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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
My children do not think this way about me.
Its you who think this, you go too far to bring my children into this.
But such is your mentality.
Friend it is YOU who brought your children into this discussion - not me , see # 3054, then blaming ME for a faulfy mentality :help:.
It is YOU who would force them into YOUR way if you were God. Tell me do YOU walk in the Belief of YOUR father if he were God for example ?


Well-Known Member
The odds are 3/1 Beta regards me in that light.
Best regards. :)
Friend , it is not my decision whether or not a person (soul) is lost please read Joh.3v16 where JESUS states that fact. And being a follower of Jesus I can do no other but agree with him :yes:


Well-Known Member
Friend it is YOU who brought your children into this discussion - not me , see # 3054, then blaming ME for a faulfy mentality :help:.
It is YOU who would force them into YOUR way if you were God. Tell me do YOU walk in the Belief of YOUR father if he were God for example ?

The example I gave was how God holds the power to change his children. And he will use it in my view, no matter what they choose. Phil. 3:21, shows clearly that Jesus has the power to " Subject all things to himself." You just believe that Jesus would rather let humans subject themselves. Most humans are not doing that, so I believe Jesus will use his Power to subject them to himself, which is what God meant in Isaiah 45:23 when he said every knee will bow to him and every human will submit to him.

Its academic, but its just not Christian. Christians want God to place unbelievers in their hell.

But this aint about Christianity, its all about Gods desire to save all of his children.



Active Member
The example I gave was how God holds the power to change his children. And he will use it in my view, no matter what they choose. Phil. 3:21, shows clearly that Jesus has the power to " Subject all things to himself." You just believe that Jesus would rather let humans subject themselves. Most humans are not doing that, so I believe Jesus will use his Power to subject them to himself, which is what God meant in Isaiah 45:23 when he said every knee will bow to him and every human will submit to him.

Its academic, but its just not Christian. Christians want God to place unbelievers in their hell.

But this aint about Christianity, its all about Gods desire to save all of his children.


Now there is an amusing image. An omnipotence, incapable of desire in the first place. "Desiring" to turn away the very gun it placed upon to the heads of humanity.


Well-Known Member
Now there is an amusing image. An omnipotence, incapable of desire in the first place. "Desiring" to turn away the very gun it placed upon to the heads of humanity.

God is Love, Love is desire, simply nothingless. To state that God is incapable of desire, is just a human talking about God, who does not understand God.

And we have plenty of them talking.



Well-Known Member
Word soup. Or bad attempt at Zen koan perhaps.

You are a human who talks about God, yet does not know God, or understand him.

Thats all you have to offer on God, but you believe its worth something.

You think your nothing is worth something.

Its worth nothing to me.



Veteran Member
God is Love, Love is desire, simply nothingless. To state that God is incapable of desire, is just a human talking about God, who does not understand God

Doesn't Psalms 68v16; 132v13,14 show God's desire?

In the Scriptural definition of love defined at 1st Cor 13 vs4-8
No where is God-like love defined as desire.
That Godly love is in sharp contrast to the selfish distorted form of love displayed by people with bad attitudes and behaviors at 2nd Tim 3vs1-5,13.

Please also notice the contrast between the works of the flesh
and the fruit of God's spirit listed at Galatians 5vs19-23.

Desire can be either good or bad.
God desires none to perish but to repent. 2 Peter 3v9.
Starting with the time of the sheep-like people of Matthew 25v32,
as Psalm 145v16 says, God will satisfy the desire of every living thing.
-Rev 21vs4,5.


Searching Low & High
Friend , it is not my decision whether or not a person (soul) is lost please read Joh.3v16 where JESUS states that fact. And being a follower of Jesus I can do no other but agree with him :yes:

I won the bet!!! How ironic if you were the one of the many who got it wrong? Only death will tell. ;)


Well-Known Member
The example I gave was how God holds the power to change his children. And he will use it in my view, no matter what they choose. Phil. 3:21, shows clearly that Jesus has the power to " Subject all things to himself." You just believe that Jesus would rather let humans subject themselves. Most humans are not doing that, so I believe Jesus will use his Power to subject them to himself, which is what God meant in Isaiah 45:23 when he said every knee will bow to him and every human will submit to him.
Its academic, but its just not Christian. Christians want God to place unbelievers in their hell.
But this aint about Christianity, its all about Gods desire to save all of his children.
Nobody is denying God's/Jesus' Power to do what they want to do.
But God also says he has called heaven and earth as a witness to give us a choice of life or death Deut.30v19.
Also it is his desire that we all come to repentance 2Pet.3v9.
Why these scriptures if he is going to overrule them with force ???
Is hell mentioned by God ? You bet it is so how can that then be a human concept ???
I am giving up and so should you


godless wonder
Only thing god desires it that you obey. Actually it was all the Kings, emperors, dictators, etc. that want you to obey. They made god up to enforce it gets done.:yes:


