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There is no evidence for a god.


Well-Known Member
The true God is from "everlasting to everlasting", like time without beginning nor end. One must ultimately come to the "Source of life". (Psalm 36:9, 90:2) Our limited thinking cannot fully comprehend someone eternal. I believe we can come to know the only true God by means of his communication with us. When I said all things have a Maker, it is with the exception of the One who is the grand Creator and life Giver, Jehovah.
Then of course if your maker doesn't need a maker there's no reason the universe or we would need one either.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Why are you separating the laws of physics from the system?
I'm not. I'm wondering what on earth any reference to "emergence" has to do with the argument you were addressing.

Don't physicists derive most of these laws from other, simpler laws? Isn't it the goal of physicists to find a grand, unified theory that explains all other theories?

Not all physicists, no. But science in general seeks explanations. And there are a good many who argue that emergence is not something that can be explained via the scientific enterprise as it has been understood (or at least practiced) over the past few centuries: by explaining the system in terms of its "parts" and the laws governing they dynamical interaction of these.

When all of nature shows us that the complex and organized derives from the simple and chaotic

This simply isn't accurate.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
The true God is from "everlasting to everlasting", like time without beginning nor end. One must ultimately come to the "Source of life". (Psalm 36:9, 90:2) Our limited thinking cannot fully comprehend someone eternal. I believe we can come to know the only true God by means of his communication with us. When I said all things have a Maker, it is with the exception of the One who is the grand Creator and life Giver, Jehovah.

How do you know this "creator" is the Judeo-Christian God?

For all anyone knows, it's Brahma.


Well-Known Member
Your whole argument is based on the watchmaker argument...
Are you sure you correctly interpreted the post you were replying to here?
... which has been refuted very elegantly and concisely time and again.
Yes indeed, by me among many others.
All told, that so-called argument is nothing but an analogy and does not stand up to logical examination. It is contradictive, misses salient points, and tells us nothing about the imaginary watchmaker.
My position precisely. Why are you telling me all this?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
How do you know this "creator" is the Judeo-Christian God?

For all anyone knows, it's Brahma.

Firstly, because Jehovah has assured us he is the grand Creator. (Psalm 100:3) Jehovah has proven his Godship by acting throughout history to bring his purposes about. Jehovah is the God of true prophecy, "the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done. the One saying, ' my own counsel will stand and everything that is my delight I shall do.' (Isaiah 46:9,10)
I believe Jehovah has supplied abundant evidence of his Godship, in contrast to the gods who cannot prove they exist. The gods of Egypt, baal, Babylon's gods have all been defeated by Jehovah and consigned to the dustbin of history, barely even recognized today. Psalm 115 contrasts Jehovah with the idols of the nations. Although having a mouth, eyes, ears, hands and feet, these man-made lifeless gods cannot speak or see or walk. Meanwhile, "everything that (Jehovah) has delighted to do he has done." (Psalm 115:3) My study of the Bible convinces me and millions of others that Jehovah is the grand Creator, and the only true God.


Well-Known Member
Firstly, because Jehovah has assured us he is the grand Creator. (Psalm 100:3) Jehovah has proven his Godship by acting throughout history to bring his purposes about. Jehovah is the God of true prophecy, "the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done. the One saying, ' my own counsel will stand and everything that is my delight I shall do.' (Isaiah 46:9,10)
I believe Jehovah has supplied abundant evidence of his Godship, in contrast to the gods who cannot prove they exist. The gods of Egypt, baal, Babylon's gods have all been defeated by Jehovah and consigned to the dustbin of history, barely even recognized today. Psalm 115 contrasts Jehovah with the idols of the nations. Although having a mouth, eyes, ears, hands and feet, these man-made lifeless gods cannot speak or see or walk. Meanwhile, "everything that (Jehovah) has delighted to do he has done." (Psalm 115:3) My study of the Bible convinces me and millions of others that Jehovah is the grand Creator, and the only true God.

So what? You still have to demonstrate first that your god exists and then that your old book was produced by your god.

Quoting the bible in the context of these discussions is laughably inane.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Firstly, because Jehovah has assured us he is the grand Creator. (Psalm 100:3)Jehovah has proven his Godship by acting throughout history to bring his purposes about. Jehovah is the God of true prophecy, "the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done. the One saying, ' my own counsel will stand and everything that is my delight I shall do.' (Isaiah 46:9,10)
I believe Jehovah has supplied abundant evidence of his Godship, in contrast to the gods who cannot prove they exist. The gods of Egypt, baal, Babylon's gods have all been defeated by Jehovah and consigned to the dustbin of history, barely even recognized today.

