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the right religion

islam abduallah

Active Member
i thinki have to explain these 2 words, for now, they don't mean that he's the god

regarding to john 10:30 "“I and the Father are one", i prefer not to take any text out of it's context, this may distort it's meaning
if we analysis the verses from 22 to 30 we will find the right meaning of it, the Jesus was talking to the Jews who denies him, at verse 29 the Jesus said " My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand" the Jesus had said that his father gave them to him, he means that the guides them to follow the right path of the Jesus to believe in him as messenger of the father or the god,
then he said i and my father are one, if the jesus is the god it won't be suitable at all to say that sentence in that situation, it's not matched to say "i and myself are one" it's not logical, the logical to say I am the father "if he's really" but he didn't, he mant here that his will and the father's will r one, what the Jesus loved is what the god loved, what the Jesus considered as a guided person the god knows that he's also Guided and who is misguided in the god's eyes is also misguided in the jesus eyes, what confirms my explainatin is John 17, reat it carefully u will find that the Jesus was praying to another one in the heaven he told him "you gave them the eternal life And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent really i consider this chapter is the best allover the bible
regarding to john 14:9 "he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father" we can say what i said about at john 10:30 here too, the same argument between jesus and jews and he didn't say it clear, let's continue with the verses. 14:10 "Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works", the first part of the verse some christians thought that it's another prove about the divinity of jesus but if we continue he said, the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works, the father is another one, 24 " but the Father's which sent me", isn't that a proof that they are 2 not one,

what also confirms my words what mentioned in luke 7:16 "And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people" here the people said about the jesus that he's just a prophet why he didn't stop them and said wait i'm not prophet i'm the god himself, why??, if that's wrong he must stop them directly and tell them the right, it's too important thing

riverwolf, i told you that you don't understand the quran because you don't read it fully, also we can't understand the gospel without reading it fully, it's not right to take a verse away from it's context and use it
i'll give you an example from the quran about how taking a word from it's context will distort the meaning allah had said "O you who have believed, do not approach prayer " if we stopped here you will find weird meaning allah forbade approaching the prayer, this weird meaning because we remove the words out of it's context let's complete the context "O you who have believed, do not approach prayer while you are intoxicated until you know what you are saying" we can accept it now, also we should note that this verse was revealed to mohamed peace upon him before the wine is prohibited, it was allowed at that moment but away from the prayers time :)
i hope my words were understandable as really i'm worried about my english

islam abduallah

Active Member
You could ask some Buddhists on this forum and see what they say. I'd be willing to bet your left gonad that none of them believe Buddha is a god.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Christians don't consider Jesus "a god because of his miracles." We consider him God because that's what he is.

and what he is?


Active Member
well, one doubt removed :) , why you still denying the quran ? could you post the contradictions you have here to be easy for tracking? :)

Thanks for the frubals but that doubt still remains.

plus the mistakes in the Quran regarding embryology and sperm production in the body still remain unanswered, how is it Allah and the Greeks had the same explanation and both were wrong?

You can say the Quran is not wrong on this but it is demonstrable to the contrary.
Science does get things wrong but in general what happens is old knowledge gets replaced by new, ie the old knowledge the Greeks and mohammed knew got replace as new information was gathered.

How can a book from the creator of everything contain such basic scientific error?

How does evolution fit with the Quran, if the fact we are descendents of Apes, and infact still are Apes were part of that book instead of a copy of the Bibles tale that would be something, the first man was not formed out of dirt,

A man in Mohammeds time could be forgiven for not knowing these things.

It constitutes one of the main reasons I cant view the Quran as being divine (but dont be offended, I am as such with all holy books)

It seems clueless as to the reality of things and its lacks in that regard are exposed century upon century.

Also you pray to God yes?, you do not write him a letter, your message gets there.

By such means of communication, a holy book should be not needed, unless God never answers your prayers or bothers to talk back to you.

We only have Mohammeds word that his revelation is from God,

I am still not sure that Christians and Muslims worship the same God even, the Christian God is tri-personal, the muslim God is singular without partners, ie one a triangle the other a circle, if the attributes of the Gods you proffess to worship are different, then you must worship different Gods.

For me to accept the Quran as being anything other than man inspired, it would need to be without error, there would need to be knowledge in that book that exceeded the knowledge of contemporary humans of the day it was written, a morality that far exceeded my own and wisdom that no human author on his own could hope to match.

The Quran simply fails these tests I have to see if a word of God is genuine, but it is far from the weakest holy book on the planet.

I just cant understand how you can think its God inspired, if you read it, line by line and look at those lines in depth with a critical eye, you will see what I mean.

I used to view the Bible as you do the Quran as perfect and innerrent, I know the required mind set to occupy that point of view, but a critical eye dismisses both very easily,

I hope I do not offend but If God ever want to converse with humanity, I do not think a book was ever his way of doing it, some people seem to worship thier books more than God, if there are mistakes in books, it does not mean God does not exist, it just means the books are wrong, by defending these faults it associates lies with the creator, if there are faults in books, and there are faults in all of them, surely its best to acknowledge them, each fault found leads closer to the true path.