Well-Known Member
Nobody is denying God's/Jesus' Power to do what they want to do.
But God also says he has called heaven and earth as a witness to give us a choice of life or death Deut.30v19.

Choice-- there can be no choice with God, its his way or no way! Choice is an illusion that humans believe in, with God there is only one way, his way, there is no other way possible, hes going to get his way. He is the beginning and the end, where is a choice when dealing with a being like that? He is the Author and Finisher of all things, there is no choice in that which I can see. He is all consuming, its either his way, or its just no way around him.

The ONLY way to deal with God is to serve him.



Rogue Theologian
Choice-- there can be no choice with God, its his way or no way! Choice is an illusion that humans believe in, with God there is only one way, his way, there is no other way possible, hes going to get his way. He is the beginning and the end, where is a choice when dealing with a being like that? He is the Author and Finisher of all things, there is no choice in that which I can see. He is all consuming, its either his way, or its just no way around him.

The ONLY way to deal with God is to serve him.


Okay...but what if you fail?....what if you aren't able?
What if you just won't?


Veteran Member
Okay...but what if you fail?....what if you aren't able?
What if you just won't?

Many in Scripture have failed such as Paul and Jonah, so failure does not have to be permanent. All are able. Please see 1st Cor 10v13 because it mentions that God will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.

If one willfully will not give up the deliberate practice of sin,
whose fault would that be?

1st Samuel 16v7 B says God does Not go by outward appearance,
but God looks at one's heart or inner person and knows limitations.

Proverbs 11v2 it is presumptuous pride bringing dishonor,
but wisdom is with the modest or humble ones.

Micah wrote [6v8] what we should do to have value in God's eyes or his viewpoint: we should exercise justice, love kindness, and be modest in walking with God then God cares for us.
- 1st Peter 5vs6,7; James 4v8.


Well-Known Member
Okay...but what if you fail?....what if you aren't able?
What if you just won't?
You have just presented two sides to the human dilemma :
what if we aren't ABLE ?
what if we WON'T ?

there is a difference of attitude there which God takes into consideration and it is our attitude that will decide our end.
Mick seems to think that nothing matters for God will do what he wants anyway.
I have pointed to scriptures of human choice and repentance that God offers us so we need not perish Deut.30v19; Joh.3v16; 2Pet.3v9; These clearly show that man has a say in his own salvation Phil.2v12. Mick insists that we do not which is what he must repent of to be saved (but it's his choice).:yes:


Rogue Theologian
Then it falls to God to make you able. To change your will and ability.


Change my ability?...to do what?

When I surrender this parcel of flesh, my abilities will change.....
and it will be His choice what that will be.

True enough.

But to assume that all are worthy of the transformation is too much.
Many are called few are chosen.


Well-Known Member
Change my ability?...to do what?

When I surrender this parcel of flesh, my abilities will change.....
and it will be His choice what that will be.

True enough.

But to assume that all are worthy of the transformation is too much.
Many are called few are chosen.

Theif, nobody is worthy, but everybody needs his grace and forgiveness; everybody. Why should God cancel out those who need him most? Unbelievers need mercy more than believers, why you think God is not parcel to that, I just don't know.

We need Gods power to forgive and change us.

Your belief wants him to be parcel to believers, but the bible claims God shows no partiality.

Explain that, and why it cannot save those you condemn?



Rogue Theologian
Theif, nobody is worthy, but everybody needs his grace and forgiveness; everybody. Why should God cancel out those who need him most? Unbelievers need mercy more than believers, why you think God is not parcel to that, I just don't know.

We need Gods power to forgive and change us.

Your belief wants him to be parcel to believers, but the bible claims God shows no partiality.

Explain that, and why it cannot save those you condemn?


I'm not condemning anyone...yet.

Judgment will be handed to those who are able to judge.
Perhaps this is one of those abilities that will change when I die.

Can you imagine a sword in my hand?