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To the Non Believers.


Well-Known Member
Once an hypotheses has been proven beyond a doubt, it becomes a part of theory.

Correct! Now you're beginning to grasp the true definition of "Theory."

The theory that has been proven beyond doubt and has, in itself, ceased to be theory, may become a principle fact in some other new hypotheses/theory, which when, that particular theory, that may encompass many proven facts, is itself proven beyond all doubt, it may then become a principle fact within a new hypotheses/theory, this is how the eternal evolutionary process works.


Well-Known Member
"Before" is meaningless in this context, S-word, as time itself was created at this point as well.
As far as the unfoldment of the Universe, creation of elements, stars, galaxys and armadillos, science has done quite a bit of research on the processes, as you're aware.

As far as the unfoldment of the this three dinensional Universe, with its creation of elements, stars, galaxys and armadillos, science has done quite a bit of research on the processes, which began with the Big Bang that separated the seemingly eternal embrace of Father Time and Mother Space in their dark and confined nuptial chamber.

Having spoken with you previousely, and having a pretty fair idea of the way you think, it was for that reason that I said that I very much doubted that you would understand when I said, "If space and time within this three dimensional world that is enclosed within the fourth dimension, had their beginnings in the Big Bang, which was the beginning of the evolution of the physical visible three dimensional universe, then the cause of the universe would have to have been an entity which operates in a different time dimension than that of this three dimensional world, and which would have pre-existed the Big Bang,"


Veteran Member
Premium Member
As far as the unfoldment of the this three dinensional Universe, with its creation of elements, stars, galaxys and armadillos, science has done quite a bit of research on the processes, which began with the Big Bang that separated the seemingly eternal embrace of Father Time and Mother Space in their dark and confined nuptial chamber.

Having spoken with you previousely, and having a pretty fair idea of the way you think, it was for that reason that I said that I very much doubted that you would understand when I said, "If space and time within this three dimensional world that is enclosed within the fourth dimension, had their beginnings in the Big Bang, which was the beginning of the evolution of the physical visible three dimensional universe, then the cause of the universe would have to have been an entity which operates in a different time dimension than that of this three dimensional world, and which would have pre-existed the Big Bang,"
So, then, as you know, my friend,I conceive of a multi dimentional Universe rather than an illusory 3 or 4-D dreamworld.
Conclusions drawn from mundane, 3-D experience I'd expect to be about as metaphysically accurate as those reached in a dream.


Well-Known Member
Correct! Now you're beginning to grasp the true definition of "Theory."

The theory that has been proven beyond doubt and has, in itself, ceased to be theory, may become a principle fact in some other new hypotheses/theory, which when, that particular theory, that may encompass many proven facts, is itself proven beyond all doubt, it may then become a principle fact within a new hypotheses/theory, this is how the eternal evolutionary process works.


Intentionally Blank
Oh mine is not a scientific theory, it is a scientific/religious theory, like a Synostosis, the fusion of the two skeletal bones of evolution and religion, clothing them with one living body of belief. I know that atheists/agnostics will hate this theory as it will, in its process of evolution, eventually prove that God/The Omega, who is “The Son of Man” the Most high within the evolving singularity that is God, who evolved from the Alpha, already exists and did exist before this three dimensional world came into existence, albeit, not in our three dimensional time.

I longed to hear someone express the words I couldn’t speak
Reveal to me the mysteries of life that all men seek
So I sought the men of science, who say the universe --- has no mind
Oh they say that it’s evolving, but will die one day in time
So then the men of piousness, with them I sat me down
But they say God’s mind is bodiless, those men in flowing gowns
Then finally in silent dream, just me and “Who I Am”
We floated on life’s living stream, with a pen held in my hand
T’was then the veil began to tear, in this Temple that is me
And here, within this sanctuary, I saw the one that we will be.......By S-word

By the way, you don't honestly believe that mankind is the end of the process of the evolution of the species, do you?

It's not a theory at all, S, it's just something you made up.

And no, I don't believe that mankind is the end of any process; only a step on the way.


Well-Known Member
Sorry old mate, that is correct. Prove me wrong, don't Just parrot the word.
It's up to you to educate yourself and learn. Personally, you can wallow in your ignorance for all I care. You're wrong about the methods of science and people on this board know it, so deal with it.


