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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
Well, for starters, one might not believe the entity making the demand exists. For example, the Aztec deity Tlaloc is said to have wanted the sacrifice of children and captives. If I don't sacrifice my child, am I defying Tlaloc? Not from my perspective, because I don't think there ever was a "real" Tlaloc making such a request. It's not as if I believe in Tlaloc and am just being obstinate. The object of my rejection is completely different, as is the motivation.

Well, you must believe something to make such a judgment. GOD revealed HIMSELF through HIS creation. To simply ignore the obvious, is to ignore GOD and not seek after HIM.


Well-Known Member
I really don't care what you believe about God, just to be honest with you. Your horror stories are meaningless to me, just as is your interpitation of what Gods plans are. There are millions of believers out there who are sold on the junk food about God that you ate, have consumed garbage about God and are spreading it.

I hold no desire to speak to any of them, including you.


There is no peace without GOD. And any refusal to seek after HIM will seal one's destiny.


Well-Known Member
There is no peace without GOD. And any refusal to seek after HIM will seal one's destiny.

God has sealed Salvation for every human, your doomsday mind cannot change that. All humans are destined to be with God, thats why we were created. But people like you " Need" to see others who do not make it. You need to see the damnation of humans, you need for there to be human suffering in hell.

The real reason you need this, is because you " Desire it." You want humans to be tortured, you lust for the damnation to be true, and you want the suffering to last forever. And you want God to endorse it.

Thats why I do not like people like you.



You are all lost and deluded and far far away from the correct path, your arrogance amuses me and I find it also sweet, because you all do not know the truth, do not worry all of you in a while you will all come to know the true reality. To imagine in your mind which is merely a lump of flesh that you are a greater creation than the universe, then truly you are all deluded.

Do you all truly think that you will all not be alive after your death? do you remember your first creation? so just like the next one, the life of the world will seem like an hour in a day.


Well-Known Member
You are all lost and deluded and far far away from the correct path, your arrogance amuses me and I find it also sweet, because you all do not know the truth, .

I am curious, if I may ask, do you consider yourself lost along with us, or are you different?


Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
You are all lost and deluded and far far away from the correct path, your arrogance amuses me and I find it also sweet, because you all do not know the truth...
I love the irony in calling others arrogant while claiming to be the only one around who knows "the correct path."


Finally I am getting your attention, no There is no arrogance whatsoever in my tone, it is just that it seems that for some extraordinary reason, such educated refined individuals as yourselves are all missing out on the manifest truth, I am just wondering how dynamic and forceful you will all become when the veils will be lifted from your eyes.


Well-Known Member
God has sealed Salvation for every human, your doomsday mind cannot change that. All humans are destined to be with God, thats why we were created. But people like you " Need" to see others who do not make it. You need to see the damnation of humans, you need for there to be human suffering in hell.

The real reason you need this, is because you " Desire it." You want humans to be tortured, you lust for the damnation to be true, and you want the suffering to last forever. And you want God to endorse it.

Thats why I do not like people like you.


Well, I still love you. I long for heaven and I want everyone to go there when it's time. That is why I witness to you.
You have your beliefs, but you fail to offer any support except that is how you feel. People are not saved by their feelings. This is really very good, especially when one doesn't feel saved. That one can still have joy in the LORD.


Well-Known Member
Finally I am getting your attention, no There is no arrogance whatsoever in my tone, it is just that it seems that for some extraordinary reason, such educated refined individuals as yourselves are all missing out on the manifest truth, I am just wondering how dynamic and forceful you will all become when the veils will be lifted from your eyes.

If people do not take the time to study the Bible for themselves, they will most likely miss the truth afforded them and be at the mercy of what others tell them...


Well-Known Member
If people do not take the time to study the Bible for themselves, they will most likely miss the truth afforded them and be at the mercy of what others tell them...

And when people do take the time to study it they find a cruel, vengful, unethical god. Then they make it to the new testament, and if they truly had studies torah or the old testament they'd know jesus in no way shape or form qualified as a messiah, and was in fact more aptly an anti-christ.


Well-Known Member
Well, I still love you. I long for heaven and I want everyone to go there when it's time. That is why I witness to you.
You have your beliefs, but you fail to offer any support except that is how you feel. People are not saved by their feelings. This is really very good, especially when one doesn't feel saved. That one can still have joy in the LORD.

People don't go to heaven because you witness to them, you don't have that kind of power. The salvation of people has absolutely nothing to do with what you say to them. Truth has nothing to do with anything you witness to others, and has nothing to do with anything I say to you. God is truth, and I have no need to offer you any support of that. There is nothing I can do with a person who has been gripped by the religious darkness, thats why I do not witness to people.



Veteran Member
How would you answer the questions of Acts (8:30,31)?

How can I understand unless someone guides me?____________

How would you answer the questions of Romans (10:14, 15)?

How shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?____________
How will they believe in him of whom they have not heard?______________
How will they hear without someone to preach?_______________
How will they preach unless being sent?______________

Didn't Ezekiel (3:18-21) show both righteous and unrighteous need to be warned before God acts?

How else could the good news be declared to all nations before the end of all badness on earth comes- Matthew 24:14?


Why do you say what you do not do, and say that these are the words of God, when it has been written by human hands. In order to get the true words of God, one has to dig deeper to find the truth,it is all out there, but still mankind is wandering to and fro.


