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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
If hell is real, does that mean that motherly Love is more powerful and enduring than Gods Love? Do you know of normal parents who would endlessly torment most of their kids?

Why do we tend to believe and think that our heavenly Father, who is millions of times more Loving than all of us combined, could do such an evil, wicked thing as create this hell, this pain amphlifier, and magnify pain throughout his eternity? Why have so many believers accepted that God has lost his mind and would sacrifice his Son, allow him to be beaten to death, only so that humans would be beaten for all of eternity?



Well-Known Member
Hell is a myth because Mercy always triumphs over judgement, James 2:13.

Hell is a myth because where sin exist and grows, grace grows even moreso, Rom. 5:20.

Hell is a myth because " All flesh is destined to come to God, Ps. 65:2-4."

Hell is a myth, howelse would it be possible for the whole world to be reconciled to God?, 2Cor. 5:19, Rom. 11:15, 5:10.

Hell is a myth, why would Paul say the goal of Gods creative plan was to ultimately be " All in all, 1Cor. 15:28.



Well-Known Member
If hell is real and a place of terrible pain that will never end, would you send your dog there? Most Christians would say no, I would never send a dog there. They wouldn't send a dog there, but they would send humans. Thats sad man, just sadistic.

Would you send a dog to heaven? Well most Christians would say yes, and send it there without any kind of judgement. But when it comes to humans, the " Screening techniques" run off of the map.

Something is seriously wrong here.



Veteran Member
If hell is real and a place of terrible pain that will never end, would you send your dog there? Most Christians would say no, I would never send a dog there. They wouldn't send a dog there, but they would send humans. Thats sad man, just sadistic.
Would you send a dog to heaven? Well most Christians would say yes, and send it there without any kind of judgement. But when it comes to humans, the " Screening techniques" run off of the map.
Something is seriously wrong here.

Wow, mickiel what a good point you make, for who would roast a live dog forever [no matter how bad].

The Biblical 'hell' is real, but what is the Biblical hell? Acts [2vs27,31] says even Jesus, sinless dead Jesus, was in hell. What did Jesus believe hell was?
According to Jesus own recorded words of John chapter eleven hell would be the common sleeping place for dead unconscious mankind.
So Jesus believed the dead sleep the deep sleep of death until they are resurrected. In Jesus case, after three days God resurrected Jesus from the common grave of mankind [hell].

Jesus would have known about the real unconscious condition of the dead by such Scriptures as: Psalm 6v5; 13v3; 115v17; 146v4; Ecc. 9v5,10.

The concept of hell having fire and flame then comes from pre-Christian old pagan religious ideas and beliefs that were blended with first-century Christian teachings after the first century ended. Scare tactics [fire] was used by the clergy class on the flock. Since the flock was forbidden to own a Bible it was easier for them to make the flock think a literal fire was taught in Scripture when in reality fire is symbolic of destruction or annihilation such as for the destruction of the wicked ones of Psalm 92v7.


Well-Known Member
Well many would treat their pets far better than they would their neighbor, that is a fact of life. They wouldnot condemn their animals, but in the spirit of Christianity, they would condemn Atheist or sinners, and think nothing of it. And this perversion is taught in pulpits everyday, because pulpits often are the informative pits of this hell doctrine. And they dedicate it to a loving God. And do not consider this as true blasphemy, but a plan of God.

A wrench can turn a bolt, but a truth cannot turn a religious zealot away from foolishness.



Well-Known Member
If hell is real and a place of terrible pain that will never end, would you send your dog there? Most Christians would say no, I would never send a dog there. They wouldn't send a dog there, but they would send humans. Thats sad man, just sadistic.

Would you send a dog to heaven? Well most Christians would say yes, and send it there without any kind of judgement. But when it comes to humans, the " Screening techniques" run off of the map.

Something is seriously wrong here.


The differece is that a dog will not sin willfully, especially in a separation from God.


Well-Known Member
The differece is that a dog will not sin willfully, especially in a separation from God.

Even when humans sin willfully, to exclude the sacrifice of Christ from them is eqvilent to treating them like disposable dogs. Dogs don't know anything about the grace of God, sinners sin, thats their way, thats what they do. You seem to think God is not aware of this, also you seem to think God has left it up to people like you to announce this incredible gospel of doom which is contrary to his incredible gospel of grace.

Your gospel of doom is transparent, I see through it. Yours is not the word of God, simply the word of religion, and Jesus didnot die for religion, he died for sinners.

There is nothing you can do about that.



Well-Known Member
The differece is that a dog will not sin willfully, especially in a separation from God.

This is what I call " Taking up for the dog", and not taking up for the Salvation of humanitys sinners. To some believers, a dog is worth more than an unbeliever.



Well-Known Member
Hell is a sick myth, can you honestly rejoice in the victory of Christ, a victory of Love and the wisdom of God, knowing that somewhere in his beautiful creation there will always be a black and stinking hell hole, stocked full of tortured souls who have no chance for relief or forgiveness- or even death?

What a sick world we live in, here we have believers in God, going around preaching and supporting this horrible hole in sanity, using it even to try to " Frigthen people to come to Christ", using this awful stench as an evangelical tool. Using this stinking hell hole as an evangelical method of showing the Love of God.

Sick man, the concept of eternal hell suffering is sick.



Well-Known Member
At times I like to assume that hell is real, and then give my own glimspe of it.

If hell were real, then I think it reasonable that it would be a " Planet", not a lake. A planet of fire, like " Crematorium". Goodness, with all the people who are going to be there, it needs to be a planet. Perhaps the Sun will be used as hell, seems to fit the bill. I am sure God could cool it off just enough to fit the task. You know, just the right temperture to make people suffer, but not burn them up.

Yeah thats it, the Sun planet Creamatorium, hell personified.

The irony of it. Here we have been looking at the Sun all our lives, never knowing we will spend eternity on it. We have benefitted from the Sun so much, seems sad that we will end up being roasted on a daily basics by that which we benefitted from. I wonder if God will still let me write while I am in hell? I mean, I could send " Little fireball letters" accross the universe.

Perhaps hell is in the depths of the earth. Still ironic, all these " Good Saints" will be full of happiness, while deep beneath their feet, we will be learning the ways of Lava.

I wonder if we need to pack some bags for this trip to hell. Maybe I can go to the Army surplus and get something imflamable.

We all need to get ready for this and stockpiling food needs to be a priority.

No need to bring a grill for the barbeque;

I quess you know why.



Well-Known Member
If hell were real, then God wouldnot have used Christians to give out the warning labels, because their doing a terrible job of getting the word out.



Veteran Member
Hell is a sick myth, can you honestly rejoice in the victory of Christ, a victory of Love and the wisdom of God, knowing that somewhere in his beautiful creation there will always be a black and stinking hell hole, stocked full of tortured souls who have no chance for relief or forgiveness- or even death?
What a sick world we live in, here we have believers in God, going around preaching and supporting this horrible hole in sanity, using it even to try to " Frigthen people to come to Christ", using this awful stench as an evangelical tool. Using this stinking hell hole as an evangelical method of showing the Love of God.
Sick man, the concept of eternal hell suffering is sick.

Jesus would agree with you. Jesus knew hell was just the common grave of mankind where all buried there sleep the deep unconscious sleep of death.
-John 11vs11-14.

Remember Jesus forewarned 'many' would come in his name but prove false.
-Matt chap 7. So rather it is 'so-called believers' in God or 'so-called Christians' that are not listening to the words that came out of Jesus mouth [John 11vs11-14] but rather they are putting words in Jesus mouth to often further their own agenda and not Christ's.


Well-Known Member
If hell were real, then God wouldnot have used Christians to give out the warning labels, because their doing a terrible job of getting the word out.


To a normal person, we make our bed to sleep in, Christians are preparing to make our bed in hell.



Rogue Theologian
2,300+ postings!....did I miss it?...a realistic possibility?

From another thread I quote myself...

"When you choose to share your presence with someone else....
it is a judgment call.
When you choose to cut them off, and forbid that they follow...
it is a judgment call.
God and His angels pick and choose."

Why not define the 'absence' of God...that Deity you love the most....
as a 'living hell'?

Most people think of God as eternal.
Could He have what it takes, to go on without you?....forever?
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Well-Known Member
To a normal person, we make our bed to sleep in, Christians are preparing to make our bed in hell.


Christians holler " Amen" to hell sermons every sunday.

Amen means " I agree."

These people agree with this hellish doctrine of torture, and have the sheer nerve to claim they are god-like.



Well-Known Member
Hell is a myth because Jesus is the bread that came down from heaven, John 6:41. Hell teaches that this bread is not for everyone, and that many of us are going to starve for eternity-- while being kept alive!



Well-Known Member
Hell is a myth because God needs to populate this universe with the humans he has created. To place the majority of them in this insane hell would be foolish of him and counter productive, two things that are not God.



Rogue Theologian
Hell is a myth because Jesus is the bread that came down from heaven, John 6:41. Hell teaches that this bread is not for everyone, and that many of us are going to starve for eternity-- while being kept alive!


Hell is a myth....yet many will starve for eternity.

Are you not contradicting yourself?


Rogue Theologian
Hell is a myth because God needs to populate this universe with the humans he has created. To place the majority of them in this insane hell would be foolish of him and counter productive, two things that are not God.


So are you wanting to NOT believe in hell?
Are you willing to call God foolish...hoping He won't send you there?