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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member

I wouldn't count on that happening before you get there.

You see this is the appitude that most Christians have, they condemn you to their hell. Highly judgemental,strangely sorid, utterly unmerciful, commonly cruel, and religious condemnation.

None of which describes God.



Veteran Member
You see this is the appitude that most Christians have, they condemn you to their hell. Highly judgemental,strangely sorid, utterly unmerciful, commonly cruel, and religious condemnation.
None of which describes God.

Shouldn't that be: the appitude that most 'so-called' Christians have?

God did not condemn Jesus to hell (Acts 2:27,31). Hell in Scripture is the common grave of mankind where the sleeping dead sleep the sleep of death until the last day, Resurrection Day which is Jesus 1000-year day of ruling over the earth.

John 11:24, 11-14; Daniel 12:2,13; Acts 24:15; Romans 6:7; Revelation 21:4.5


New Member
The sick concept of eternal hell.
Premitive man worshiped everything that he feared. He feared everything that he didn't understand and he understood very little. The habitual violation of a taboo became a vice,premitive law made vice a crime,religion made it a sin.Amoung the early tribesthe violation of a taboo was a crime and a sin. To those who believed that prosperity and righteousness went together,the apparent prosperty of the wicked occasioned so much worry that it was necssary to invent HELLS for the punnishment of taboo violators. The number of these places for future punnishment have varied from one to five.
We are living in the twenty first century and still trying to figure out what the people of three thousand years ago were thinking, and then trying to apply it to our lives. Let us apply some common logic to this question. Eternal hell can not possably exist.We are told that when we die we will become spirit. My studies has told me that spirit beings have no pain. An angle can go to the center of a sun just to take the temperture of said sun and will suffer no pain. If spirit feels no pain, then we would have to remain as flesh and blood to suffer eternal pain. I have watch the human body be consumed in fire. The pain only last a few seconds and the body will be turned to ashes in very short time. So please tell me how we could suffer eternal flames.
The next thing we must consider is God himself. God is the father of all people. How many of you who have children would be willing to sentence any one of your children to eternal punishment?? Excuse me but I believe you would be sent to prison and that would be for only one child. What should be done with a being who would sentence billions up on billions of his children to such punishment.WORSHIP HIM????
I hate to be the one who has to bring the news to you but we are all going to heaven. God loves YOU just as if you were his only child. God forgives,even before you ask. How could any one be judged when you don't even have 1% of the facts and won't have untill the next life. One must have all the information and must be developed to a point where they can understand those facts.
Consider all the money that organised religion has taken in over the last few thousand years just by threatning there members with the Devil and hell. It is a good business. It keeps the people comming back and they bring money. They take the money and build mansions and say they are for God. God has his own mansion and it is so much more than man has to offer. God is the first source and center of all things. He resides on Paradise at the center of the universe. Paradise is the only stationary object in the universe and everything else rotates around God and paradise. He does not need our mansions.
I have set here and thought about it and have decided to reveal some more. God and everything in the universe have been ,still are and for ever will be evolving. You ask ,how can God be evolving. I'm glad you ask. Since God is the only self created being in the universe he has never experienced anything. With this in mind I will offer the following.First Corinthians 3-16 K.J.V.says,Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you? Again in chapter 6 verse 19. What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,which ye have of God,and ye are not your own?
When each of us develop to the age where we can make a decission between right and wrong,( in this age it is around 5years and 11 months). God sends a divine fragment of himself to dwell within us. You can call it a thought monitor,a mystery monitor or a thought adjuster and I prefer the latter. This thought adjuster is spirit but does not have personality. We have personality but no spirit. This adjuster yearns for our personality, we long for his spirit.If we choose to take the paradise journey, Then in time we and our adjuster will fuse together and will become one for eternity. This fusion takes place on the mansion worlds of our system headquarters, and only twice has it happened on earth. One was Elijah, the other was Enoch. Each left the earth in a ball of fire. That was fusion with the adjuster. Rember that Elijah lived for 460 years and Enoch lived 357 years.
As we fuse with our adjuster and return to God, then he gets to experience everything that we have done. Therefore God is evolveing, to the Supreme, to God the absolute and some time in the eternal future to God the ultimate Now don't you feel better knowing that you are helping God become more than he already is??