To defend faults for the sake of pride as many religious folk do leads to the wrong path.

All the books contain faults, only those who love God more than the books themselves admit this, was God wrong ever on science? or was the Quran wrong?

What is more important, God or the Quran?
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Agnostic Pantheist
islam abduallah, are you, or are you not going to answer post 191?

and if you do, please quote it here paragraph by paragraph, and confront these simple questions. you are answering all the theological questions, how about confronting the current events?
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Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
What a pompous statement! "I know it's true because the Bible tells me so" . . . pathetic explanation based on nothing rational.
What a pompous statement coming from one who doesn't even believe in Jesus.

If you knew me at all, you'd know that I haven't fallen prey to the heresy of sola scriptura, so your statement doesn't apply to me.

A pathetic comeback based on nothing rational.


If you say Jesus is God
Jesus is a God for me
If you say he is the only God
He still is a God for me and the only God for you

But obviously he is not the only God for you and me
So I do not really understand why people keep on repeating their belief
It does not change my belief nor do I want them to change theirs

For me there are many God's even though I worship one in particular
Not because he is the God, but because he is my God
I choose him, like Abraham choose JHWH to be his God
It only means something if it is a choice from the heart

For me Jesus is the God of Heroism and Suffering
That is what he embodies for me
Who follow him, follow a path of self-sacrifice and suffering
Such a God truly requires immense belief

It is like climbing a mountain
You can climb a mountain from the steep side or the sloping side
The steep side is fastest, hardest, most dangerous and many fall
It is also rewarding, it is for true hero's

The sloping side is easier, slower, more agreeable and sure to succeed
It is for people that love enjoying every step of the journey and are not in a hurry

We will all reach the summit one day


there r many religion in the world, but surly there r only one right religion, but how could we reach the right believe, the right path? :)

so many wants to believe today ALL christian beliefs leads down the same road. why?...it didn't during Jesus time,before Jesus times,and right after he died. so why would ANYONE let themselves believe that all changed? the true teachings of the days of old,is still today. this is why Jehovahs words,though his servants say.."get out of her", and he wasn't referring to a literal female.(Rev.18:4).

if one reads,(Revelations14:8-12), it speaks of "all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication". humans over the earth, basically are worshipping the wrong way. (Rev. 2:14,verses 20-23), like in ancient days,false ministers lead their flocks down the wrong path. jezebel is known for her wickedness,this isn't referring to her though. this is another name for false religions.

Rev.18:2-11,18-24),speaks of false religions,also called babylon,(because of that wicked city), will fall,(soon to be no more). because of all the wickedness that it holds. many teach christmas as Jesus birth. Jesus NEVER taught any to do this,they don't teach to worship Jesus Father, Jesus said if we want to be seen as his family. we HAVE TO DO HIS FATHER'S WILL,(Matt.12:50-For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother). see also Matt.7:21, yet many who claim to follow Jesus,won't even believe his words. or do as he said!

Jesus continually show he has a Father,and can't do anything without his Father's ok. and that those he teaches,are SENT...by his Father. meaning they choose to worship the God of Israel,(John 5:30, John 15:15 ,John 6:44,45 ,Matt.20:23), still many are taught to basically ignore what Jesus said,and believe what they're saying.

many acknowledging days based on another human, is bad enough. but to do it in a place that SUPPOSE to be ALL about God. is wrong in his eyes,incliding the eyes of Jesus. many things are allowed in places of worship,that shouldn't be. some places of worship hold sales,which has NOTHING to do with God. the sad thing is,many choose to not see these going ons. ONLY satan ministers allows those things,many are continually blinded,because their ministers put on a god-like show.(2Cor.11:13-15).

many refuse to believe the truth for many reason. and until they rid themselves of those reasons,they will continue to be blind. Jehovah's words will always be out there,no one can change it or REMOVE it, though many has tried, like his name. many are concern with what others may,think,say,or do to them. from family, friends,society. and most especially the person they're with,be-it married or dating.

these won't learn the truth,and will refuse to seek it. in turns because they refuse to see/learn the truth being that is what Jesus taught. Jesus won't go to his Father in their behalf,(Matt.10:36,37- And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. (See verse 32 and 33 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven).

also Luke 21:16,17- And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.

God's words are NOT hard to find, many just have to really want to find the truth. Paul who once believed his teachings were the truth,went so far as hunting Jesus followers down,(Acts.8:3,4). Acts.9:1-20 talks of how,(then his name being Saul), was stopped by a Heavenly Jesus. he was going to capture more of Jesus follwers,Jesus confronted and blinded him. he soon ended up preaching,(even to his fellowed ex-believers), Jesus teachings. my point...if ALL religion lead down the same path. Jesus wouldn't have converted Saul.

believers have to realized one thing, either they truely want to follow the truth,even if they have to change from mainstream belief. or continue to believe what satan wants us to believe. he's going down,and he's planning on taking as many of us as he can,(Rev.12:12). he knows he place false teaching out there. his reason? because he knew it'll cause confusion, and anger towards those that are teaching the truth, it always have. peace


What a pompous statement coming from one who doesn't even believe in Jesus.

