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the right religion

islam abduallah

Active Member
What I actually think is that there is a truth, and everyone interprets it differently. The whole truth may (hypothetically) be present within every religion, but individuals only grasp some of that truth, not having the knowledge or experience to see the whole truth. This is why sometimes I think that the desire to seek and know truth is more valuable than what religion we claim to belong to. For if we are always seeking, then we are always learning and coming closer to understanding reality
look!, i'm not fully agreed about that, but i can say that we have thesame idea of seeking the truth, i as a muslim belive that the islam is the truth but although of that Allah ordered us to say "Guide us to the straight path " in each kneel in our prayers, so at least 17 per day, althouh that i believe i'm already on the truth, so indeed this verse contains several messages, i don't want to mention them in order not to be like inviting others to my belief but if you like i can send them to you in private.

I agree that many people pick and choose what sounds good to them. But this is my point- many people also follow a religion because it makes sense to them and because it matches their experiences of the world and life. This, for example, is why I consider the Bhagavad Gita to be the essential scripture, the highest wisdom. So I can say that I know my religion is the right religion for the reasons you explain. But most people see the truth in their religion.

yousaid something very good here, you follow your religion because it is the highest wisdom , i just want to ask you, how do you know that it's the highest wisdom?, how you could reach that fact?

It is when we see that our own convictions are no more valid than any other person's convictions that we can begin to question: is there a right religion? Is there a wrong religion? What makes my perception more intelligent than that other person's?

look, i believe it's not rely on intelligence like it relies on the fair judgement, i believe that it's the most difficult to gain, how to judge away from your desires and tempetations? i believe that people who could do that, they are the most who could reach the truth

islam abduallah

Active Member
@ Riverwolf
sorry for my too late reply.
look, in islam no crime needs witness except adultery, and it's not a crime like stealing, rapping or killing, it's immoral, so that it requires 4 witnesses to ensureit, as in our religion it's shame for both man and woman to do adultery, so that Allah put 4 witnesses to keep the reputation of the people clean and not too easy that a person comes and say i see this women do adultery, so that islam put 4 witnesses,

but if it was too mandatory to prove adultery of any one without 4 witnesses, i think we can use DNA or video cams to prove it and show the evidences to 4 trusted and honest technical authorities, if they approve it and it's not fabricated video, so the crime is proven and also by 4 witnesses who is the technical authorities, do you still have your doubts?


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
look!, i'm not fully agreed about that, but i can say that we have thesame idea of seeking the truth, i as a muslim belive that the islam is the truth but although of that Allah ordered us to say "Guide us to the straight path " in each kneel in our prayers, so at least 17 per day, althouh that i believe i'm already on the truth, so indeed this verse contains several messages, i don't want to mention them in order not to be like inviting others to my belief but if you like i can send them to you in private.

Thank you, I would like that.

yousaid something very good here, you follow your religion because it is the highest wisdom , i just want to ask you, how do you know that it's the highest wisdom?, how you could reach that fact?

The same way that any person determines it- through learning, experience and interpretation. I have grown up in a country where Christianity is the main religion. I have grown up with Hinduism as my parents' religion. I have learned from and debated with people of all religions and non-religious perspectives. I have read parts of a variety of scriptures.

The one that stands out as making the most sense is the Bhagavad Gita. In addition, Hinduism is unique from the other main world religions in the extent of information it provides. Just one single scripture may take up an entire row of a bookshelf. And there are so many.

What I have learned from religions like Christianity, for example, is teachings that can be found in one small section of Hindu scripture. But what Hinduism does is go far, far beyond those teachings and explore on much deeper levels. I have not found any religion that takes such a deep exploration of meaning.

Most importantly, the Vedic philosophy makes most sense as it reflects my very perception and experience of reality. When I learn and debate with people from other religions, I am always left feeling that something simply does not add up. There is a lacking.

look, i believe it's not rely on intelligence like it relies on the fair judgement, i believe that it's the most difficult to gain, how to judge away from your desires and tempetations? i believe that people who could do that, they are the most who could reach the truth

I think it is possible to be objective, or close to objective. I think it takes being very open minded and critical to truly arrive at a conclusion or to have real belief. Most people are not able to do that, to open themselves to the idea that what they grew up with might not be true, or to be too scared to offend their god or something.