Veteran Member
Hell is Not eternal.

According To Revelation 20:13,14 all in hell [gravedom] are delivered up.
Jesus was delivered up from hell (Acts 2:27,31) when God resurrected him.
According to Revelation once all in hell are delivered up, then emptied-out hell dies.
It dies a symbolic 'second' death along with 'death' dying a second death of no return.
That is why Rev. 21:4 can say there is no more death.

Matthew penned (20:28) that Jesus ransom covers 'many' not all because some commit the unforgivable sin of Matthew 12:32, or fall away as Hebrews 6:4-6 says.
The context of 1st Corinthians chapter 3 is addressed to faithful ones. (1 Cor. 9:27)
What does Matthew 24:13 say?


E Pluribus Unum!!!
The sick concept of eternal hell.
Premitive man worshiped everything that he feared. He feared everything that he didn't understand and he understood very little. The habitual violation of a taboo became a vice,premitive law made vice a crime,religion made it a sin.Amoung the early tribesthe violation of a taboo was a crime and a sin. To those who believed that prosperity and righteousness went together,the apparent prosperty of the wicked occasioned so much worry that it was necssary to invent HELLS for the punnishment of taboo violators. The number of these places for future punnishment have varied from one to five.
We are living in the twenty first century and still trying to figure out what the people of three thousand years ago were thinking, and then trying to apply it to our lives. Let us apply some common logic to this question. Eternal hell can not possably exist.We are told that when we die we will become spirit. My studies has told me that spirit beings have no pain. An angle can go to the center of a sun just to take the temperture of said sun and will suffer no pain. If spirit feels no pain, then we would have to remain as flesh and blood to suffer eternal pain. I have watch the human body be consumed in fire. The pain only last a few seconds and the body will be turned to ashes in very short time. So please tell me how we could suffer eternal flames.
The next thing we must consider is God himself. God is the father of all people. How many of you who have children would be willing to sentence any one of your children to eternal punishment?? Excuse me but I believe you would be sent to prison and that would be for only one child. What should be done with a being who would sentence billions up on billions of his children to such punishment.WORSHIP HIM????
I hate to be the one who has to bring the news to you but we are all going to heaven. God loves YOU just as if you were his only child. God forgives,even before you ask. How could any one be judged when you don't even have 1% of the facts and won't have untill the next life. One must have all the information and must be developed to a point where they can understand those facts.
Consider all the money that organised religion has taken in over the last few thousand years just by threatning there members with the Devil and hell. It is a good business. It keeps the people comming back and they bring money. They take the money and build mansions and say they are for God. God has his own mansion and it is so much more than man has to offer. God is the first source and center of all things. He resides on Paradise at the center of the universe. Paradise is the only stationary object in the universe and everything else rotates around God and paradise. He does not need our mansions.
I have set here and thought about it and have decided to reveal some more. God and everything in the universe have been ,still are and for ever will be evolving. You ask ,how can God be evolving. I'm glad you ask. Since God is the only self created being in the universe he has never experienced anything. With this in mind I will offer the following.First Corinthians 3-16 K.J.V.says,Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you? Again in chapter 6 verse 19. What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,which ye have of God,and ye are not your own?
When each of us develop to the age where we can make a decission between right and wrong,( in this age it is around 5years and 11 months). God sends a divine fragment of himself to dwell within us. You can call it a thought monitor,a mystery monitor or a thought adjuster and I prefer the latter. This thought adjuster is spirit but does not have personality. We have personality but no spirit. This adjuster yearns for our personality, we long for his spirit.If we choose to take the paradise journey, Then in time we and our adjuster will fuse together and will become one for eternity. This fusion takes place on the mansion worlds of our system headquarters, and only twice has it happened on earth. One was Elijah, the other was Enoch. Each left the earth in a ball of fire. That was fusion with the adjuster. Rember that Elijah lived for 460 years and Enoch lived 357 years.
As we fuse with our adjuster and return to God, then he gets to experience everything that we have done. Therefore God is evolveing, to the Supreme, to God the absolute and some time in the eternal future to God the ultimate Now don't you feel better knowing that you are helping God become more than he already is??

