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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Veteran Member
This is what intrest me. Who has God himself sent? Now thats the question. Who knows who God has sent? In my view, in this age, he has not sent anyone as of yet.

Because the jokers we have now, sent themselves, and the earth's people have suffered accordingly. Because according to what I read in the bible concerning these times, when God does send someone, or call out a people, they will be like none other on earth. Like a light on a hill that cannot be hidden, they are just going to stand out, and it will be obvious to all.

Such is my belief. And I see no people or person like this now.


Jesus gave us a clue by the new commandment at John (13:34,35; 15:12,13) to look for the Christ-like love that he showed.

Matthew (24:14) connects being sent to the proclamation of God's kingdom as good news (gospel) . According to Daniel (2:44; 7:13,14; Isaiah 9:7) God's kingdom is an actual government that has Jesus as the crowned king of that royal government. Matthew (28:19,20) also connects being sent with teach or teaching others about God's kingdom being good news for the earth.


Those that commit the 'unforgivable sin' of Matthew (12:32); Hebrews (6:4-6) are 'not forgiven'. Christ died for all but not all want to respond. That is why Matthew (20:28b) says Jesus gave his life as a ransom for 'many' not all.

Also those living when Jesus takes action that are judged by him as being goat-like (Matthew 25:23) go to everlasting punishment as verse 46 says.
2nd Thessalsonians (1:9) equates that punishment as destruction as does Psalm (92:7).

Those on the broad road of Matthew (7:13) are: destroyed.

At the end of Jesus thousand-year reign over earth whoever then, at that time, who is not in the book of life will experience the second death- Rev (20:14,15) There will be no resurrection for those destroyed in second death.

Timothy 2:6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

Bible is clear as this scripture says CHRIST DIED FOR ALL. In aswer to the many
it does not mean some are missed out it means numeriuos amount will be saved
At the end of the Day everything will have a number . That mathematical number will
be many.For to interpret this anyway you are in danger of suggesting thier is a
mistake in the Bible as one scripture says many and another says all. Both scriptures
thierfore can be accomadated by simply saying the many is mathematical and it ecompasses

At the end of Jesus thousand-year reign over earth whoever then, at that time, who is not in the book of life will experience the second death- Rev (20:14,15) There will be no resurrection for those destroyed in second death

1 Corinthians 15:26
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

how can thier be a everlasting death after death is conquered and done away with.

We are unsure about exactly what Revelations mean so we can summarise. If Mankind is temporarily put in fire
that does not disregard the fact as I have always wrote that enventually Christ will save them.
Scripture teaches this clearly also this is Gods nature to rehabilitate and make new
all of his creation.

Those that commit the 'unforgivable sin' of Matthew (12:32); Hebrews (6:4-6) are 'not forgiven'. Christ died for all but not all want to respond. That is why Matthew (20:28b) says Jesus gave his life as a ransom for 'many' not all
Also the unforgivable sin is still a sin. Sin has to be paid for. It has a wage.
The unforgivable sin is still a sin . And its wages are death. All sin are been paid for
by Chirst Death.You have a big hangup on the unforgivable sin.Even tho we are really not sure what it is or whenChrist said ,it would not be forgiven,in the world or age to come. YOU DONT KNOW WHAT AGE CHRIST IS TALKING ABOUT. CHRIST NEVER SAID IT WOULD NOT EVER BE FORGIVEN > JUST GIVES A TIME PERIOD. This makes sence as in the world when all mankind will be transformed and reborn is a different world all together.God could never forgive the old sinful man yet after they are saved via Christ grace then all is a new creation.

This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth"
(1 Tim. 2:3-4).

It is Gods will all will be saved. As in the Lords prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven .
Scripture is clear that

it is pathetic and weak.
Your God is weak and Christ sacrifice was for nothing .
You have created a doctrine that Satan would be proud of.
Satan would love to have God be even more crueler than he is.
What is victory to the Devil to have won the destruction of most
of the human race. What a joke God would look when most
are annhilated or eternally tormented. The reality is the God of
both of these beliefs is far worse than the enemny himself
As he cannot rehabilitate or free the very creation he possess
to love. According to your doctrine the glory at judgement isnt Gods
Its Satans victory.

I suggest you repent . As thier is a possibility your beliefs may
put you with the goats rather than the sheep.
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On the Day of Judgment the inhabitants of Hell will see their destined abode face to face and will realize the error of their ways. But, of course, it will be too late. The Truth states: “No! When the earth is pounded to powder, and your Lord comes with His angels, rank upon rank, and Hell, that Day, is brought [face to face] – on that Day will man remember? But how will that remembrance profit him?”


On the Day of Judgment the inhabitants of Hell will see their destined abode face to face and will realize the error of their ways. But, of course, it will be too late. The Truth states: “No! When the earth is pounded to powder, and your Lord comes with His angels, rank upon rank, and Hell, that Day, is brought [face to face] – on that Day will man remember? But how will that remembrance profit him?”

And according to your doctrine God wins. Your doctrine would give glory to Satan who has won most of Gods creation. Who will glorify on thier torment. At least with the doctrine I believe in the judgement day is just part of Gods plan for final salvation for all mankind.


Blessed is He in Whose hand is the Sovereignty, and He is Able to do all things.
Who has created life and death that He may try you, which of you is best in conduct; and He is the Mighty, Forgiving,
Who has created seven heavens in harmony. You can see no fault in the Benevolent One's creation; then look again: Can you see any rifts?
Then look again and yet again, your sight will return to you weakened and made dim.
And surely We have beautified the world's sky with lamps, and We have made them missiles for the devils, and for them We have prepared the doom of flame.
And for those who deny their Lord there is the doom of hell, a hapless journey's end!
When they are flung therein they hear its roaring as it boils up,
As it would burst with rage. Whenever a host is flung therein the wardens thereof ask them: Came there to you no warner?
They say: Yea, surely, a warner came to us; but we denied and said: GOD has sent down nothing; you are in nothing but a great error.
And they say: Had we been inclined to listen or have sense, we had not been among the dwellers in the flames.
So they acknowledge their sins; but far removed are the dwellers in the flames.
Lo! those who fear their Lord in secret, theirs will be forgiveness and a great reward.
And keep your opinion secret or proclaim it, lo! He is Knower of all that is in the breasts. Should He not know what He created? And He is the Subtle, the Aware.


Blessed is He in Whose hand is the Sovereignty, and He is Able to do all things.
Who has created life and death that He may try you, which of you is best in conduct; and He is the Mighty, Forgiving,
Who has created seven heavens in harmony. You can see no fault in the Benevolent One's creation; then look again: Can you see any rifts?
Then look again and yet again, your sight will return to you weakened and made dim.
And surely We have beautified the world's sky with lamps, and We have made them missiles for the devils, and for them We have prepared the doom of flame.
And for those who deny their Lord there is the doom of hell, a hapless journey's end!
When they are flung therein they hear its roaring as it boils up,
As it would burst with rage. Whenever a host is flung therein the wardens thereof ask them: Came there to you no warner?
They say: Yea, surely, a warner came to us; but we denied and said: GOD has sent down nothing; you are in nothing but a great error.
And they say: Had we been inclined to listen or have sense, we had not been among the dwellers in the flames.
So they acknowledge their sins; but far removed are the dwellers in the flames.
Lo! those who fear their Lord in secret, theirs will be forgiveness and a great reward.
And keep your opinion secret or proclaim it, lo! He is Knower of all that is in the breasts. Should He not know what He created? And He is the Subtle, the Aware.
sigh it is you in error sir. Yes I can agree thier would be some punishment for some people and creatures but this is all temporary. A God who rules by sheer terror is not a God to be admired. It is a monster sir. A Cruel monster .To Fear or respect God is wise I agree. But to use God for the snjoyment of Terror is not only disgusting I question wether people like this will be sheep. Sounds like the doctrine of goats.


God Father is not just Love but also Justice,the eternal tortour of those against His Holy Spirit until death's sinner is very justicefy.


Lord of the two easts and Lord of the two wests:
Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
He has let free the two bodies of flowing water, meeting together:
Between them is a barrier which they do not transgress:
Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
Out of them come pearls and coral:
Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
And his are the ships sailing smoothly through the seas, lofty as mountains:
Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
All that is on earth will perish:
But the face of your Lord will remain, full of majesty, bounty and honour.
Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
Every creature in the heavens and on earth seeks him: every day in splendour does he shine!
Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
Soon shall we settle your affairs, O both you worlds!
Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?


Well-Known Member
God Father is not just Love but also Justice,the eternal tortour of those against His Holy Spirit until death's sinner is very justicefy.

Take it from one who knows, try to do better with your spelling and grammar, or these people here will crucify you.

The crucifixon has helped me come along with mine.



God Father is not just Love but also Justice,the eternal tortour of those against His Holy Spirit until death's sinner is very justicefy.

Do you call eternal torment, when he said to Adam and eve they die. Or scripture says they perish which really means eternal pain .is this justice. It is better just to destroy the imperfect creation to allow its children to torture. No justice or responsibilty. It is the eternal annihilation and torment doctrine that is unjust not God.

2 Cor. 5:19
18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;
19 To wit, that God was reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.

Scripture is clear God reconciles the WORLD to himself . This is not only the saved but the unsaved.

Timothy 2:6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
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Adam and Eve by the way where banished from Paradise, and then sent down to earth with Satan, and since that time Satan has been around, you see satan has been given respite till the day of judgement, and he has promised to God that he will attack them from the front, the back, from above and from below, and will make man change the course of nature. Satan abode is the eternal fire, and with certainty he too wishes all of mankind to burn theirein disgraced.


Adam and Eve by the way where banished from Paradise, and then sent down to earth with Satan, and since that time Satan has been around, you see satan has been given respite till the day of judgement, and he has promised to God that he will attack them from the front, the back, from above and from below, and will make man change the course of nature. Satan abode is the eternal fire, and with certainty he too wishes all of mankind to burn theirein disgraced.

You are still in error. Thier is no such thing as forever. The word forever comes from aoina which means a age. The translaters made a error in translating this. Did you know that eternal torment was a doctrine of pagans and not the church.

You cannot agree God would be a partaker of such cruelty. Are you so immune to the travesty of such a doctrine. Your beliefs are far worst than the holocaust. Eternal flame. I call you Hitler
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New member
You are still in error. Thier is no such thing as forever. The word forever comes from aoina which means a age. The translaters made a error in translating this. Did you know that eternal torment was a doctrine of pagans and not the church.

Well, that's good to know.


I am afraid most of the words in the Bible have all been fabricated, the truth is that once you will die you will be alive, and it is then there will be no second death, one will live forever in bliss or in torment, depending on their book of deeds which will be fastened around their necks.


I am afraid most of the words in the Bible have all been fabricated, the truth is that once you will die you will be alive, and it is then there will be no second death, one will live forever in bliss or in torment, depending on their book of deeds which will be fastened around their necks.

AAA you a pagan sigh since you have no idea what you talking about I will not correspond to you. you are ignored


Veteran Member
Adam and Eve by the way where banished from Paradise, and then sent down to earth with Satan, and since that time Satan has been around, you see satan has been given respite till the day of judgement, and he has promised to God that he will attack them from the front, the back, from above and from below, and will make man change the course of nature. Satan abode is the eternal fire, and with certainty he too wishes all of mankind to burn theirein disgraced.

Since Satan is 'destroyed' as Hebrews (2:14b) says, how can Satan be death proof? Doesn't Jesus deal Satan the death bruise in his head? Gen 3:15.
Isn't Satan a sinner? Isn't death the wages sin pays? Doesn't Satan the sinner have to pay that price or wage for sin?

In the Hebrew Scriptures isn't Paradise always associated with earth?

Adam was created on earth from the dust of the earth in the Garden of Eden aka Paradise garden of Eden.

When Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son it was because he believed his son would be resurrected back to life on earth.-Hebrews 11:19.
Abraham knew it was through his 'seed', his son, all families of the 'earth' would be blessed and all nations of the 'earth' would be blessed-
Genesis 12:3; 22:18.
Isn't that why Jesus could refer to Psalm (37:11) that the humble meek would inherit , not heaven, but the earth? During Jesus thousand-year reign over the earth Revelation (22:2) shows there will be blessings for, not the nations of heaven, but the nations of earth because nations are right here on the earth.


Well-Known Member
Since Satan is 'destroyed' as Hebrews (2:14b) says, how can Satan be death proof? Doesn't Jesus deal Satan the death bruise in his head? Gen 3:15.
Isn't Satan a sinner? Isn't death the wages sin pays? Doesn't Satan the sinner have to pay that price or wage for sin?

In the Hebrew Scriptures isn't Paradise always associated with earth?

Adam was created on earth from the dust of the earth in the Garden of Eden aka Paradise garden of Eden.

When Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son it was because he believed his son would be resurrected back to life on earth.-Hebrews 11:19.
Abraham knew it was through his 'seed', his son, all families of the 'earth' would be blessed and all nations of the 'earth' would be blessed-
Genesis 12:3; 22:18.
Isn't that why Jesus could refer to Psalm (37:11) that the humble meek would inherit , not heaven, but the earth? During Jesus thousand-year reign over the earth Revelation (22:2) shows there will be blessings for, not the nations of heaven, but the nations of earth because nations are right here on the earth.
How do you think endless quotes from the bible or scriptures is a logical thing to do given that, like myself, there are those who simply do not believe in anything the bible has to offer? Imagine if you will, that a book on Atheism existed and I used it to support all my arguments, would you not think it a stupid idea?


Veteran Member
You are still in error. Thier is no such thing as forever. The word forever comes from aoina which means a age. The translaters made a error in translating this. Did you know that eternal torment was a doctrine of pagans and not the church.

What about 'forever and ever' ?

Isn't it so in the Hebrew when forever is followed by ever it is underscoring its permanence? Psalm 9:5; 10:16; 21:4; 48:14; 52:8; 104:5;119:44;145:1,2,21; Daniel 12:3.


Well-Known Member
What about 'forever and ever' ?

Isn't it so in the Hebrew when forever is followed by ever it is underscoring its permanence? Psalm 9:5; 10:16; 21:4; 48:14; 52:8; 104:5;119:44;145:1,2,21; Daniel 12:3.
No I think you are in error here this is not what these psalm say 5:7; 17.98; 3:9; 16:6 5:7; 33:7 16:3; 33:8; 9:4; and 5:8; Just wanted to clear that up.