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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
I guess it has something to do with balance.

You have quessed wrong, there is no balance, nor ever was, God tipped the scales against humanity from the start of Adams life in the Garden of Eden. We were destined to fail as human beings, that failure simply created the REASON for Jesus comming to earth, or one could say Salvation comming to earth. The lack of balance " Paved the way for Christ comming", literally created the way and REASON for Christ comming.

THATS WHY God gave us no balance, so that Jesus could destroy the scales and open the way for us all.



Stripling Warrior
You have quessed wrong, there is no balance, nor ever was, God tipped the scales against humanity from the start of Adams life in the Garden of Eden. We were destined to fail as human beings, that failure simply created the REASON for Jesus comming to earth, or one could say Salvation comming to earth. The lack of balance " Paved the way for Christ comming", literally created the way and REASON for Christ comming.

THATS WHY God gave us no balance, so that Jesus could destroy the scales and open the way for us all.


Well...I guess you could look at it like a hanging mobile - for it to work with the imbalance being at several points there must be a compensation made at others. In the end there must be oposition in all things and, yes, we will all get out of balance and become sinful but in Jesus Christ we can regain the balance needed to stay on the path, but some, and more than a few, will remain in an unbalanced state in a balanced universe and some, like did lucifer, will detach themselves from the mobile all together. (this is kind of a weird analogy but I think it balances out what you said):D

They way is open to us all but, unfortunatly those who only talk the talk will not find it, only those who walk the walk will make it to the tree of life -


Well-Known Member
but some, and more than a few, will remain in an unbalanced state in a balanced universe and some, like did lucifer, will detach themselves from the mobile all together. (this is kind of a weird analogy but I think it balances out what you said):D quote

I totally disagree with the false notion that satan " Once detached himself from a balanced state of being." Satan was created evil from his conception, Jesus called him a liar and a murderer from his beginning,. He was NEVER attached to God.

They way is open to us all but, unfortunatly those who only talk the talk will not find it, only those who walk the walk will make it to the tree of life -

Nobody is " Walking for God now", in my view. Everybody who talks about God, is only talking, they do not walk HIS walk.



Veteran Member
Nobody is " Walking for God now", in my view. Everybody who talks about God, is only talking, they do not walk HIS walk.

Micah [4v5] foretold all people would walk in the name of its god......but there would be those that would walk in the name of God forever.

Isn't 'walking' involved with Jesus words of Matthew 24v14 that the good news of God's kingdom would be proclaimed world wide before the end of all badness on earth will come?
Romans 10vs13-15


Liebe ist für alle da
No difference, and have never claimed any.

Yet you still feel the need to go around and call others out of something you don't understand, Whether it's there belief or god. You judge them, sounds a bit hypocritical.
And then when no one agrees with you go to name calling, though you just call people Atheist like it's hurtful. But even then that quite ignorant right, because I good many people here that have disagreed with you aren't Atheist. :facepalm:
I'm going to bed now.


Well-Known Member
Yet you still feel the need to go around and call others out of something you don't understand, Whether it's there belief or god. You judge them, sounds a bit hypocritical.
And then when no one agrees with you go to name calling, though you just call people Atheist like it's hurtful. But even then that quite ignorant right, because I good many people here that have disagreed with you aren't Atheist. :facepalm:
I'm going to bed now.

I fail to see the ignorance in calling an Atheist an Atheist,

And I understand more than you think. I will be here when you go to bed, and I will be here when you wake up, if you don't like what I am saying, then excuse yourself from being here on post with me.



Well-Known Member
God desires all His children to return to Him but it is quite evident that all will not, not because of anything that God failed to do but what the individual failes to do.
I believe that our failure is down to us repeating the first error in Gen.3 which is = disobedience to God / breaking His Commandments.
Gen.2v16,17 God gave A & E a commandment which they broke in Ge.3v6.
Today we are told to keep the Commandments of God (too many to list all) but Joh.15v10 is a good start.
It is obvious that GOD is doing HIS part by telling us what to do next.So if we don't obey we are repeating Gen.3. 1Joh.3v4
What is your opinion ? :)


Liebe ist für alle da
I fail to see the ignorance in calling an Atheist an Atheist
And of course you miss they point. You are also calling, THEIST and other Non-Atheist, Atheist like it's a insult. That's the ignorance, instead of understand the people talking to you, you call them Atheist and brush off what they say because you don't want to hear what they want to say.


Well-Known Member
And of course you miss they point. You are also calling, THEIST and other Non-Atheist, Atheist like it's a insult. That's the ignorance, instead of understand the people talking to you, you call them Atheist and brush off what they say because you don't want to hear what they want to say.

