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Transgender opinions


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I thought this forum was for people to share their opinions, others to read them, and to make up their own mind. Why can't I share something I happen to agree with? Isn't that the whole point? If it's not then what's the point of having forums at all? I posted something I agree with. You disagree.

Also, I don't hate anyone. I feel very sorry / pity for people who hate their bodies so much they want to hurt themselves with drugs and unnecessary surgeries. That's not "hate". We can disagree about things without "hating", right? Or at least I'd hope so.
I didn't accuse you of hating anyone, and like you, I shared my opinion. And I didn't debate, I merely said my preference is not to rely on people just because they share my opinion. On very, very complex matters, I think it important to listen to as many voices as possible -- and not least those most affected, like in this case, the trans-gendered themselves.


Pro-reality, nature is primary
I didn't accuse you of hating anyone, and like you, I shared my opinion. And I didn't debate, I merely said my preference is not to rely on people just because they share my opinion. On very, very complex matters, I think it important to listen to as many voices as possible -- and not least those most affected, like in this case, the trans-gendered themselves.
You wrote "Some fine examples of lies and hate" but maybe I misunderstood.


I thought this forum was for people to share their opinions, others to read them, and to make up their own mind. Why can't I share something I happen to agree with? Isn't that the whole point? If it's not then what's the point of having forums at all? I posted something I agree with. You disagree.

Also, I don't hate anyone. I feel very sorry / pity for people who hate their bodies so much they want to hurt themselves with drugs and unnecessary surgeries. That's not "hate". We can disagree about things without "hating", right? Or at least I'd hope so.
why do you think they hate themselves or want to hurt themselves?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
One of my nieces had her breasts removed as minor because of her gender issues and while I don't personally approve, I still see her as being part of the family and will treat her as such.

But she will need to live with her decisions. Life lessons for better or worse.
So is she transitioning to a male?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Conservatives are very good at this. Trans people existing really doesn't affect anyone. Does a transgender person using the bathroom to their gender that they identify with affect me in any way? No.

Does a transgender person having the same rights as any non trans person impact me in any way at all? Absolutely not. But the fact that Trans people are treated with such disgust, and outright hate, just for simply existing, and living their life how they wish to is something I cannot fathom. It has absolutely no bearing on my life in any kind of negative way at all.

I don't care if you disagree with it, I don't agree with bigotry or discrimination in any form.
For the record, I agree with you and I am consider myself much more conservative than liberal.


Pro-reality, nature is primary
why do you think they hate themselves or want to hurt themselves?
Because taking puberty blockers and wrong-sex hormones damages a body, and because surgeries to modify or remove perfectly healthy body parts also severely damages a body. Once far enough down this path, a person will be medicalized for life (i.e. requiring drugs and possibly revision surgeries until death). I've listened to countless detransitioner stories and hating oneself, one's body is central to all of them (whether from trauma, internalized homophobia, or co-morbidities like autism, or other mental illnesses, etc.).


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Because taking puberty blockers and wrong-sex hormones damages a body, and because surgeries to modify or remove perfectly healthy body parts also severely damages a body. Once far enough down this path, a person will be medicalized for life (i.e. requiring drugs and possibly revision surgeries until death). I've listened to countless detransitioner stories and hating oneself, one's body is central to all of them (whether from trauma, internalized homophobia, or co-morbidities like autism, or other mental illnesses, etc.).
We had a very interesting homily today about how so many teens these days hate their bodies and how Jesus came to earth in a human body so what's to hate about it? I just thought I'd throw that out there. It does seem to be a fad to hate one's body.


