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To the Non Believers.


Well-Known Member
What cracks me up is thinking you can threaten us with an entity we don't believe exists. Ooh, the boogey-man will get me. I'm scared.

And who's threatening you, I am simply stateing the facts. "You" the mind, have developed and continue to develop from the information and experiences that are taken through the senses of that body.

And that information is imprinted into the eternal soul that has become "Who You Are," which is your indwelling ancestral spirit. He was in the beginning and has become "Who You Are" in his eternal process of evolution by the gathering of all the information taken in through the senses of all your ancestores, 'Human and pre-human', who, in his evolution, He had become. If "Who You Are' was not in the beginning, then "You" could not exist today, this is a fact.

Before you, has been placed life and death, and "You" the Mind, have chosen death, and what the disembodied mind, that has no physical senses through which to gather more data, believes, is exactly what will occur to that mind. To those who desire death, then death is their reward.

You can either be an obedient servant to, and an extension of "Who You Are" who is the compilation of all your ancestors, human and pre-human, and who dwells behind the veil to the inner most sanctuary of your being, and live, or you can reject the commands of your indwelling Father and die in the empty void of the separation from all that exists, except for "Yourself," who believes it will die with the death of the body in which "You" the disbelieving mind is developing.

There was a door to which I found no key
There was the veil through which I could not see
Some little talk awile of Me and Thee
There was--- and then no more of Thee and Me

Earth could not answer; not the seas that mourn
In flowing purple, of their Lord forlorn;
Nor rolling heaven, with all his signs revealed
And hidden by the sleeve of night and morn.

Then of the Thee in Me, who works behind
The veil, I lifted up my hands to find
A lamp amid the darkness; and I heard
As from without---"The Me in Thee is blind" ....Omar Khayyam
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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
And you ask why the faithful and the Atheists seem to be at odds all of the time. There is truth but for some reason it is argued by both sides that it is not.

Nah. As usual, you're greatly exagerating and misrepresenting the case. Not even most Theists actually care that much whether God exists. It is simply not important for most matters.

Numbers don't lie but it seems that we cant even get a set of numbers that are kosher.

It is a lost cause and it will cause problems until the end.

Atheists are just as bad as they claim everyone else is, it is part of being human I guess.

So you're backing off from your original claim that we are worse? About time, too.


Well-Known Member
Nah. As usual, you're greatly exagerating and misrepresenting the case. Not even most Theists actually care that much whether God exists. It is simply not important for most matters.

So you're backing off from your original claim that we are worse? About time, too.

Hello there you little Atheist/Agnostic/ Buddhist. Could you please tell us which part of "YOU," continues to exist after the death of your body? That non-physical essence, that you believe will be resurrected or re-incarnated back into the physical world.

Where is the essecce of "Who You Are" stored, as it awaits its re-incarnation, and is it re-incarnated in this period of universal activity, or in the next?

Could the memorial tomb of the essence of "WHO YOU ARE" possibly be in the pure land in the west that was created by Amitabha Buddha, the Buddha of infinite light? And do you intend to call on the name of Amitabah ten times at the point of death, as do the millions and millions of Buddhist in Japan and China in thier attempt to enter the pure land?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Hello there you little Atheist/Agnostic/ Buddhist.

Hello, little faithful-in-God person.

Could you please tell us which part of "YOU," continues to exist after the death of your body?

Basically the memories and teaching that I may have left.

That non-physical essence, that you believe will be resurrected or re-incarnated back into the physical world.

I have no such belief. I don't believe in ressurrection at all, and I actively disgusted by the concept of reincarnation.

Where is the essecce of "Who You Are" stored, as it awaits its re-incarnation, and is it re-incarnated in this period of universal activity, or in the next?

Nowhere. There is no such essence. My existence as an individual being is basically an illusion.

Could the memorial tomb of the essence of "WHO YOU ARE" possibly be in the pure land in the west that was created by Amitabha Buddha, the Buddha of infinite light?

Who knows? Everything is possible, I guess. Why do you ask? :D

And do you intend to call on the name of Amitabah ten times at the point of death, as do the millions and millions of Buddhist in Japan and China in thier attempt to enter the pure land?

Not really. Amithaba is a beautiful and very useful religions concept, one that I dearly value. But it is not quite my way of practice.

Of course, while Pure Land adepts are very numerous in Japan and China, it would be wrong to imply that each and every Japanese or Chinese Buddhist believes in Amitthaba, much less dedicates his practice to that Buddha.

(Are you still attached to the belief that the Pure Land is a literal place?)


President of Chindia
You know, I think the difference between 'fact' and 'opinion' came up in my GCSE exam about two years back. I don't know whether it's more hilarious or frightening that there are adults that still cannot grasp this basic concept.


