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The Trinity


Heretic Knight
1+1+1 = 3 is true , 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 is wrong , they are 3 not 1.
The trinity is a common principle in old pagan religions and
myths , specially those of greek , and egyptions .

in my point of view , and regardless what holy books say .
there's no sense to believe in trinity , or 3 in one , what do
you think


Veteran Member
It means that truth is often larger than factual proof. if Outhouse wants so badly to "get at the truth," then he really needs to understand that.

According to the Nicene Creed, the Son (Jesus Christ) is "eternally begotten of the Father", indicating that their divine Father-Son relationship is seen as not tied to an event within time or human history.
God the Father - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

meaning jesus has always been just as god his father has always been.
however, some thought jesus became god's son...if i'm not mistaken, this was main disagreement and the reason for the first council of nicaea

but really, what does this mean?
is a particular idea of the trinity that important?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
but really, what does this mean?
is a particular idea of the trinity that important?
Not in my estimation. I think uniformity of thought is highly overrated in Xy.


Not in my estimation. I think uniformity of thought is highly overrated in Xy.

It's certainly not "overrated" by the people who make money off of organizations that would be rocked to the foundation if their flock knew the Trinity was a gentile interpolation.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
It's certainly not "overrated" by the people who make money off of organizations that would be rocked to the foundation if their flock knew the Trinity was a gentile interpolation.
You're talking about clergy, I assume?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
If by Clergy you mean the leaders of the entire Protestant and Orthodox movements and their respective building owners who make their income off of tithes, yes.
Well, I'm one of them, and I certainly find uniformity of thought overrated -- and so would my congregation, and the rest of those congregations (and clergy) who abide with us in covenant. And that includes the other eight members of CUIC.

I guess you're just wrong on that point.
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Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
It's certainly not "overrated" by the people who make money off of organizations that would be rocked to the foundation if their flock knew the Trinity was a gentile interpolation.
Xy is such that it adapts itself wonderfully to the cultures in which it finds itself. I know of no "organizations," with the exception, perhaps, of highly conservatve and fundamental churches, that would be "rocked to the foundation" by the information that the Trinity was a "gentile interpolation."

Quite frankly, I'm not convinced that it is entirely that.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
1+1+1 = 3 is true , 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 is wrong , they are 3 not 1.
The trinity is a common principle in old pagan religions and
myths , specially those of greek , and egyptions .

in my point of view , and regardless what holy books say .
there's no sense to believe in trinity , or 3 in one , what do
you think

"Truth is not simply imparted by a preacher or a teacher; it is lived together in the context of community prayer, gathered around Jesus."

Claiborne, shane, Wilson-Hartgrove, Jonathan, Okoro, Unuma; Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals; 2010 Zondervan,


Veteran Member
According to the Nicene Creed, the Son (Jesus Christ) is "eternally begotten of the Father", indicating that their divine Father-Son relationship is seen as not tied to an event within time or human history.
meaning jesus has always been just as god his father has always been.
however, some thought jesus became god's son...if i'm not mistaken, this was main disagreement and the reason for the first council of nicaea
but really, what does this mean?
is a particular idea of the trinity that important?

Either the trinity is divine truth or a lie. God can not lie. Titus 1v2.

God [Psalm 90v2] is from everlasting to everlasting.
Meaning only God was before the beginning of anything.
Jesus, on the other hand, is Not before the beginning as God was before the beginning because according to Rev [3v14 B] Jesus believes he is the beginning of the creation by God. God is uncreated and unbegotten.
God is not firstborn. Jesus was firstborn of all others in heaven and earth.
-Col 1vs15


Veteran Member
Either the trinity is divine truth or a lie. God can not lie. Titus 1v2.

God [Psalm 90v2] is from everlasting to everlasting.
Meaning only God was before the beginning of anything.
Jesus, on the other hand, is Not before the beginning as God was before the beginning because according to Rev [3v14 B] Jesus believes he is the beginning of the creation by God. God is uncreated and unbegotten.
God is not firstborn. Jesus was firstborn of all others in heaven and earth.
-Col 1vs15[/QUOTE]

ok, did god know jesus would sacrifice himself before the beginning of creation?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Jesus, on the other hand, is Not before the beginning as God was before the beginning because according to Rev [3v14 B] Jesus believes he is the beginning of the creation by God.
If I want to create a clay pot, there's a process for doing that. When I start that process, it's called "beginning." And before I begin, there exists clay out of which I will create the pot.


Premium Member
If I want to create a clay pot, there's a process for doing that. When I start that process, it's called "beginning." And before I begin, there exists clay out of which I will create the pot.
The beginning would be the potter not the clay.


Either the trinity is divine truth or a lie. God can not lie. Titus 1v2.

God [Psalm 90v2] is from everlasting to everlasting.
Meaning only God was before the beginning of anything.
Jesus, on the other hand, is Not before the beginning as God was before the beginning because according to Rev [3v14 B] Jesus believes he is the beginning of the creation by God. God is uncreated and unbegotten.
God is not firstborn. Jesus was firstborn of all others in heaven and earth.
-Col 1vs15

[FONT=&quot]In Colossians Chapter one[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Jesus is not called the first created of all creation, is he? Nor is he called the firstborn of Jehovah or God.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]He is called “firstborn” because of his position. The Greek word (prototokos) means: preeminent one, heir, supremacy, positional preeminence. The first part of verse 15 tells us that he is the image of the invisible God. The next verses (16-18), point out further the meaning of “firstborn” by stating that Christ created all things and that he is supreme and has preeminence over all things. Col. 1:19 says “it pleased the Father that in Him (Christ) all the fullness should dwell.” Then, Col. 2:9-10 states “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in him who is the head of all principality and power.”(NKJV), or “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ who is head over every power and authority.” (NIV)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The Greek word used in Revelation 3:14 for “beginning” is arche. It is translated as: beginning, corner, magistrate, power, principality, principle rule in the Strong’s Concordance. Arche is the root for the English word architect. This verse does not say that Jesus had a beginning. It indicates as do other scriptures that Jesus Christ is the source, the power, and the Creator who began creation.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]These verses clearly point out the supremacy of Christ, as the architect of and over all creation.