As I said, I think that life is for learning and discovering truth. By living life, being active, having new and challenging experiences, we can come to know truth gradually. In my opinion, faith is never enough. Faith is a thing that relies on trust, not knowledge. With trust alone we become vulnerable to illusion. But experience gives us the intelligence and the objectiveness to see through the illusions and into reality.

islam abduallah

Active Member
Thank you, I would like that. .
ok, i'll god willing, hopefully before ramadan. :)

The same way that any person determines it- through learning, experience and interpretation. I have grown up in a country where Christianity is the main religion. I have grown up with Hinduism as my parents' religion. I have learned from and debated with people of all religions and non-religious perspectives. I have read parts of a variety of scriptures.

i was meaning that to say that it's the highest wisdom, you have to study all other books and say is it in the same level of wisdom or not not just parts, you should read it fully and take the enough time of thinking about it's meaning and explaination.
it might be the people who you debate with are not enough comptent about their religion, or about your religion, i myself i don't know more about your religion, so for example if i start debate with you about hindusim you should first explain yuor belief to me as i know nearly nothing i just heard about somethings, but really i'll start reading about it seriously, while i'm taking to you i'm downloading some about it :)

The one that stands out as making the most sense is the Bhagavad Gita. In addition, Hinduism is unique from the other main world religions in the extent of information it provides. Just one single scripture may take up an entire row of a bookshelf. And there are so many.

i disagree with you about that, hindusim isn't unique about that, there's a verse of quran said "It is You we worship and You we ask for help" you can count it's words, there are books are illustrated to explain its meaning, books of thousands of pages to illustrate the pages, and if you thinkmore you can also add new thoughts about it
i myself before doing anything i think about this verse before.

What I have learned from religions like Christianity, for example, is teachings that can be found in one small section of Hindu scripture. But what Hinduism does is go far, far beyond those teachings and explore on much deeper levels. I have not found any religion that takes such a deep exploration of meaning

here i can't defence christianity as i'm not feeling sense in it

Most importantly, the Vedic philosophy makes most sense as it reflects my very perception and experience of reality. When I learn and debate with people from other religions, I am always left feeling that something simply does not add up. There is a lacking.
as i told before maybe the people you met are not comptent enough

I think it is possible to be objective, or close to objective. I think it takes being very open minded and critical to truly arrive at a conclusion or to have real belief. Most people are not able to do that, to open themselves to the idea that what they grew up with might not be true, or to be too scared to offend their god or something.

i agree with that

In my opinion, faith is never enough. Faith is a thing that relies on trust, not knowledge. With trust alone we become vulnerable to illusion. But experience gives us the intelligence and the objectiveness to see through the illusions and into reality
i believe that faith is a result of seeking the truth, it should come further it


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
ok, i'll god willing, hopefully before ramadan. :)

Thanks :)

i was meaning that to say that it's the highest wisdom, you have to study all other books and say is it in the same level of wisdom or not not just parts, you should read it fully and take the enough time of thinking about it's meaning and explaination.
it might be the people who you debate with are not enough comptent about their religion, or about your religion, i myself i don't know more about your religion, so for example if i start debate with you about hindusim you should first explain yuor belief to me as i know nearly nothing i just heard about somethings, but really i'll start reading about it seriously, while i'm taking to you i'm downloading some about it :)

I am not sure, I think many of the Christians, Jews and Muslims on this forum are very intelligent and knowledgeable. I think sometimes misunderstanding occurs because we use the same words to mean different things or because of other language and cultural barriers. It can be very difficult to make the mind adjust to new concepts and ideas so even if both persons are intelligent and knowledgeable, it is difficult to for both to communicate perfectly.

i disagree with you about that, hindusim isn't unique about that, there's a verse of quran said "It is You we worship and You we ask for help" you can count it's words, there are books are illustrated to explain its meaning, books of thousands of pages to illustrate the pages, and if you thinkmore you can also add new thoughts about it
i myself before doing anything i think about this verse before.

I did not know that there were many books written to comment or expand on the Quran. Are they also very ancient? Are they considered scripture?

i believe that faith is a result of seeking the truth, it should come further it

I think our disagreement here is only because we define the word 'faith' differently. I think of faith as belief without knowledge. Anyone can have faith. Most people in my culture had faith in Santa Claus when they were children, for example. Similarly, most people grow up with the same faith in God, without having any profound experience or knowledge of that God.

