There is no reason why a God of Life, would want or " Will Death" to any human. 2Pet. 3:9," The Lord is not slow about " His PROMISE", as some are counting slackful promises, but is Patient toward YOU, not " Willing" ( or Wishing) for ANY to perish, but for ALL to come to Repentance." His stated Promise is for ALL to be saved. Its his Will, because he has not left human salvation up to human will, but its HIS WILL for all to be saved. God has NOT willed, or planned on, or will ALLOW, any human to perish, but " ALL" to come into HIS expressed will for humanity.
Its not about what he will do with what WE think are " Doomed Humans", because we, in our ignorance, are trying to figure out what he will do with the humans that WE think are doomed. Because WE think they are doomed, so we are blind to Gods Salvation, and look to limit it with OUR limited point of view. But its not up to us, its HIS will, his Desire, HIS wish, thast is the determining factor.
We are " Counting" ways to doom each other, summing up ways that humans are condemned, as if we control Gods Salvation. So its really " Human Will" for certain humans to be lost, not Gods desire. So then what is Gods expressed desire, ( or will for humanity), 1Tim. 2:3;" This is GOOD and ACCEPTABLE in the sight of God our Savior, who DESIRES ALL men to be saved and come to know this simple truth." This is Gods expressed desire, its his will, so the real question is can God GET what he wants?
Its unacceptable to many humans, most of which are believers, that God will Save ALL. But its Acceptable to God.
The question is then who is going to get their way? God, or human desires.