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To the Non Believers.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Here's why. At least for me here's why. It is because what you are teaching is affecting the progress of the human race. More specifically, it is retarding the evolution of the human species. Evolution happens on scale, in other words, we ALL need to evolve, at least a very large majority in order for it to stick. If you guys don't quit spreading your teachings pretty soon, we are going to go extinct. We need to evolve as a species and we need to do it real quick. The world is falling apart, i.e. climate change and failed economic systems and so on. If we continue on this course we will surely be lost to the sand. To get beyond all this, we need to get smart, real smart. We need to learn that our survival (the species that is) is a higher cause than our ideologies. These ideologies we fight over are going to kill us. And it won't be war, it won't be sea level rise, or an ice age, but it will be famine, water contamination and disease. These things are just around the corner. So I fight against beliefs that are ignorant and stifling to growth, and there you have it.

I have no need to I have no need to further understand your religion, I already have what I need to know about it. Your religion (and most others for that matter) causes the human species to get stuck in a rut and evolution becomes bogged down. We can't afford that any longer. Believe me, I don't come here to fight for kicks, just like you, I have a mission to save souls, only these souls are still alive.

I know this is your opinion, but can you prove any of these claims?


Well-Known Member
Get back to me when you can understand the difference between a scientific hypothesis and and scientific theory.

I'm Back; how's this.

"Theory": (1) Systematically organised knowledge applicable in a relativly wide variety of circumstances; especially, a system of assumptions, accepted principles, and rules of precedure devised to analyse, predict, or otherwise explain the nature or behaviour of a given set of phenomena. ie theory of evolution. (2) Broardly, a hypothesis; an opinion.


President of Chindia
I'm Back; how's this.

"Theory": (1) Systematically organised knowledge applicable in a relativly wide variety of circumstances; especially, a system of assumptions, accepted principles, and rules of precedure devised to analyse, predict, or otherwise explain the nature or behaviour of a given set of phenomena. ie theory of evolution. (2) Broardly, a hypothesis; an opinion.

Wrong definition. That's the layman's definition of theory, which is the equivalent of a scientific hypothesis. A scientific theory is something completely different. Try again.


Well-Known Member
Here's why. At least for me here's why. It is because what you are teaching is affecting the progress of the human race. More specifically, it is retarding the evolution of the human species. Evolution happens on scale, in other words, we ALL need to evolve, at least a very large majority in order for it to stick. If you guys don't quit spreading your teachings pretty soon, we are going to go extinct. We need to evolve as a species and we need to do it real quick. The world is falling apart, i.e. climate change and failed economic systems and so on. If we continue on this course we will surely be lost to the sand. To get beyond all this, we need to get smart, real smart. We need to learn that our survival (the species that is) is a higher cause than our ideologies. These ideologies we fight over are going to kill us. And it won't be war, it won't be sea level rise, or an ice age, but it will be famine, water contamination and disease. These things are just around the corner. So I fight against beliefs that are ignorant and stifling to growth, and there you have it.

I have no need to I have no need to further understand your religion, I already have what I need to know about it. Your religion (and most others for that matter) causes the human species to get stuck in a rut and evolution becomes bogged down. We can't afford that any longer. Believe me, I don't come here to fight for kicks, just like you, I have a mission to save souls, only these souls are still alive.

He is the First and the Last, the beginning and End, the Alpha and Omega, the Father and Son. That which we do in life determines the end result, but when the end result is acheived, there is nothing that we three dimensional beings can do to change that end result: correct?

If space and time within this three dimensional world that is enclosed within the fourth dimension, had their beginnings in the Big Bang, which was the beginning of the evolution of the physical visible three dimensional universe, then the cause of the universe would have to have been an entity which operates in a different time dimension than that of this universal body, and which would have pre-existed the Big Bang.

The Alpha in the fourth dimension, has already become the Omega, who is the end result of the information gathered in this three dimensional living universal body and there is nothing that we can do to change that which our past, present, and future actions has created. And It is the Omega, who is the intellect that was formed from all the experiences and information taken in through all the life-forms and especially the sinful body of mankind, to whom all sin is ascribed, and it is he who descends through time, to pay the penalty for all the sin of the body in which He, the supreme personality of Godhead to this universal body had developed. It is the Omega, who is the end result of this period of universal activity in this eternal cyclic universe, who is the Alpha within the next cycle, who becomes the new Omega of that cycle by changing that which made him "Who He Is." All that exists within the singularity of origin which has become all that exists, is the singularity, for God is ONE.

And so my friend, come soar with me
To the outer limits of reality
This universe, though wide it seems
Is but the shadow of our dreams
We are nought but knowledge in these tents
Refined through pain and punishment
We're the hive of man and neath His rod
We are one, we're the Son of God
The past, the present, the future is He
He was, He is, and He will be
And heaven is but a point in time
To where the spirit in man must climb
Eventually when He's there at last
And stands and gazes on His past
And takes the throne prepared in heaven
Then all His past will be forgiven.
I am who I am, the die is cast
For I was created by my past
And we who we are this very day
Determines His future in every way
If my past were changed, then who would I be?
One thing is certain, I wouldn't be me.........By S-word.
So sit back, kick back, relax and enjoy the show as we watch the formation of our God and saviour, "The Son of Man" in action.
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Resident Liberal Hippie
Get back to me when you can understand the difference between a scientific hypothesis and and scientific theory.

I'm Back; how's this.