And your proof of this?

And please keep in mind your scripture, being disproved, self-contradictory, and historically innaccurate, cannot be used as self-supporting evidence.


New Member
And your Proof??
Over the past we have spent Trillions upon trillions of dollars for schools K-through 12 and many more trillions for institutions of higher learning. We consider ourselves to be a highly intelligent people,and we are. We claim that the bible is inspired,and it is. What happened to God after he inspired that book? Did he die or just go away? He must have done one or the other because he hasn't inspired anything since then. Or has he? I submit to you for your consideration that all knowledge in the universe comes from God. As we grow,develop, expand, change or evolve to a higher level and as the need for something develops, someone always comes up with the knowledge to bring it into existance. That knowledge comes from God. God can only inspire us to the limits of our intelligence and those limits expand as we develop. A lot of people don't like the word evolve so I will just say develop. God cannot inspire a 6 year old child to understand the creation of a universe. It simply cannot be done. I submit to you that the hebrew children of biblical times were no more developed than a six year old child is today. He did the best he could with what he had to work with. The hebrew children created Yehweh as the God of the mountain. They Called mt. Horeb the Mountain of God. As I said earlier,primitive man worshiped everything they feared.Up untill about two thousand years ago the mountain was intermittently active as a volcano,occasional eruptions occuring as late as the time of the sojourn of the Israelites in that region. The fire and smoke together with the thunderous detonations associated with the eruptions, all impressed and awed the israelites of the surrounding regions and caused them greatly to fear Yahweh. God was angry, God was jellious. They also worshiped other Gods,El Elyin, El Shaddai,El Amid, Elohim. They finally decided that Yahweh was the only God and then in the 15th century after Christ they finally called him Jehova.
My point is after we have spent all this money for higher education, we are still trying to follow the same worship that a people who had no school system at all were following twenty five hundred years ago. The Hebrew children didn't have a written language untill around 900 B.C. so most everything was passed down by word of mouth.
Is Bill Gates, smarter than God?? I don't think so,yet you are not still useing the same computer system that you were back in the 80,s. Every so often Gates puts out an upgrade. How come God doesn't?
Now I will tell you a little about myself. I was raised in a religion that believed if you didn't belong to there church, you were going to hell. after I got a little older I started to wonder why God created all those other people. It didn't take me long to leave that church. I had more questions than could be answered by anyone and believe me I ask. I read the Koran, the Talmud The Bible twice and was more confused after the second time than I was the first. I studied Buddism,Hindueism Taoism. I read a book called the lost books of the bible and the forgotten books of Eaden. After considering some of the book that was considered for the bible I was even more confused. I read what seemed like every book written by man about religion and only ended up with more questions.
The Bible says, seek and you shall find,ask and it shall be given, knock and the door will be opened unto you. As you can see I did seek and I did find. I ask and it was given. I knocked and when the door was opened I found a loving God whom I had never known. I found a vast universe. so much greater,so much larger. and so much more receptive than anything I could have ever dreamed of. That was Thirty seven years ago and it only gets better. We are told to pray without ceaseing and I do, but I never ask for anything for myself because I have everything. I pray and I say thank you father for I am the most blessed man in the world,but he reminds me that there are others who have the same thing that I do. What we have , we were told to take slow, because the world was not ready for it. I have done that, but now I am getting old. I wanted to feel like I am leaving something worth while. That's why I started writing on the forum.
My proof. Ask me some questions. Prove to me that you want something more than you have and are not just wanting to pass the time away. Based on the questions you ask I will decide how much proof to give you.