Because those are the ONLY Gods of other cultures, right? :sarcastic

"Throughout history" seems to me to only refer to the history of that region, because other Gods are still quite well-known, and other Gods from history that aren't have reached that point simply due to the passage of Time. It has nothing to do with this or that tribal God "defeating" them; other Gods simply become more popular. In addition, the Egyptian Gods weren't defeated directly because of the Judeo-Christian God; as with many Gods, that was due to Caesar and his legacy, as well as several other factors.

Besides, El was already the Supreme God of Canaan.

Prophecy has never impressed me, anyway. I've yet to be exposed to a prophecy that was, without doubt, true.

Psalm 115 contrasts Jehovah with the idols of the nations. Although having a mouth, eyes, ears, hands and feet, these man-made lifeless gods cannot speak or see or walk. Meanwhile, "everything that (Jehovah) has delighted to do he has done." (Psalm 115:3) My study of the Bible convinces me and millions of others that Jehovah is the grand Creator, and the only true God.

And my study of the Bible has done the exact opposite, because I actually compare and contrast it with other religions, and find that no tribal God, which El has always been, is above or below others. The only Universal Gods I've ever come across are Sun Gods like Mitra, or the Great Mother Herself.

Besides, Athena makes a cameo in the Bible. :D


Well-Known Member
To rusra02:

If you quote the Bible as evidence for the existence of God no rational person will take you seriously. Try for a minute to put yourself in our shoes and look at your position through the eyes of reason:

If a person quoted you something supposedly said by Sherlock Holmes from a book featuring Sherlock Holmes would that to you constitute evidence for the physical existence of Sherlock Holmes?
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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
To rusra02:

If you quote the Bible as evidence for the existence of God no rational person will take you seriously. Try for a minute to put yourself in our shoes and look at your position through the eyes of reason:

If a person quoted you something supposedly said by Sherlock Holmes from a book featuring Sherlock Holmes would that to you constitute evidence for the physical existence of Sherlock Holmes?

Heck, let's actually go one step further, and use books about Gods.

Would you, rusra, accept someone quoting The Silmarillion as proof that Iluvatar exists?


Well-Known Member
I'm not. I'm wondering what on earth any reference to "emergence" has to do with the argument you were addressing.
Because intelligence is an emergent property of living organisms. Because life is an emergent property of matter. Because matter is an emergent property of energy. So why should we assume that the physical laws themselves did not emerge from whatever may have preceeded them?


Well-Known Member
Firstly, because Jehovah has assured us he is the grand Creator. (Psalm 100:3) Jehovah has proven his Godship by acting throughout history to bring his purposes about. Jehovah is the God of true prophecy, "the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done. the One saying, ' my own counsel will stand and everything that is my delight I shall do.' (Isaiah 46:9,10)
I believe Jehovah has supplied abundant evidence of his Godship, in contrast to the gods who cannot prove they exist. The gods of Egypt, baal, Babylon's gods have all been defeated by Jehovah and consigned to the dustbin of history, barely even recognized today. Psalm 115 contrasts Jehovah with the idols of the nations. Although having a mouth, eyes, ears, hands and feet, these man-made lifeless gods cannot speak or see or walk. Meanwhile, "everything that (Jehovah) has delighted to do he has done." (Psalm 115:3) My study of the Bible convinces me and millions of others that Jehovah is the grand Creator, and the only true God.
Can't Lie On The Internet - YouTube


the evidence for god is all around you! think about the tiniest detail in a butterflies metamorphosis. what do think created the world, then?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
the evidence for god is all around you! think about the tiniest detail in a butterflies metamorphosis. what do think created the world, then?

I don't see why one must believe that existence was created by some sort of act of will. If I did, I guess I would be a Deist.

But as it turns out, I don't. I can see how it is often useful to think of things as being results of some sort of causing factor, but even in everyday situations it is often hard to justify the idea that things are "created". And existence itself is very much an exceptional case, among other things because proposing the existence of a Creator does not explain how that creator came to be.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
the evidence for god is all around you! think about the tiniest detail in a butterflies metamorphosis. what do think created the world, then?

The world?

To put it EXTREMELY simply, the world is made of condensed Stardust, brought together by the forces of gravity, and formed over a period of time via the forces of nature, both local and astronomical.


