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The "woke" witchhunt turning on its own.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I never said they did. I ONLY said what is in the video's I posted was wrong and you agreed. You are the one doing what you are accusing me of. That if someone is against sexualized drag shows for kids they must be against all drag shows. That is untrue.
Okay, so what do the various bills say? Arizona merely categorizes any performance with a male or female impersonator as "adult-oriented performances." Same with Kentucky, Oklahoma and others. There does not, in fact, have to be any sexualized activity represented in the performance. Dame Edna Everedge, were she still with us, would be banned. As would a stage performance of Mrs. Doubtfire.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
1. They say that gender is a social construct while promoting that a person can be trapped in the wrong body.
Wgat gender being a social construct means ia there is nothing inherent or automatic about gender roles. Even the clothing is apt to go from one gender to the other depending on individual cultural practices.
How can gender identity be unchangeable with a changing social construct of gender?
That's things like how when I was a kid boys where doctors and girls are nurses. But that's changed and today we see more male nurses and female doctors.
3. If gender identity is innate, how can it be fluid?
You'll haveto ask someone who is gender fluid. I don't really get it myself, but that's on me andnot them.
4. If gender identities such as man and woman are objective enough to be an identity how can there be a spectrum?
Probably because nature itself didn't give us a consistent and pretty model that always works out to the same thing. Science may be math but life itself isn't. It's sloppy, messy, confusing and Nature juat doesn't do cleat-cut and black and white for us that often. Seriously, even the moment of death isn't a crystal clear subject amd even there the waters are murky.
Apart from having a male body what does it feel like to be a man?
I don't know. You tell me.
Our feelings don't determine anything else objectively about us such as height, age, ethnicity etc. why is it different with gender?
Is that why if we have a series of medical appointments in a day we'll find our weight and height are both in a range? Of course those things aren't shifting but height and weight aren't as universal and objective as people think.
Or hair color. I'm strawberry blonde so I must have only the alleles for that hair color. But someone with black hair? That's an individual who shows one but will probably have the genes for another hair color. So what hair color is this person? What we see? The genes we don't see? The died color we saw anyways?

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
I never said they did. I ONLY said what is in the video's I posted was wrong and you agreed. You are the one doing what you are accusing me of. That if someone is against sexualized drag shows for kids they must be against all drag shows. That is untrue.
I have a question.

Would it make any difference to you if that person in the video was not a man dressed as a woman? If that was a man dressed as a man, or a woman dressed as a woman, and doing the exact same thing would you still object?


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member

Apparently hate is a "family value".
As someone who has been a part of the Pride movement since before it was called Pride (from the late 1960s onward), I have always known that no matter what we achieved, we would never be able to give upt hte fight. It has been obvious as we cleared every hurdle that once we let our guard down, the bigots and haters and just plain ignorant would be out in force, trying to squash us back into our closets.

What they can't even see, in their blind and ignorant hatred, is just how much good allowing LGBTQ+ folks to create and maintain their own families has accomplished. Just for example (please forgive if I sound like I'm gloating), were I not here to be caregiver to my partner after he got a most serious and life-changing case of Guillaine-Barre Syndrome, then he would be cared for by the state.

Its interesting to note that while STD infections are rising, AIDs cases among gay men are dropping -- the rise in STDs is mostly heterosexual now (chlamydia, gonhorrea, syphilis -- and congential syphilis passed from mother to infant). And that is because by becoming "normalized," gay people are more and more pairing up and behaving like families -- resulting, of course, in less casual sex. (Not none, of course, we're still human.)

But all that aside, let's be honest -- this is one of the few ploys the religious right has left, this "war on culture." Let's face it, it's not easy to get people to do really bad things to one another, nor to give up things they think they cherish (like democracy). But the one sure-fire way of doing so is through frightening them. That is what every fascist regime in history has done, and it has worked wonderfully well -- until eventually the people come to realize what they've been led to do. Then, nations like Germany, Italy -- even eventually Russia -- threw off their fascist governments and got back to democracy (in Russia, Putin is trying to relume the flame of fear to beat down that democratic impulse).