E Pluribus Unum!!!
And your Proof??
Over the past we have spent Trillions upon trillions of dollars for schools K-through 12 and many more trillions for institutions of higher learning. We consider ourselves to be a highly intelligent people,and we are. We claim that the bible is inspired,and it is. What happened to God after he inspired that book? Did he die or just go away? He must have done one or the other because he hasn't inspired anything since then. Or has he? I submit to you for your consideration that all knowledge in the universe comes from God. As we grow,develop, expand, change or evolve to a higher level and as the need for something develops, someone always comes up with the knowledge to bring it into existance. That knowledge comes from God. God can only inspire us to the limits of our intelligence and those limits expand as we develop. A lot of people don't like the word evolve so I will just say develop. God cannot inspire a 6 year old child to understand the creation of a universe. It simply cannot be done. I submit to you that the hebrew children of biblical times were no more developed than a six year old child is today. He did the best he could with what he had to work with. The hebrew children created Yehweh as the God of the mountain. They Called mt. Horeb the Mountain of God. As I said earlier,primitive man worshiped everything they feared.Up untill about two thousand years ago the mountain was intermittently active as a volcano,occasional eruptions occuring as late as the time of the sojourn of the Israelites in that region. The fire and smoke together with the thunderous detonations associated with the eruptions, all impressed and awed the israelites of the surrounding regions and caused them greatly to fear Yahweh. God was angry, God was jellious. They also worshiped other Gods,El Elyin, El Shaddai,El Amid, Elohim. They finally decided that Yahweh was the only God and then in the 15th century after Christ they finally called him Jehova.
My point is after we have spent all this money for higher education, we are still trying to follow the same worship that a people who had no school system at all were following twenty five hundred years ago. The Hebrew children didn't have a written language untill around 900 B.C. so most everything was passed down by word of mouth.
Is Bill Gates, smarter than God?? I don't think so,yet you are not still useing the same computer system that you were back in the 80,s. Every so often Gates puts out an upgrade. How come God doesn't?
Now I will tell you a little about myself. I was raised in a religion that believed if you didn't belong to there church, you were going to hell. after I got a little older I started to wonder why God created all those other people. It didn't take me long to leave that church. I had more questions than could be answered by anyone and believe me I ask. I read the Koran, the Talmud The Bible twice and was more confused after the second time than I was the first. I studied Buddism,Hindueism Taoism. I read a book called the lost books of the bible and the forgotten books of Eaden. After considering some of the book that was considered for the bible I was even more confused. I read what seemed like every book written by man about religion and only ended up with more questions.
The Bible says, seek and you shall find,ask and it shall be given, knock and the door will be opened unto you. As you can see I did seek and I did find. I ask and it was given. I knocked and when the door was opened I found a loving God whom I had never known. I found a vast universe. so much greater,so much larger. and so much more receptive than anything I could have ever dreamed of. That was Thirty seven years ago and it only gets better. We are told to pray without ceaseing and I do, but I never ask for anything for myself because I have everything. I pray and I say thank you father for I am the most blessed man in the world,but he reminds me that there are others who have the same thing that I do. What we have , we were told to take slow, because the world was not ready for it. I have done that, but now I am getting old. I wanted to feel like I am leaving something worth while. That's why I started writing on the forum.
My proof. Ask me some questions. Prove to me that you want something more than you have and are not just wanting to pass the time away. Based on the questions you ask I will decide how much proof to give you.

Shall I enumerate the logical fallacies in your reply?

You have offered nothing as proof, sorry.

And considering that your bible is jambed packed full of self-contradictions, historical innacuracies, and that each and every miracle and myth contained within are easily disproved renders your bible far from anything approaching self-supporting evidence.

