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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Searching Low & High
In that case I most graciously permit you to go to hell if you wish. Since you are now under no obligation to be saved, you can rationally address whether you really want to go there.

The standard ole religious hype. ;) I don't believe humans have to take steps to supplicate God to avoid burning in Hell. First of all I don't believe in Hell as described in religious books. Secondly I don't believe a God if he is as great as they say, would be so petty to demand in belief of his son, as the key to heaven. Why would that matter?

And Jesus died on the cross to get all of mankind forgiven for their sins? Who asked for that sacrifice? And how long did the human race stay sin-free? What a waste! :)
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Well-Known Member
You are quite right that hell-fire was not prepared for man per se - but never-the-less the unrepentant sinner will have his end in it though he himself will become ashes (burn up) Mal.4v3 and not be tormented eternally.

Well I don't know for sure, I have read Malachi and it certainly suggest that evil doers will be complettely burnt up. The earth itself will be set ablaze, but God will restore it to a greater state, why should he not do this to humans also?



Veteran Member
Well I don't know for sure, I have read Malachi and it certainly suggest that evil doers will be complettely burnt up. The earth itself will be set ablaze, but God will restore it to a greater state, why should he not do this to humans also?

Symbolically burnt up. End result of Malachi 4v1 is: stubble.
Stubble is not a forever burning.

It is not the literal earth that will be ablaze but the bad works in it are discovered and as 2nd Peter 3v7B says destruction or perdition of those ungodly men.
Just as Psalm 92v7 says destruction or annihilation of the wicked.
Who are the ones that remain at Proverbs 2vs21,22; 10v30?

Yes, God will restore humans to a greater state because during Jesus 1000-year reign over earth even death will be no more. Rev 21vs4,5.
With no death means no sickness [Isaiah 33v24].
No sickness means no more sinning by mistake.
No sinning by mistake means human perfection of sound heart and mind as Adam originally had, and with the same prospect of having everlasting life in view on a beautiful paradisaic earth all starting with the time of Jesus glory of Matthew 25vs31,32.


The standard ole religious hype. ;) I don't believe humans have to take steps to supplicate God to avoid burning in Hell. First of all I don't believe in Hell as described in religious books. Secondly I don't believe a God if he is as great as they say, would be so petty to demand in belief of his son, as the key to heaven. Why would that matter?

And Jesus died on the cross to get all of mankind forgiven for their sins? Who asked for that sacrifice? And how long did the human race stay sin-free? What a waste! :)

And what if you found out that jesus (pbuh) did not die on the cross for anyone's sins, and that was a carefully concocted lie to divert the whole christianity from its focus?

Its pretty logical to think that all men all responsible for their sins and its quite logical too that Jesus was not the son of God, but just a Messenger of God, like all the other Prophets.


Well-Known Member
Well I don't know for sure, I have read Malachi and it certainly suggest that evil doers will be complettely burnt up. The earth itself will be set ablaze, but God will restore it to a greater state, why should he not do this to humans also?

You mean God should completely restore unrepentant sinners ???


Yes, that would be bad. What focus was diverted?

The focus of seeking the truth ,and nothing but the truth, practicing it and feeling it to be true rather than feeling for the loop holes in it...(which were allegedly put there by human intervention ( by probably infidel jews ), [ I so wish i could go on without saying that but...truth has a way of sneeking its head up no matter how you try to supress it...:trampo:]

Any truthful religion preaches acquiring knowledge of this world and the divine religions so that man could really enlighten himself with the real purpose of knowledge. Truth is not so easily ignored for too long, no matter how tempting the lie is :)


Searching Low & High
The focus of seeking the truth ,and nothing but the truth, practicing it and feeling it to be true rather than feeling for the loop holes in it...(which were allegedly put there by human intervention ( by probably infidel jews ), [ I so wish i could go on without saying that but...truth has a way of sneeking its head up no matter how you try to supress it...:trampo:]

Any truthful religion preaches acquiring knowledge of this world and the divine religions so that man could really enlighten himself with the real purpose of knowledge. Truth is not so easily ignored for too long, no matter how tempting the lie is :)

I agree with you. The foundation of mainstream religions appears to be relying on ancient scripts written by the most primitive of men, with little knowledge of science. And the basis of it's truth is??? Well, we have these old scripts here... We can never ever question the basis of the religion especially Islam. They might come after you. (My apologies to live-and-let-live Muslims.) ;)


Well-Known Member
You mean God should completely restore unrepentant sinners ???

Well yes, why not? He has the Heart of Love to accomplish it, he has the desire, and he has the Power to do it.

And, all things are possible with him, why would it be such a horrible thing for him to restore all unrepentant sinners?

I mean you may not do it, because you hold neither the heart or the Power, nor the desire.

