking on water to name a few. He says his primary mission was to teach the availability of God's Divine Love and how to obtain it, as exemplified in his own person.

From Jesus' Second Coming Message Series, 1914 to present:
Jesus 2/3/1955
He’s still god in the flesh though


Veteran Member
To be honest, reading about Jesus in comparative mythology was very eye-opening for me, and it made me realize that the stories told about him in the Bible (e.g., virgin birth, miracles, cruxifixion, death, and resurrection) weren't as unique and compelling as I had previously believed. I began to recognize the significant impact that paganism had on Christianity, as I explained in the following paragraphs. Of course, my opinion is based on what I've learned.

I think that it is essential to consider the biblical accounts of Jesus in the context of comparative mythology and recognize that the savior story about him in the Bible is not the first of its kind. There are other stories of Christlike figures that predate both the Bible and Christianity. In light of my own research on the subject, I've concluded that if Jesus (the English adaptation of Yehoshua/Yeshua) had lived 2,000 years ago, then he was just an ordinary man and a popular religious teacher whose followers spread embellished stories about him, including modified stories about demigods from Greek mythology and other pagan religions that would make him appear godlike. For example, if you replace the name Jesus with Attis (the Phrygian-Greek god of vegetation), you'll see a strikingly familiar savior story similar to that of Jesus, except the Greek myths about Attis are dated 1250 BCE, which predates Christianity and the Bible (source). You could also replace the name Jesus with any of the other Christlike figures discussed in the articles I linked. There are even more similar myths that parallel the stories of his divine birth, performing supernatural miracles, walking on water, miraculously healing the sick, raising the dead, as well as his alleged crucifixion, death, and resurrection. You will see that the stories about him are not unique, including his savior story, which, in my opinion, is no more credible than all of the other savior stories that preceded it. As shown in the articles, it is just one among many of the same kind.

10 Christ-Like Figures that predate Jesus

The Truth About Mythological Figures Similar To Jesus

Other Gods That Rose From the Dead in Spring Before Jesus Christ

In conclusion, I believe that most of the biblical stories about Jesus are plagiarized pagan myths, demonstrating that these stories are not unique and that paganism had a substantial impact on Christianity. In my opinion, the stories about him were greatly embellished, either copied and adapted from Greek mythology and other ancient pagan religions that his followers were aware of at the time or stories based on hearsay that became more elaborate as they spread. Do you know how you can tell a story to a group of people, and over time the original story changes substantially because some people forget what was said, so they guess by making something up to fill in the blanks, or they add their own narratives to embellish the story? I believe this could be the reason why the stories of Jesus vastly spread from region to region and that these stories about him were greatly embellished to make him appear to be godlike and even the son of the Abrahamic God. Again, what I've stated in my post is my personal opinion. I realize that others will disagree with me.
Jesus is still god in the flesh though


Veteran Member
Jesus is still god in the flesh though
I find at John 4:23-24 Jesus instructs as to who to worship - His God
Even the resurrected ascended-to-heaven Jesus still thinks he has a God over him according to Revelation 3:12
God sent pre-human heavenly Jesus to Earth for us. God transferred the heavenly life of Jesus to Mary
In the Bible, God has No beginning according to Psalm 90:2 God is from everlasting to everlasting - No starting point
Whereas, pre-human Jesus was 'in the beginning' but 'Not before the beginning' as his God was
If Jesus was God then God died (however God can Not die ) dead Jesus was resurrected by his God -> Acts 2:24; 3:15; 5:30; 13:30,37


Veteran Member
I find at John 4:23-24 Jesus instructs as to who to worship - His God
Even the resurrected ascended-to-heaven Jesus still thinks he has a God over him according to Revelation 3:12
God sent pre-human heavenly Jesus to Earth for us. God transferred the heavenly life of Jesus to Mary
In the Bible, God has No beginning according to Psalm 90:2 God is from everlasting to everlasting - No starting point
Whereas, pre-human Jesus was 'in the beginning' but 'Not before the beginning' as his God was
If Jesus was God then God died (however God can Not die ) dead Jesus was resurrected by his God -> Acts 2:24; 3:15; 5:30; 13:30,37
A new earth and heaven can be expected


Veteran Member
.............................. The smart Christians know He’s coming back. Actually the smart Christian know he’s here as well as coming back.
Jesus is Now the Head of the Christian congregation - Ephesians 5:23
Jesus answers his followers as to when he would return at Luke 19:11-15 ( it would Not be at that time frame )
First, the good news about God's kingdom government (Daniel 2:44) would be proclaimed internationally - Matthew 24:14; Acts 1:8
Last, or the' final signal', so to speak, is when the powers in charge are saying, " Peace and Security......" but that Rosy saying can lead people down that old Primrose Path not to peace but will prove to be the precursor to the coming great tribulation of Rev. 7:14 before Jesus takes the action found at Isaiah 11:3-4; Rev. 19:14-15 to rid the Earth of wickedness


Veteran Member
A new earth and heaven can be expected
But ' new' in what way ______________
Please notice 2nd Peter 3: 5, 7, 13
The earth and the heavens of OLD were made 'new' in Noah's time ( cleansed of wickedness ) - verse 5
The heavens and earth of NOW ( our time since Noah's day to now ) - verse 7
So, the coming NEW heavens and Earth is when Jesus takes the action to rid the Earth of wickedness - Isa. 11:3-4; Rev. 19:14-15
Thus it's Not a new planet or a new heaven but a 'clean as new' for the Earth that abides forever - Ecclesiastes 1:4 B; Psalm 104:5

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.