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The Trinity


Veteran Member
Thats what I believe, I believe in a God Head, Jesus Christ was actually praying to another person. Catholics and Baptists don't believe that though, they believe Jesus Christ was the very person he was praying to.
I just don't understand why they believe that.

In order to understand it helps to trace mankind's religious family tree all the way back to its roots in ancient Babylon.

As the pagan peoples migrated from Babylon they took with them their pagan religious concepts and ideas and spread them world wide into a greater religious Babylon or Babylon the Great. Prominent among their beliefs were triune gods or trinity. That is why we see similar religious trinitarian concepts overlapping in the world's religions even today.

After first-century Christianity ended a fusion or mixing of foreign non-Christian religious concepts became blended with existing Scripture creating a religious syncretism. This has resulted in a new teaching, or new belief system, that can Not be reconciled to biblical first-century Christianity.
That 'new' never fully replace the old, meaning Jesus teachings, but the 'new' flourishes as if it was the old or Christ's teachings. Jesus forewarned that many would come 'in his name' but prove false at Matthew chapter 7.

Luke wrote that wolf-like clergy would fleece the flock of God. Acts 20vs29,30
They fleece by teaching non-Christian beliefs as if Christian.
Jesus forewarned us that over the centuries that genuine 'wheat' Christians would grow together with fake 'weed/tares' Christians until the harvest time or end time of evil on earth. In other words, our time frame until the time of separation of the humble sheep-like ones from the goats of Matthew 25vs31,32.

The people of Acts [17v11] searched or researched Scriptures daily to see if what they were learning was really so. Really found in Scriptures or what the Bible really teaches.


Veteran Member
Jesus specifically denied being Equal to God though, that is why he responded as he did in John 10:34. Just because the Pharisees were accusing him of making himself Equal doesn't mean he said to be.

Continuing from verse 34 down to verse 36 the Pharisees accused Jesus of blasphemy because Jesus said, " I [Jesus] am the Son of God. "


Jesus forewarned that many would come 'in his name' but prove false at Matthew chapter 7.

Luke wrote that wolf-like clergy would fleece the flock of God. Acts 20vs29,30
They fleece by teaching non-Christian beliefs as if Christian.

Jesus forewarned us that over the centuries that genuine 'wheat' Christians would grow together with fake 'weed/tares' Christians until the harvest time or end time of evil on earth. In other words, our time frame until the time of separation of the humble sheep-like ones from the goats of Matthew 25vs31,32.

LOL none of which ever happened.

another failed prophecy

of course none of those authors knew or met jesus, and I dont trust unknown authors to prophesize about anything


In order to understand it helps to trace mankind's religious family tree all the way back to its roots in ancient Babylon.

As the pagan peoples migrated from Babylon they took with them their pagan religious concepts and ideas and spread them world wide into a greater religious Babylon or Babylon the Great. Prominent among their beliefs were triune gods or trinity. That is why we see similar religious trinitarian concepts overlapping in the world's religions even today.

After first-century Christianity ended a fusion or mixing of foreign non-Christian religious concepts became blended with existing Scripture creating a religious syncretism. This has resulted in a new teaching, or new belief system, that can Not be reconciled to biblical first-century Christianity.
That 'new' never fully replace the old, meaning Jesus teachings, but the 'new' flourishes as if it was the old or Christ's teachings. Jesus forewarned that many would come 'in his name' but prove false at Matthew chapter 7.

Luke wrote that wolf-like clergy would fleece the flock of God. Acts 20vs29,30
They fleece by teaching non-Christian beliefs as if Christian.
Jesus forewarned us that over the centuries that genuine 'wheat' Christians would grow together with fake 'weed/tares' Christians until the harvest time or end time of evil on earth. In other words, our time frame until the time of separation of the humble sheep-like ones from the goats of Matthew 25vs31,32.

The people of Acts [17v11] searched or researched Scriptures daily to see if what they were learning was really so. Really found in Scriptures or what the Bible really teaches.

lets get some sources for this babylon trinity source, because I find this to be completely false

the trinity arose from trying to define the divinity of the jesus charactor, nothing more.

Your confusing polytheism with the trinity

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
. Jesus forewarned that many would come 'in his name' but prove false at Matthew chapter 7.

Luke wrote that wolf-like clergy would fleece the flock of God. Acts 20vs29,30
They fleece by teaching non-Christian beliefs as if Christian.
Jesus forewarned us that over the centuries that genuine 'wheat' Christians would grow together with fake 'weed/tares' Christians until the harvest time or end time of evil on earth. In other words, our time frame until the time of separation of the humble sheep-like ones from the goats of Matthew 25vs31,32.

The people of Acts [17v11] searched or researched Scriptures daily to see if what they were learning was really so. Really found in Scriptures or what the Bible really teaches.

"Trying to fleece the flock" ? Wolf like clergy? You have an interesting way of saying things. Personally I like to just say there shall be wolves in sheep's clothing, as it states in Matthew 7 KJV

"15¶Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a ccorrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."