But God does. And I consider that a real Hope for sinners like myself.



the concept of hellfire NEVER came from the Bible's standpoint.....the truth is,,,,it is a human and satanic doctrine. you were right to say that man destroys the reputation of God by this teachings but let's check what the bible's teaching regarding life after death,,,,and this hellfire....
1. what was God's verdict upon adam and eve?
the FINAL punishment was stated at Genesis 3:19.... In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.” NOt hellfire, simply speaking....
The Bible is also harmonious,,,,,,Romans 6:7 and 23 supports this as it states "For he who has died has been acquitted from [his] sin.For the wages sin pays is death.
no such hellfire.....
send me your question and let's try to answer it with the bible...thank you....


Well-Known Member
Well yes, why not? He has the Heart of Love to accomplish it, he has the desire, and he has the Power to do it.
And, all things are possible with him, why would it be such a horrible thing for him to restore all unrepentant sinners?
I mean you may not do it, because you hold neither the heart or the Power, nor the desire.
But God does. And I consider that a real Hope for sinners like myself.
Hang on a mo' friend, there is hope for sinners - sure. But we are discussing UNREPENTANT sinners. I would say there is a big difference and God eventually has to let them go! Not because he lacks love and compassion or power but that he won't force anyone against their will to accept him. As I can see you are not one of those - your issue seems to be with human religions not with God. :confused:


Searching Low & High
Hang on a mo' friend, there is hope for sinners - sure. But we are discussing UNREPENTANT sinners. I would say there is a big difference and God eventually has to let them go! Not because he lacks love and compassion or power but that he won't force anyone against their will to accept him. As I can see you are not one of those - your issue seems to be with human religions not with God. :confused:

Accept that he/she/it exists or accept his/her/it's standards? Has God every spelled out his/her/it's rules? Yeah Moses came down from the mountain, but who said he did not have a chisel in his back pocket? :)


Rogue Theologian
Accept that he/she/it exists or accept his/her/it's standards? Has God every spelled out his/her/it's rules? Yeah Moses came down from the mountain, but who said he did not have a chisel in his back pocket? :)

And if he did?.......


Well-Known Member
Hang on a mo' friend, there is hope for sinners - sure. But we are discussing UNREPENTANT sinners. I would say there is a big difference and God eventually has to let them go! Not because he lacks love and compassion or power but that he won't force anyone against their will to accept him. As I can see you are not one of those - your issue seems to be with human religions not with God. :confused:

I disagree, God will force humans to do his will. He forced Paul, He forced Moses, he forced Jonah, and he will force many humans in the end time, the book of Revelations shows that incredible force. You have just bought into the lie that God will not force humans against their will.



Well-Known Member
I disagree, God will force humans to do his will. He forced Paul, He forced Moses, he forced Jonah, and he will force many humans in the end time, the book of Revelations shows that incredible force. You have just bought into the lie that God will not force humans against their will.

I believe we have argued this point before but I'll say it again :
there is a difference between persuasion and literal force. Perhaps you don't see it or accept it and that remains YOUR problem. Ultimately man has a choice or why would scripture admonish us to use it ? Deut.30v19. If God used brutal force anyway this would be a blatant lie.


Well-Known Member
Accept that he/she/it exists or accept his/her/it's standards? Has God every spelled out his/her/it's rules? Yeah Moses came down from the mountain, but who said he did not have a chisel in his back pocket? :)
God DID spell out his rules and regulations EX.20v1 says : And GOD spoke all these words saying......
Any doubts or unbelief you have are entirely YOUR OWN - so do not blame God or Moses. :(


Searching Low & High
God DID spell out his rules and regulations EX.20v1 says : And GOD spoke all these words saying......
Any doubts or unbelief you have are entirely YOUR OWN - so do not blame God or Moses. :(

And you were there to witness the exchange of info? Ok,so you were not there. I would ask, what leads you believe this document (The Bible) is the truth? I all ready know the answer, faith. Faith based on what? This is how you were raised? God whispered in your ear? Just a feeling? I'm ok with that from a "this is my faith standard", because I have some level of vague faith. But for arguing specifics, I don't think using scripture as proof proves anything to someone who is questioning the source. It is just quoting from what can perceived as propaganda. No offense intended.


Well-Known Member
I believe we have argued this point before but I'll say it again :
there is a difference between persuasion and literal force. Perhaps you don't see it or accept it and that remains YOUR problem. Ultimately man has a choice or why would scripture admonish us to use it ? Deut.30v19. If God used brutal force anyway this would be a blatant lie.

In Rev. 9:14 God releases a group of " Killer Angels" who kill a third of humanity, seven trumpets are blown and humanity is blown away by the most powerful force I have ever read about, this will force humanity to its knees, and every knee will then bow to God, Isiah 45:23.

This is Gods force, and its scripture, its not a lie.
