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Top 10 Reassons Jesus is not God


Well-Known Member
It is. Women are called sir now fyi. (But maybe only on Castle). I am one who does not believe the Bible is God's own words, so everything in it is the writers' opinions.
Ok, I understand. It seemed to me you were defending the words as being divine. I apologize for my obtuseness.


Jesus in me
5. (6 in video) God does not eat sleep etc.

God does when He is in a body. He does not when He is not in a body.


Jesus in me
Yet, Paul was never a disciple. Nor did he meet Christ. And the first three gospels, according to theologians, which includes me, are more historically based while John is considered a more mythological story as there are clear discrepanies from the first three. And none of the disciples were theologians. These were simple men, laborers mostly, or what we call today blue collar workers.

I believe Paul was a disciple the same way that I am a disciple through the Holy Spirit.

By his testimony he did but most likely not in the flesh.

I believe theolgians can speculate about many things but that doesn't make them right.

I don't believe I have ever found any.

I believe that brings us back to Paul who is.


Jesus in me
No. John 1:1 is the writer's opinion. Is it not? Did you think I meant my opinion? No sir, I did not. Did Metis liking that you misunderstood make the misunderstanding understanding? I do not think so.

Jumping to conclusions makes you all look juvenile. By the way, I am female, but you may refer to me as he. I do not care.

Bolding and underlined is my doing. And I Madame, am I she as well. Who is jumping to conclusions now. And as for John, how do you know that it is the writer's opinion? Is that not your own opinion?

i believe RF listed gender in the past but no longer seems to do so. As far as I am concerned a well reasoned argument will be accpted no matter what the person's gender.

I believe the writers of the gospels are doing so after receiving the Holy Spirit and thus the writing is insped by the Holy Spirit and is not opinion but there are clear cut cases of opinion even so. I don't believe this is a case of opinion but is based on what Jesus said.


Active Member
While Jesus never said flatly "I am God," when He says things like "I and the Father are one" it is taken a certain way, in context, when it was spoken.

Surprisingly, I didn't see anyone cite the reactions to His words to clarify what He was actually saying, from John chapter 10:

John 10:33, “You, a mere man, claim to be God” The rest of chapter 10 continues to make it clear.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
While Jesus never said flatly "I am God," when He says things like "I and the Father are one" it is taken a certain way, in context, when it was spoken.

Surprisingly, I didn't see anyone cite the reactions to His words to clarify what He was actually saying, from John chapter 10:

John 10:33, “You, a mere man, claim to be God” The rest of chapter 10 continues to make it clear.
We should believe as the truth what the Jews said who had turned away from God? I do not think so.


Active Member
We should believe as the truth what the Jews said who had turned away from God? I do not think so.

Whatever you opinion on the Jews might be, they understood what Christ was saying right in front of them. That is all I was saying. Christ did claim to be God.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Whatever you opinion on the Jews might be, they understood what Christ was saying right in front of them. That is all I was saying. Christ did claim to be God.
By saying he was one with God? Got anything else? I am one with my husband. I am one with my children. So? How many are there of us? ONE? LOL

No, not one. Six.


Active Member
By saying he was one with God? Got anything else? I am one with my husband. I am one with my children. So? How many are there of us? ONE? LOL

No, not one. Six.

Yeah, I have the Bible. John 20:

27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”
28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
29 Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Guess what, that thing Jesus said in v29 applies to you.

But you probably wouldn't believe Thomas, because he was, you know, a jew. But so was Jesus, so maybe you don't believe Him either. Needless to say, Jesus replies with "because you have seen me..." Obviously agreeing with the statement, not correcting it, not clarifying, but saying "Because you have seen me..."

Similar to the previous passage I referenced, but you completely missed the point -- the people Christ was addressing understood very clearly Jesus was claiming to be God, otherwise why would they pick up stones? This was no figurative, "we're in agreement..." No, He was saying quite clearly He was God. Thus, they pick up stones because according to the law (Lev 24:16 for example), it's blasphemy to claim oneself to be God.

Titus 2:13 says: "while we wait for the blessed hope -- the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ..."

John 8:58" Jesus says "I tell you the truth... before Abraham was born, I am!"

What does God call himself to Moses as the burning bush? "I AM" Here, also, the Jews picked up stones to kill Jesus for claiming to be God. Otherwise... why pick up the stones...??

Your example about your children and husband is a poor one, and makes no sense in considering the above statements. Your inability to understand the texts doesn't make them any less true. You could probably ask some of the many Jews who frequent this site on if Jesus was put to death for violation of their law, claiming to be God. Otherwise, I can't think of a good reason they put Jesus to death.

Oh, but they're Jews... your anti-semitism precludes you from believing them, even.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Yeah, I have the Bible. John 20:

Guess what, that thing Jesus said in v29 applies to you.

But you probably wouldn't believe Thomas, because he was, you know, a jew. But so was Jesus, so maybe you don't believe Him either. Needless to say, Jesus replies with "because you have seen me..." Obviously agreeing with the statement, not correcting it, not clarifying, but saying "Because you have seen me..."

