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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Veteran Member
Good and Evil are purposely Interweaved by God. Notice Jesus in Matt. 13:30, " Allow BOTH to grow Together until the Harvest." Good and Evil must now "Co-exist" with each other and us, and this has seriously affected the doctrines of Religious believers in God, which helped create the doctrine of eternal suffering.
Eternal is the Good, Suffering is the Evil, they both have grown together in Christianity and religion. And I need to get into that.

Didn't Jesus explain about the Wheat and the Weeds [tares] of Matt 13v30 in verse 38? In verse 38 Jesus explains Not that the Wheat and Weeds [tares] stand for just Good and Evil in general, but that the Field is the world, and the good [seed] are the children of the kingdom [kingdom of God] and the Weeds[tares] are the children of the wicked one.-[Satan]. So the Wheat are the genuine Christians and the Weeds[tares] are the false or so-called Christians 'in name only' but prove false or weed-like.- Matt chapter 7.
They are like the goat-like ones of Matt 25v32 who are separated at the harvest time or final judgment before this bad system ends.
Matt 24v14 before the end of all badness on earth comes by Jesus taking action.

Doesn't eternal just mean everlasting or forever?
Isn't there eternal or everlasting punishment for the goat-like ones of Matt 25v46? _____ Everlasting 'punishment' is equated with everlasting 'destruction' at 2nd Thess 1v9.


Well-Known Member
This Earth is Gods incubator for his birth of humanity. Being that God is the Greatest, all that he does is also Great, such as our " Creation- Birth."

And let me explain " Creation -Birth", because it sounds like contridiction. God created all things through his son Jesus, EXCEPT Humanity! We are not a " Creation persay", we are actually a " New Birth" from God himself. Or will be. Were actually both a Creation and will be a Birth. God first created our human bodies, but our Consciousness IS AN ACTUAL PART OF HIM! These bodies just carry us around, the human Consciousness is an actual birth from God.

And I want to go into that.


Our Consciousness IS the Image of God, or an " Actual part of HIM!" It came FROM INSIDE of him! Jesus in John 8:42;" I proceeded forth and CAME FROM GOD!" This IS the actual orgin of Christ birth, AND ours! The human Spirit IS an actual part of Gods Spirit, thus can never die, unless God so wills it, but he has not, why should he kill a part of himself? Human Life is an investment God has made in himself.

And I want to go into that.



Veteran Member
God has willed the destruction [annihilation] forever of those of Psalm 92v7.

According to Proverb 21v18 aren't the wicked a ransom for the righteous.....?

If the righteous [1st Peter4v18] scarcely be saved, [saved with difficulty], where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

What happens to those that do Not repent mentioned at 2nd Peter 3v9B?


Well-Known Member
! The human Spirit IS an actual part of Gods Spirit, thus can never die, unless God so wills it, but he has not, why should he kill a part of himself? Human Life is an investment God has made in himself.

And I want to go into that.


Like it or not, we all are predestined to live forever, that is what God desires for his actual children, its his entire focus on his pregnantcy. None of us will be aborted.

Christ is the assurance of that.



Well-Known Member
Like it or not, we all are predestined to live forever, that is what God desires for his actual children, its his entire focus on his pregnantcy. None of us will be aborted.

Christ is the assurance of that.


In Isaiah 66:9, notice Gods aittitude toward his pregnancy with humanity;" Shall I bring to the point of Birth , and not GIVE delivery?, says God. Or shall I who GIVES delivery shut the Womb?"

This is OUR birthright, all of us and God will deliver us all, THAT IS the good news.



Well-Known Member
In Isaiah 66:9, notice Gods aittitude toward his pregnancy with humanity;" Shall I bring to the point of Birth , and not GIVE delivery?, says God. Or shall I who GIVES delivery shut the Womb?"

This is OUR birthright, all of us and God will deliver us all, THAT IS the good news.


And with that verse I am reluctantly finished with this thread. It has been an extremely long shelf life, and I will miss it. I pray that many of you don't believe this incredible lie about humans suffering forever in eternity, it causes far too many handicaps, and grossly misinterpits Gods Plan of Salvation.



Well-Known Member
It was brought to my attention that more threads on hell were on the board in the last weeks. I was asked a question in private and asked to show how the hell myth contridicts real biblical teachings. Instead of beginning a new thread, I decided to answer these questions on this thread, I am trying to be conscious of not having too many threads on board at once, which is why I close so many myself.