Show me where I have called a Theist, an Atheist, I would like to see that, because I know I have done no such thing. What you are doing is called " Fault finding", and false accusation. You resort to this because I have penertrated your mind and hurt it, so you lash out with these fruitless accusations, just another tactic I see through so easily. Instead of using truthful reasoning, you come at me with all that you know to reason with.

It is also a sure sign of the Darkness in your being.



Stripling Warrior
I believe that our failure is down to us repeating the first error in Gen.3 which is = disobedience to God / breaking His Commandments.
Gen.2v16,17 God gave A & E a commandment which they broke in Ge.3v6.
Today we are told to keep the Commandments of God (too many to list all) but Joh.15v10 is a good start.
It is obvious that GOD is doing HIS part by telling us what to do next.So if we don't obey we are repeating Gen.3. 1Joh.3v4
What is your opinion ? :)

I agree, the first principle (not the first law) of the Gospel is organization. Where there is organization there must be directives followed by those in the organization, such directives are in fact "laws". If the organization is to thrive then the laws must be followed or there must ba a consequence else tyhe organization cannot exist. Now, for an orginization to exist there must also be a source of the laws that support said organization, in religion that source is God (I could spend a lot of time talking about the ramifications of that statment but I will refrain for now). The act of violating the laws of the organization degrade the organization and that is akin to sin for which there must be consequences in place that serve to maintain the integrity of the organization in light of those who would errode its foundation.

With God the ultimate result of sin (aftyer the final judgment) is to set the distance between Himself and the unrepentant sinner proportional to the grievient level of guilt for no unclean thing can dwell in the presence of God less the realms of God become unclean.

In order to follow the rules by which the organization is sustained and grows we must understand them ergo they must be given. So important to the great plan of happiness and our own eternal progression are these rules of organization that they are given by way of cammandment and not mere suggestion.

We choose our own path and thusly are reasponsible for the outcome thereof - not our Heavenly Father, He cannot do for us what we can and must do for ourselves to gain exaltation in the celestial kingdoms of God. Judgment is simply a recognition of the state of being wherein we have already placed ourselves which is where we will already be when we step up to the judgment seat of God. Judgment will be perfect because the individual will be the determinator of where judgment places him or her. As I said before, in the beginning we were all given the same tools needed to succeed, how well we used those tools and all that is placed on the path along the way to help and sustain us toward our goal, including the incomprehensible act of love known as the atonment and the abilituy to repent of our sins, is up to us and therefore we are responsible for where we ultimatly end up.
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Well-Known Member
Evandr , I absolutely agree with your view.
GOD who is the Almighty Creator and Ruler of the Universe has to have Rules and Laws for the existence and upkeep of same. The same also applies to his Living Creation hence the User-manual for man.
It can be seen from early Genesis that man failed the test of obedience albeit through satan's temptation. Ignorance and lack of knowledge Hos.4v6 were part of man's downfall. Now 6000 years later we have knowledge AND experience yet still fail to see the Will of God. I believe man will have a better chance once satan is de-activated rev.20v1-3.
Any views on that ?


Well-Known Member
There are no Laws in the Kingdom of God, God created Laws only for mans benefit and control while he is in the flesh, he also gave his ten copmmandments, only because he knew that man couldnot keep them. A topic I perhaps need to get into later.

There are no Laws in the Kingdom of God. Gal 5:23" Gentleness, Self Control, against such things there ' Is no Law." There are no laws needed in Gods Kingdom, and Jesus Life was the End of all of Gods laws. But Christians like to enforce strict adherence to the Law, because they know the Law will condemn humanity, which is WHY God gave them. They are impossible to keep, but not in a self righteous religious Pharisaical mind.

And I want to go into why Christians use the Law to condemn humanity.



Stripling Warrior
Evandr , I absolutely agree with your view.
GOD who is the Almighty Creator and Ruler of the Universe has to have Rules and Laws for the existence and upkeep of same. The same also applies to his Living Creation hence the User-manual for man.
It can be seen from early Genesis that man failed the test of obedience albeit through satan's temptation. Ignorance and lack of knowledge Hos.4v6 were part of man's downfall. Now 6000 years later we have knowledge AND experience yet still fail to see the Will of God. I believe man will have a better chance once satan is de-activated rev.20v1-3.
Any views on that ?