Want to offer proof? Then find something else beside argumentum ad numerium, circular arguments and the host of other fallicies you indulged in above, and something non-biblical in nature.


Well-Known Member
Shall I enumerate the logical fallacies in your reply?

You have offered nothing as proof, sorry.

And considering that your bible is jambed packed full of self-contradictions, historical innacuracies, and that each and every miracle and myth contained within are easily disproved renders your bible far from anything approaching self-supporting evidence.

Want to offer proof? Then find something else beside argumentum ad numerium, circular arguments and the host of other fallicies you indulged in above, and something non-biblical in nature.

So many ask for proof, only to dismantle the proof and render it as then no proof. There are many proofs of God. I will list some of the over 200 proofs I have Compiled;

Consciousness is proof of God. Consciousness can only come from Consciousness.

Birth is proof of God. Or one can call birth Life. Birth, can only come from Birth, Life can only come from Life.

Atheism is proof of God. Unbelief is the proof of Belief. One gives birth to the other because they both exist.

Romance is proof of God. Or you can say Love is Proof of God. We Love, because Love created Love.

The Moon is proof of God, along with all the other planets. Their " Orbital patterns" are proof of God, or one could say the order in the Universe is proof of God.

Blood is Proof of God.

Oxygen is proof of God.

Intelligence is proof of God.

Memory is proof of God.

The bible is proof of God.

Religious debate is proof of God.

Evil is proof of God.

Go to generalforum.com, religion section archives, and I list over 100 more proofs of God.



Well-Known Member
So many ask for proof, only to dismantle the proof and render it as then no proof. There are many proofs of God. I will list some of the over 200 proofs I have Compiled;

Consciousness is proof of God. Consciousness can only come from Consciousness.

Birth is proof of God. Or one can call birth Life. Birth, can only come from Birth, Life can only come from Life.

Atheism is proof of God. Unbelief is the proof of Belief. One gives birth to the other because they both exist.

Romance is proof of God. Or you can say Love is Proof of God. We Love, because Love created Love.

The Moon is proof of God, along with all the other planets. Their " Orbital patterns" are proof of God, or one could say the order in the Universe is proof of God.

Blood is Proof of God.

Oxygen is proof of God.

Intelligence is proof of God.

Memory is proof of God.

The bible is proof of God.

Religious debate is proof of God.

Evil is proof of God.

Go to generalforum.com, religion section archives, and I list over 100 more proofs of God.


Even science is a proof of God. In trying to disprove God with science they actually strengthen the proof of Him. They are helping debunk myths surrounding God and showing how He created this creation. Thanks guys!!


Well-Known Member
Even science is a proof of God. In trying to disprove God with science they actually strengthen the proof of Him. They are helping debunk myths surrounding God and showing how He created this creation. Thanks guys!!

Science most certainly is a proof of God.



E Pluribus Unum!!!
Even science is a proof of God. In trying to disprove God with science they actually strengthen the proof of Him. They are helping debunk myths surrounding God and showing how He created this creation. Thanks guys!!

Circular argument followed by a non sequitur.

Those myths you speak of are the only things supporting your god.

Remove those myths and one removes any authority your god has as some creator deity.


Well-Known Member
Circular argument followed by a non sequitur.

Those myths you speak of are the only things supporting your god.

Remove those myths and one removes any authority your god has as some creator deity.

Myths, goodness man, your own body is proof of a God. Your eyes, your nostrils, your bowels, your heart, your brain, your intestines, your colon, your stomach, all uniquely designed, as a car was designed. These things didnot evolve, thats like saying a car evolved on its own. Metal and wires just fell from the sky, then assembled themselves over time. Incredible assumption and inane inuindo. A car was designed and created by man, just as the incredible human body was designed and created by God.

Your own ears are proof of God. They are no myth. Your tounge is a proof of God, but you think it is continous with the idiot hierarchies of speechless apes. You believe that lesser componants can assemble themselves and give birth to greater componants, a most diehard falsehood that breeds evolutionist by the doszens.