If you knew me at all, you'd know that I haven't fallen prey to the heresy of sola scriptura, so your statement doesn't apply to me.

A pathetic comeback based on nothing rational.
If indeed that is the case then accept my apology. And I Believe in a Christ, perhaps even a Yeshua the Nazarene, but not in that He was the Son of God, or God made manifest to the physical.


Jesus is God.
I would disagree in the aspect that this Jesus / Yeshua the Nazarene was NOT the Abrahamic god, though He / Jesus may very well have been one of the many Lucifers (Bearers of Light/Gnosis) that have populated this planet. A Spiritually evolved Soul / Essence that incarnated to impart certain Truths during a period when it was most needed.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I would disagree in the aspect that this Jesus / Yeshua the Nazarene was NOT the Abrahamic god, though He / Jesus may very well have been one of the many Lucifers (Bearers of Light/Gnosis) that have populated this planet. A Spiritually evolved Soul / Essence that incarnated to impart certain Truths during a period when it was most needed.
Opinions vary.

islam abduallah

Active Member
Thanks for the frubals but that doubt still remains.

no need for thanks, i just express my opinion :) and really i like your post :)

plus the mistakes in the Quran regarding embryology and sperm production in the body still remain unanswered, how is it Allah and the Greeks had the same explanation and both were wrong?

well, could you check that video and feed me back
YouTube - ‪Scientific Quran Miracles, Backbone Ribs Miracle

How can a book from the creator of everything contain such basic scientific error?

a book from the god shouldn't contain any errors,

How does evolution fit with the Quran,

the evolution doesn't fit with the quran and it's not proven till now, it's just doubts of darwin not more,

It constitutes one of the main reasons I cant view the Quran as being divine (but dont be offended, I am as such with all holy books)

i'm not feel offended, i come here and i know well that i'll face many thoughts against Islam

Also you pray to God yes?


you do not write him a letter, your message gets there.

because Allah listens to me all the time, not me only listens to all the mankind, he's competent enough to do that

By such means of communication, a holy book should be not needed, unless God never answers your prayers or bothers to talk back to you.

a holy book isn't sent just for communication, it's to learn us the god's law, and to prove his existence, many other things

I am still not sure that Christians and Muslims worship the same God even, the Christian God is tri-personal, the muslim God is singular without partners, ie one a triangle the other a circle, if the attributes of the Gods you proffess to worship are different, then you must worship different Gods.

look Muslim, christians and jews worship the god of abraham, all of them agreed on that but when christians said that they worship the jesus so here we are totally different
For me to accept the Quran as being anything other than man inspired, it would need to be without error,
do you still have another errors (you doubt about)

All the books contain faults

except quran

finally, my dear you are judging the quran in really too wrong way, you just hear from one side, and judge the quran based on what they are telling you, although that they are telling you lies, they fabricate a video showing that there is another quran which is totally different about what we have now, and the copy of uthman is missed and you believe them althouhg if you just search abuot it in wiki you will discover that they are liars, and now that there is mistakes in quran withot one proof

dear please don't feel offensive, i swear i don't mean that, i just want to help, if you are really to look for the truth, you must be neutral, listen from both side before judging, you should read the quran before judging it

i hope really you don't feel offensive :)


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
a book from the god shouldn't contain any errors,
Why not? We're from God and we contain errors. And we're the pinnacle of God's creation. Why should a book be any better?
the evolution doesn't fit with the quran and it's not proven till now, it's just doubts of darwin not more,
Nothing more than provable science...
look Muslim, christians and jews worship the god of abraham, all of them agreed on that but when christians said that they worship the jesus so here we are totally different
Why? Jesus is God. As you say:
if you are really to look for the truth, you must be neutral, listen from both side before judging
You judge the Trinity from others tell you, without bothering to see it through our eyes. You're no better than those you accuse of dismissing the Koran.


Premium Member
there r many religion in the world, but surly there r only one right religion, but how could we reach the right believe, the right path? :)

no, i follow the religion based on both the faith and fact, and at the god's eyes , it's surly only one right religion
and surly u can test the belief if it's right or wrong, we have already the proper tools for that "our minds"

Dear Islam

You have set a question in the OP and then given the answer 3-4 posts below (as shown above). Kindly tell us about the faith and fact and at the god's eyes (i do not understand this though) that prove that the religion you follow is the only right one.
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islam abduallah

Active Member
But obviously he is not the only God for you and me
so you believe that there's more than one god, so if they have 2 opinions like if one wills the sun to be set on west while other wills to set on north, will we see god's war at that moment?