But I think that you see the word the way that I see the word 'belief'.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
oh! dear, it seems that i forgot your question about the four witnesses i'm really sorry, i'll post it today "god willing"

That's okay.

i'm sorry but what you said is to follow what yuo like is what i called is to follow the desire, i myself i don't like that and i disagree with that, if i found flaws in my religion i think i have to change it, it's my opinion, don't feel offensive.

Sort of, and yet not really. After all, my desire is to do nothing but sit around playing video games and watching internet videos for the rest of my life, not having to worry about eating food or anything to interrupt me. But I also have a desire to break away from such a bleak and dangerous path, and Shaivism, which combines Yoga(union), Bhakti(devotion), and Jnana(knowledge, pronounced "gyana") equally rather than just focusing on one of them, offers the best method I've seen for that.

Besides, the flaws I've mentioned are more flaws in the Sages rather than the overall religion, which is based on the spirit of the teachings, not the letter. I have yet to find a single flaw in the spirit of any major religion's core teachings.

islam abduallah

Active Member

you are welcome :)

I am not sure, I think many of the Christians, Jews and Muslims on this forum are very intelligent and knowledgeable. I think sometimes misunderstanding occurs because we use the same words to mean different things or because of other language and cultural barriers. It can be very difficult to make the mind adjust to new concepts and ideas so even if both persons are intelligent and knowledgeable, it is difficult to for both to communicate perfectly.
i couldn't judge them and Idon't THINK that i'm claiming that i'm comptent enough, i'm just child

I did not know that there were many books written to comment or expand on the Quran. Are they also very ancient? Are they considered scripture?

it's too much, here is an electronic copy of one of them Tafsir.com Tafsir Ibn Kathir it's the most fampus one because it's a Brief one, there aresome other books which is larger than it, some of them is written in 35,000 page (in arabic) although the quran is 600 page with 15 lines only per page
but surly we don't consider it as a holy book, it's word of people who did their efforts to explain the meaning of quran as muchas they can, but it's a human word, so sometimes their efforts go wrong but 98% of it is true, but the quran is 100% true
don't think that to understand the quran it's mandatory to read that books, no the quran is comptent enough to be understood but it aids to get more deep thoughts and meaning but any one could readthe quran and write his thouts in a book, it's not holy, also these were written allover 1400 years, so some of them are too anceints while till now some people still writing their thoughts as you can find the new explainations include the relation between quran and science, how the quran solve the current proble, quran and economy, it's too integral book , include many things you can't think that it's in a holy book, economy, politic affairs, interior affairs, treaties, history, how to worship the god, how to know him, who is he, how to distribute the inheritance, marriage, divorce, law of crimes, science, many things really i can't count them.

I think our disagreement here is only because we define the word 'faith' differently. I think of faith as belief without knowledge. Anyone can have faith. Most people in my culture had faith in Santa Claus when they were children, for example. Similarly, most people grow up with the same faith in God, without having any profound experience or knowledge of that God.

But I think that you see the word the way that I see the word 'belief'
maybe :)

islam abduallah

Active Member
That's okay.

i had posted it post # 522 :) , do you still have some doubts about islam.

[/quote] Besides, the flaws I've mentioned are more flaws in the Sages rather than the overall religion, which is based on the spirit of the teachings, not the letter. I have yet to find a single flaw in the spirit of any major religion's core teachings.[/quote]
could you tell me the flaw of islam spirit teaching?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
@ Riverwolf
sorry for my too late reply.
look, in islam no crime needs witness except adultery, and it's not a crime like stealing, rapping or killing, it's immoral, so that it requires 4 witnesses to ensureit, as in our religion it's shame for both man and woman to do adultery, so that Allah put 4 witnesses to keep the reputation of the people clean and not too easy that a person comes and say i see this women do adultery, so that islam put 4 witnesses,

but if it was too mandatory to prove adultery of any one without 4 witnesses, i think we can use DNA or video cams to prove it and show the evidences to 4 trusted and honest technical authorities, if they approve it and it's not fabricated video, so the crime is proven and also by 4 witnesses who is the technical authorities, do you still have your doubts?

Well, if you want to consider the non-human evidences as "witnesses", then fair enough, but I kind of doubt that's what they had in mind. Besides, you wouldn't need four.