Admiral Obvious
I don't know whether it's more hilarious or frightening that there are adults that still cannot grasp this basic concept.
Personally, I would have to take it on a case by case basis.
Sometimes it being hilarious,
sometimes it being sad,
sometimes it being frightening...


Well-Known Member
And who's threatening you, I am simply stateing the facts. "You" the mind, have developed and continue to develop from the information and experiences that are taken through the senses of that body.

And that information is imprinted into the eternal soul that has become "Who You Are," which is your indwelling ancestral spirit. He was in the beginning and has become "Who You Are" in his eternal process of evolution by the gathering of all the information taken in through the senses of all your ancestores, 'Human and pre-human', who, in his evolution, He had become. If "Who You Are' was not in the beginning, then "You" could not exist today, this is a fact.

Before you, has been placed life and death, and "You" the Mind, have chosen death, and what the disembodied mind, that has no physical senses through which to gather more data, believes, is exactly what will occur to that mind. To those who desire death, then death is their reward.

You can either be an obedient servant to, and an extension of "Who You Are" who is the compilation of all your ancestors, human and pre-human, and who dwells behind the veil to the inner most sanctuary of your being, and live, or you can reject the commands of your indwelling Father and die in the empty void of the separation from all that exists, except for "Yourself," who believes it will die with the death of the body in which "You" the disbelieving mind is developing.

Sounds like left hand path philosophy to me. The ego is an illusion, it is not "you" at all.


Well-Known Member
So by "stating the facts," you mean "making stuff up?"

Please explain to us, the evolutionary process that caused the organic molecule that had developed in the toxic pool in the primeval earth, to evolve through the multitude of species that led up to the creation of that living body in which you are developing?

And If that living body was born without the sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, etc, and no experiences or information could enter into the brain of that living body, how could "You," who are but the compilation of all the information that your brain has received from all the information that it was able to gather through your senses, could ever have developed without those senses?

But thank you for giving me the credit for making all this stuff up, athough Mestemia is correct in suggesting that I am only repeating the stuff that greater men than I have made up.
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Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
But thank you for giving me the credit for making all this stuff up, athough Mestemia is correct in suggesting that I am only repeating the stuff that greater men than I have made up.

Keep at it. Being great at making things up is basically a matter of practice. Don't sell yourself short! You can be as great at making things up as these great maker-uppers of things you idolize. Just remember: it's not a lie, if you believe it.


Intentionally Blank
Please explain to us, the evolutionary process that caused the organic molecule that had developed in the toxic pool in the primeval earth, to evolve through the multitude of species that led up to the creation of that living body in which you are developing?
Why? If you're not familiar with it, may I suggest a class or book on introductory evolutionary biology?

And If that living body was born without the sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, etc, and no experiences or information could enter into the brain of that living body, how could "You," who are but the compilation of all the information that your brain has received from all the information that it was able to gather through your senses, could ever have developed without those senses?
I have no idea.

But thank you for giving me the credit for making all this stuff up, athough Mestemia is correct in suggesting that I am only repeating the stuff that greater men than I have made up.

You're welcome. Just so you don't confuse it with stating facts.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
By describing observable facts, which were in fact independently found out by Wallace some years later, and by many others since.

But why do you bring his name up?


Well-Known Member
Why? If you're not familiar with it, may I suggest a class or book on introductory evolutionary biology?

S-words response; Nah matey, I know that My God, "Who I Am," was in the beginning and through the process of evolution has become who I am by gathering to itself all the information taken in through the senses of all the life- forms that the singularity of origin had become in it's evolution to become who I am.

I know that when this body in which "I" have and continue to develop, as an obedient servant and an extension of "WHO I AM," dies, and the skin, flesh, bone, blood, brain matter, etc, has all returned to the universal elements from which it was created, and created it was, then all that will remain of "ME" will be the facsimile or shadow that has been imprinted upon the eternally evolving universal life-force or soul, Who I Am; and when the universal resurrection comes around again, I will be reborn with full knowledge of my pre-existence.

quote=Autodidact; I have no idea.

S-words response; Yes, I was quite aware of that, there was no need for you to have to admit it publicly, so now Let me state as a fact, that if that body in which "You" the mind are developing, was born without the sense of sight, hearing, smell taste, touch, etc, then "You" the mind, would never have developed, and that living body would have eventually died in a vegetative state, devoid of a controlling personality or godhead to that body.


President of Chindia
Then you tell us who did make up the theory of gravity, and while you're at it, tell us also, who made up the theory of relativity?

Newton and Einstein, what's your point?

My point is that all these mechanisms were already present in Nature and the Universe; we only discover them. It's not like humans 'make up' gravity or 'make up' evolution. It's already there.