I’ve been reading through a couple of threads, and I see that it is said that there is no evidence for a god, it’s an unfalsifiable idea. We all agree on this? If you don’t, care to explain the evidence there is for god?
I’m in agreement. I used to believe my personal experiences to be subjective evidence for god, but I know now that’s not the case. I am not a theist anymore because I recognize I was a Christian thanks almost completely to my environment. That’s why I believed. I was brought up in it. Wasn’t because of any proof or anything,
So, theists, why do you believe? Is it mainly because of your environment and geographical location? There is no proof for god (right?), so what logically keeps you believing? Or is logic not supposed to be a factor when it comes to faith? Is it too jarring, the idea of leaving the comfort that religion and belief in a god brings?
I am curious about personal evaluations on why you believe. It can’t be because of logic, as there is no proof of god, right?
Psychologically, religion gave people comfort, hope, and a sense of morality, and on top of that, a purpose in life.
In Christianity, I find it logically the most make sense, and beneficial to the world, with the least nonsensical rituals.
This is better than individualistic moral standard, egoistic world-view.
God's existence, Heaven and Hell realities, are another things which are not so important.
Just being good to another humans and to the rest of the world is what makes it count!
Even, if you can prove there is really no God, without religion (specifically, Christianity), the world would be more hostile for humanity.
But, I agree that some religions out there can be more damaging as well.