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To the Non Believers.


Well-Known Member
Newton and Einstein, what's your point?

My point is that all these mechanisms were already present in Nature and the Universe; we only discover them. It's not like humans 'make up' gravity or 'make up' evolution. It's already there.

No one said that evolution or gravity were made up by humans, but apparently you are in agreement with me as you have now verified in your post #560, that certain humans made up the theories to explain evolution and gravity after having observed proveable facts.

After answering correctly that Newton and Einstein made up the theories of Gravity and Relativity, you ask,"What's your point"? If you read posts # 546, 548, 552, and 553, I believe that you will see my point.
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President of Chindia
No one said that evolution or gravity were made up by humans, but apparently you are in agreement with my point as you have now verified in your post that certain humans made up the theories to explain evolution and gravity after having observed proveable facts.

And so...what exactly does this point contribute to any Creation/Evolution, theism/atheism, debate?


Yep, Charles Dawin made up the theory of evolution.

Well, that's not accurate. Darwin may have first come up with an idea, a hypothesis, that - after being confirmed - now makes up a large chunk of the Theory of evolution, but that does not come close to "making up the theory of evolution".

One does not "make up" theory in science - those are hypotheses. "Theory" in science is not "a theory", it's "theory" - as in "knowledge".


Well-Known Member
Well, that's not accurate. Darwin may have first come up with an idea, a hypothesis, that - after being confirmed - now makes up a large chunk of the Theory of evolution, but that does not come close to "making up the theory of evolution".

One does not "make up" theory in science - those are hypotheses. "Theory" in science is not "a theory", it's "theory" - as in "knowledge".

If you would care to go back and follow the debate, you will see that my point is that the evolution or the theory of evolution which is the stuff that I was talking about, was not stuff that was made up by myself, but by others.

I am not going to be drawn into some senseless debate, splitting straws about who wrote of evolution before Darwin or who added to his theory after, Charles Darwin is generally credited with making up the theory of evolution, and that is good enough for this particular debate.


President of Chindia
If you would care to go back and follow the debate, you will see that my point is that the evolution or the theory of evolution which is the stuff that I was talking about, was not stuff that was made up by myself, but by others.

How does this in any way relate to God?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
No it isn't, because you're failing to recognize the basic differences between a scientific theory - which is by necessity verifiable and testable by confronting with observable reality.

This whole "made up" stuff came from the thread following from #535, #537, #541, #546, #548, #551, #552. Which is to say, you're attempting to present Bible quotes as "fact" and when called for the made-up stuff it is, tried then to muddle the water by bringing up Darwin.

That is comparing apples with oranges and you know that. Or you should know, anyway.


Well-Known Member
How does this in any way relate to God?

It depends on your definition of God. I believe that the infinitely dense, infinitely hot, infinitesimally small singularity of Origin was torn asunder, or spatially separated for the foundation of this universal body, in which evolved singularity that evolves from within itself, an intellect has evolved, and as I believe also in an eternal cyclic universe, and that one day, all that exists will again be condensed into the infinitely dense, infinitely hot, infinitesimally small singularity of origin and the Omega, who is the supreme personality of Godhead to the evolved singularity, will be the Alpha of the next period of universal activity, who will evolve to become the Omega of that cycle in which we will be resurrected.

My God is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, that Alpha and the Omega, and the Father and the Son, and yet they are, but the singularity which has become all that exists, and all that exists, exists in, and evolves in, the singularity that is God.

I believe as do the Buddhists, that Universe after universe is like an interminable succession of wheels forever coming into view, forever rolling onwards, disappearing and reappearing; forever passing from being to non being, and again from non being to being. In short, the constant revolving of the wheel of life in one eternal cycle, according to fixed and immutable laws, is perhaps after all the sum and substance of the philosophy of Buddhism. And this eternal wheel has so to speak, six spokes representing six forms of existence.” ---- Mon. Williams, Buddhism, pp. 229, 122.

I believe that the nights and days of Brahma are called Manvantara or the cycle of manifestation, ‘The Great Day,’ which is a period of universal activity, that is preceeded, and also followed by ‘Pralaya,’ a dark period, which to our finite minds seems as an eternity. ‘Manvantara,’ is a creative day as seen in the six days of creation in Genesis, ‘Pralaya,’ is the evening that proceeds the next creative day. The six periods of Creation and the seventh day of rest in which we now exist, are referred to in the book of Genesis as the generations of the universe.

The English word “Generation,” is translated from the Hebrew “toledoth” which is used in the Old Testament in every instance as ‘births,’ or ‘descendants,’ such as “These are the generations of Adam,” or “these are the generations of Abraham, and Genesis 2: 4; These are the generations of the Universe or of the heavens and earth, etc. And the ‘Great Day’ in which the seven generations of the universe are eternally repeated, is the eternal cosmic period of the eighth eternal day in which those who attain to perfection are allowed to enter, where they shall be surrounded by great light and they shall experience eternal peace, while those who do not attain to perfection are cast back into the refining fires of the seven physical cycles that perpetually revolve within the eighth eternal cosmic cycle.

