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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
However, if one does not believe (because you cannot choose what you believe) they cannot be sick. You cannot help what you believe in or do not believe in. I do not think anyone wakes up and decides to choose going to hell.

If ye seek ye shall find. People can choose to seek after righteousness or choose to live by their own labor. People can choose to accept GOD's gift, or choose to reject it.


Active Member
If ye seek ye shall find. People can choose to seek after righteousness or choose to live by their own labor. People can choose to accept GOD's gift, or choose to reject it.

That is funny because whenever I seek I only find things that contradict the Bible and it's teachings.


Well-Known Member
People go to hell because that is what everyone deserves. It is only by the gift of GOD's salvation that any are saved at all. GOD sends no one to hell. Hell is the fruit of one's labor.

Here again is a good example of the Seduction of the Christian mind. Their distorted view of God and Salvation. People go to hell because thats what they deserve. Do you see the insanity in this kind of thinking? I don't care what anyone does, or how long they do it, its not deverving of being punished and tortured for every second of all eternity to come, with no end to it. That is insanity. I don't care if a human sins every second of the day for a 500 year period of life, is that worth him suffering for 999 trillion, 888 billion, 777 thousand, 666 hundred years and then on into infinity?

Don't you believe this about God, he will do no scuh thing.

Christianity is just an example of the seduction of the religious mind.

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Sporadic Driveby Member
People can choose to accept GOD's gift, or choose to reject it.
Not recognizing the credibility of a choice is very different from active rejection of one of the options within the choice - especially to someone who knows our motives. If you didn’t believe the offer ever was legitimate in the first place, how can you be said to have willfully rejected one of the options within that offer? Yes, both situations involve rejection, but not rejection of the same object. Are the two treated identically? Should they be?


Veteran Member
It is clear Jesus made a proclamation to these spirits which 8 souls were saved.
Now the proclamation and full text is absolutely clear the person who is the proclaimer.
This is Jesus. Jesus was only called jesus when he was birthed from mary. Prior to this he was not Christ . Its the relation to time in which your doctrinme fails not in explanation. I ask again when did Christ do this

Didn't Jesus Christ became the 'Christ' at this baptism, not birth?
Greek Khristos is equal to the Hebrew Mashiach or Messiah; Anointed One.

At birth, Joseph was instructed to call his name: Jesus. Not the Christ or Christ Jesus. The angels knew Jesus was to be Savior and Christ the Lord that is why they could say Savior and Christ the Lord. 'Christ' (Anointed One) puts emphasis on his office or position held. Jesus did not have that office or position at birth. Wasn't Jesus 'anointed' as the Christ at his Baptism not birth?

Prior to Jesus being sent to earth by God he was not the Christ. Prior to his baptism he was not the Christ. Christ is not a last name but a title or position.

After Jesus was resurrected from hell (Acts 2:27,31) and before he appeared before the presence of God in heaven (Hebrews 9:24) did the resurrected Christ Jesus appear to the spirits.


Veteran Member
Here again is a good example of the Seduction of the Christian mind. Their distorted view of God and Salvation. People go to hell because thats what they deserve. Do you see the insanity in this kind of thinking? I don't care what anyone does, or how long they do it, its not deverving of being punished and tortured for every second of all eternity to come, with no end to it. That is insanity. I don't care if a human sins every second of the day for a 500 year period of life, is that worth him suffering for 999 trillion, 888 billion, 777 thousand, 666 hundred years and then on into infinity?

Don't you believe this about God, he will do no such thing.

Christianity is just an example of the seduction of the religious mind.

Not Christianity, but so-called Christianity (Christendom) that developed after the end of the 1st century. By the 3rd century such so-called Christianity led to the development of the clergy class, and by the 4th century Constantine gave recognition to corrupted Christianity by adopting pagan beliefs giving them a Christian veneer or labels attached to them. The clergy class still teach many unscriptural traditions that developed after 1st century Christianity. (Acts 20:29; Mark 7:7; Matthew 15:9)

All go to the common grave of mankind when they die. All that sin die. If we could stop sinning we would not die. The common grave is where Jesus also went after he died and before he was resurrected because Acts (2:27,31) says Jesus was buried in hell. Translators often translated the word Gehenna as hell or hell fire. Gehenna was a garbage dump where things were destroyed, not kept burning forever. Fire in Bible times was symbolic of destruction or being destroyed.