Well-Known Member
I often grow tired of the Athiest view of Life. Incredible definitions that look to define this great consciousness that we hold. That it created itself, came from itself, before self even existed. And then debate this foolishness with egarness and self assurance! Thinking they can wipe out the truth like its just a stain of water on a table.

Consciousness is a definte proof of God. Here we have a mass of human bones and skin, water flowing through it, hands, eyes and feet, unique physico chemical existence, that has a Consciousness within it. Located nowhere, its a " Spirit in man", vast intelligence which produces personality and emotions! Characther and memory, the five senses and talent. Blood running through veins, ability far beyond animals, and yet Atheist insult the direct designing powers of God, and would rather give all this marvel, to " Evolution", magnificence creating itself.

Man, come on, when will we wake up out of this darkness?



Well-Known Member
What I see online, everyday, is really the effort of Godless people, trying to take control from God, and think themselves as the explination of things that only God explians. We make ourselves God, live as if we are the orgin of Consciousness.

I have an announcement to make, humans are created beings, who now lives as if we were not created! And will argue that point! I don't care what you argue from that point, its pre-perverted, NOTHING can stand to reason from that point, NOTHING! Like blind bats we argue, fly into continual; nowhere.

I am so saddened by this.

This infection. This Atheistic look into this darkness. This mundane mode which has encased us all.

And I will continue to fight against it, its seductive lure and meaningless conjecture.



Well-Known Member
What I see online, everyday, is really the effort of Godless people, trying to take control from God, and think themselves as the explination of things that only God explians. We make ourselves God, live as if we are the orgin of Consciousness.

I have an announcement to make, humans are created beings, who now lives as if we were not created! And will argue that point! I don't care what you argue from that point, its pre-perverted, NOTHING can stand to reason from that point, NOTHING! Like blind bats we argue, fly into continual; nowhere.

I am so saddened by this.

This infection. This Atheistic look into this darkness. This mundane mode which has encased us all.

And I will continue to fight against it, its seductive lure and meaningless conjecture.


Every Atheist who post on this board spreads this darkness, they are agents of the darkness. Volitile and defensive, contracted with confusion, dead in spirituality, yet spreading and multiplying like a rampant fever.

And infecting all as they grow.



Well-Known Member
Every Atheist who post on this board spreads this darkness, they are agents of the darkness. Volitile and defensive, contracted with confusion, dead in spirituality, yet spreading and multiplying like a rampant fever.

And infecting all as they grow.


The Athiest mind is a study in Darkness, devoid of truth, destined to change human destiny, subtracting of God, clouds without water, razors that cut into our true orgin. Apostles of lies who suggest that we are continous with the idiot hierarchies of speechless apes. Endlesss mouths speaking nothing of worth, the true anti christ.

And I want to go into these parasites.



Well-Known Member
The Atheist mind is an infection, an antibody designed to subtract from God. Its a population of deception, deeply infused with nothing that sounds like something.

Legos of incredible senselessness, hungry for attention.

But let me reveal what they really are.



Well-Known Member
Atheism isthe darkside of God, his mind inforced to the negative. Its his oppisite, the "Other side of Goodness", deception masked in milk, evil made to appear as good.

Atheism is Gods part of the tree, enlisted to confuse and distort.

It never builds, it always tears down.

And let me show you how.



Well-Known Member
You know, its always good to post truth, things that build up. You ever notice that Atheist are against the very mention of God, the being that represents salvation and Goodness. They jump on it with a fever, twisted and bent on destruction. Self sadated and ill, dark and dented.

And this world has made a place for them.

A serious error in judgement.



Well-Known Member
Circular argument followed by a non sequitur.

Those myths you speak of are the only things supporting your god.

Remove those myths and one removes any authority your god has as some creator deity.

Spoken truly as someone who knows nothing about God or the scriptures.