Because taking puberty blockers
Sorry puberty blockers are safe. Some have tried to claim that they are unsafe because of a potential drop in bone density but the studies they reference to make this claim also present evidence that a simple calcium supplement negates this entirely.
and wrong-sex hormones damages a body,
You do realize that everyone produces both estrogen and testosterone right?
and because surgeries to modify or remove perfectly healthy body parts also severely damages a body.
you just described all of plastic surgery
Once far enough down this path, a person will be medicalized for life (i.e. requiring drugs and possibly revision surgeries until death).
what surgeries?
I've listened to countless detransitioner stories and hating oneself, one's body is central to all of them (whether from trauma, internalized homophobia, or co-morbidities like autism, or other mental illnesses, etc.).
I can list an equal number of UFO abduction stories. That doesn't mean I put any credit towards the idea that aliens are kidnaping people off dark country roads to perform anal probes


Pro-reality, nature is primary
We had a very interesting homily today about how so many teens these days hate their bodies and how Jesus came to earth in a human body so what's to hate about it? I just thought I'd throw that out there. It does seem to be a fad to hate one's body.
It does... I personally blame lack of access to nature and social media. I grew up playing in the woods, the hills, the fields--but most kids nowadays can't do that. And social media is as toxic as it gets for everyone but especially kids; it encourages us to ruminate on unhealthy things, and on ourselves, instead of getting outside, using our bodies, being creative, doing things to help the world, help others.

Hating our bodies *is* hating ourselves because we *are* our bodies. Depression, trauma, abuse, illness... there are countless reasons why people might have problems and that is incredibly sad. But for people who are otherwise healthy, hating one's body, and thus oneself, is so utterly sad. We get one life on this earth, one chance to be here. To spend it hating one's body, and thus oneself, seems like such a waste.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
30) That your mental stability depends on the validation of every person you meet for the rest of your life.
I don't know of any clinician who seriously believes that. Why should they? It's impossible or anyone to have it, and it would be very problematic if someone needed that.
Rather psychology accepts you can't please everyone, there will be those don't validate your whatever, and we must know how to manage and cope with such regular parts if life.
The rest just seems like some crazy person bullcrap who's never actually studied the topic.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
its kind of like asking what " left handed kid" means

Most of the time when I hear about a "trans child" the implication is that this child is suffering from gender dysphoria. But you're saying that's often not the case. So I don't think it's at all clear what you mean when you talk about a trans child who's not suffering from GD. I'm sincerely interested in understanding what you mean by that?


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
remove perfectly healthy body parts also severely damages a body.
I had some parts of my toe nails removed and part of the root killed off to avoid ingrown toenails, which it turned out I was horribly prone to so I figured why not and had the rest of these perfectly healthy body parts cut and ripped out and a drop of acid to kill them off?
What damage was done? Damage? No. In grown toenails are not fun and having that "healthy body part" killed off has prevented some damage and pain.


Staff member
Premium Member
Most of the time when I hear about a "trans child" the implication is that this child is suffering from gender dysphoria. But you're saying that's often not the case. So I don't think it's at all clear what you mean when you talk about a trans child who's not suffering from GD. I'm sincerely interested in understanding what you mean by that?

The obvious question that your line of questioning leads me to - do you not accept that transgender children exist?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Most of the time when I hear about a "trans child" the implication is that this child is suffering from gender dysphoria. But you're saying that's often not the case. So I don't think it's at all clear what you mean when you talk about a trans child who's not suffering from GD. I'm sincerely interested in understanding what you mean by that?

Suffering gender dysphoria does not make one trans. Being trans does not mean one suffers gender dysphoria.
Gender dysphoria is something that some transgender people have.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
We had a very interesting homily today about how so many teens these days hate their bodies and how Jesus came to earth in a human body so what's to hate about it? I just thought I'd throw that out there. It does seem to be a fad to hate one's body.
It's not. It's just not. If you hate yourself there's probably something wrong, and there is indeed much wrong with today's society (like how little girls are starting to have the skin care routines of middle aged women - social media is to blame for this).
But transgender people have always been around.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
It's not. It's just not. If you hate yourself there's probably something wrong, and there is indeed much wrong with today's society (like how little girls are starting to have the skin care routines of middle aged women - social media is to blame for this).
But transgender people have always been around.
Well, all I know is that one of our priests who works mostly with teens said that among the teens he works with, hatred of one's body is like a fad.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I dunno but she definitely dresses and trys hard to appear as a male in almost every way. Having her breasts cut off certainly seems she is going in that direction.
I think I'd just ask her what she wants you to call her, otherwise you're always going to call her a girl whether she wants that or not.