I believe as did Origen, who was a Christian writer and teacher who lived between the years of 185 and 254 AD. Among his many works is the Hexapla, which is his interpretation of the Old Testament texts. Origen holds to a series of worlds following one upon the other,-- each world rising a step higher than the previous world, so that every later world brings to ripeness the seeds that were imbedded in the former, and itself then prepares the seed for the universe that will follow it.

Now do you understand how the theory of evolution relates to my God, for without the eternal growth and constant change of that which was in the beginning of this visible three dimensional world, there can be no God.


Resident Liberal Hippie
  • One makes up stories.
  • One observes, tests, and verifies natural phenomenon to reach conclusions (Scientific Theories.)

No logical comparison.


Active Member
Atheists are just as bad as they claim everyone else is, it is part of being human I guess.
Absolutely! Atheists are just as bad as any other human in the world, 100% with you there.

But, then again, atheists don't claim they follow the will of a perfect, loving God and does his will. If you really did just that, I would at least expect that there was some change to the way you treat other people.
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Well-Known Member
  • One makes up stories.
  • One observes, tests, and verifies natural phenomenon to reach conclusions (Scientific Theories.)
S-words Response; And then one makes up a hypothetical case based on the conclusions reached from their observations of those natural phenomenon. As to whether or not the hypothetical case that they put forward is correct, only time and more research by others will prove or disprove.
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Well-Known Member
Absolutely! Atheists are just as bad as any other human in the world, 100% with you there.

But, then again, atheists don't claim they follow the will of a perfect, loving God and does his will. If you really did just that, I would at least expect that there was some change to the way you treat other people.

Nor do atheists take ancient writings literaly, or assign to them an aura of legitimacy that they don't have evidentiarily.:sleep:


Resident Liberal Hippie
S-words Response; And then one makes up a hypothetical case based on the conclusions reached from their observations of those natural phenomenon. As to whether or not the hypothetical case that they put forward is correct, only time and more research by others will prove or disprove.

Get back to me when you can understand the difference between a scientific hypothesis and and scientific theory.


Active Member
  • One makes up stories.
  • One observes, tests, and verifies natural phenomenon to reach conclusions (Scientific Theories.)
S-words Response; And then one makes up a hypothetical case based on the conclusions reached from their observations of those natural phenomenon. As to whether or not the hypothetical case that they put forward is correct, only time and more research by others will prove or disprove.

I wonder if the posters understands the meaning of the comic's, "I'm not making this up" remark.

Danny Heim

Active Member
Why is it a constant believer bashing around here?

Why? Are you looking for understanding of what is incomprehensible to you?
Are you missing something in your life and feel that you must make others like you?

I have heard religion blamed for everything but the people are individuals and think for themselves. I say dont blame the faith or the believers just take it out on the individuals.

Please explain to me why the constant attack on religion.

Here's why. At least for me here's why. It is because what you are teaching is affecting the progress of the human race. More specifically, it is retarding the evolution of the human species. Evolution happens on scale, in other words, we ALL need to evolve, at least a very large majority in order for it to stick. If you guys don't quit spreading your teachings pretty soon, we are going to go extinct. We need to evolve as a species and we need to do it real quick. The world is falling apart, i.e. climate change and failed economic systems and so on. If we continue on this course we will surely be lost to the sand. To get beyond all this, we need to get smart, real smart. We need to learn that our survival (the species that is) is a higher cause than our ideologies. These ideologies we fight over are going to kill us. And it won't be war, it won't be sea level rise, or an ice age, but it will be famine, water contamination and disease. These things are just around the corner. So I fight against beliefs that are ignorant and stifling to growth, and there you have it.

I have no need to I have no need to further understand your religion, I already have what I need to know about it. Your religion (and most others for that matter) causes the human species to get stuck in a rut and evolution becomes bogged down. We can't afford that any longer. Believe me, I don't come here to fight for kicks, just like you, I have a mission to save souls, only these souls are still alive.


Intentionally Blank
  • One makes up stories.
  • One observes, tests, and verifies natural phenomenon to reach conclusions (Scientific Theories.)
S-words Response; And then one makes up a hypothetical case based on the conclusions reached from their observations of those natural phenomenon. As to whether or not the hypothetical case that they put forward is correct, only time and more research by others will prove or disprove.

Actually we're already at the end of that sentence, where time and 100 years of intense research have verified the theory.


Intentionally Blank
If you would care to go back and follow the debate, you will see that my point is that the evolution or the theory of evolution which is the stuff that I was talking about, was not stuff that was made up by myself, but by others.

I am not going to be drawn into some senseless debate, splitting straws about who wrote of evolution before Darwin or who added to his theory after, Charles Darwin is generally credited with making up the theory of evolution, and that is good enough for this particular debate.

So you see no difference between an invented fictional tale and a verified scientific theory?