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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you can escape hell...by surrendering your awareness?
But then....how would you say even the simplest of things?....'I am'.

I don't believe in hell, I thus need no escape from things which do not exist.



Well-Known Member
From sin and its results, from misery and pain and crying and from death.

Are you talking about the present, because if you are Christians still suffer the consequences of sinful choices, which leads to misery and pain. So Christians presently are not freed from these things. If you are talking about the eternal consequences of sin that would mean hell I assume. But according to you that cannot be because according to you humans have never been in danger of hell. So which is it?

All these things that having a hell surely would be. And in Rev. 21:4 God wipes away all tears from humans and it says there will no longer be any death, no more crying and mourning and no more pain, that all these things will past away.
Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

So what and who is this verse referring to? And what is a second death since people only die once?

Thats the elimination of any hell belief in my view, and a wonderful prophecy showing God is caring and loving. Two other things which cancel out hell.

Yes, in your view. The only problem is your view is a bit twisted.


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about the present, because if you are Christians still suffer the consequences of sinful choices, which leads to misery and pain. So Christians presently are not freed from these things. If you are talking about the eternal consequences of sin that would mean hell I assume. But according to you that cannot be because according to you humans have never been in danger of hell. So which is it?quote

There are no eternal consequences for sin, all sin will be eliminated, you just think God feels the same way about " Sinners", that he does about "Sin." Gods wrath is his reaction to sin, NOT to sinners.

So what and who is this verse referring to? And what is a second death since people only die once?Quote

The second death, is the death of the first death. The second death, is the elimination of death itself.

Yes, in your view. The only problem is your view is a bit twisted.

Well I admit to being a bit twisted, and a bit mental. Thats WHY I need God.



Well-Known Member
And isn't hell 'empty' when hell dies a symbolic second death?

Rev 20:13 and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

Why are people judged according to their works? What is the purpose?

Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

It appears that hell will be emptied so that all of the offenders can have their day in court.

Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

It appears that hell will be restocked after the judgment. What is a second death, since people only die one?


Well-Known Member
According to you no one needs God. Everyone is goin to heaven, Even God haters. So why do you need God?

God haters need him more than believers do. They need salvation more than believers do, they need his Love more.

This is why it is my Hope and belief that God is NOT like many of his believers are. God is cool, its some of his followers who give the world creeps, it is they who are really bloodthirsty for sinners to be baked in hell. Few believers realize how dead some of their doctrines are, until they come out of those mental graveyards.

If the Kingdom of God is like some of the Christians on earth, its already contaminated with coldhearted unforgiveness of God haters.



Well-Known Member
God haters need him more than believers do. They need salvation more than believers do, they need his Love more.

This is why it is my Hope and belief that God is NOT like many of his believers are. God is cool, its some of his followers who give the world creeps, it is they who are really bloodthirsty for sinners to be baked in hell. Few believers realize how dead some of their doctrines are, until they come out of those mental graveyards.

If the Kingdom of God is like some of the Christians on earth, its already contaminated with coldhearted unforgiveness of God haters.


You like to remain in your ignorance of the truth. That is why you refuse to answer any of the questions I have presented you with. You have many things to say, but....

Ezekiel 12:2 Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house.


Well-Known Member
You like to remain in your ignorance of the truth. That is why you refuse to answer any of the questions I have presented you with. You have many things to say, but....

Ezekiel 12:2 Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house.

I think to claim I have not answered " Any" of your questions, is being extreme, I have answered at least most of them. I am requesting that you be more exact in your accusations, if you must make them. I understand the temptation to go into " Accusational debate', its just something in us that seeks to come out, I fight with such ways myself.

And I am not a part of a rebellious house", I am not a member of any church or organization of believers, so far, I walk alone, and I am rebellious on my own, I need no house or group for that.



Well-Known Member
I think to claim I have not answered " Any" of your questions, is being extreme, I have answered at least most of them. I am requesting that you be more exact in your accusations, if you must make them. I understand the temptation to go into " Accusational debate', its just something in us that seeks to come out, I fight with such ways myself.

For starters posts 2424, 2428. It would be the ones with question marks on them. You don't want to debate. You want to take scripture and twist it to your satisfaction. You seem to avoid the tough questions.


Well-Known Member
For starters posts 2424, 2428. It would be the ones with question marks on them. You don't want to debate. You want to take scripture and twist it to your satisfaction. You seem to avoid the tough questions.

I answered 2424, and I didnot 2428 which is not a tough question- Why do I need God? I need God for everything, nothing excluded. I need him for Life, and my sanity. For my Salvation, and one day for the fruits of his Spirit.

You accussed me of answering " None" of your questions, I only missed " One." That is extreme, and I wonder how much more of this extreme I will get from you?

Why do you get extreme in debate? Why? Why do you falsely accuse, why?

I mean its not nessercary.



Well-Known Member
Lets try this again.

Originally Posted by mickiel
From sin and its results, from misery and pain and crying and from death.
Are you talking about the present, because if you are Christians still suffer the consequences of sinful choices, which leads to misery and pain. So Christians presently are not freed from these things. If you are talking about the eternal consequences of sin that would mean hell I assume. But according to you that cannot be because according to you humans have never been in danger of hell. So which is it?

All these things that having a hell surely would be. And in Rev. 21:4 God wipes away all tears from humans and it says there will no longer be any death, no more crying and mourning and no more pain, that all these things will past away.
Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
So what and who is this verse referring to? And what is a second death since people only die once?


Well-Known Member
Lets try this again.


No, you answer my single question, why do you falsely accuse in debate? Why do you accuse to the extreme? I answered all your questions but one, then answered that one, why have you claimed I answered none?



Well-Known Member
For starters posts 2424, 2428. It would be the ones with question marks on them. You don't want to debate. You want to take scripture and twist it to your satisfaction. You seem to avoid the tough questions.

I have answered all of your questions, and you have not answered mine. Why accuse me of answering " None" of your questions? Its obvious that was not true and overexaggerated. So you use exaggeration and false claims in debate, and I am asking why, and its really you avoiding the question.

See, debate just brings out how we really are.



Veteran Member
And what is a second death since people only die once?

Didn't Jesus friend Lazarus and the others resurrected by Jesus and the apostles die a second time? Although they died more than once that is not the second death of Revelation.

The second death is applied to those of Matthew 12v32; Hebrews 6vs4-6;10v26. And those of Acts 24v15 that after they are resurrected during Jesus 1000-year reign over earth and will turn out to be part of those unnumbered resurrected ones of Rev 20 vs7,8; 21v8 who choose to rebel against God and his Christ and will no longer be worthy of life anywhere.


Rogue Theologian
Didn't Jesus friend Lazarus and the others resurrected by Jesus and the apostles die a second time? Although they died more than once that is not the second death of Revelation.

The second death is applied to those of Matthew 12v32; Hebrews 6vs4-6;10v26. And those of Acts 24v15 that after they are resurrected during Jesus 1000-year reign over earth and will turn out to be part of those unnumbered resurrected ones of Rev 20 vs7,8; 21v8 who choose to rebel against God and his Christ and will no longer be worthy of life anywhere.

The second death is that of spirit.

The resurrection is in spirit, and the second death destroys the spirit.


Well-Known Member
Lets try this again.

No, you answer my single question, why do you falsely accuse in debate? Why do you accuse to the extreme? I answered all your questions but one, then answered that one, why have you claimed I answered none?


If you want to debate you need to post my questions and then answer them. You are cherry picking. And no you haven't answered all of my questions.