But sadly, history tells me that there is a very real risk, especially just now in the U.S., of the religious right getting their way. There is, and I hope I am stupid and wrong, a serious chance that your democracy (which is just barely a democracy even now, as the plutocrats have bought most of the levers of power) will fail.

Yes, Mr. Franklin, you were right: "A republic, if you can keep it."


Well-Known Member
In the U.S., conservatism is conflated with Christian fundamentalism, or at the very least a nominal, hypocritical, cherry-picked semblance of it; alcohol, tattoos, greed, fornication, etc. are given a pass.

There is no rational, real world justification to oppose LGBT rights. It's purely hated, fear, and ignorance fueled by religious superstition.
If we should have LBGT rights, what are parents and what are straight rights? If we should have women's rights, list men's rights to balance it off. Be inclusive.

If only liberal groups get rights, and other have no rights, these so called right are not rights. This is word game scam. Diversity and inclusion also should mean even the red necks and the conservatives who are discriminated against when they try to speak on college campuses, need to be included and have rights. DEI is a scam is sheep's clothing.

Why don't Democrats allow MAGA people to their rallies as an equal; diversity, inclusion and equity? Why not include? The dual standards and hypocrisy is very obvious. We should fight for human rights and not niche rights, based on claiming to be a victim so others can lose rights by being forced to accommodate.

You guys are being used as pawns to divide the country. We can all unite only if we find what we all have in common, and not how we are separated by political parties and their games.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
As someone who has been a part of the Pride movement since before it was called Pride (from the late 1960s onward), I have always known that no matter what we achieved, we would never be able to give upt hte fight. It has been obvious as we cleared every hurdle that once we let our guard down, the bigots and haters and just plain ignorant would be out in force, trying to squash us back into our closets.

What they can't even see, in their blind and ignorant hatred, is just how much good allowing LGBTQ+ folks to create and maintain their own families has accomplished. Just for example (please forgive if I sound like I'm gloating), were I not here to be caregiver to my partner after he got a most serious and life-changing case of Guillaine-Barre Syndrome, then he would be cared for by the state.

Its interesting to note that while STD infections are rising, AIDs cases among gay men are dropping -- the rise in STDs is mostly heterosexual now (chlamydia, gonhorrea, syphilis -- and congential syphilis passed from mother to infant). And that is because by becoming "normalized," gay people are more and more pairing up and behaving like families -- resulting, of course, in less casual sex. (Not none, of course, we're still human.)

But all that aside, let's be honest -- this is one of the few ploys the religious right has left, this "war on culture." Let's face it, it's not easy to get people to do really bad things to one another, nor to give up things they think they cherish (like democracy). But the one sure-fire way of doing so is through frightening them. That is what every fascist regime in history has done, and it has worked wonderfully well -- until eventually the people come to realize what they've been led to do. Then, nations like Germany, Italy -- even eventually Russia -- threw off their fascist governments and got back to democracy (in Russia, Putin is trying to relume the flame of fear to beat down that democratic impulse).

But sadly, history tells me that there is a very real risk, especially just now in the U.S., of the religious right getting their way. There is, and I hope I am stupid and wrong, a serious chance that your democracy (which is just barely a democracy even now, as the plutocrats have bought most of the levers of power) will fail.

Yes, Mr. Franklin, you were right: "A republic, if you can keep it."
The fear mongering they're using now is the "they're coming for your kids" trope.

We Never Know

No Slack
If we should have LBGT rights, what are parents and what are straight rights? If we should have women's rights, list men's rights to balance it off. Be inclusive.

If only liberal groups get rights, and other have no rights, these so called right are not rights. This is word game scam. Diversity and inclusion also should mean even the red necks and the conservatives who are discriminated against when they try to speak on college campuses, need to be included and have rights. DEI is a scam is sheep's clothing.