Well-Known Member
It's up to you to educate yourself and learn. Personally, you can wallow in your ignorance for all I care. You're wrong about the methods of science and people on this board know it, so deal with it.

I'm correct young fellow, it's you that will have to deal with that fact.


Well-Known Member
Dream on.

Thank you for the opening to explain one of my dreams to all the non-believers.

In dream I saw the heavens ablaze with balls of fire
Huge hailstones that were burning and streaking down the sky
The earth was clothed in purple, dark orange and deep blue
Like a swaddling cloth surrounding us that hid the stars from view
Dark clouds rose from the mountain peaks, earth’s veins were opened wide
Through which her inner blood spewed forth, in streams of living fire
Whole continents, they heaved and tossed, wave rippled through the ground
In all the earth, no hiding place of safety could be found.

The oceans boiled, they foamed and rose, destroying cities on their shores
All the river dams were busted valley towns were seen no more
The power stations of the earth all were melted down
A few survivors of the human race were all that could be found
And then I saw the winter, a winter so severe
It lasted not a few short months, but neigh on three long years
And the women who were pregnant, O God! The children that they bore
Grotesque and hideous malformations, I pray to see that sight no more

Then when the winter lifted and crops began to grow
A strange and eerie world emerged, from the destruction and the snow
A world with neither day nor night, where even rainbows couldn’t form
In the atmosphere above the earth, and yet the air was strangely warm
A thousand years or twilight and through that swaddling band on high
Three blood red giants were glowing through a hazed and orange sky
The sun and moon had turned to blood, yet far brighter than the moon
Was Jupiter the heavenly light, which in time would spell man’s doom?.....By S-word.

It is my belief that the swaddling cloud that will surround the earth and save us from the initial burst of cosmic radiation, that will eventually incinerate all physical life forms on this planet, will be created by a super volcanic explosion equal to or greater than the volcanic explosion 75,000 years ago, and that it will be triggered by an atomic war in the Middle East, just before the thousand year rule of our God and saviour who raised Jesus from death.

The major volcanic explosion of Hekla 4 in Iceland which spewed out massive amounts of Lava in 2350 B.C. coupled with a close encounter with a passing comet and a Tunguska like fire ball, which is believed to have been major issues in the inundation of Ireland that is said to have been left waste for 30 odd years around 2350 B.C., and the devestating flood around the Mediterranean Sea, which was the known civilised world in the day of Noah around 2,350 B.C. and was also believed to have caused the inundation of the Black Sea around the foot of the mountain range of Ararat.

If one believes the scriptures, all that, will appear as a non-event when compared to the greatest tribulation that man has ever seen or will ever see, of which it is said will occur immediately before the Day of the Lord.

From the Book of Jubilees 4: 30; “And He (Adam) lacked seventy years of one thousand years; for one thousand years are as one day in the testimony of the heavens and therefore was it written concerning the tree of knowledge: ‘On the day thou eat thereof ye shall die.’ For this reason Adam did not complete the years of that first day; for He died during it.”

Act 17: 31; For he (The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.) has fixed a day in which he will judge the whole world with justice by means of a man he has chosen. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that man from death. The day that the Lord has fixed is the Sabbath, which is the Day of the Lord in which he will judge the whole world with justice for that seventh period of one thousand years, which is the seventh day from that first day when Adam ate of the forbidden fruit and died in that day at the age of 930. This is after the great tribulation that the world is soon to suffer as described by the prophet Joel 3: 14; “Thousands and thousands are in the valley of judgment. It is there that the Day of the Lord will soon come. The sun and moon grow dark, and the stars no longer shine. The Lord roars from Mount Zion, his voice thunders from Jerusalem; earth and sky tremble. But he will defend his people . “Then, Israel, will know that I am the Lord your God, etc,etc.

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non-existential luminary
Thank you for the opening to explain one of my dreams to all the non-believers.

I've had dreams as well non-believer. your deviation from the rightful path of the Lord Our God shall truely curse you. It is only because you curse yourself, however, because you deny the obvious fact of Agnosticism. Lies are the torturers of the soul. And the Lord, All-Powerful, is limited to nothing...not even idol scripture.


