If one is to use the full intent of mathematical notation (including set theory) the correct notation would be 1 (is less than or equal to) 1+1+1 (which is less than or equal to 3).
If however, we use the full implications of mathematical theory as a projection of the G-dhead then we must deal with one very important notion form the ancient Hebrew description of G-d. That is the word ehad to describe the numerical oneness of G-d. If we assume the numerical singularity of ehad then the oneness of G-d becomes by definition the least common dominator of the whole. This would mean that G-d cannot be divided or differentiated into any sub persons or distinctions such as Father Son and Holy Ghost.
If in contrast, ehad is plural unity, as in marriage when a man and a woman become one flesh then ehad does not assume the number theory definition of the whole or counting numbers and cannot be use as scriptural proof that G-d is singular. The point here is that according to all possible variant readings of ehad the Biblical interpretation of one G-d is contradicted in the doctrine of the Trinity.
By your post I do not know if you are agreeing with the Trinity or not.
If there is a doctrine of man that can be called a NO_BRAINER it is the trinity.
There is NOTHING in the Holy Scriptures that even hint at the absurdity of a trinity.
First, let us see what the Bible says about God. Deut 6:4, God is ONE.
Gal 3:20, says God is one.
God is Omnipotent, this term is Mutually Exclusive, only one can be Omnipotent.
God has existed forever and CANNOT DIE, Habakkuk 1:12, Jesus died!!
God created Jesus, John 6:57, Col 1:15, Rev 3:14, Prov 8:22-31.
If Jesus and God were the same they would know the same. Some things Jesus did not know, Matt 24:36.
Some things God has kept for Himself, Matt 20:20-23. Jesus has no control over some things.
The Trinity supposes a horrible monstrosity with three heads, making up a godhead. According to the Scriptures, God spoke to Jesus three times while God was in heaven and Jesus was on earth. Maybe a Tricorporal would work better that a Trinity, three bodies with a single head, instead of one body and three heads, Matt 3:17, Mark 9:7, John 12:28.
Jesus himself said that the Father is Greater than I am, John 14:28.
Jesus said that God is his Father and his God, John 20:17.
The apostles, Paul and Peter said that God was the Father of Jesus, Eph 1:3, 1Pet 1:3.
In the descriptions of Jesus, he is said to be the IMAGE, of the invisible God, the exact REPRESENTATION of God, Col 1:15. Thid makes it impossible to be the same person.
Several places in the Holy Scriptures Jesus is called God's SERVANT, Acts 3:13, 4:27,30.
There are several other Titles that Jesus bears, Apostle, and High Priest, Heb 3:1, 5:10, Lamb of God, John 1:29, ONLYBEGOTTEN SON, John 3:16.
An interesting point to think about is at Matt 12:31,32, which says that anything can be forgiven, even speaking against Jesus, BUT sin against God's Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, now or ever.
Real PROOF TEXTS are at Dan 7:13,14, and Rev 5:6,7. In both these places God is sitting on His Throne and Jesus comes into His presence, in Daniel to receive power to become King, and in Revelation Jesus takes a scroll from God's hand. NOT POSSIBLE to be the same person!!!
In the original Sacred Scriptures, God's Personal name was written over seven thousand times. That Sacred Name is Jehovah. He says that He will never give His glory or His praise to anyone, Isa 42:8.
No one has ever seen God at any time, many have seen Jesus, John 1:18, John 6:46, 1John 4:12. No one can see God's face and live, Ex 33:20.
There are many more scriptures that prove Jesus to be God's SON. ALL any Christian has to do is believe the Scriptures themselves, and not believe what some say they say.