Isn't it equally for the people we're talking about to decide what it is? And what they say it is is an evil thing.
I'm sure it's more comfortable for you for your religion to be insulated from criticism, but when I see evil being perpetuated, I'm going to speak out against it. The people perpetuating the evil tell me exactly why they're doing it: because they believe it is Allah's will. They may be mistaken (indeed I'm sure they are, since there is no such thing) but nevertheless it is because of their mistaken belief that they do it. So yeah, I'm going to call Islam on that. It doesn't get a free pass just because it's a religion.
Well, you have two examples, good and bad, both claiming to be doing it in the name of their religion. Why on earth did you choose the bad and start talking about the religion as if it is evil. I guess a more fair way to judge religions would be to view it's teachings. If there is a scripture, revise it. If there is any kind of reference, check it. But to go ahead and decide that a certain religion is evil, i don't think that's a fair way to judge anything.
I know you won't admit that this method is mistaken, since you already started to try and provoke me.