Well-Known Member
I've had dreams as well non-believer. your deviation from the rightful path of the Lord Our God shall truely curse you. It is only because you curse yourself, however, because you deny the obvious fact of Agnosticism. Lies are the torturers of the soul. And the Lord, All-Powerful, is limited to nothing...not even idol scripture.

You condemn me as a non-believer, which is a lie. Ahh, how cruel are your venemous arrows, those lies must come from your tortured soul. Never have I once in my 68 years, ever deviated from the path that my Lord God "Who I Am," leads me on, My beliefs may not be those which were established by those deceivers who preach another Jesus than he who walked with the apostles, those deceivers who refuse to acknowledge that Jesus came as a human being, but my belief comes from My God "Who I Am."

For the Word of God can be likened
To a star that's being ever brightened
By the mind of man reaching ever higher
But those who deviate, they're liars
In God's word man's mind can grow
But those outside, they're like the snow
That settles on the desert sand
And will melt away, before I AM....By S-word.

I've left them in the desert, on the beach and in the snow
On the mountain tops, the river beds, in fact everywhere I go
Tiny footprints --- Indentations --- to mark the pathways that I've trod
Yet they vanish to the sight of all, except the piercing eye of God
And he's always been beside me, since the day I ceased to crawl
He watched me take my first small step, saw me stumble, saw me fall
Life lets me make my own mistakes, and god--- how many have I made?
But thank the Lord I've learned from them, that's how life's game is played.
The life I've lived, the guilt, the shame, but I wouldn't change a dot
For it's made me who I am today and to me that means a lot.
O, I'll never be an Einstein, a Rembrandt, or Khayyam
But I've gained a greater inner peace, and I'm content with who I am
Undoubtedly, I'll fall again, Mistakes will knock me off my feet
But they'll be new encounters mate, Past sins I'll not repeat
For I store the memory of my crimes, like others store their gold
And my treasure house keeps growing, as my future life unfolds. .....By S-word.


President of Chindia
All the river dams were busted

Wow. Literary genius.

It is my belief that the swaddling cloud that will surround the earth and save us from the initial burst of cosmic radiation, that will eventually incinerate all physical life forms on this planet, will be created by a super volcanic explosion equal to or greater than the volcanic explosion 75,000 years ago, and that it will be triggered by an atomic war in the Middle East, just before the thousand year rule of our God and saviour who raised Jesus from death.

You what? You do realize that the supervolcano explosions in the past have caused mass extinctions of life. Save us? It's going to freaking kill us. And by the by, you aren't going to trigger a volcano by dropping atomic bombs in the Middle East. Considering the distance of the Middle East from any volcanic plate boundaries, and the fact that all the countries bombing Israel are the ones next to Israel, so they unlikely to use gigantic nukes for fear of getting fallout over their own countries...yep, basically, your hypothesis is bollocks.

If one believes the scriptures, all that, will appear as a non-event when compared to the greatest tribulation that man has ever seen or will ever see, of which it is said will occur immediately before the Day of the Lord.

Oh, yeah, the same scriptures divinely influenced by a pyschotic God who commands genocide and slaughter of surrounding tribes?
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non-existential luminary
You condemn me as a non-believer, which is a lie. Ahh, how cruel are your venemous arrows, those lies must come from your tortured soul. Never have I once in my 68 years, ever deviated from the path that my Lord God "Who I Am," leads me on, My beliefs may not be those which were established by those deceivers who preach another Jesus than he who walked with the apostles, those deceivers who refuse to acknowledge that Jesus came as a human being, but my belief comes from My God "Who I Am."
But it is not a lie that you are a non-believer: for it is clear that you deny the true path. deciding by your weight of the words of wolfs and sheep to travel in the dark forrest. there is no condemnation by me, only condemnation by yourself. That which your tricked and weary eyes see as arrows are nothing but kisses blown in your way. A soul as filled with God's love, can do nothing but share it. It is true that the Lord God leads you, but whether you deviated is still in question. clearly, non of us are perfect creatures, and you were not born in this world with the view you now hold. but were infact, born agnostic.