Even that being the case, I do not believe adultery should even be taken to court; it's between the couple cheating on each other to keep their relationship from falling apart in the first place. If they commit adultery, then they're automatically subject to any consequences arising from it. Such a relationship is bound to end in anger and suffering, anyway. There's no need to further the agony by bringing the courts into it.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
could you tell me the flaw of islam spirit teaching?

No flaw in the spirit. The spirit of Islam is exactly the same as the spirit of many Vaishnava paths. I should point out that many of those paths teach that bhakti, which means devotion to God, is the highest of religious services. That's all Islam is, based on some cursory readings of the Qur'an. It really seems like it was an attempt to remove the club-like attitude that other religions had, and declare that worshiping God was all that was necessary.

I simply disagree with the notion that such a path is the only one. Rather, it's one of many, and I prefer adding Yoga and Jnana to it. Plus, I just prefer Hinduism.

Not to mention, I REFUSE to believe that an all-merciful God would even allow a Hell to exist, let alone send people there (or allow people to go there) for eternity. I didn't really think bringing that card up was necessary, but here it is. Eternal Hell + all-merciful God = does not compute, and no one has thus far convinced me otherwise.

I also don't believe that God is so petty that He would have human-like pride, thus not be willing to incarnate in a human form, which I believe He has done many times, and even now has at least a few such incarnations alive today.


Jehovah our God is One
yes you are wrong, again allah had revealed the three books, Torah, gospel and quran, torah distorted so allah or the god as you like to call sent the jesus , the it distorted so we got the quran, it's simple i couldn't understand how you misunderstand that?

Ok, so lets say you are correct, and the scriptures became distorted so that God sent Jesus into the world to reveal the gospel.

Now explain this. If Jesus is a prophet sent by God to correct the Torah (because it became distorted) Why did Jesus continually use the very scriptures that you claim were distorted, in order to teach the truth?

That does not make any sense at all does it. If the scriptures really were distorted, then a true prophet surely would not have used them. But all through the gospel, we see that Jesus is actually quoting from the very books you say became distorted. He is confirming as correct and true, the very books you say are wrong.

The fact is that the scriptures themselves are not distorted...the distortion is in how the religious teachers were interpreting those scriptures. Jesus knew how to explain the scriptures and that is why he continued to use them as the basis of his teachings.

i know that christians are not asking to do that, i know that well, but the god asked the believers from moses era to jesus to do that, right? in your opinion according to these verses what the women should do to avoid miscleaning anything, she can't do anything except flying to avoid touching anything, it's illogical orders and it's a pure insult for women

you are looking at this law only in terms of a physical application. But the law has a deeper spiritual meaning. God created perfect human life for a sacred purpose, but man corrupted it so that no perfect human life was ever born from Adam and Eve.

Menstruation is a reproductive biological process designed by God to bring forth perfect humans, but Adam and Eve only produced sinful humans. So the menstruation laws were to show us that we are all born unclean... all of us. It wasnt a law saying 'women' were unclean...it was not a derogatory law against women either.

You cannot see the spiritual application of this law if you are only looking at its physical application. Jesus was able to explain the spiritual application of the physical laws because he knew their significance. Thats why christians did not continue to apply this physical law, because they understood that it had spiritual meaning.


Active Member
The fact is that the scriptures themselves are not distorted...the distortion is in how the religious teachers were interpreting those scriptures. Jesus knew how to explain the scriptures and that is why he continued to use them as the basis of his teachings.
Jesus did NOT know how to explain the Torah. He neglected to fulfill many aspects of the Torah's commandments, and caused others to neglect such laws as burying the dead immediately, no matter what. The Torah even warned of people like Jesus, even if he performs miracles and wonders like healing the sick and walking on water, and Judaism has considered him as a false prophet, and because he neglected the Torah, he lost his credibility.


Well-Known Member
Jesus did NOT know how to explain the Torah.
Would you please elaborate on this point?
He neglected to fulfill many aspects of the Torah's commandments, and caused others to neglect such laws as burying the dead immediately, no matter what.
Sorry, but this is wrong interpretation from you.
The Torah even warned of people like Jesus, even if he performs miracles and wonders like healing the sick and walking on water, and Judaism has considered him as a false prophet, and because he neglected the Torah, he lost his credibility.
But the tanach has many prophecies that were satisfied in Jesus. How did he neglect the torah? And please tell me where the torah warned agains Jesus.