So God does no such thing as as roast the dead. The dead know nothing.
(compare: Ecc 9:5,10; Psalm 6:5; 13:3; 115:17; 146:4; John 11:11)

Since death is the price 'paid in full' for sin, and death frees or acquits from sin as Romans 6:7 says, then the sleeping dead need a resurrection to life.
Acts 24:15 shows the just and unjust will be resurrected to life. It is only those wicked that have no hope of a resurrection as Matthew 12:32; Hebrews 6:4-6 shows. Such wicked ones experience the second death of no future hope of life either in heaven or to be part of the humble meek to inherit the earth.


New Member
There is a hell, however humans were never meant to go there, it was for Lucifer. However people who are not "saved" (i'm tired and not defining what my definition of saved is, to be very very short and sweet, belive jesus died for your sins and that he is the son of god and that god created everything) go there because there can be no sin in heaven, the "unsaved"'s sins have not been forgiven by the blood of jesus, so they cannot enter, and it is too late once they have died. if you'd like to talk to me about this over e-mail sometime feel free to send me a private message and i'll give it to you, if you don't wanna be a christian then by all means i'm not asking or forcing u too, but i mean if you're interested i'd be glad to share what i know, (i wouldn't call myself an expert on any level but i did have a ((slightly annoying)) christian education for the greater part of my scholastic experiences, i hated it then but it turns out it was well worth it lol, anyways, yep lol XD


Well-Known Member
There is a hell, however humans were never meant to go there, it was for Lucifer. However people who are not "saved" (i'm tired and not defining what my definition of saved is, to be very very short and sweet, belive jesus died for your sins and that he is the son of god and that god created everything) go there because there can be no sin in heaven, the "unsaved"'s sins have not been forgiven by the blood of jesus, so they cannot enter, and it is too late once they have died. if you'd like to talk to me about this over e-mail sometime feel free to send me a private message and i'll give it to you, if you don't wanna be a christian then by all means i'm not asking or forcing u too, but i mean if you're interested i'd be glad to share what i know, (i wouldn't call myself an expert on any level but i did have a ((slightly annoying)) christian education for the greater part of my scholastic experiences, i hated it then but it turns out it was well worth it lol, anyways, yep lol XD

There are no qualifications for receiving Gods Salvation, that is a Christian illusion. Christ died for humanity, not for Christians. Being Christian means absolutely nothing to God.

Being human does. He is interested in humanity, not the label of Christian.



Well-Known Member
Not Christianity, but so-called Christianity (Christendom) that developed after the end of the 1st century..

It matters not to me how one defines Christianity, I believe it to be meaningless to God. It may mean something to believers, but it has nothing to do with Salvation.

No human term does. God has not sactioned the term Christian, only believers have accepted that.



Not Christianity, but so-called Christianity (Christendom) that developed after the end of the 1st century. By the 3rd century such so-called Christianity led to the development of the clergy class, and by the 4th century Constantine gave recognition to corrupted Christianity by adopting pagan beliefs giving them a Christian veneer or labels attached to them. The clergy class still teach many unscriptural traditions that developed after 1st century Christianity. (Acts 20:29; Mark 7:7; Matthew 15:9)

All go to the common grave of mankind when they die. All that sin die. If we could stop sinning we would not die. The common grave is where Jesus also went after he died and before he was resurrected because Acts (2:27,31) says Jesus was buried in hell. Translators often translated the word Gehenna as hell or hell fire. Gehenna was a garbage dump where things were destroyed, not kept burning forever. Fire in Bible times was symbolic of destruction or being destroyed.

So God does no such thing as as roast the dead. The dead know nothing.
(compare: Ecc 9:5,10; Psalm 6:5; 13:3; 115:17; 146:4; John 11:11)

Since death is the price 'paid in full' for sin, and death frees or acquits from sin as Romans 6:7 says, then the sleeping dead need a resurrection to life.
Acts 24:15 shows the just and unjust will be resurrected to life. It is only those wicked that have no hope of a resurrection as Matthew 12:32; Hebrews 6:4-6 shows. Such wicked ones experience the second death of no future hope of life either in heaven or to be part of the humble meek to inherit the earth.