I congratulate you, you are a great poet.
For the Word of God can be likened
To a star that's being ever brightened
By the mind of man reaching ever higher
But those who deviate, they're liars
In God's word man's mind can grow
But those outside, they're like the snow
That settles on the desert sand
And will melt away, before I AM....By S-word.

The Word of God is likened
to idol scriptures on this earth;
But those who worship idols
do underestimate God's worth.
The Truth of God is easy,
we can find it everywhere.
if you just look more closely
you will find that it is there.
In all, it's simply diagnostic
The Word of God's Agnostic.
I've left them in the desert, on the beach and in the snow
On the mountain tops, the river beds, in fact everywhere I go
Tiny footprints --- Indentations --- to mark the pathways that I've trod
Yet they vanish to the sight of all, except the piercing eye of God
And he's always been beside me, since the day I ceased to crawl
He watched me take my first small step, saw me stumble, saw me fall
Life lets me make my own mistakes, and god--- how many have I made?
But thank the Lord I've learned from them, that's how life's game is played.
The life I've lived, the guilt, the shame, but I wouldn't change a dot
For it's made me who I am today and to me that means a lot.
O, I'll never be an Einstein, a Rembrandt, or Khayyam
But I've gained a greater inner peace, and I'm content with who I am
Undoubtedly, I'll fall again, Mistakes will knock me off my feet
But they'll be new encounters mate, Past sins I'll not repeat
For I store the memory of my crimes, like others store their gold
And my treasure house keeps growing, as my future life unfolds. .....By S-word.
Amazing, you truely have great poetic talent... however, i fail to see how rhymes of words can further a development. the basis for your thoughts, deam your thoughts and dreams irrelevant.
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Well-Known Member
But it is not a lie that you are a non-believer:

S-words Response; Ahh, but to say that I am a non-believer is a lie of the highest order,

quote=Luminous; But it is not a lie that you are a non-believer: for it is clear that you deny the true path.

S-words Response; There is but one true path that I must follow, and no other can travel my path. That which was in the beginning has become “Who I Am,” and “Who I Am” is connected to his beginning by an eternal and unbroken genetic thread of Life. I picked up a fossil and O, what a buzz, to think, in my hand was who I once was. “Who I Am” has never died and can never die, as long as I remain true to and an obedient servant to and an extension of “Who I Am,” I will be chosen as his heir to sit beside him in his throne as the indwelling godhead to all my descendants, and it is I who will dwell behind the veil to the innermost sanctuary of my future tabernacle, which will be the expanding body of my descendants.

For I am ‘who I am’ may I never lose sight
Of the fact that I am ‘who I am’ day and night
I’m not ‘who I was,’ nor ‘who I will be’
For “Who I Am,” is the name, MY God gave to me.

So get behind me you charlatan priests and you shams
For I am true to My God, to MY GOD, “Who I Am.”

quote=Luminous; deciding by your weight of the words of wolfs and sheep to travel in the dark forrest.

S-words Response; I choose not to respond to that little bit of rubbish.

quote=Luminous; there is no condemnation by me, only condemnation by yourself.

S-words Response; I could never and would never condemn “Who I Am,” I do whatever he commands of me, for I know the spirit of my ancestors, human and pre-human of which “Who I Am” is their compilation, has learned through suffering what is good and what is bad. No my friend, I am a believer, and it is you who condemn me as a non-believer.

quote=Luminous; That which your tricked and weary eyes see as arrows are nothing but kisses blown in your way.

S-words Response; As kisses blown from the lips of Judas Iscariot.

quote=Luminous; A soul as filled with God's love, can do nothing but share it.

S-words Response; A soul as filled with God's love, does not condemn his brother as a non-believer

quote=Luminous; It is true that the Lord God leads you,

S-words Response; You can bet you sweet bippy on that my friend

quote=Luminous; but whether you deviated is still in question.

S-words Response; Only in the mind of those who belong to the body, whose spiritual head stands before God day and night condemning his brothers.

quote=Luminous; clearly, non of us are perfect creatures, and you were not born in this world with the view you now hold. but were infact, born agnostic.

S-words Response; I was chosen before this world began my dear friend

quote=Luminous; I congratulate you, you are a great poet.

S-words Response; Thank you.