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There is no evidence for a god.

Using your logic, a computer would have no maker, since an agent more complex created it. Watches, computer, or even a block with ABC on it don't just happen. Design begs a designer, or as the Bible puts it: "Every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God." (Hebrews 3:4) Evolutionists just can't explain away all the complexity that surrounds us.

I am saying that you have to show that the even more complex creator is true. You just make up a god to solve the problem but you cant explain the god.
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Premium Member
I am saying that you have to show that the even more complex creator is true. You just make up a god to solve the problem but you cant explain the god.

I hate to break this to you, but most of all the theists I know don't believe in God so we solve problems, explain nature, etc. I love astronomy, I studied Physical Anthropology and Chemistry, etc. But I also believe in God. Science is for the physical world and religion is for the spiritual world, or it is a way of life that includes bettering yourself (I am talking non-theist religions).
Also, I know there is not evidence for God- most theists know this- it is faith based.


Well-Known Member
Using your logic, a computer would have no maker, since an agent more complex created it. Watches, computer, or even a block with ABC on it don't just happen. Design begs a designer, or as the Bible puts it: "Every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God." (Hebrews 3:4) Evolutionists just can't explain away all the complexity that surrounds us.
That's your logic, not ours. Science shows us that natural laws are quite capable of explaining the complexity around us. It's even implicit in the second law of thermodynamics since simple, chaotic systems have more entropy than complex, orderly systems.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
now all you have to do is show that "all the complexity around us" was 'designed'.
Then you will have to show that this designer is your favorite deity.

Now since all you have done thus far is merely make the claim that "all the complexity around us" is designed...

So, if we see something obviously designed, we should assume it just ...happened? Perhaps you disagree with biochemist Michael Behe, who said regarding recent discoveries within the cell, that one result "is a loud, clear, piercing cry of design." Unfortunately, I think it is a cry ToE followers have covered their ears to, so as not to disturb their world view. (Romans 1:18-23)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Name the scientists that disagree.

Except that you have not shown that they are created.
You have merely made the claim.

And no one is denying that a house has a builder.
That is nothing more than your strawman.

Nor does merely making the claim ad nauseum that a grand creator made it make it true that a creator, grand or otherwise, created anything.

That's your logic, not ours. Science shows us that natural laws are quite capable of explaining the complexity around us. It's even implicit in the second law of thermodynamics since simple, chaotic systems have more entropy than complex, orderly systems.

Even if that were true, and I don' t believe it is, where did the natural "laws" come from? Who is the Lawgiver ?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Even if that were true, and I don' t believe it is, where did the natural "laws" come from? Who is the Lawgiver ?

How do you know that there is any Lawgiver?

Just because people often like to think in terms of purpose it does not follow that existence itself has one.


Woke gremlin
Even if that were true, and I don' t believe it is, where did the natural "laws" come from? Who is the Lawgiver ?

Your question is based on the presumption that it is a "who". Is it not possible that the laws that exist in our Universe can be simply "be", without having to be necessarily created? If not, can you demonstrate that they were?


Admiral Obvious
So, if we see something obviously designed, we should assume it just ...happened? Perhaps you disagree with biochemist Michael Behe, who said regarding recent discoveries within the cell, that one result "is a loud, clear, piercing cry of design." Unfortunately, I think it is a cry ToE followers have covered their ears to, so as not to disturb their world view. (Romans 1:18-23)
Is it "obviously designed" because it is designed, or is it "obviously designed" simply because YOU want/need it to be designed?

You have presented absolutely nothing to distinguish between the two.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Is mocking allowed?

mocking an idea, generally yes. mocking a person, no

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Personal attacks, and/or name-calling are strictly prohibited on the forums. Speaking or referring to a member in the third person, ie "calling them out" will also be considered a personal attack. Critique each other's ideas all you want, but under no circumstances personally attack each other or the staff.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Your question is based on the presumption that it is a "who". Is it not possible that the laws that exist in our Universe can be simply "be", without having to be necessarily created? If not, can you demonstrate that they were?

Of course not! Laws don't exist without a Lawgiver. I believe Jehovah has clearly identified himself as the true God, the one who is "our Statute-Giver" and supreme Sovereign. (Isaiah 33:22)


Well-Known Member
Of course not! Laws don't exist without a Lawgiver. I believe Jehovah has clearly identified himself as the true God, the one who is "our Statute-Giver" and supreme Sovereign. (Isaiah 33:22)
A snowflake appears to have been designed. So there must be a designer sitting in the clouds designing and making every snowflake. But nobody would buy that idea would they? So the designer has to be the one who designed the physical laws who in turn designed the snowflake. Now, even though that idea is just the first idea pushed back one step now some people actually buys the idea even though it's just the first idea one step removed! It is silly to believe that a god is sitting in the clouds designing and making the snowflakes but it is not! silly to believe that a god was sitting somewhere making the laws! that make the snowflakes look designed. Amazing lack of logical consistency.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
A snowflake appears to have been designed. So there must be a designer sitting in the clouds designing and making every snowflake. But nobody would buy that idea would they? So the designer has to be the one who designed the physical laws who in turn designed the snowflake. Now, even though that idea is just the first idea pushed back one step now some people actually buys the idea even though it's just the first idea one step removed! It is silly to believe that a god is sitting in the clouds designing and making the snowflakes but it is not! silly to believe that a god was sitting somewhere making the laws! that make the snowflakes look designed. Amazing lack of logical consistency.

I'm frankly surprised you feel the immensely complex and interrelated laws that control the universe and make life possible, just sprang into existence on their own, with no intelligent direction. Silly? No, simple logic. No lawgiver, no law.