Jehovah our God is One
Jesus did NOT know how to explain the Torah. He neglected to fulfill many aspects of the Torah's commandments, and caused others to neglect such laws as burying the dead immediately, no matter what. The Torah even warned of people like Jesus, even if he performs miracles and wonders like healing the sick and walking on water, and Judaism has considered him as a false prophet, and because he neglected the Torah, he lost his credibility.

it was actually the 'oral' laws that Jesus refused to adhere to...not the written law.

Jesus did not accept that the oral laws were in harmony with the mosiac law...and he was right.


Active Member
my dear even if you are wrong, if you find that you are wrong, won't you change your way?
of course, it just seems that the Qur'anic truth doesn't correspond to reality unless a person wants it to (the same with all religion unless that religion evolves).
change means that there was something at first and then it changed to another thing? but our universe wasn't like that and even if it was how changes it?
explain to me how the universe "wasn't like that".
no, it would
if there were creation at what point was there not creation?

but not in the same place, example i can absorp the air from the bottle through a vaccuum pump, so i can say what inside it is nothingness but i can't say that the air still exisiting in it, you can't gather between them at the same moment at the same place for the same thing , it's impossible
no, what you can say is what is inside the bottle is a vacuum.
according to this logic Allah existed in a bottle <--- is this what you are trying to say?

islam abduallah

Active Member
Well, if you want to consider the non-human evidences as "witnesses", then fair enough, but I kind of doubt that's what they had in mind. Besides, you wouldn't need four..
i want to repeat again, the four witnesses are required only for adultery as we consider it as a shame for both man and woman who did that
i didn't consider the non-human witnesses as witnesses, i considered it as the life view of the witnesses, in the past the witness had only one method to apply his testimony which is to see by his own eyes, now if it's recorded it's instead of the life view by eyes, and the witness will be the technical experts which reviewed the recorded video and confirmed that it's not fabricated, and we need four witnesses so we will show it for four technical experts to ensure the credibility of the testimony
as for example a person could claim that this woman do adultery and he fabricates a video for that and the court decided to pass it to a single certain technical expert to say it's fabricated or not? the man who claims about thewoman could go and pay for him to say it's not fabricated, so if 2 it would be more credible, and four will be more and more in order to avoid Accusation people
are you convinced now? :)

[/quote] Even that being the case, I do not believe adultery should even be taken to court; it's between the couple cheating on each other to keep their relationship from falling apart in the first place. If they commit adultery, then they're automatically subject to any consequences arising from it. Such a relationship is bound to end in anger and suffering, anyway. There's no need to further the agony by bringing the courts into it.[/quote]

indeed, islam isn't like that thinking, one of the Purposes of islamiclaw, is to keep the people happy is to clean the community from any immoral habits or actions, so it prevents it from origins, no need to talk about it now
so the law is one of the methodes that islam use to prevent that from spreading into the comunity to avoid, sorrows and happiness occured after that. i just want you to compare between the islamic communities and others regarding that point, you can observe the difference, here we don't have teens pregnancy, you can't find a girl is pregnant while she couldn't identify the father of the baby because shedid adultery with six men, also here no lesbianism, gays, , no porn movies, here the only allowed way to do sex is marriage, islam solve the problem of the porn,
at other communities, you can observe the difference, couples can stay with eachother as you said cheating, not loving just to do sex, single man could have a relation with 10 women in the same time no problem, porn movies are allowed to all free, people become crazy of sex, and don't like to marry and build a family
and what's the result? usually women who pay the price, who pay the fee, when become old, she lives a lone suffering her past and regret bite on her hands [in regret] saying I wish I hadn't do that, it's really painful, it destroeys the comunity slowly so that islam divert it to the court

islam abduallah

Active Member
I simply disagree with the notion that such a path is the only one. Rather, it's one of many, and I prefer adding Yoga and Jnana to it. Plus, I just prefer Hinduism.

