Your name is familular to me, and I greet you. I don't know what Mickiel you met, but I do not run from confrontation. I will, on occassion dissapear from the forums I frequent, but only that mostly because of moderator pressure. Often my intrests can present a disturbance to the " Common flow" of a website, and I understand that, and hold no desire to disrupt that flow, so I back off. For a time.
Not knowing this other Mickiel, I can state without a doubt that I am not Christian, and hold no desire to be one. I believe in God, and admit that some of my beliefs, match Christian beliefs, some of them, but nowhere near all. I simply do NOT view Christianity as holding a monopoly on God, as if to say that all believers in God, must then be Christian. I view that as mundane charactheration, labeling others as YOU see the subject, and thinking that nothingelse can fit into that subject.
I refuse to be labeled " Christian" by others who hold a limited mindset in their judgement of others they examine. I believe some things that Buddist believe, that Jehovahs Witness believe, that Atheist believe, but I am none of the above.
And if you cannot understand this, thats your propblem, not mine!