Well-Known Member
the evidence for god is all around you! think about the tiniest detail in a butterflies metamorphosis. what do think created the world, then?
Depends on who you ask of course. Ask a Hindu. The evidence for Brahma is all around you! How can you possibly not see that? ;)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
So why should we assume that the physical laws themselves did not emerge from whatever may have preceeded them?
We shouldn't. But "emergence" is a recent set of paradigms.When knew less about how life emerged or complex structures emerged from known laws of physics, there was no talk of "emergence". It was simply assumed that we needed to know more about these laws, or required better methods of analysis. Emergence developed out of a number of things, but one of these was the realization that what we had assumed to be "simple" was not just complex, but complex in often suprising ways (e.g., Edward Lorenz's "strange attractors"). It seemed that, while many seemingly simple phenomena did not violate physical laws, they couldn't be reduced to them either. And as reduction had become the "name of the game" as far as science was concerned, this presented a problem. Currently, within certain fields (especially systems biology and interdisciplinary work on consciousness, but also some work in theoretical physics), there exists a growing amount of scientific literature arguing that emergent properties are not only irreducible (i.e., they cannot be produced from knowing the laws of physics and how these govern the "parts" of the system), but actually violate known "laws" of physics.
Hence sources like the following:
"Complexity in biology: Exceeding the limits of reductionism and determinism using complexity theory"
"Cohesiveness: general systems and contra-reductionism revolution"
"R-Theory: A Synthesis of Robert Rosen’s Relational Complexity"
"From knowledge, knowability and the search for objective randomness to a new vision of complexity"
Beyond Reduction: Philosophy of Mind and Post-Reductionist Philosophy of Science

The Limits of Reductionism in Biology

The Waning of Materialism

Downward Causation and the Neurobiology of Free Will

Emergence in Science and Philosophy

not to mention the various monograph series (Understanding Complex Systems; The Frontiers Collection; The Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology), journals, conferences, etc., all dedicated to understanding whether complex systems, especially biological, are ontologically reducible (and if not, whether something like "non-reductive physicalism" is defensible). Then there's the nice head-ache those of us who actually work with complex systems have to deal with thanks to modern physics:

"Causality Is Inconsistent With Quantum Field Theory"

"Einstein, Incompleteness, and the Epistemic View of Quantum States"

"On the incompatibility between quantum theory and general relativity"

"Realism and the physical world"

Quantum chance and non-locality: Probability and non-locality in the interpretations of quantum mechanics

Reexamining the Quantum-Classical Relation: Beyond Reductionism and Pluralism

Quantum Causality: Conceptual Issues in the Causal Theory of Quantum Mechanics (Studies in History and Philosophy of Science)

Particle Metaphysics: A Critical Account of Subatomic Reality (The Frontiers Collection)

and it gets worse when physicists start really messing with complex systems (especially neuroscience):

The Emerging Physics of Consciousness

Mindful Universe: Quantum Mechanics and the Participating Observer

(not to mention about half of what the series Advances in Consciousness Research puts out, that awful journal NeuroQuantology, and perhaps a quarter to half of what the literature on emergence in complex systems in general).


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
So what? You still have to demonstrate first that your god exists and then that your old book was produced by your god.

Quoting the bible in the context of these discussions is laughably inane.

Actually, I think each person needs to convince themselves about God and the Bible. As Acts 17:27 says: "for them to seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us. For by him we have life and move and exist."


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Heck, let's actually go one step further, and use books about Gods.

Would you, rusra, accept someone quoting The Silmarillion as proof that Iluvatar exists?

I would say whether a book is to believed depends on the contents. Sherlock Holmes is fiction. I believe the Bible is a true historical record of God's dealings with mankind. For anyone to believe this would mean more than a casual look at the Bible. Millions have made such an examination and are convinced the Bible is what it claims to be, "not..the word of men, but, just as it truthfully is..the word of God. (1Thessalonians 2:13) Millions of thinking people.


Admiral Obvious
I would say whether a book is to believed depends on the contents. Sherlock Holmes is fiction. I believe the Bible is a true historical record of God's dealings with mankind. For anyone to believe this would mean more than a casual look at the Bible. Millions have made such an examination and are convinced the Bible is what it claims to be, "not..the word of men, but, just as it truthfully is..the word of God. (1Thessalonians 2:13) Millions of thinking people.
Appeal to popularity.
Not very impressive when considering the fact that millions of people used to think the world was flat.
that tomatos were poisonous.
that horse hairs left in water turned into worms...