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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


I really am looking to understand God, but not this God that humans teach, but the real God of Love , Joy and Peace. Not this God of eternal hell punishing, but the God of Patience, forgiveness and Mercy. You know, the real God, not this insane lunatic that many are trying to pass God off as being. You know, this lunatic that will place humans in this eternal Pain amphlipier and punish them for billions upon trillions of untold time and on into infinity. I just can't imagine how out of control this hell fire belief has gotten. And how much these bloodthirsty christians who teach it have ruined Gods reputation.

The eternal punishing of anything, muchless a human, is a sick concept, yet many believers have swallowed it into their belief, hook, line and sinker. And THAT is evidence of just how much foolishness we will absorb.


There are many different people and many different religions with many different interpretations of God.

All I can say is that the God that I believe in does not have concepts such as eternal damnation for sinners and unbelievers.

The God that I believe in seeks only bestow good, in fact it was this desire to bestow goodness that led to his creation of the Universe, and Humans. He created us so that he could bestow goodness unto us.

The way I always understood the afterlife, was that the physical part of a person dies, and the part that is left rises to "Heaven" which is not, as some would imagine, a place to fulfill the physical wants that you had in life. It is a place where you receive clarity and understanding of God, and derive pleasure simply by being with him. You do not need or want any worldly pleasures because the physical part of you is gone.

Your faith is irrelevant to getting into Heaven, in the Heaven that I believe in, you can have Jews and Muslims, and Christians, together with people who do not associate with those religions but believe in a concept of God and live life according to the standards that He laid out (mainly being a decent human being).

As far as Hell is concerned, it is the pain that you feel when you receive that clarity and the closeness to God and feel shame for the times when you did not do what was right. That time of intense shame that you feel is Hell, and over time it will pass to allow you to fully enjoy the presence of God.
I really am looking to understand God, but not this God that humans teach, but the real God of Love , Joy and Peace. Not this God of eternal hell punishing, but the God of Patience, forgiveness and Mercy. You know, the real God, not this insane lunatic that many are trying to pass God off as being. You know, this lunatic that will place humans in this eternal Pain amphlipier and punish them for billions upon trillions of untold time and on into infinity. I just can't imagine how out of control this hell fire belief has gotten. And how much these bloodthirsty christians who teach it have ruined Gods reputation.

The eternal punishing of anything, muchless a human, is a sick concept, yet many believers have swallowed it into their belief, hook, line and sinker. And THAT is evidence of just how much foolishness we will absorb.


I agree whole heartedly, It is long past time for christianity to give up this
teaching, Jesus never taught it nor did his apostles.

It is nothing more than a scare tactic used to scare people into believing
the way that they want them to.

It is abusive and just plain wrong.
I really personally don't know God, but hope to one day begin that process. Since I do not know God, I can only imagine the things that he will and willnot do. So I only go off of my own understanding and what I see in the bible. But in order for eternal hell punishment to be as true as these christians desire it to be, God must do the following: God must give those poor puny humans destined for hell eternal life. He must give them a super humanoid mind, or they would go insane after the first 999,888,777 trillion years of this incredible level of suffering. He must give them the ability to stay awake, we wouldnot want any of them passing out, why torture someone who is unconscious? We want them to suffer each precious second, why waste time?

God must give them the super lungs of an Aquaman and the skin of the human torch. They must be able to breathe fire. They must have these super abilities in order to endure all of this super pain, without perishing and dying. They must be kept alive and continually punished, and they must be kept on their feet for the first 987,432,964 billion years, so they have to be given the legs of the incredible hulk. Well by now, one would think these poor puny humans, won't be so puny any more, goodness, God would have created a new for of life, SUPER SUFFERERS! These things may get mad at God after the first 888trillion years times infinity goes by, so we'd better post 9 legions of Arch Angels by this lava lake, we wouldnot want any of them getting out, ... now would we?

And any human mind who believes God would do these things, really needs a reality check. Peace.

This is the best post I have seen on here since I joined.

You are sooooo right.


Well-Known Member
And any human mind who believes God would do these things, really needs a reality check. Peace.

It does seem inconceivable doesn't it? Quite a few fundamentalist 'Christians' seem to get off on the idea of unbelievers burning in the proverbial 'lake of fire', which doesn't say anything pleasant about their character!


I really personally don't know God, but hope to one day begin that process. Since I do not know God, I can only imagine the things that he will and willnot do. So I only go off of my own understanding and what I see in the bible. But in order for eternal hell punishment to be as true as these christians desire it to be, God must do the following: God must give those poor puny humans destined for hell eternal life. He must give them a super humanoid mind, or they would go insane after the first 999,888,777 trillion years of this incredible level of suffering. He must give them the ability to stay awake, we wouldnot want any of them passing out, why torture someone who is unconscious? We want them to suffer each precious second, why waste time?