My belief is that GOD is bound to the eternal existance for ALL humanity. If GOD destroyed one eternal soul, HE'd be obligatied to destroy ALL souls everywhere. GOD is perfect and total justice. HE even provided an escape for humanity. People who refuse to except what GOD did have only themselves to blame. HE cannot compromise. Perfection is bond in its perfection. So if GOD allows anyone to exist forever, HE must allow every soul to exist forever. If GOD paid the debit for ALL who will repent (being sorry for their sins and receive GOD) GOD cannot now make an exception (eradicating select souls) for those who will not trust in HIM, without harming those that do and can now claim GOD as their FATHER.

The strong possibility is that when one dies, if that one never trusted GOD, that soul has no means to follow the Shepherd through the valley of the shadow of death to the SHEPHERD's fold. They become forever lost in death... So the fact is that those that go to hell take themselves there, and GOD can offer no additional means of escape. HE already gave HIMSELF ----- there is nothing greater to be done. The lost created their own hell and they lose themselves in it forever. That lost soul cannot follow the GOOD SHEPHERD because he never became one of CHRIST's sheep. He must exist eternally apart from GOD because he excluded himself in his sin. He is just as dead in his sin, as the saved are alive in the LORD CHRIST JESUS and sinless in HIM.

1 Corinthians 15:26

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
Sigh Death is only temporary the Bible teaches even Death will be destroyed . Why on earth destroy something and leave his creation suffering something he destroyed

Let me share you Gods wonderful design. God knew mankind could of sinned or not.
Thier were both possibilities of a future with sin and a future without. When Mankind did fall because of their fore-parents choices God in his wisdom and sincere love set a plan that all mankind will be eventually saved. Those that chose to be part of his household would inherit authority over creation. Those who never would be submissive to those in authority. Yet the centrepeace would be a perfect society who worshipped the creator. God will achieve his will on Earth and that is to save all.
At the end of the day it really is a ingeniuos way for position in the Kingdom to come.


Well, you firstly have to understand why God has created heaven and hell,and why we are informed aout these two establishment, the existence of hell is merely a warning to mankind, that if he trangresses beyond the set limits he will be thrown headlong into the pit of hell, if he beleives in God and carries out good deeds he will be embraced with salutations and thekingdomof heaven will be abode. Then there are those who have been good people in the world who have performed good deeds, what will becomeof them? well the answer is yet a very simple one,when the truth will be revealed tothem, they will immediately embrace the truth, and thus they too will be saved.
Hell has been created for basically bad people, if you are good then one should not worry to much about the reality and gravity of this evil destination.


Well-Known Member
People don't go to heaven because you witness to them, you don't have that kind of power. The salvation of people has absolutely nothing to do with what you say to them. Truth has nothing to do with anything you witness to others, and has nothing to do with anything I say to you. God is truth, and I have no need to offer you any support of that. There is nothing I can do with a person who has been gripped by the religious darkness, thats why I do not witness to people.

What you say is true in part. Witnessing saves no one, but that doesn't exonerate one from not saying what GOD would have someone say or do.

Romans 10:14-15
14 How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”


Well-Known Member
And when people do take the time to study it they find a cruel, vengful, unethical god. Then they make it to the new testament, and if they truly had studies torah or the old testament they'd know jesus in no way shape or form qualified as a messiah, and was in fact more aptly an anti-christ.

People find what they wish, but the fact is that GOD had many reasons to destroy Israel throughout the Bible and yet HE did not. Read Jonah! Does GOD show mercy even to outsiders? It would seem that GOD would show more mercy than Jonah. Isn't that so?

JESUS CHRIST is LORD or you would not show so much contempt. At least that is how I see it.


I would hate to disappoint you on that one. The reason is that all of you have not been able to grasp onto the true reality, if but ye only knew.


Well-Known Member
What you say is true in part. Witnessing saves no one, but that doesn't exonerate one from not saying what GOD would have someone say or do.

Romans 10:14-15
14 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent? !”

This is what intrest me. Who has God himself sent? Now thats the question. Who knows who God has sent? In my view, in this age, he has not sent anyone as of yet.

Because the jokers we have now, sent themselves, and the earth's people have suffered accordingly. Because according to what I read in the bible concerning these times, when God does send someone, or call out a people, they will be like none other on earth. Like a light on a hill that cannot be hidden, they are just going to stand out, and it will be obvious to all.

Such is my belief. And I see no people or person like this now.



Veteran Member
1 Corinthians 15:26

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
Sigh Death is only temporary the Bible teaches even Death will be destroyed . Why on earth destroy something and leave his creation suffering something he destroyed

Let me share you Gods wonderful design. God knew mankind could of sinned or not.
Thier were both possibilities of a future with sin and a future without. When Mankind did fall because of their fore-parents choices God in his wisdom and sincere love set a plan that all mankind will be eventually saved. Those that chose to be part of his household would inherit authority over creation. Those who never would be submissive to those in authority. Yet the centrepeace would be a perfect society who worshipped the creator. God will achieve his will on Earth and that is to save all.
At the end of the day it really is a ingeniuos way for position in the Kingdom to come.

Those that commit the 'unforgivable sin' of Matthew (12:32); Hebrews (6:4-6) are 'not forgiven'. Christ died for all but not all want to respond. That is why Matthew (20:28b) says Jesus gave his life as a ransom for 'many' not all.

Also those living when Jesus takes action that are judged by him as being goat-like (Matthew 25:23) go to everlasting punishment as verse 46 says.
2nd Thessalsonians (1:9) equates that punishment as destruction as does Psalm (92:7).

Those on the broad road of Matthew (7:13) are: destroyed.

At the end of Jesus thousand-year reign over earth whoever then, at that time, who is not in the book of life will experience the second death- Rev (20:14,15) There will be no resurrection for those destroyed in second death.