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Top 10 reasons why Jesus Christ Isn't God


Well-Known Member
We always blame who kill more , and who have more power (more weapon and guns ) to kill .

Kind of a strange thing to say but ok.

De 32:21 They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people;
I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation.

I am not claiming that G-d is always super nice or anything like that. G-d is not necessarily benevolent or malevolent in the human sense. Judaism is non-dualistic, therefore I don't see things people regard as "evil" being opposed to G-d; but then again, I do not believe in "good" and "evil". Those are just superstitious words IMO.

Mt 21:43 43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

Why would I take a quote from the CHRISTIAN Bible if I am Jewish? :sarcastic


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
In my opinion there is no right or wrong path so to me it doesn't matter. If some one gave me proof that was against what I believed I would automatically accept it as their "personal proof" (What they think is proof that their beliefs are right and mind are wrong). I don't feel the need to defend what I believe because in my eyes no one is completely right and no one is completely wrong. Hope that makes sense
ok , it's the Neutral view , but i feel , and i am sure that christians are in very Embarrassing situation .



Admiral Obvious
ok , it's the Neutral view , but i feel , and i am sure that christians are in very Embarrassing situation .

I can guarantee you that you have not embarrassed anyone other than yourself.
The really sad part is that you are not even aware of how embarrassed you really should be.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
can i ask you ?
if Jesus [ peace be upon him ] god , how could jesus in your believe worshiping god

is it possible [ god worships god ] ?

Ask yourself and think about it ...

[ I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Mohammed is messenger from Allah ]

thanks Mr omar , this one of the 10 TOP reasons , that the video , talking about .


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
thanks God we have now video and Text :

YouTube - Top 10 reasons why Jesus Christ Isn't God-TheDeenShow

1. Jesus Never Said "I am God" in an un-equivocal, direct way. Whenever he seems to be saying this, when you read in context it is always about being one 'in purpose'.

2. Jesus Never Said "Worship me". He always directed worship towards the father, and always submitted to the will of his father. Luke 18:19 "Jesus answered him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone." If Jesus is God why would he say this?

3. God cannot be born. Jesus was born.

4. God cannot die. He is from everlasting to everlasting. Jesus died. This is so simple!

5. Nobody has ever seen God. People saw Jesus.

6. Jesus never taught the trinity. The word trinity doesn't appear in the Bible, and is man-made.

7. God cannot be constrained into a box of any kind. He doesn't have a physical body i.e. You cannot put Him inside a human form and say "there is God". The Almighty Creator is much bigger than this. He makes his abode outside time and physical contraints.

8. Jesus ate, slept and prayed. God has no need for any of these (He is self-sufficient), and a God that needs to pray is not God at all. God doesn't have human needs. He cannot become a human, just the same way He cannot die, and cannot be beaten (this would go against the very fabric of His being). God did not become a human. The Bible tells us He would manifest to us a Son that would reveal His character to us. Jesus Christ is Immanuel, "God with us". Since we have already established that God cannot be constrained to any human form, this cannot mean that God came down to Earth as a human, so we must think outside the square. In a spiritual sense, Jesus was "God with us" in every possible way. As a representative of God, his purpose was to show us who God is and what He is about.

9. God doesn't change. His attributes are the same today, tomorrow and forever. eg. God is truthful, so He is not going to lie (ever!) or for anyone!

10. The Old Testament is very EXPLICIT with respect to who God is. There is ONE God. "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me." God doesn't change his mind and all of a sudden there is 2 (or 3) Gods.

God has given us free will (and our own brain) so we can decide things for ourselves, and reach our own conclusions based on our own logic in conjunction with reading His word. God has made it really simple for us to understand. It isn't rocket science, and even little kids can understand Him and develop a relationship with Him through Jesus. Hallelujah!


Well-Known Member
3. God cannot be born. Jesus was born.

4. God cannot die. He is from everlasting to everlasting. Jesus died. This is so simple!

5. Nobody has ever seen God. People saw Jesus.

7. God cannot be constrained into a box of any kind. He doesn't have a physical body i.e. You cannot put Him inside a human form and say "there is God". The Almighty Creator is much bigger than this. He makes his abode outside time and physical contraints.

8. Jesus ate, slept and prayed. God has no need for any of these (He is self-sufficient), and a God that needs to pray is not God at all. God doesn't have human needs. He cannot become a human, just the same way He cannot die, and cannot be beaten (this would go against the very fabric of His being). God did not become a human. The Bible tells us He would manifest to us a Son that would reveal His character to us. Jesus Christ is Immanuel, "God with us". Since we have already established that God cannot be constrained to any human form, this cannot mean that God came down to Earth as a human, so we must think outside the square. In a spiritual sense, Jesus was "God with us" in every possible way. As a representative of God, his purpose was to show us who God is and what He is about.
If God is so powerful, could he not take human form if he wanted?

Not saying Jesus was God, I don´t even believe in God, but it seems weird if such a powerful being could not take a human form that had to sleep, drink, eat and so on if he wanted to.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
1. Jesus Never Said "I am God" in an un-equivocal, direct way. Whenever he seems to be saying this, when you read in context it is always about being one 'in purpose'.
Did he need to?

2. Jesus Never Said "Worship me". He always directed worship towards the father, and always submitted to the will of his father. Luke 18:19 "Jesus answered him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone." If Jesus is God why would he say this?
Okay - one potentially valid point. That verse does seem like Jesus is saying that he isn't God.

3. God cannot be born. Jesus was born.
Can't an all-powerful God do anything he wants, including being born if he wants to?

Or in your view, is God not all-powerful?

4. God cannot die. He is from everlasting to everlasting. Jesus died. This is so simple!
Again: can't God do what he wants?