God must give them the super lungs of an Aquaman and the skin of the human torch. They must be able to breathe fire. They must have these super abilities in order to endure all of this super pain, without perishing and dying. They must be kept alive and continually punished, and they must be kept on their feet for the first 987,432,964 billion years, so they have to be given the legs of the incredible hulk. Well by now, one would think these poor puny humans, won't be so puny any more, goodness, God would have created a new for of life, SUPER SUFFERERS! These things may get mad at God after the first 888trillion years times infinity goes by, so we'd better post 9 legions of Arch Angels by this lava lake, we wouldnot want any of them getting out, ... now would we?

And any human mind who believes God would do these things, really needs a reality check. Peace.

As I stated earlier I don't believe in eternal hell, but even if one did, I don't think it would be anything like you described. What you are describing is physical torture and physical pain, things that would effect us in thetas world, but how would fire and drowning and stuff like that harm you once you are dead?

It seems clear to me that if there would be any suffering after death it simply can't be of the same nature that we have hear on earth since you would no longer have a physical body to experience pain. Rather, any suffering you experience would have to be a form of spiritual suffering. As I said before, something along the lines of pain at knowing what was right and knowing that you didn't do it.


Jesus in me
And any human mind who believes God would do these things, really needs a reality check. Peace.

It does seem inconceivable doesn't it? Quite a few fundamentalist 'Christians' seem to get off on the idea of unbelievers burning in the proverbial 'lake of fire', which doesn't say anything pleasant about their character!

hmm! I suppose the idea is to root for the bad guy to win. And that makes a person so much better because they are in favor of bad things. Of course the thinking is that our view is flawed for believing in what is good. Punishment for the wicked makes sense to me. I think anyone who thinks God doesn't punish the wicked needs a reality check. It occurs time and time again in the Bible and it is promised by Him.


Well-Known Member
hmm! I suppose the idea is to root for the bad guy to win. And that makes a person so much better because they are in favor of bad things. Of course the thinking is that our view is flawed for believing in what is good. Punishment for the wicked makes sense to me. I think anyone who thinks God doesn't punish the wicked needs a reality check. It occurs time and time again in the Bible and it is promised by Him.

God is the bad guy, imo.


Veteran Member
hmm! I suppose the idea is to root for the bad guy to win. And that makes a person so much better because they are in favor of bad things. Of course the thinking is that our view is flawed for believing in what is good. Punishment for the wicked makes sense to me. I think anyone who thinks God doesn't punish the wicked needs a reality check. It occurs time and time again in the Bible and it is promised by Him.

As far as everlasting punishment for the wicked according to Psalm 92 v7 it is everlasting destruction or annihilation forever.
2nd Thess 1v9 equates everlasting punishment with everlasting destruction.

What is Satan's punishment? Who could be more wicked? Yet Satan is not immortal or death proof. Jesus destroys Satan -Hebrews 2v14 B.
Jesus proved to be the promised 'seed' of Genesis [3v15] that will deal Satan [serpent] a fatal death bruise to his head at the end of Jesus peaceful 1000-year rule over earth.


Resident Answer Man
I can certainly understand why many millions or even billions of people look upon the world of 'Christianity' - so called - with disdain. When looking upon the mass of crimes and atrocities committed in the name of their God, it is easy to understand. Even more egregious than these are the mental and spiritual crimes that have been committed and attributed to God by these and others. Such crimes as the false and misleading doctrines of Christendom such as the Doctrine of Eternal Hellfire stand out as prime examples of fraud and as true hate crimes against all humanity.

How could any right minded individual be expected to swallow this? Certainly any being capable of creating all that we know, have known and will ever know would be just a little bit better than that, wouldn't you say?

The Holy Scriptures tell us of a God of Love and Justice. It tells of a Being who would not conceive of such a thing, that such a thing - in his own words - has not come up into his heart - at any time.

Be well.


Veteran Member
Good post ^above^ DoctorAnswerMan

Besides love and Justice James [3v17] adds a description of heavenly wisdom and nothing listed in that verse as Godly wisdom hints of God's wisdom wanting to cause pain.


Rogue Theologian
Hell would be the absence of the one item you love most.
Would that one Item be....God?

When you share your presence with someone else...
that is a judgment call.
When you deny your presence and forbid they follow....
that is a judgment call.

God and His angels pick and chose.

Doesn't God have what it takes to go on without you?....forever?


Veteran Member
Does Satan have what it takes to go on without you....forever?

By saying " a man" at Job [2v4] Satan is involving all of us.
Satan challenges that none of us would be faithful to God.
According to Scripture both faithful Job and Jesus proved Satan a liar.

Do we pick and Choose God and Jesus?
Sure God picked, so to speak, his angels in that they were created by God.
Not all of his 'picked' angels proved faithful as in the case of Satan and his demon followers.

Since Satan will be destroyed by Jesus according to Hebrews 2v14 b, then the absence of his 'life' would be the one item lost.

The one item that Adam needed most that was lost was also life.
Dust to dust.

Besides loving God we were created to love life.

