thanks God we have now video and Text :
YouTube - Top 10 reasons why Jesus Christ Isn't God-TheDeenShow
1. Jesus Never Said "I am God" in an un-equivocal, direct way. Whenever he seems to be saying this, when you read in context it is always about being one 'in purpose'.
2. Jesus Never Said "Worship me". He always directed worship towards the father, and always submitted to the will of his father. Luke 18:19 "Jesus answered him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone." If Jesus is God why would he say this?
3. God cannot be born. Jesus was born.
4. God cannot die. He is from everlasting to everlasting. Jesus died. This is so simple!
5. Nobody has ever seen God. People saw Jesus.
6. Jesus never taught the trinity. The word trinity doesn't appear in the Bible, and is man-made.
7. God cannot be constrained into a box of any kind. He doesn't have a physical body i.e. You cannot put Him inside a human form and say "there is God". The Almighty Creator is much bigger than this. He makes his abode outside time and physical contraints.
8. Jesus ate, slept and prayed. God has no need for any of these (He is self-sufficient), and a God that needs to pray is not God at all. God doesn't have human needs. He cannot become a human, just the same way He cannot die, and cannot be beaten (this would go against the very fabric of His being). God did not become a human. The Bible tells us He would
manifest to us a
Son that would reveal His
character to us.
Jesus Christ is Immanuel, "God with us". Since we have already established that God cannot be constrained to any human form, this cannot mean that God came down to Earth as a human, so we must think outside the square. In a spiritual sense, Jesus was "God with us" in every possible way. As a representative of God, his purpose was to show us who God is and what He is about.
God doesn't change. His attributes are the same today, tomorrow and forever. eg. God is truthful, so He is not going to lie (ever!) or for anyone!
10. The Old Testament is very EXPLICIT with respect to who God is. There is ONE God. "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me." God doesn't change his mind and all of a sudden there is 2 (or 3) Gods.
God has given us free will (and our own brain) so we can decide things for ourselves, and reach our own conclusions based on our own logic in conjunction with reading His word. God has made it really simple for us to understand. It isn't rocket science, and even little kids can understand Him and develop a relationship with Him through Jesus. Hallelujah!