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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
That much is evident, it is also evident that a constructive conversation betwixt you and I is not possible for to speask to someone without any concern for what they think of you is little more than mumbeling - Adieu'

Peace on your journey, I simply hold no intrest in Christians. The mindset of Christianity is offensive to me, and how they portray God is even more offensive, and how they kill the future of unrepentant unbelievers, is twice as offensive to me.

I simply have no fellowship with Christianity, nor am I destined to be.



Well-Known Member
Peace on your journey, I simply hold no intrest in Christians. The mindset of Christianity is offensive to me, and how they portray God is even more offensive, and how they kill the future of unrepentant unbelievers, is twice as offensive to me.

I simply have no fellowship with Christianity, nor am I destined to be.


I equally have no fellowship with religion, it is offensive to me, not just a " Few of them", ALL of them are. I don't like any of them.

And don't need any of them, I walk alone.



Veteran Member
There are no Laws in the Kingdom of God, God created Laws only for mans benefit and control while he is in the flesh, he also gave his ten copmmandments, only because he knew that man couldnot keep them. A topic I perhaps need to get into later.
There are no Laws in the Kingdom of God. Gal 5:23" Gentleness, Self Control, against such things there ' Is no Law." There are no laws needed in Gods Kingdom, and Jesus Life was the End of all of Gods laws. But Christians like to enforce strict adherence to the Law, because they know the Law will condemn humanity, which is WHY God gave them. They are impossible to keep, but not in a self righteous religious Pharisaical mind.
And I want to go into why Christians use the Law to condemn humanity.

The 'law' or 'new command' Jesus gave for Christians is to love as he loved.
see John 13vs34,35.

In the kingdom of God there are two jobs mentioned at Rev 5vs9,10.
Those ruling in the heavenly kingdom will serve as both kings and priests.
Kings will take care of governmental duties for the subjects.
Priests will take care of spiritual requirements or needs of the subjects.
Then, at the end of Jesus peaceful 1000-year rule over earth, as 1st Cor 15v24 says Jesus delivers up the kingdom to his Father.

So once God's heavenly kingdom does away with the earthly kingdoms of Daniel 2v44, then God's kingdom will be the only kingdom, or royal government, ruling over earth with Jesus being the crowned king of God's Messianic kingdom over earth. -Isa 9v7; Dan 7vs13,14.


Well-Known Member
The 'law' or 'new command' Jesus gave for Christians is to love as he loved.
see John 13vs34,35.

In the kingdom of God there are two jobs mentioned at Rev 5vs9,10.
Those ruling in the heavenly kingdom will serve as both kings and priests.
Kings will take care of governmental duties for the subjects.
Priests will take care of spiritual requirements or needs of the subjects.
Then, at the end of Jesus peaceful 1000-year rule over earth, as 1st Cor 15v24 says Jesus delivers up the kingdom to his Father.

So once God's heavenly kingdom does away with the earthly kingdoms of Daniel 2v44, then God's kingdom will be the only kingdom, or royal government, ruling over earth with Jesus being the crowned king of God's Messianic kingdom over earth. -Isa 9v7; Dan 7vs13,14.
I agree with you friend. Any Kingdom or Government must be based on Rules and Regulations if it has to have any say at all.
Jesus was born to be King and he was raised in the Law. We know that he abolished (fulfilled) some of those OT laws and substituted others with new ones - but not all. The Commandments were carried over into the NT as can be seen from MANY scriptures. These are the ones that will be implemented in his millennial Kgd. We do not read of any other spiritual/eternal laws but the Commandments. :bow:


Veteran Member
Revelation 20v12 does talk of books opened and another book of life and judgment out of those things written in the books....... So new books or scrolls will be opened during Jesus millennial rule over earth. Rev 21v5 informs Jesus will make 'all' things new. That could include new books with instructions . -see Isaiah 42v9 also.

Nevertheless, the principles of the Mosaic law [Golden Rule] will always be valued.


Well-Known Member
I equally have no fellowship with religion, it is offensive to me, not just a " Few of them", ALL of them are. I don't like any of them.

And don't need any of them, I walk alone.


This worlds beliefs have gone insane, and I believe in limiting myself to the insanity.



Well-Known Member
Revelation 20v12 does talk of books opened and another book of life and judgment out of those things written in the books....... So new books or scrolls will be opened during Jesus millennial rule over earth. Rev 21v5 informs Jesus will make 'all' things new. That could include new books with instructions . -see Isaiah 42v9 also.

Nevertheless, the principles of the Mosaic law [Golden Rule] will always be valued.
As I understand the books mentioned in Rev.20v12 are the books of the Bible (consisting of many books) out of which people were judged. They can not be new books or we would not know what they asked of us in which case judgement could/would not be fair. We can only be judged on something we have knowledge of, something we have known and either have done or not done - according to our works.
When we read the Word of God (the Bible) it can be clearly seen that people do not do many of the things God asks of us AND THESE WILL BE THE THINGS THAT ARE NEW TO MAN and be taught by Christ in the millennium Rev.21v5. They will not be something new we never heard of - they will be the things we have never done (like keeping the sabbath and the commandments for example) .
Feel free to think differently :)


Well-Known Member
This worlds beliefs have gone insane, and I believe in limiting myself to the insanity.


World religious interpitation of the bible is literally insane in their dogmatic doctrines. The sheer condemnation that they breathe is devoid of Atonement and full of a firey hell. Their preachers breathe and spit this fire out in their sermons everyday like lunatic dragons.

And these people dare and think they are like God, such a thought is proof of the insanity.

Think about this.



Well-Known Member
World religious interpitation of the bible is literally insane in their dogmatic doctrines. The sheer condemnation that they breathe is devoid of Atonement and full of a firey hell. Their preachers breathe and spit this fire out in their sermons everyday like lunatic dragons.