Not to mention, I REFUSE to believe that an all-merciful God would even allow a Hell to exist, let alone send people there (or allow people to go there) for eternity. I didn't really think bringing that card up was necessary, but here it is. Eternal Hell + all-merciful God = does not compute, and no one has thus far convinced me otherwise

i can understand how the god could be both, and i see it the top of wisdom, the god is merciful to who deserves that and the hell is the criminals and who deserves that, i consider if the god not like that, he is not just, wise at all

but i'd like to mention a story here, i was intending to post it in a separate subject but i have to post it now, Allah had said in the quran "It is He who enables you to travel on land and sea until, when you are in ships and they sail with them by a good wind and they rejoice therein, there comes a storm wind and the waves come upon them from everywhere and they assume that they are surrounded, supplicating Allah , sincere to Him in religion, "If You should save us from this, we will surely be among the thankful"
the story saying that there was a sailor while he's sailing in sea, a storm hits his ship anddestroyed it, so he raises up his hand to the god, oh! my god i believed in you please save me, so then a ship passed beside him and the people asked him to come, he refused to come with them, and he waits for 3 days and everyday many ships come beside him and he refuse to join any, then he died and blame the god because he didn't save him, then he met the god in the other life and blamed the god not for saving him, so the god answered, i sent to you tens of ships and you refuse to join any, the sailor answered, i thought you will cometo save me or send an angel, or it was on the ship "the ship of thegod comesto save you"
what's your opinion about that man? i think you agree with me that he's wrong, he assume a certain action from the god and build a picture or imagination for the god, what he should do and what he shouldn't do? andat last he was mistaken, and deceive himself,
so, i just want to ask you and everybody else, from where you form that notion aboutthe god? did he tell you? are you sure that the scriptures between your hands are fully right? how do you know that

[/quote] I also don't believe that God is so petty that He would have human-like pride, thus not be willing to incarnate in a human form, which I believe He has done many times, and even now has at least a few such incarnations alive today.[/quote]
i couldn't understand what do you mean here

islam abduallah

Active Member
Ok, so lets say you are correct, and the scriptures became distorted so that God sent Jesus into the world to reveal the gospel.
agree :)

Now explain this. If Jesus is a prophet sent by God to correct the Torah (because it became distorted) Why did Jesus continually use the very scriptures that you claim were distorted, in order to teach the truth?
That does not make any sense at all does it. If the scriptures really were distorted, then a true prophet surely would not have used them. But all through the gospel, we see that Jesus is actually quoting from the very books you say became distorted. He is confirming as correct and true, the very books you say are wrong. .

WELL, good question, but theanswer is simple, the torah is distorted not means that all of it becomes a word of people only, i explained before that the people add and remove from it and the word of god mixes with the word of people, so what the jesus quote is of the part of the right torah, this is one, second: also what the jesus had quoted from torah could be distorted and not quoted by the jesus as i don't believe the gospel itself isn't distorted, it's distorted too and may the parts you refer to is also distorted, are my words clear? i'm sorry my english is bad

you are looking at this law only in terms of a physical application. But the law has a deeper spiritual meaning. God created perfect human life for a sacred purpose, but man corrupted it so that no perfect human life was ever born from Adam and Eve.

even Jesus, mary, Abraham, Moses?

Menstruation is a reproductive biological process designed by God to bring forth perfect humans, but Adam and Eve only produced sinful humans. So the menstruation laws were to show us that we are all born unclean... all of us. It wasnt a law saying 'women' were unclean...it was not a derogatory law against women either
really the law said the woman not the blood itself, if it said the blood i'll not have any problem i believe too that it's unclean, but the woman no, and the law mentioned thewomen her self, read it well, any one who touches her will be unclean till evening even if he path, it's very clear sentence what do you need more? it said women are not clean, many times, there is no clear more than that

You cannot see the spiritual application of this law if you are only looking at its physical application. Jesus was able to explain the spiritual application of the physical laws because he knew their significance. Thats why christians did not continue to apply this physical law, because they understood that it had spiritual meaning

i can see the spiritual meaning if it was talking about the blood itself not the women, could i ask you a question as mary was a woman and has Menstruation like anyother woman, so her son too is also not perfect, so the god himself was not perfect he's sinful like us

islam abduallah

Active Member
Jesus did NOT know how to explain the Torah. He neglected to fulfill many aspects of the Torah's commandments, and caused others to neglect such laws as burying the dead immediately, no matter what. The Torah even warned of people like Jesus, even if he performs miracles and wonders like healing the sick and walking on water, and Judaism has considered him as a false prophet, and because he neglected the Torah, he lost his credibility.

surly not, the jesus was perfect person and he was comptent enough to explain torah and gospel but the problem wasn't at jesus peace upon him, it was on his followers who distorted his message :)