But this doctrine is pathetic. Why on earth allow his creation to be destroyed at all.
lifes are at stake here not a game of the behave me club. If only a few are saved
trillions of trillions of life's will be non existent. What a useless God. What a pathetic price Christ saved .It would be more sensible for God to destroy adam and eve. After all it was thier fault to begin with. As i wrote their was never a lack of material to create 2 more perfect people. This is the failure of both the annihilation and hellfire doctrine. It is the unilateral unequivocal waste. Sheer stupidity. My God has a rehabilitation plan. Christ came to save all not a few.


Well-Known Member
But this doctrine is pathetic. Why on earth allow his creation to be destroyed at all.
lifes are at stake here not a game of the behave me club. If only a few are saved
trillions of trillions of life's will be non existent. What a useless God. What a pathetic price Christ saved .It would be more sensible for God to destroy adam and eve. After all it was thier fault to begin with. As i wrote their was never a lack of material to create 2 more perfect people. This is the failure of both the annihilation and hellfire doctrine. It is the unilateral unequivocal waste. Sheer stupidity. My God has a rehabilitation plan. Christ came to save all not a few.

Oh, so very well stated. I am fed by this. You know things are really bad these days, I can't count the times I remember being fed by something someonelse has written on a website, it just rarely happens. Its good to know I am not alone, because I have walked alone for so very long.

There was never a lack of material to create two more perfect people, ahhh, I like that! Oh I am fed by that.

I'm going to use that one for sure. Since Adam and Eve were seduced, (because I prefer not to use the term " Fail", because it connotates that God must be included in their failure because he designed them), God could have killed them and created two more humans and improved on his design. Oh man that opens up a lot of thought.

I thank God for every now and then allowing me to know that I am not alone, in the sense of the word.



Greetings everyone, I am Ogmios, and I will tell you all about the true reality of the abode of the hell fire, indeed this establishment has been created for each class of sinner and Demon! It has seven gates each gate is ascribed to the level of sin which has blackened your souls. Indeed Ninteen stern Angels will guard the gates of hell, and you will all be fettered and chained in iron yokes, and not a whipser will be heard of you except the sound of your footsteps.
This will indeed be a hard day for the ones who rebuked the true signs of God, it is they who will lead themselves into perdition, an unrelenting event will befall upon them, when they will be made to drink fetid water and eat from the tree of sin, indeed this is the evident truth, but only few men of understanding truly can grasp onto the gravity of the situation.
Will you all wait to discover the truth, when the angels of death will hover above you and ask you to deliver them your soul? indeed the ones who have performed wicked deeds in the life of the world, they will be seized with a terrible seizure till their hearts will choke up to their throats, with certainty the angels of death will take the souls out of the wicked with great violence!


Well-Known Member
Greetings everyone, I am Ogmios, and I will tell you all about the true reality of the abode of the hell fire, indeed this establishment has been created for each class of sinner and Demon! It has seven gates each gate is ascribed to the level of sin which has blackened your souls. Indeed Ninteen stern Angels will guard the gates of hell, and you will all be fettered and chained in iron yokes, and not a whipser will be heard of you except the sound of your footsteps.
This will indeed be a hard day for the ones who rebuked the true signs of God, it is they who will lead themselves into perdition, an unrelenting event will befall upon them, when they will be made to drink fetid water and eat from the tree of sin, indeed this is the evident truth, but only few men of understanding truly can grasp onto the gravity of the situation.
Will you all wait to discover the truth, when the angels of death will hover above you and ask you to deliver them your soul? indeed the ones who have performed wicked deeds in the life of the world, they will be seized with a terrible seizure till their hearts will choke up to their throats, with certainty the angels of death will take the souls out of the wicked with great violence!

Another live example of how much the human mind is in the Darkness. Notice how far, how deeply imbeded the concept of hell has been placed within humanity. It is in the consciousness of humanity and cannot be removed.



Well-Known Member
Here again is a good example of the Seduction of the Christian mind. Their distorted view of God and Salvation. People go to hell because thats what they deserve. Do you see the insanity in this kind of thinking? I don't care what anyone does, or how long they do it, its not deverving of being punished and tortured for every second of all eternity to come, with no end to it. That is insanity. I don't care if a human sins every second of the day for a 500 year period of life, is that worth him suffering for 999 trillion, 888 billion, 777 thousand, 666 hundred years and then on into infinity?

Don't you believe this about God, he will do no such thing.

Christianity is just an example of the seduction of the religious mind.

What about Hitler? There may not be time as we know it now ---- there may just be a forever now...

How do you know GOD has no such plans? What is your proof? What is the foundation of your belief? What if you are wrong?


Well-Known Member
Not recognizing the credibility of a choice is very different from active rejection of one of the options within the choice - especially to someone who knows our motives. If you didn’t believe the offer ever was legitimate in the first place, how can you be said to have willfully rejected one of the options within that offer? Yes, both situations involve rejection, but not rejection of the same object. Are the two treated identically? Should they be?

Why would one reject an option as legitimate? If one follows another religion and doesn't keep it perfectly, isn't that a law unto itself. If one believes that heaven is achieved by going to a temple once a week, would an excuse for missing going even once not count against such an individual?

Standards are standards and GOD is perfect. HE either covers for mistakes or the mistakes must be assumed by the individual committing such. If people believe that they can pay for their own mistakes, when in fact they cannot, who will pay?


Well-Known Member
What about Hitler? There may not be time as we know it now ---- there may just be a forever now...

How do you know GOD has no such plans? What is your proof? What is the foundation of your belief? What if you are wrong?

Just as I wouldnot try to change Hitlers views, I willnot try to change yours, both are just as radical. A mind that believes in hell, is suggesting that God is like Hitler and even worse, instead of exterminating billions of humans, he would instead punish them alive forever in an eternal pain amplifier. No little nipper, I have nothing to prove to your mind. If I had the opportunity to speak with Hitler, I would treat it no different than this time I speak with you, I already know a mind thats fried and well done in its ways of thinking.



Well-Known Member
Just as I wouldnot try to change Hitlers views, I willnot try to change yours, both are just as radical. A mind that believes in hell, is suggesting that God is like Hitler and even worse, instead of exterminating billions of humans, he would instead punish them alive forever in an eternal pain amplifier. No little nipper, I have nothing to prove to your mind. If I had the opportunity to speak with Hitler, I would treat it no different than this time I speak with you, I already know a mind thats fried and well done in its ways of thinking.


My belief is that GOD is bound to the eternal existance for ALL humanity. If GOD destroyed one eternal soul, HE'd be obligatied to destroy ALL souls everywhere. GOD is perfect and total justice. HE even provided an escape for humanity. People who refuse to except what GOD did have only themselves to blame. HE cannot compromise. Perfection is bond in its perfection. So if GOD allows anyone to exist forever, HE must allow every soul to exist forever. If GOD paid the debit for ALL who will repent (being sorry for their sins and receive GOD) GOD cannot now make an exception (eradicating select souls) for those who will not trust in HIM, without harming those that do and can now claim GOD as their FATHER.

The strong possibility is that when one dies, if that one never trusted GOD, that soul has no means to follow the Shepherd through the valley of the shadow of death to the SHEPHERD's fold. They become forever lost in death... So the fact is that those that go to hell take themselves there, and GOD can offer no additional means of escape. HE already gave HIMSELF ----- there is nothing greater to be done. The lost created their own hell and they lose themselves in it forever. That lost soul cannot follow the GOOD SHEPHERD because he never became one of CHRIST's sheep. He must exist eternally apart from GOD because he excluded himself in his sin. He is just as dead in his sin, as the saved are alive in the LORD CHRIST JESUS and sinless in HIM.
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Sporadic Driveby Member
Why would one reject an option as legitimate?
Well, for starters, one might not believe the entity making the demand exists. For example, the Aztec deity Tlaloc is said to have wanted the sacrifice of children and captives. If I don't sacrifice my child, am I defying Tlaloc? Not from my perspective, because I don't think there ever was a "real" Tlaloc making such a request. It's not as if I believe in Tlaloc and am just being obstinate. The object of my rejection is completely different, as is the motivation.


Well-Known Member
My belief is that

I really don't care what you believe about God, just to be honest with you. Your horror stories are meaningless to me, just as is your interpitation of what Gods plans are. There are millions of believers out there who are sold on the junk food about God that you ate, have consumed garbage about God and are spreading it.

I hold no desire to speak to any of them, including you.
