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To the Non Believers.


Woke gremlin
And still no backup. Give me some numbers that are not similar to mine and then we can have a peeing contest that I have no doubt you will loose.
You're the one making the claim - I'm the one contesting it. You said yourself that you weren't certain if your sources were accurate, so I'm asking for a more reliable source. Can you do that?

I wont repest how you blame belief in God for mass atrocities yet I have shown that belief in no gad has killed more.
No, you haven't. You've just shown atheists can kill people, but you have not shown that it was their atheism which caused them to do so.

Explain what you wish. You are still on the run and grasping at straws.
No, I'm asking you to provide support for your claims. You're the one who is failing to do that.

Now, where has anybody here ever claimed that atheists are morally superior to theists?


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
I wont repest how you blame belief in God for mass atrocities yet I have shown that belief in no gad has killed more.
You gave numbers for how many people have died from atheist regimes, but have you posted any numbers of those who have died from religious regimes?

If not, then you have only shown that some deaths can be attributed to atheism (debatable, as Immortal Flame is pointing out); you have not actually shown that atheism has caused more deaths than religion.


Well-Known Member
Just a quibble: The function of religion is to serve/praise/worship God or to find enlightenment/Nirvana/etc. Atheism does not have either of those goals, so it is by definition, not a religion. At best, you could call it a belief system or a worldview.

1 a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

IDK it seems to be a religion of anti religion, from what I have seen from many here an attempt to demonize believers and convert them.


Well-Known Member
Let me see if I got this straight, Archer.

You're accusing Atheism of being just "another religion".

You claim that we talk about our moral supremacy, apparently solely because we point out that faith has often fueled cruelty of various kinds.

And you also claim that there is no difference between us and theists.

Sorry to say, but you are very mistaken in many ways. For one, you fail to realize that people don't commit attrocities due to lack of belief in God. Or do you know of any? I sure don't.

But, he all ready did that...(or claims to have). Apparently, because Stalin was a virulent atheist, and soviet communism was anti-religion, and Marx (or was it Lenin) said, 'religion is the opiate of the masses' the purge carried out in soviet russia by Stalin was an atrocity due to lack of belief in god. I mean, wasn't every bullet used inscribed with 'we don't believe in god, so there' in Cyrillic? He could totally prove it, if we unbelievers weren't so busy attacking him.


Woke gremlin
1 a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
Atheism doesn't fit any of those definitions. :facepalm:

IDK it seems to be a religion of anti religion, from what I have seen from many here an attempt to demonize believers and convert them.
Even if that were true - which I'm sure it is, but only for a tiny minority - that would not make atheism a religion. If millions of people, for example, like Batman, and a couple of Batman fans tried to convert me into a Batman fan does that mean Batman is a religion?


Well-Known Member
You gave numbers for how many people have died from atheist regimes, but have you posted any numbers of those who have died from religious regimes?

If not, then you have only shown that some deaths can be attributed to atheism (debatable, as Immortal Flame is pointing out); you have not actually shown that atheism has caused more deaths than religion.

Actually there was a link to total estimated killed. Most were not by Abrahamic religions or any other. Most happens this century and Atheists were in control. You ask me to counter? Hell this is a fricking debate. Defend your ground.


Well-Known Member
Atheism doesn't fit any of those definitions. :facepalm:

Even if that were true - which I'm sure it is, but only for a tiny minority - that would not make atheism a religion. If millions of people, for example, like Batman, and a couple of Batman fans tried to convert me into a Batman fan does that mean Batman is a religion?

I just see that we are going to disagree. I guess you feel that if you have no God and claim to be an atheist that you cant be associated with others of your kind.


President of Chindia
Actually there was a link to total estimated killed. Most were not by Abrahamic religions or any other. Most happens this century and Atheists were in control. You ask me to counter? Hell this is a fricking debate. Defend your ground.

Archer, all you have shown is that atheists, such as Hitler and Stalin, killed people. You haven't been able to demonstrate that the atheism was the CAUSE of the killing. If not, I can just as easily make the argument that people with moustaches kill more than people without moustaches, therefore moustaches are bad.

Unless you can prove a direct causal link between atheism and pyschopathic murder, your point is essentially a load of crap.


Woke gremlin
I just see that we are going to disagree. I guess you feel that if you have no God and claim to be an atheist that you cant be associated with others of your kind.

Well, because you're a Christian, does that mean I can associate you with Adolf Hitler or Martin Luther and call you the same "kind"?

No, the reason I'm disagreeing that atheism is a religion is because it's not a religion, pure and simple.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
1 a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
None of those support your claim that atheism is a religion (they actually support my definition), with perhaps the exception of 4. And 4 could be used in the sense that anything you are passionate about is a "religion", ie Music is like his religion, so that the word loses any specific meaning.

Archer said:
IDK it seems to be a religion of anti religion, from what I have seen from many here an attempt to demonize believers and convert them.
It appears that you are defining a religion as anything that encourages people to demonize and convert unbelievers. Surely you can see how this puts religion in a negative light.


Intentionally Blank
So Archer, after making all this noise about these horrible attack threads, you know, what you made this thread about, you don't have a single example of one? Not one? If I criticize you for starting a thread based on nothing, would you call it an attack?


Well-Known Member
Archer, all you have shown is that atheists, such as Hitler and Stalin, killed people. You haven't been able to demonstrate that the atheism was the CAUSE of the killing. If not, I can just as easily make the argument that people with moustaches kill more than people without moustaches, therefore moustaches are bad.

Unless you can prove a direct causal link between atheism and pyschopathic murder, your point is essentially a load of crap.

HUMPH. It damn sure did not prevent it. TBH the people caused it regardless of faith but I will carry this line until Atheists stop saying that all of this killing goes on in the name of God because it does not. It is in the name of Man using God as a cover.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Actually there was a link to total estimated killed. Most were not by Abrahamic religions or any other. Most happens this century and Atheists were in control. You ask me to counter? Hell this is a fricking debate. Defend your ground.
That's just it. I haven't made any claim. You have.

You stated that "Atheism has caused more deaths than religion." You need two numbers-- the number that atheism has killed and the number that religion has killed-- in order to substantiate that claim. You have only provided one of them.

Furthermore, if you are only talking about this century, then you would need to further modify your claim to state "Atheism has caused more deaths than religion in this century", otherwise, it looks like you are making an statement about all time.


Intentionally Blank
What the hell did the most evil men of their century have in common. I don't mean what we perceive as evil I meal the ones who committed human atrocities. I never said the killed in the name of atheism I am saying that they were atheists and you people need to get off your high horses because if I do the math more have been killed by atheists than theists. Sure you will argue this but it is a fact! Please stop making all of the false accusations and telling outright lies about the faithful.

Atheism is a religion just as you group the Jew, Muslim and Christian together though we believe different things. Atheists don't believe in a god though they are not the same.

Let me get this. You started this thread to complain about people attacking you for being a believer, and now you're trying to tar all atheists with the crimes of Stalin? Just because we're both atheists.

If I point out your hypocrisy, will you whine about being attacked? I'd say if you don't want to be criticized for it, don't exhibit your hypocrisy.


Intentionally Blank
I already covered the atrocities committed by atheists. I guess I could go further but there is no point. Please defend your beliefs and how they are superior or just admit we are all human and God has nothing to do with it.

Just think I have not even gotten started.

That's easy. My belief is superior because it is correct, logical, and based on evidence.