The first myth about hell is that it is a biblical doctrine that is in the bible from start to finish. This is untrue, 2/3rds of the bible does not mention hell at all. If hell is real, why didn't God make that warning clear right at the beginning of the bible? No old testement people or prophet were warned about hell and its consequences. Moses was not warned about it, Cain was not warned, Job was not warned, Daniel was not warned and David was not warned of it.

In fact, many bible translations, such as the King James version, erroneously translate the word " Sheol" as hell in the Old testement, and made this error a total of 31 times.

And I want to go into these hell myths.



Well-Known Member
Another popular myth is that hell is refered to in the bible more than Heaven is. This is a gross myth, extremely inaccurate. Hell is refered to in the bible sightly over 70 times, Heaven is refered to over 1,700 times.

The Apostle Paul said he had declared the entire counsel of God, Acts 20:27, he was commissioned by God to preach. Paul NEVER warned of hell in ANY of his letters. If hell was real, certainly Paul, who wrote more books in the bible by far than any other author, would have warned against it.



Well-Known Member
Since the concept of hell doesn't exist in the old testement, how could Jesus and his disciples teach that salvation was deliverance from a place that is not even found in their scriptures? Christianity is teaching a concept that means if hell is real, the sin of Adam has had a far more powerful effect on the world than the very ressurection of Jesus. Yet Paul declared in Romans 5 that Christ victory is far greater than Adams transgression!

The Christian teaching that Adams death has impacted this worlds salvation more than Christ death, is a myth.



Well-Known Member
Like it or not, we all are predestined to live forever, that is what God desires for his actual children, its his entire focus on his pregnantcy. None of us will be aborted.

Christ is the assurance of that.


Like it or not, when you die, you are dead.


Veteran Member
If you're dead, there is no aferlife.

Afterlife/ resurrection?

Adam was guilty of an unforgivable sin meaning no forgiveness for Adam.
Adam at death returned, not to life [before or after], but returned to dust.

There would have been no future life for dead Jesus [Acts 2vs27,31,32] if God would not have resurrected Jesus back to the heavens.

Jesus came from heaven to earth [John 3v13] whereas Adam came from dust of earth. Disobedience caused Adam to loose earthly life forever. Obedience caused Jesus to gain heavenly life forever.

Obedience also gave Jesus the 'keys' to unlock death [Rev. 1v18] meaning those [except for those of Matt 12v32] would have the prospect of a resurrection to life in heaven or on earth. -Acts 24v15. Jesus would take a 'little flock' [Luke 12v32] to heaven, and 'other sheep' [John 10v16] such as the sheep-like ones of Matt [25v32] that will have the prospect of everlasting life in view on earth, starting with Jesus millennial reign over earth.

There will be No future life anywhere for those destroyed by the words from Jesus mouth as described at: Isaiah 11v4; Rev. 19vs11,14,15; Psalm 92v7.


Well-Known Member
Hell is a myth, because Pauls only mention of it in his writings was to declare Christ triumph over it, 1Corinth. 15:55.

Hell is a myth, because it is not mentioned even once in the book of Acts in any evangelistic sermon recorded by the early Apostles.

Hell is a myth, because some of the greatest bible scholars and teachers say it is not in the original Hebrew Text. Amoung them; William Barclay, John A.T. Robinson, Lightfoot, Westcott, F.W. Farrar, and Marvin Vincent, just to name a few.

Hell is a myth, because its roots are in paganism, rather than the bible. The revelation of it was first given to pagan nations, why that instead of Gods people ? You think God would expect his covenant people to learn about hell from pagan nations?


Danny Heim

Active Member
I really am looking to understand God, but not this God that humans teach, but the real God of Love , Joy and Peace. Not this God of eternal hell punishing, but the God of Patience, forgiveness and Mercy. You know, the real God, not this insane lunatic that many are trying to pass God off as being. You know, this lunatic that will place humans in this eternal Pain amphlipier and punish them for billions upon trillions of untold time and on into infinity. I just can't imagine how out of control this hell fire belief has gotten. And how much these bloodthirsty christians who teach it have ruined Gods reputation.