I assume you are speaking of the millennium, that thousand year period that will follow the second coming when Christ will reign personally on the Earth after having subdued Lucifer. Yes, it would appear that it would be easier but remember this; from whom much is given much is expected. I do not know exactly who will be privileged to live out mortality during that period but I do believe that, in the end, their trials will have proven equal to their station, just as yours and mine are and just as Christ's were equal to His. As I have always said, our progression toward eternal life and exaltation in the realms of God began at our pre mortal creation. If Christ was able to grow in stature during that time sufficient to become the Christ than it is reasonable to believe that others (a group known as the noble and great ones in the presence of God) progressed sufficiently that mortality becomes a formality required to fulfill all righteousness, something that Jesus Christ did with exactness as He bent to the will of the Father. I will make no assumptions but I do believe that the justice and perfection of the great plan of happiness will be made evident at that great and final day when we are ALL judged according to our works and what we did with what we were given.

Incidentally, toward the end of the millennium Lucifer will be loosed for a little season after which the great and last battle for the soul of man will be wages between Lucifer and Michael the Archangel after which Lucifer will be defeated and forever cast back into the pit (outer darkness) never again to tempt man. The binding of Lucifer spoken of is figurative being that during the reign of Jesus Christ, mortal man will live in such righteousness that Lucifer will have no power to tempt until man again starts to grow in pride and wickedness


Well-Known Member
There are no Laws in the Kingdom of God, God created Laws only for mans benefit and control while he is in the flesh, he also gave his ten copmmandments, only because he knew that man couldnot keep them. A topic I perhaps need to get into later.

There are no Laws in the Kingdom of God. Gal 5:23" Gentleness, Self Control, against such things there ' Is no Law." There are no laws needed in Gods Kingdom, and Jesus Life was the End of all of Gods laws. But Christians like to enforce strict adherence to the Law, because they know the Law will condemn humanity, which is WHY God gave them. They are impossible to keep, but not in a self righteous religious Pharisaical mind.

And I want to go into why Christians use the Law to condemn humanity.


The Law of God has been complettely done away with, and replaced with " The Law of Christ", which is simply to Love each other. The Law of God, and the Ten Commandments were a " Curse", a curse God placed on humanity to pave the way for Christ replacing his Law. Christians want to keep the Law in force, because of its condemnation features , and because they believe keeping it reinforces THEIR self righteousness, just like the Pharisees believed, and Christians are just " Modernday Pharisees."

And I want to go into that.



Stripling Warrior
There are no Laws in the Kingdom of God, God created Laws only for mans benefit and control while he is in the flesh, he also gave his ten copmmandments, only because he knew that man couldnot keep them. A topic I perhaps need to get into later.

There are no Laws in the Kingdom of God. Gal 5:23" Gentleness, Self Control, against such things there ' Is no Law." There are no laws needed in Gods Kingdom, and Jesus Life was the End of all of Gods laws. But Christians like to enforce strict adherence to the Law, because they know the Law will condemn humanity, which is WHY God gave them. They are impossible to keep, but not in a self righteous religious Pharisaical mind.

And I want to go into why Christians use the Law to condemn humanity.


It's funny, if you spend enough time participating in these forums you can gain a sense of when someone is becoming frustrated at their own views inability to stand against argument. If this were a monitored formal debate competition I believe you would have been passed over a long time ago in favor of a more equally balanced platform of opposing views, however, I am pleased at your continued input.

You seem to come across as a reasonable intelligent individual and I respect your views but you’re grasping at straws mickiel and it is all too evident. I do wish you would substantiate your views with a logical train of thought, at least, if not cited sources of information from which you draw your conclusions, the scriptures would be a great place to start
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Well-Known Member
Evandr , yes we can get a lot of enlightenment and encouragement from the Word of God helping us to grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Without these no change or transformation could take place which is required of us. Human nature is not something that dies very easily but thankfully God has made provision for success to his plan and purpose. :)


Well-Known Member
It's funny, if you spend enough time participating in these forums you can gain a sense of when someone is becoming frustrated at their own views inability to stand against argument. If this were a monitored formal debate competition I believe you would have been passed over a long time ago in favor of a more equally balanced platform of opposing views, however, I am pleased at your continued input.

You seem to come across as a reasonable intelligent individual and I respect your views but you’re grasping at straws mickiel and it is all too evident. I do wish you would substantiate your views with a logical train of thought, at least, if not cited sources of information from which you draw your conclusions, the scriptures would be a great place to start

I hold no intrest in your personal views of me. And all my post are full of scriptures, and will always be.

Your wishes do not concern me.



Stripling Warrior
Your wishes do not concern me.


That much is evident, it is also evident that a constructive conversation betwixt you and I is not possible for to speask to someone without any concern for what they think of you is little more than mumbeling - Adieu'