And these people dare and think they are like God, such a thought is proof of the insanity.

Think about this.


On one side we have insanity ridden doctrines from religion that perverts the truth, on the other we have the dead end dogma of Atheism, and this sadistic sandwhich is what all of humanity must eat.

Think about that diet. And what it is producing.



Well-Known Member
On one side we have insanity ridden doctrines from religion that perverts the truth, on the other we have the dead end dogma of Atheism, and this sadistic sandwhich is what all of humanity must eat.

Think about that diet. And what it is producing.


Its producing further blindness, caked in a sweetness that seduces the mind of humanity, into eating more.



Veteran Member
As I understand the books mentioned in Rev.20v12 are the books of the Bible (consisting of many books) out of which people were judged. They can not be new books or we would not know what they asked of us in which case judgement could/would not be fair. We can only be judged on something we have knowledge of, something we have known and either have done or not done - according to our works.
When we read the Word of God (the Bible) it can be clearly seen that people do not do many of the things God asks of us AND THESE WILL BE THE THINGS THAT ARE NEW TO MAN and be taught by Christ in the millennium Rev.21v5. They will not be something new we never heard of - they will be the things we have never done (like keeping the sabbath and the commandments for example) .
Feel free to think differently :)

Yes, judged on what we know. Many have lived and died without the opportunity to know of God or his Christ. When they are resurrected during Jesus righteous millennial-long judgment day they will then have the opportunity to be judged on works done 'after' their resurrection.
Those new books or scrolls could very well apply to them.

On the other hand, the 'weeds/ tares' and 'unsuitable fish' of Matt chap 13 and the 'goats' of Matt 25 will not need new books opened because they are judged while alive at the time of Jesus glory. [Matt 16v27; 25vs31,21]. Judged at the time Jesus comes in action as described at: Isaiah 11v4; Rev 19vs11,14,15.
Since they will not be around during Jesus peaceful 1000-year reign over earth, then they have already been judged by their reaction to the preaching of the good news of God's kingdom [Matt 24v14] and how they treat Jesus brothers.{Matt 25v40].


Well-Known Member
On one side we have insanity ridden doctrines from religion that perverts the truth, on the other we have the dead end dogma of Atheism, and this sadistic sandwhich is what all of humanity must eat.

Think about that diet. And what it is producing.


This diet, combined by both forces, is what created the false doctrine of Eternal Hell suffering.

And in the comming days, I am going to show you how to put this together in your observation of this incredible side show. Both Atheist and Theist have contributed to this delima.



Well-Known Member
Yes, judged on what we know. Many have lived and died without the opportunity to know of God or his Christ. When they are resurrected during Jesus righteous millennial-long judgment day they will then have the opportunity to be judged on works done 'after' their resurrection.
Those new books or scrolls could very well apply to them.
Perhaps I'm wrong but I see no resurrection mentioned during Christ's Millennium - only afterwards shall the dead live again Rev.20v5.
Seems to me Jesus will be dealing with the living during his millennial reign, correcting all nations.Rev.19.
All who have never had opportunity to know Christ will then be taught (if they will accept). :)


Well-Known Member
This diet, combined by both forces, is what created the false doctrine of Eternal Hell suffering.

And in the comming days, I am going to show you how to put this together in your observation of this incredible side show. Both Atheist and Theist have contributed to this delima.


In Genesis God plants, ( Or created) the " Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil", a most volitile mixture of two differing forces. ALL of the Good and Evil on Earth are thus " Intwined together", neither by itself is " Pure." Like a mixing of two Races, the product cannot be purely one or the other. All Good that we perceive on this planet to be Good, has in it an element of Evil, as does all Evil has in it an element of Good.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
In Genesis God plants, ( Or created) the " Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil", a most volitile mixture of two differing forces. ALL of the Good and Evil on Earth are thus " Intwined together", neither by itself is " Pure." Like a mixing of two Races, the product cannot be purely one or the other. All Good that we perceive on this planet to be Good, has in it an element of Evil, as does all Evil has in it an element of Good.

And I want to go into that.


Good and Evil are purposely Interweaved by God. Notice Jesus in Matt. 13:30, " Allow BOTH to grow Together until the Harvest." Good and Evil must now "Co-exist" with each other and us, and this has seriously affected the doctrines of Religious believers in God, which helped create the doctrine of eternal suffering.

Eternal is the Good, Suffering is the Evil, they both have grown together in Christianity and religion. And I need to get into that.



Well-Known Member
Eternal is the Good, Suffering is the Evil, they both have grown together in Christianity and religion. And I need to get into that.


Atheist are providing the nick, Christians are providing the knack, and both are playing the tune of the Darkness to near perfection, as they sing their song to humanity.

And they Dance the dance of the Darkness.



Well-Known Member
Why would God have Darkness in his womb? Why not Peace on earth, which is the womb of God?

And lets get into that.



Well-Known Member
Why would God have Darkness in his womb? Why not Peace on earth, which is the womb of God?

And lets get into that.


The Darkness exist in the womb, because it is at its most benefical there, far before we enter into real life.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
The Darkness exist in the womb, because it is at its most benefical there, far before we enter into real life.

And I want to go into that.


This Earth is Gods incubator for his birth of humanity. Being that God is the Greatest, all that he does is also Great, such as our " Creation- Birth."

And let me explain " Creation -Birth", because it sounds like contridiction. God created all things through his son Jesus, EXCEPT Humanity! We are not a " Creation persay", we are actually a " New Birth" from God himself. Or will be. Were actually both a Creation and will be a Birth. God first created our human bodies, but our Consciousness IS AN ACTUAL PART OF HIM! These bodies just carry us around, the human Consciousness is an actual birth from God.

And I want to go into that.