Why don't Democrats allow MAGA people to their rallies as an equal; diversity, inclusion and equity? Why not include? The dual standards and hypocrisy is very obvious. We should fight for human rights and not niche rights, based on claiming to be a victim so others can lose rights by being forced to accommodate.

You guys are being used as pawns to divide the country. We can all unite only if we find what we all have in common, and not how we are separated by political parties and their games.

Yeah. How about straight pride day. A straight pride month. A straight pride parade, etc etc.

We Never Know

No Slack
If we should have LBGT rights, what are parents and what are straight rights? If we should have women's rights, list men's rights to balance it off. Be inclusive.

If only liberal groups get rights, and other have no rights, these so called right are not rights. This is word game scam. Diversity and inclusion also should mean even the red necks and the conservatives who are discriminated against when they try to speak on college campuses, need to be included and have rights. DEI is a scam is sheep's clothing.

Why don't Democrats allow MAGA people to their rallies as an equal; diversity, inclusion and equity? Why not include? The dual standards and hypocrisy is very obvious. We should fight for human rights and not niche rights, based on claiming to be a victim so others can lose rights by being forced to accommodate.

You guys are being used as pawns to divide the country. We can all unite only if we find what we all have in common, and not how we are separated by political parties and their games.

The two party system will never allow the people to unite. Its their job to keep us the "Divided States"

We Never Know

No Slack
Why? Who is trying to shame you and demean you and even punish you for being straight?
Honestly I look at it all like Trump becoming president....
When you put yourself in the spotlight and demand things, you become a target.
If Trump had stayed to his life, he wouldn't be in the crap he is in today.

Edit..... It reminds me of a saying I heard when I was a youngster
"When the fox is in the woods no one cares. He goes un-noticed.
When the fox is in the chicken house everyone cares. He becomes the center of attention"
Last edited:


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
I actually don't care if children go to this provided the parents sign off on it. Ditto when parents take their kids to rated R movies, which happens copiously every single day. And I wish the public would stop being purity police because it almost always stems from racism, classism, misogyny or homophobia. 'Think of the children' is an often abused cheap appeal to emotion used to supress a marginalized group. Not based on evidenced harm towards children causative to what they're complaining about.

As a cis woman who had permanent body modification surgery as a minor (breast reduction at 14), I can answer that the consequences of not doing so was ruled as less advantageous than possible risks.

But despite the paranoia, the vast majority of gender affirming care for minors is not surgical, it's hormonal (which I also had as a cis minor, gasp).
Yeah, I am totally puzzled over why people freak out over breast reductions or mastectomies. It greatly reduces risk of breast cancers. If a young girl is being sexualized because of her breasts and it is affecting her mental health, there should be no problem with having them reduced or removed. It helps to protect them from unwanted sexual harassment as well as being a net mental and physical health benefit.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
If we should have LBGT rights, what are parents and what are straight rights? If we should have women's rights, list men's rights to balance it off. Be inclusive.
You've asked this before, and it was answered before. LGBT rights, women's rights, etc. are the same as everyone else's. What sets them apart is that theirs are often threatened or denied. It's rather obvious when you actually think about it.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
If to get a day, month or parade you have to be
shamed, demeaned or punishished,,, many celebrated days would disappear.
Okay, sure. Let's have a "95-105 IQ Celebration," and "everybody between 5'0" and 6'2" Hoedown." Then we'll have an "I got past grade 10 and Proud of it Day."

And a very special one, you'll like this: "Closed Minded and Glad of it Month." (Sure to be a huge winner in the red states.)


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Honestly I look at it all like Trump becoming president....
When you put yourself in the spotlight and demand things, you become a target.
If Trump had stayed to his life, he wouldnt be in the crap he is in today.

Edit..... It reminds me of a saying I heard when I was a youngster
"When the fox is in the woods, no one cares. He goes un-noticed.
When the fox its in the chicken house everyone cares. He becomes the center of attention"
So are you saying that people who are different -- perhaps people who are LGBTQ+ -- should just accept that they will never be afforded ordinary human rights, so they should stop asking for them?