"Theory": (1) Systematically organised knowledge applicable in a relativly wide variety of circumstances; especially, a system of assumptions, accepted principles, and rules of precedure devised to analyse, predict, or otherwise explain the nature or behaviour of a given set of phenomena. ie theory of evolution. (2) Broardly, a hypothesis; an opinion.

Strike One...:facepalm:
Wanna try again?
Whats the difference between a scientific hypothesis and and scientific theory


Well-Known Member
Apparently if you talk semi-mystic crap for a paragraph, and then add a poem (albeit a pretty good one) on the end, this constitutes proof of God's existence.

Do you have an answer to the question, "What existed before the infinitely dense, infinitely hot, infinitesimally small singularity that was torn asunder by the Big Bang, to eventually evolve into this living universal body with its growing intellectuals within that body"? Or could it be that you do not have the intestinal fortitude to make up a hypothetical case in an attempt to answer such a natural phenomena?

Matey, the Big Bang scientific theory may not be correct, but it is the best model as to the origin of the universe and all therein, that anyone has made up so far.

If Copernicus had not made up his theory that the universe revolved around our sun and not as was believed, "around our earth," and was not brave enough to defy the religious authorities, who saw all investigation into the workings of the universe as pagan teaching, and publish his theory/hypothesis, albeit on his death bed out of fear of the ruling religious authorities, how far would our understanding of the universe have evolved today?
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Intentionally Blank
S-word seems not to understand the distinction between inventing a piece of fiction and discovering a scientific theory.


Well-Known Member
S-word seems not to understand the distinction between inventing a piece of fiction and discovering a scientific theory.

Oh mine is not a scientific theory, it is a scientific/religious theory, like a Synostosis, the fusion of the two skeletal bones of evolution and religion, clothing them with one living body of belief. I know that atheists/agnostics will hate this theory as it will, in its process of evolution, eventually prove that God/The Omega, who is “The Son of Man” the Most high within the evolving singularity that is God, who evolved from the Alpha, already exists and did exist before this three dimensional world came into existence, albeit, not in our three dimensional time.

I longed to hear someone express the words I couldn’t speak
Reveal to me the mysteries of life that all men seek
So I sought the men of science, who say the universe --- has no mind
Oh they say that it’s evolving, but will die one day in time
So then the men of piousness, with them I sat me down
But they say God’s mind is bodiless, those men in flowing gowns
Then finally in silent dream, just me and “Who I Am”
We floated on life’s living stream, with a pen held in my hand
T’was then the veil began to tear, in this Temple that is me
And here, within this sanctuary, I saw the one that we will be.......By S-word

By the way, you don't honestly believe that mankind is the end of the process of the evolution of the species, do you?
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Well-Known Member
Wrong definition. That's the layman's definition of theory, which is the equivalent of a scientific hypothesis. A scientific theory is something completely different. Try again.

Why bother? As I prefer the laymans definition of religious and scientific theory, than the definitions put forward by the pompious acedemics in their flowing robes and gowns, the dictionary's defination will do me for now.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Do you have an answer to the question, "What existed before the infinitely dense, infinitely hot, infinitesimally small singularity that was torn asunder by the Big Bang, to eventually evolve into this living universal body with its growing intellectuals within that body"? Or could it be that you do not have the intestinal fortitude to make up a hypothetical case in an attempt to answer such a natural phenomena?
"Before" is meaningless in this context, S-word, as time itself was created at this point as well.
As far as the unfoldment of the Universe, creation of elements, stars, galaxys and armadillos, science has done quite a bit of research on the processes, as you're aware.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I already have, try reading post #582, if you and Tumbleweed are not happy with that defination then tough luck matey.

Tough luck for you, that is, since you apparently can't even read clear and direct explanations about the meaning of "theory".

So be it, then. If you don't value your own claims, it would be a mistake for me not to follow your example on that matter.


Well-Known Member
"Before" is meaningless in this context, S-word, as time itself was created at this point as well.
As far as the unfoldment of the Universe, creation of elements, stars, galaxys and armadillos, science has done quite a bit of research on the processes, as you're aware.

Time relevant to this three dimenisional world that co-exists within and and without the fourth dimension, in which, time in that world is but space which can be traversed.


Well-Known Member
Tough luck for you, that is, since you apparently can't even read clear and direct explanations about the meaning of "theory".

So be it, then. If you don't value your own claims, it would be a mistake for me not to follow your example on that matter.

Oh for goodness sake, what do I have to do to silence your incessant droneing?

Scientific methods consist of collecting data through observation and experimentation, and formulating, hypotheses (Making them up) and testing those hypotheses/theories.
Scientific researchers make up hypotheses/theories as explanations of phenomena, and then design experimental studies to test those hypotheses/theories. Theories that encompass wider domains of inquiry may bind together many hypotheses/theories, that were made up by many independent scientists, into a coherent, supportive structure. This in turn may help to form new hypotheses/theories. Once theory/hypotheses has been proven beyond doubt, it ceases to be a theory/hypotheses.


Well-Known Member
Oh for goodness sake, what do I have to do to silence your incessant droneing?

Scientific methods consist of collecting data through observation and experimentation, and formulating, hypotheses (Making them up) and testing those hypotheses/theories.
Scientific researchers make up hypotheses/theories as explanations of phenomena, and then design experimental studies to test those hypotheses/theories. Theories that encompass wider domains of inquiry may bind together many hypotheses/theories, that were made up by many independent scientists, into a coherent, supportive structure. This in turn may help to form new hypotheses/theories. Once theory/hypotheses has been proven beyond doubt, it ceases to be a theory/hypotheses.
Once an hypotheses has been proven beyond a doubt, it becomes a part of theory.