The eternal punishing of anything, muchless a human, is a sick concept, yet many believers have swallowed it into their belief, hook, line and sinker. And THAT is evidence of just how much foolishness we will absorb.

Well, there ya go...

Danny Heim

Active Member
Afterlife/ resurrection?

Adam was guilty of an unforgivable sin meaning no forgiveness for Adam.
Adam at death returned, not to life [before or after], but returned to dust.

There would have been no future life for dead Jesus [Acts 2vs27,31,32] if God would not have resurrected Jesus back to the heavens.

Jesus came from heaven to earth [John 3v13] whereas Adam came from dust of earth. Disobedience caused Adam to loose earthly life forever. Obedience caused Jesus to gain heavenly life forever.

Obedience also gave Jesus the 'keys' to unlock death [Rev. 1v18] meaning those [except for those of Matt 12v32] would have the prospect of a resurrection to life in heaven or on earth. -Acts 24v15. Jesus would take a 'little flock' [Luke 12v32] to heaven, and 'other sheep' [John 10v16] such as the sheep-like ones of Matt [25v32] that will have the prospect of everlasting life in view on earth, starting with Jesus millennial reign over earth.

There will be No future life anywhere for those destroyed by the words from Jesus mouth as described at: Isaiah 11v4; Rev. 19vs11,14,15; Psalm 92v7.

And Alice had no time to drink her tea.

Danny Heim

Active Member
Didn't Jesus explain about the Wheat and the Weeds [tares] of Matt 13v30 in verse 38? In verse 38 Jesus explains Not that the Wheat and Weeds [tares] stand for just Good and Evil in general, but that the Field is the world, and the good [seed] are the children of the kingdom [kingdom of God] and the Weeds[tares] are the children of the wicked one.-[Satan]. So the Wheat are the genuine Christians and the Weeds[tares] are the false or so-called Christians 'in name only' but prove false or weed-like.- Matt chapter 7.
They are like the goat-like ones of Matt 25v32 who are separated at the harvest time or final judgment before this bad system ends.
Matt 24v14 before the end of all badness on earth comes by Jesus taking action.

Doesn't eternal just mean everlasting or forever?
Isn't there eternal or everlasting punishment for the goat-like ones of Matt 25v46? _____ Everlasting 'punishment' is equated with everlasting 'destruction' at 2nd Thess 1v9.

And Coyote always get himself in trouble.

Danny Heim

Active Member
Yes, judged on what we know. Many have lived and died without the opportunity to know of God or his Christ. When they are resurrected during Jesus righteous millennial-long judgment day they will then have the opportunity to be judged on works done 'after' their resurrection.
Those new books or scrolls could very well apply to them.

On the other hand, the 'weeds/ tares' and 'unsuitable fish' of Matt chap 13 and the 'goats' of Matt 25 will not need new books opened because they are judged while alive at the time of Jesus glory. [Matt 16v27; 25vs31,21]. Judged at the time Jesus comes in action as described at: Isaiah 11v4; Rev 19vs11,14,15.
Since they will not be around during Jesus peaceful 1000-year reign over earth, then they have already been judged by their reaction to the preaching of the good news of God's kingdom [Matt 24v14] and how they treat Jesus brothers.{Matt 25v40].

GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government spending + (exports − imports)




GDP + getting the formula just right - free enterprise
[(christianity X me)/us]/time servred

= 1


Well-Known Member
Hell is a myth, because it teachs that Jesus came to save people from it, instead of their sins. If hell is real did Jesus fail in his mission? He said in John 12:47;" I didnot come to judge the world, but to save it." Hell does not teach the world is saved, it teachs that most of us are doomed.

Hell is a myth , because lets say that IF YOU had the sufficent power, would you not deliver everybody from it? If God CAN deliver everyone from sin, but does not, what kind of infinite Love would that be?

If hell is real, and God can save all men, but willnot, is he then infinte in Goodness and Mercy?

If hell is real and God only Loves those who Love him, what better is he than the sinner?

If hell is real, would endless misery benefit the Almighty, as the inflictor? Would endless misery benefit the Saints, as spectators? Would it benefit the sinner, as the sufferer?

If hell is real, how does the threat of endlessly torturing us convince us that God Loves us and that we should Love him? If that was the case, there would be no unbelievers , the threat would have worked.