Similar to the previous passage I referenced, but you completely missed the point -- the people Christ was addressing understood very clearly Jesus was claiming to be God, otherwise why would they pick up stones? This was no figurative, "we're in agreement..." No, He was saying quite clearly He was God. Thus, they pick up stones because according to the law (Lev 24:16 for example), it's blasphemy to claim oneself to be God.

Titus 2:13 says: "while we wait for the blessed hope -- the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ..."

John 8:58" Jesus says "I tell you the truth... before Abraham was born, I am!"

What does God call himself to Moses as the burning bush? "I AM" Here, also, the Jews picked up stones to kill Jesus for claiming to be God. Otherwise... why pick up the stones...??

Your example about your children and husband is a poor one, and makes no sense in considering the above statements. Your inability to understand the texts doesn't make them any less true. You could probably ask some of the many Jews who frequent this site on if Jesus was put to death for violation of their law, claiming to be God. Otherwise, I can't think of a good reason they put Jesus to death.

Oh, but they're Jews... your anti-semitism precludes you from believing them, even.
And you call yourself what?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Uh, is that a trick question?

I'm Dan. Nice to meet you.
Why did you call me anti-Semitic?

Is it because I said that the Jews had turned away from God?

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. Matthew 23:37


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Your example about your children and husband is a poor one, and makes no sense in considering the above statements. Your inability to understand the texts doesn't make them any less true.
I agree! But your understanding of them does not make them true your way either. They have meaning. I agree. But you are no more of an authority of their meaning than I am.

You could probably ask some of the many Jews who frequent this site on if Jesus was put to death for violation of their law, claiming to be God. Otherwise, I can't think of a good reason they put Jesus to death.
Really? What about the threat to national security?

Oh, but they're Jews... your anti-semitism precludes you from believing them, even.
Please explain.


Active Member
You said,

We should believe as the truth what the Jews said who had turned away from God? I do not think so.

Why not? They were there, their reaction is documented, it's clear testimony, and it has a very specific meaning you refuse to hear simply because... they are Jews. As if Jews, despite their beliefs, are incapable of telling the truth...? You would be lumping the Orthodox Jews and other Jewish folks here, and everywhere, whom do not follow Jesus, in the same group.

That would be anti-Semitic, in my opinion. When you discount someone because of their heritage, race, or culture. I'm not sure it gets more text book than that, honestly.

Otherwise, you would believe their reaction, and we wouldn't be having this conversation -- which you more or less undermined with this deviation from the topic at hand. You've wagered no response to my further Biblical citations.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
You said,

Why not? They were there, their reaction is documented, it's clear testimony, and it has a very specific meaning you refuse to hear simply because... they are Jews. As if Jews, despite their beliefs, are incapable of telling the truth...? You would be lumping the Orthodox Jews and other Jewish folks here, and everywhere, whom do not follow Jesus, in the same group.

That would be anti-Semitic, in my opinion. When you discount someone because of their heritage, race, or culture. I'm not sure it gets more text book than that, honestly.

Otherwise, you would believe their reaction, and we wouldn't be having this conversation -- which you more or less undermined with this deviation from the topic at hand. You've wagered no response to my further Biblical citations.
No. IF they had turned away from God THEN what they say after that is no concern to me. That is not called anti-Semitic. I think it is called wisdom.


Active Member
I agree! But your understanding of them does not make them true your way either. They have meaning. I agree. But you are no more of an authority of their meaning than I am.

I've looked at the greek and various translations, commentaries, and other sources. Most seem to agree with me, and not you. Care to do some actual investigation, citations, etc, or just go back and forth on feelings and opinions?

Are you a JW? Let's just get this out of the way first.

Really? What about the threat to national security?

What concept is that, historically? Do you suppose George Dub Bush was president back then to promote such a concept? They were under rule of the Roman empire. Come on.

Please explain.

See post #94.


Active Member
No. IF they had turned away from God THEN what they say after that is no concern to me. That is not called anti-Semitic. I think it is called wisdom.

Good job on proving the point, I suppose... Can we be done now? You can't rationalize with people who discount, hate, discredit people based on their opinion of faith. You'll never see their statements as valid, even if it's perfectly truthful testimony.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I've looked at the greek and various translations, commentaries, and other sources. Most seem to agree with me, and not you. Care to do some actual investigation, citations, etc, or just go back and forth on feelings and opinions?
Please play nice.

Are you a JW? Let's just get this out of the way first.
I was trained by them. How did you know? :p

What concept is that, historically? Do you suppose George Dub Bush was president back then to promote such a concept? They were under rule of the Roman empire. Come on.
I mentioned the nation being protective of its sovereignty, but Jesus' standing with the people also threatened the religious leaders' places. Protecting one's nation is nothing new. I wonder why you think so?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Good job on proving the point, I suppose... Can we be done now? You can't rationalize with people who discount, hate, discredit people based on their opinion of faith. You'll never see their statements as valid, even if it's perfectly truthful testimony.
I think you are a troll. Are you a troll?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Why did you call me anti-Semitic?

Is it because I said that the Jews had turned away from God?

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. Matthew 23:37