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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Rogue Theologian
The god character of the Bible seems pretty evil to me.

In scripture there is report that God did change His mind....
and did repent the evil He would do.

By definition, evil is the doing of harm.

We usually think of it as the nature of a living being....comparing the extremes of benign as to malevolent.

Can God be benign?...of course.
Is He capable of great harm?...of course.

But constant denial of His authority might prove a problem.
Do you expect to stand well before the Almighty...while saying...'nay'?


Well-Known Member
In scripture there is report that God did change His mind....
and did repent the evil He would do.

By definition, evil is the doing of harm.

We usually think of it as the nature of a living being....comparing the extremes of benign as to malevolent.

Can God be benign?...of course.
Is He capable of great harm?...of course.

But constant denial of His authority might prove a problem.
Do you expect to stand well before the Almighty...while saying...'nay'?

I believe the God character in the Bible to be fictional, he seems like a human construct to me. On the off chance he is a real entity, I would give the so and so a piece of my mind before being chucked into hell! :yes::D


Rogue Theologian
I believe the God character in the Bible to be fictional, he seems like a human construct to me. On the off chance he is a real entity, I would give the so and so a piece of my mind before being chucked into hell! :yes::D

How can I say anything else?....'so be it.'


Active Member
"But constant denial of His authority might prove a problem.
Do you expect to stand well before the Almighty...while saying...'nay'?"

No, I don't expect to "stand" at all. I'll be dead.


Well-Known Member
So be it.

You so easily condemn others, and now I see you just as easily allow people to condemn themselves. Your religion is all about condemnation in one form or another. Do you really think God is like that? You think God is going to allow Wotan to condemn himself? Or anyone.

Your view of God is very limited, you allow too much condemnation in your heart.



Rogue Theologian
You so easily condemn others, and now I see you just as easily allow people to condemn themselves. Your religion is all about condemnation in one form or another. Do you really think God is like that? You think God is going to allow Wotan to condemn himself? Or anyone.

Your view of God is very limited, you allow too much condemnation in your heart.


And you still don't believe the parable of the wedding feast?


Well-Known Member
And you still don't believe the parable of the wedding feast?

Oh sure I do, but I do not read it with your mind, your condemnation concepts, your limited view of Salvation, I read it just like it is, a parable showing the Salvation of both good and evil humans.

Matt. 22 10, " Go and invite everyone, as many as there are, and they went and got everyone, both good and evil and the hall was filled. In vs. 11-13, ONE person is found unacceptable and thrown out!

One being. No onelse is dismissed, which is a great story of Salvation.



Mickiel, here I am again, with another question, but, I would first like to express my good thoughts, towards you and your opinion of the scriptures, Jesus and Abba. Love towards all is in your heart belief, to believe the way your heart believes, has strong base, and you could have turned athiest about these subjects and I applaud you.

question; most of the world obstains from doing, cruel acts, or things that they know is in disobedience to God and what God suggests not be done that way, but lets focus more on cruel acts, people sometimes think cruelties to do, but dont act on it. Lets say, that you would be appointed by God, to spread, that every cruelty is forgiven and goes unpunished, as you are explaining, that their is no fear of being condemned, that all is accepted at the end by God, because God will make it all right. Here is a way it would sound, It sounds like chaos, the spiritual war would no longer need resistence suggestions from demons would no longer be needed, many of us would do the job for them. I am sure you have thought of this, and I would love to hear your reasoning.

But if the way I put the question seems to give another understanding I will correct it, if needed, patience is asked before-hand.



Well-Known Member
Mickiel, here I am again, with another question, but, I would first like to express my good thoughts, towards you and your opinion of the scriptures, Jesus and Abba. Love towards all is in your heart belief, to believe the way your heart believes, has strong base, and you could have turned athiest about these subjects and I applaud you.

question; most of the world obstains from doing, cruel acts, or things that they know is in disobedience to God and what God suggests not be done that way, but lets focus more on cruel acts, people sometimes think cruelties to do, but dont act on it. Lets say, that you would be appointed by God, to spread, that every cruelty is forgiven and goes unpunished, as you are explaining, that their is no fear of being condemned, that all is accepted at the end by God, because God will make it all right. Here is a way it would sound, It sounds like chaos, the spiritual war would no longer need resistence suggestions from demons would no longer be needed, many of us would do the job for them. I am sure you have thought of this, and I would love to hear your reasoning.

