Why do we need mercy, grace, or forgiveness. According to you there are no eternal consequences for sin. If there is no hell, we don't need God for anything. Were good without Him. According to you that is.
What was perfect Adam's consequence for sin?
What will be Satan's consequence for sin?
Can you think of anyone that was Not in need of mercy, grace or forgiveness that ended up in hell ?__________
According to Acts 2vs27,31 Jesus ended up in hell.
Not some pagan burning forever hell, but the Biblical hell being mankind's common grave until God resurrected Jesus from hell. [haides/sheol]
Isn't 'death' the consequence for sin?____ Rom 6v23
No where does it say Adam is burning forever.
Adam was from dust and ended up dust.
Isn't Satan a sinner? As a sinner Satan must pay the price for sin. Rom 6v23.
The 'death' Adam and Satan experience is 'second death' or death with no future life anywhere. According to Rev 20vs13,14 even hell [gravedom] will come to an end. When all in hell are 'delivered up' then emptied-out hell will also experience a symbolic 'second death' of no further existence.
Jesus, according to Hebrews 2v14 B, destroys Satan.
Both Adam and Satan end up in the destruction of second death.
They are punished with everlasting destruction.- 2Thess 1v9.
We, on the other hand, [Rom 6v7] being imperfect have the prospect of being 'delivered up' out of hell [gravedom -John 11vs11-14] and have the prospect of everlasting life in view.