Have there been false prophets since the time of Jesus Christ? Yes
Does that mean no true prophets would ever come? No...
I disagree with the concept of Trinity.
I believe that God has called upon a true prophet, who teaches correct doctrine. His name is President Thomas S. Monson.
You can read about him here

President Thomas S. Monson

He leads and guides Christ's Church under direct revelation by God,
as Moses did in his day.

I know it is true because I have read the Book of Mormon and prayed about it, and I received an answer from God telling me that it is true, and no one can tell me otherwise.


Continuing from verse 34 down to verse 36 the Pharisees accused Jesus of blasphemy because Jesus said, " I [Jesus] am the Son of God. "

Yes, imagine the reaction at the time of someone declaring himself to be the literal "Son of G-d". Verse 33 should be read as "You a mere man make yourself to be a god". "Sons of G-d" are referred to as angels in Job 2.

Verse 34, Jesus does not just refer to Israelites as "gods" in the sense of Rulers. Psalm 82:6 is comparing Israelite souls to the "Heavenly beings" (angels). It says "You will die like men", perhaps indicating that the Israelites are in fact a class of "gods" on Earth. The word "god" means "superior one". Thus, he is saying that the Israelites, as the Chosen people, are "gods", and thus saying they are "Heavenly" beings, and Yashua, as a "god" as the incarnation of the Logos, the Firstborn among Creation, they are also "gods", though they will die like men because they sin.
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Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
LOL none of which ever happened.

another failed prophecy

of course none of those authors knew or met jesus, and I dont trust unknown authors to prophesize about anything
It's not a prophecy. To treat it as such is to miss the entire message.


Jesus in me
When Jesus was alone, no one else but the Father was listening.

If he was alone then no-one actually knew whether He prayed or not.

However that may be it is easier for me to be in contact with my spirit if I am not distracted. Most likely that is what Jesus is doing when He says He is going to pray. And it isn't likely that anyone knows this unless He explains it.


Jesus in me
but jesus is not god. he is the son of god.

say what?

Did he command the last tow large tsunamis that wiped out hundreds of thousands of people???

Son of God is the same thing as God except there is a body involved.

Mark 4:39 And he awoke, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

Technically no, because He is not on earth bodily. It is always a bit risky to say that God orders up a tsunami, however He has historically brought disasters on people with whom He was not pleased.



Son of God is the same thing as God except there is a body involved.

Mark 4:39 And he awoke, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

Technically no, because He is not on earth bodily. It is always a bit risky to say that God orders up a tsunami, however He has historically brought disasters on people with whom He was not pleased.

Son of G-d is the same thing as G-d? So when all the Sons of G-d showed up in Job 2, those were all avatars?


If he was alone then no-one actually knew whether He prayed or not.

However that may be it is easier for me to be in contact with my spirit if I am not distracted. Most likely that is what Jesus is doing when He says He is going to pray. And it isn't likely that anyone knows this unless He explains it.

And when the Big Booming Voice said that he was well pleased by His Son, that was himself talking about himself somehow? Pretty narcissistic I'd say, but if he was congratulating Yashua on how much he was honored by him because of his own independent use of his free will, that would make more sense.


Jehovah our God is One
And when the Big Booming Voice said that he was well pleased by His Son, that was himself talking about himself somehow? Pretty narcissistic I'd say, but if he was congratulating Yashua on how much he was honored by him because of his own independent use of his free will, that would make more sense.

good point!

never in scripture do we see words to the effect of "Jehovah was talking to Jehovah and he told himself "you are my beloved, I have approved me!" that would just be weird :D


All things have being, but only God, humans, and angels are personal. I as a human being am one person. My being makes me human, my personality differentiates me from all other human beings. Since my being is finite and limited, only one person can properly subsist in it. But since God’s being is infinite and unlimited, it can be, and is, shared by three persons, as revealed in the scriptures: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There is really no problem or anything strange with the person of the Father speaking to the person of the Son or the Son speaking to the Father. That the one true God is comprised of more than one personality is revealed from the very first chapter of the Bible.

[FONT=&quot]Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness… Genesis 1:26[/FONT]
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All things have being, but only God, humans, and angels are personal. I as a human being am one person. My being makes me human, my personality differentiates me from all other human beings. Since my being is finite and limited, only one person can properly subsist in it. But since God’s being is infinite and unlimited, it can be, and is, shared by three persons, as revealed in the scriptures: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There is really no problem or anything strange with the person of the Father speaking to the person of the Son or the Son speaking to the Father. That the one true God is comprised of more than one personality is revealed from the very first chapter of the Bible.

[FONT=&quot]Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness… Genesis 1:26[/FONT]

The "us" in Genesis 1:26 is the Angels, John's readers were well familiar with this "Logos Theology" of Philo back in the day. The Cherubim who guarded the Tree of Life was not just made spontaneously at that moment.

The idea of 3 persons in 1 being where the persons are talking to each other IS a problem and strange, just not to a Trinitarian who accepts such things. You can believe in a Skitzo version of G-d if you want, I'll go by the simpler and context-keeping Arian version.

How is the 3 persons in one being concept different than Brahamanism anyway? What is a "person" exactly? I rarely get an answer to that question. It seems the use of the word "person" is as far as they go. What does it mean to have more than one personality? Does the Father know things that Jesus doesn't or are they both clued in on the same things?
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