If God wanted to go on without us he would not have sent Jesus to earth to be a ransom sacrifice for us. All sinners die. If we could stop sinning we would not die.
Except for those of Matt 12v32 death frees or acquits us as Romans 6v7 says, but still we can not resurrect oneself or another back to life. So God so loved the world...........


Rogue Theologian
Does Satan have what it takes to go on without you....forever?

By saying " a man" at Job [2v4] Satan is involving all of us.
Satan challenges that none of us would be faithful to God.
According to Scripture both faithful Job and Jesus proved Satan a liar.

Do we pick and Choose God and Jesus?
Sure God picked, so to speak, his angels in that they were created by God.
Not all of his 'picked' angels proved faithful as in the case of Satan and his demon followers.

Since Satan will be destroyed by Jesus according to Hebrews 2v14 b, then the absence of his 'life' would be the one item lost.

The one item that Adam needed most that was lost was also life.
Dust to dust.

Besides loving God we were created to love life.

If God wanted to go on without us he would not have sent Jesus to earth to be a ransom sacrifice for us. All sinners die. If we could stop sinning we would not die.
Except for those of Matt 12v32 death frees or acquits us as Romans 6v7 says, but still we can not resurrect oneself or another back to life. So God so loved the world...........

This is not an actual rebuttal to my previous post.


Does Satan have what it takes to go on without you....forever?

By saying " a man" at Job [2v4] Satan is involving all of us.
Satan challenges that none of us would be faithful to God.
According to Scripture both faithful Job and Jesus proved Satan a liar.

Do we pick and Choose God and Jesus?
Sure God picked, so to speak, his angels in that they were created by God.
Not all of his 'picked' angels proved faithful as in the case of Satan and his demon followers.

Since Satan will be destroyed by Jesus according to Hebrews 2v14 b, then the absence of his 'life' would be the one item lost.

The one item that Adam needed most that was lost was also life.
Dust to dust.

Besides loving God we were created to love life.

If God wanted to go on without us he would not have sent Jesus to earth to be a ransom sacrifice for us. All sinners die. If we could stop sinning we would not die.
Except for those of Matt 12v32 death frees or acquits us as Romans 6v7 says, but still we can not resurrect oneself or another back to life. So God so loved the world...........

The concept of Satan as a being that rebelled against God seems silly to me. Satan is simply doing his job, exactly what God created him to do. There is no battle between God and Satan. Satan, like all other angels, is a being devoid of free will.


Well-Known Member
The concept of Satan as a being that rebelled against God seems silly to me. Satan is simply doing his job, exactly what God created him to do. There is no battle between God and Satan. Satan, like all other angels, is a being devoid of free will.

Satan is the wild card in God's rather sick game, if you believe he created us.


Jesus in me
I can certainly understand why many millions or even billions of people look upon the world of 'Christianity' - so called - with disdain. When looking upon the mass of crimes and atrocities committed in the name of their God, it is easy to understand. Even more egregious than these are the mental and spiritual crimes that have been committed and attributed to God by these and others. Such crimes as the false and misleading doctrines of Christendom such as the Doctrine of Eternal Hellfire stand out as prime examples of fraud and as true hate crimes against all humanity.

How could any right minded individual be expected to swallow this? Certainly any being capable of creating all that we know, have known and will ever know would be just a little bit better than that, wouldn't you say?

The Holy Scriptures tell us of a God of Love and Justice. It tells of a Being who would not conceive of such a thing, that such a thing - in his own words - has not come up into his heart - at any time.

Be well.

I had this view before I was saved. Jesus said to me: "Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?" That is what everyone has to decide. As long as sin is desired it will exist. BTW I was nominally a Christian before being saved.

I disagree. I don't see it as a crime to put pressure on people to act right. It is a major tenet of our society. Commit a crime and expect to get punished for it. I don't particularly think that the fraud is good. I understand the motives but the method isn't necessary since there is plenty of true punishment for wickedness promised in the Bible. The only reason that I can think that it exists, is that people are mistaken in their understanding of the Bible.

Actualy there isn't any way to be better than that. Punish the wicked and reward the righteous. Otherwise God isn't being true to His goodness.

I doubt you can show proof of this. My experience with the Bible is that He is consistent throughout and Hell is compleely consistent with God's point of view.
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Freak of Nature
I disagree. I don't see it as a crime to put pressure on people to act right. It is a major tenet of our society. Commit a crime and expect to get punished for it. I don't particularly think that the fraud is good. I understand the motives but the method isn't necessary since there is plenty of true punishment for wickedness promised in the Bible. The only reason that I can think that it exists, is that people are mistaken in their understanding of the Bible.
Well said. We are all aware of consequence of sin in our day and age. When im telling someone reasons they dont want to go to jail im not usualy saying "people will be mean to you" or "they have horrible food". No im going to be honest with them in hopes they listen to reason "Dont do that or your gonna get butt raped in prison!!" it usualy sinks in....


Well-Known Member
My experience with the Bible is that He is consistent throughout and Hell is compleely consistent with God's point of view.

What a complete sicko your version of the deity must be!:eek: