And your Proof??
Over the past we have spent Trillions upon trillions of dollars for schools K-through 12 and many more trillions for institutions of higher learning. We consider ourselves to be a highly intelligent people,and we are. We claim that the bible is inspired,and it is. What happened to God after he inspired that book? Did he die or just go away? He must have done one or the other because he hasn't inspired anything since then. Or has he? I submit to you for your consideration that all knowledge in the universe comes from God. As we grow,develop, expand, change or evolve to a higher level and as the need for something develops, someone always comes up with the knowledge to bring it into existance. That knowledge comes from God. God can only inspire us to the limits of our intelligence and those limits expand as we develop. A lot of people don't like the word evolve so I will just say develop. God cannot inspire a 6 year old child to understand the creation of a universe. It simply cannot be done. I submit to you that the hebrew children of biblical times were no more developed than a six year old child is today. He did the best he could with what he had to work with. The hebrew children created Yehweh as the God of the mountain. They Called mt. Horeb the Mountain of God. As I said earlier,primitive man worshiped everything they feared.Up untill about two thousand years ago the mountain was intermittently active as a volcano,occasional eruptions occuring as late as the time of the sojourn of the Israelites in that region. The fire and smoke together with the thunderous detonations associated with the eruptions, all impressed and awed the israelites of the surrounding regions and caused them greatly to fear Yahweh. God was angry, God was jellious. They also worshiped other Gods,El Elyin, El Shaddai,El Amid, Elohim. They finally decided that Yahweh was the only God and then in the 15th century after Christ they finally called him Jehova.
My point is after we have spent all this money for higher education, we are still trying to follow the same worship that a people who had no school system at all were following twenty five hundred years ago. The Hebrew children didn't have a written language untill around 900 B.C. so most everything was passed down by word of mouth.
Is Bill Gates, smarter than God?? I don't think so,yet you are not still useing the same computer system that you were back in the 80,s. Every so often Gates puts out an upgrade. How come God doesn't?
Now I will tell you a little about myself. I was raised in a religion that believed if you didn't belong to there church, you were going to hell. after I got a little older I started to wonder why God created all those other people. It didn't take me long to leave that church. I had more questions than could be answered by anyone and believe me I ask. I read the Koran, the Talmud The Bible twice and was more confused after the second time than I was the first. I studied Buddism,Hindueism Taoism. I read a book called the lost books of the bible and the forgotten books of Eaden. After considering some of the book that was considered for the bible I was even more confused. I read what seemed like every book written by man about religion and only ended up with more questions.
The Bible says, seek and you shall find,ask and it shall be given, knock and the door will be opened unto you. As you can see I did seek and I did find. I ask and it was given. I knocked and when the door was opened I found a loving God whom I had never known. I found a vast universe. so much greater,so much larger. and so much more receptive than anything I could have ever dreamed of. That was Thirty seven years ago and it only gets better. We are told to pray without ceaseing and I do, but I never ask for anything for myself because I have everything. I pray and I say thank you father for I am the most blessed man in the world,but he reminds me that there are others who have the same thing that I do. What we have , we were told to take slow, because the world was not ready for it. I have done that, but now I am getting old. I wanted to feel like I am leaving something worth while. That's why I started writing on the forum.
My proof. Ask me some questions. Prove to me that you want something more than you have and are not just wanting to pass the time away. Based on the questions you ask I will decide how much proof to give you.