But if the way I put the question seems to give another understanding I will correct it, if needed, patience is asked before-hand.


The answer is people do not listen to this message. I am not the only one who believes as I do. This message of Universal Salvation has been taught for over 2,000 years, but simply unbelieved and ignored. People will never believe it until they hear it from God himself.

Blessings to you also,



Rogue Theologian
Oh sure I do, but I do not read it with your mind, your condemnation concepts, your limited view of Salvation, I read it just like it is, a parable showing the Salvation of both good and evil humans.

Matt. 22 10, " Go and invite everyone, as many as there are, and they went and got everyone, both good and evil and the hall was filled. In vs. 11-13, ONE person is found unacceptable and thrown out!

One being. No onelse is dismissed, which is a great story of Salvation.


Keep going....
Picture yourself as the guy who was sitting next to the fellow thrown out.
You saw what happened.
Outside the door, bound hand and foot... that fellow didn't go anywhere.
You get to hear the weeping....and the gnashing of teeth.
So does everyone else at the table.

What have you gotten yourself into?


Rogue Theologian
The answer is people do not listen to this message. I am not the only one who believes as I do. This message of Universal Salvation has been taught for over 2,000 years, but simply unbelieved and ignored. People will never believe it until they hear it from God himself.

Blessings to you also,


A very special person.
Hope that works for you.


Well-Known Member
A very special person.
Hope that works for you.

Well thank you Thief.

I Hope it works as well. The word of God states that we can " Hope All Things", and I am hoping for the Salvation of all of humanity, and see enough evidence of it in the bible, or I wouldNOT be foolish enough to believe it.

And strangely enough, because I Hope for the Salvation of all, some of your bretheren would call that blasphemy. The thought of all of us being with God, is now considered blasphemus.

Its really sad.



Veteran Member
Well thank you Thief.
I Hope it works as well. The word of God states that we can " Hope All Things", and I am hoping for the Salvation of all of humanity, and see enough evidence of it in the bible, or I wouldNOT be foolish enough to believe it.
And strangely enough, because I Hope for the Salvation of all, some of your bretheren would call that blasphemy. The thought of all of us being with God, is now considered blasphemus.
Its really sad.

Doesn't Matthew 20v28 say.....Jesus gave his life as a ransom for: MANY not all?

How can 'all' be saved if they commit the unforgivable sin such as mentioned at Matthew 12v32; Hebrews 6vs4-6; 10v26?


Mickiel, It maybe something tought for 2000 years, but it is not a thinking I have heard in the way you are anwsering, among Bible readers, and I am talking about different branches of people who love Jesus, and read the bible. I have had clients that are theologists Christian, Jewish, and Catholic. I am not talking about the forgiving part, but that you see in the translation that, absolutely nobody will be destroyed, and I respect your arguement and see your authenticity, but my question was, about what I wrote and you didnt really answer it.

their is a thinking that without the fear of disobeying God, this world would definitely have no reighns, their would be no stopping most things that are cruel, (do you definitely not agree?) the Demons would be almost out of a Job, by the way, does your thinking or study include the demons? you must know what they asked Jesus, when the legion of demons seen Jesus, (you know the ones that had a man pocessed) they sure dont think they will be saved.
Did you not agree with the question? it is just as believed and tought as what you are saying.

an example of life, if their is no fear of punishment in children-adolecent with their parents, they would be out of control, do you agree? maybe not everysingle one but most. (and I am not saying it, as the children being destroyed)

on another note, may you find yourself blessed, during this crisis
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There simply is no hell. For everything on earth there is a reciprocal in heaven. As of yet, I never seen anyone being burned by some type of spiritual fire for their entire lives. The law of recompense is what punishes us. In other words, we punish ourselves because of the way we treat others.