5. Nobody has ever seen God. People saw Jesus.
How do you know that nobody has ever seen God?

6. Jesus never taught the trinity. The word trinity doesn't appear in the Bible, and is man-made.
So? What does the Trinity have to do with it?

Why couldn't the Mormon idea of a "godhead" work? Why couldn't we just have multiple gods? Why couldn't Jesus be an aspect of God? There are more ways to get to "Jesus is God" than just modern Trinitarianism.

7. God cannot be constrained into a box of any kind. He doesn't have a physical body i.e. You cannot put Him inside a human form and say "there is God". The Almighty Creator is much bigger than this. He makes his abode outside time and physical contraints.
So... God can't take human form? Isn't that a constraint on God? I thought you said that constraints on God were impossible, but here you are saying what God can and can't do.

8. Jesus ate, slept and prayed. God has no need for any of these (He is self-sufficient), and a God that needs to pray is not God at all. God doesn't have human needs.
Who says they were needs? Just because you do something doesn't mean you need to do it.

He cannot become a human, just the same way He cannot die, and cannot be beaten (this would go against the very fabric of His being).
There you go again, saying what God can't do. I thought you said that we can't put constraints on God.

God did not become a human. The Bible tells us He would manifest to us a Son that would reveal His character to us.
What's the problem here? In the mainstream Christian view, God coming to Earth in the form of Jesus did reveal God's character to humanity.

9. God doesn't change. His attributes are the same today, tomorrow and forever. eg. God is truthful, so He is not going to lie (ever!) or for anyone!
This doesn't work. A God that never changes can't create, since creation is an act of change. Don't you believe that God is the Creator?

10. The Old Testament is very EXPLICIT with respect to who God is. There is ONE God. "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me." God doesn't change his mind and all of a sudden there is 2 (or 3) Gods.
Read it again. "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me" doesn't mean "there is ONE God"; it means "I'm the BEST God" (or "I'm the best God FOR YOU").

Also, the "there is one God" argument doesn't get you to "Jesus wasn't God", it gets you to "if Jesus was God, he was an aspect of God"

God has given us free will (and our own brain) so we can decide things for ourselves, and reach our own conclusions based on our own logic in conjunction with reading His word.
Great - let us know when you're ready to do that, because I see very little logic in the argument you've presented so far.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
can i ask you ?
if Jesus [ peace be upon him ] god , how could jesus in your believe worshiping god

is it possible [ god worships god ] ?

Ask yourself and think about it ...
Are you saying that God is not worthy of God's own worship?

Or are you saying that God is incapable of a simple task?


Intentionally Blank
Nobody has ever seen God.
This is the key point. No one has ever seen God. No one has ever heard God. No one has ever felt or smelled God, because God cannot be perceived with the senses. We have a word for this, actually two words. We call it, "not existing."

7. God cannot be constrained into a box of any kind. He doesn't have a physical body i.e. You cannot put Him inside a human form and say "there is God". The Almighty Creator is much bigger than this. He makes his abode outside time and physical contraints.
God cannot be born.
Now I know this is hard for someone whose brain has been deformed by childhood indoctrination into Islam, but try really hard to think. Just stop the noise for a moment and apply basic logic. Can you spot the contradiction in your post? BIG HINT When you contradict yourself, we know for sure that you're wrong. Time to give up and start over.


Jesus in me
I want to know if some one could deny these top 10 reasons , which give clear proofs, which deny that Jesus (pbuh) was not a God

YouTube - Top 10 reasons why Jesus Christ Isn't God-TheDeenShow

I enjoyed as much as I listened to but that wasn't much. Try listing the ten and it will be easier for us.

I did catch the Jesus never said worship me argument which quite simply does not prove that Jesus isn't God in the flesh. I would love to have someone try to explain to me why he thinks it does.

I have never seen an argument that disproves that Jesus is God in the flesh and there are plenty of arguments to say that He is.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I enjoyed as much as I listened to but that wasn't much. Try listing the ten and it will be easier for us.
I am very happy that you enjoyed

I did catch the Jesus never said worship me argument which quite simply does not prove that Jesus isn't God in the flesh. I would love to have someone try to explain to me why he thinks it does.
Of course he never said worship me, in contrary he Worship his God !!!! don't tell flesh or blood , He did miracles in flesh (give the death a life ...etc by the god order )

I have never seen an argument that disproves that Jesus is God in the flesh and there are plenty of arguments to say that He is.
don't tell me that Jesus is two gods , god flesh and god soul !!!! He never tell that he is God without flesh , or he has the full power when he become free from flesh !!!


I don't need to watch a 48 minute video telling me why a human being is not god.

The concept of a human being actually being a god is impossible to you. But the concept of allah writing a book is???


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I don't need to watch a 48 minute video telling me why a human being is not god.

The concept of a human being actually being a god is impossible to you. But the concept of allah writing a book is???

Allah writing a book !!!! this is the most misundertand islam religion ,
you remmeber me , a story , about christains girl go to the mosque of muslims , and asked them , to show her the holy god "camel " , she insisted to them to show her the camel that we pray !!!! , and some others insisted that we pray the moon !!!!
first of all , allah(in arabic) mean God in english, and it's near to the word hebrew "Elohim"


Admiral Obvious
Allah writing a book !!!! this is the most misundertand islam religion ,
you remmeber me , a story , about christains girl go to the mosque of muslims , and asked them , to show her the holy god "camel " , she insisted to them to show her the camel that we pray !!!! , and some others insisted that we pray the moon !!!!
first of all , allah(in arabic) mean God in english, and it's near to the word hebrew "Elohim"
So who wrote the koran?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member