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Trump 2024. Why or why not.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Yep it's those people who make endless threads whining and moaning about Trump.

Those Trump threads are so much fun to read. I had to make one myself about people whining and moaning about Trump who have been making endless threads about it!

PWMETATS. Yep, that one is my affliction. I dare to guess anybody who can figure out what that acronym means!
Nah, you just have light case of TDS. You appear to be confused as to what TDS is. It is when the support of opposition to Trump causes one to lose the ability to reason rationally.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Ah, so it's a joyful thing for people when their heads "figuratively explode," is it?
I get your sentiment, don't worry. I see it all too often on social media from people who live for "pwning" people they disagree with.
So now you ascribe "joyful" to it. I never ascribed any connotations to it. YOU are the one doing those things. You even describe that you get this from your personal experiences. You don't need to worry. I see that it is actually you with the issues, not I.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Nah, you just have light case of TDS. You appear to be confused as to what TDS is. It is when the support of opposition to Trump causes one to lose the ability to reason rationally.
Oh, that would be those who make endless threads about Trump.


Veteran Member
People don't like Trump, so they say if Trump's elected they're going to move to Canada.
Its pretty simple, although you like to complicate things and warp it all out of context

Enjoy yourself.
What I was asking you was, who are these people that you describe as "leftest Marx's communist brigade" and "hive mind Marxist communist lap dogs."

The first comment you linked me to was a person describing themselves as "light progressive" which is nothing anywhere near a "leftest Marx's communist brigade" or a "hive mind Marxist communist lap dogs."

Wanting to move to Canada if Trump wins and being a "leftest Marx's communist brigade" or a "hive mind Marxist communist lap dog" are miles apart from each other.


Veteran Member
So now you ascribe "joyful" to it. I never ascribed any connotations to it. YOU are the one doing those things. You even describe that you get this from your personal experiences. You don't need to worry. I see that it is actually you with the issues, not I.

You could just answer my questions and clear this all up but ....

Keep evading. ;)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You could just answer my questions and clear this all up but ....

Keep evading. ;)
Or you could just stop ascribing motivations to people based on your own stuff. It is ineluctable that you can't possibly know someone's thoughts and intentions unless they tell you. Was @JustGeorge thinking he was doing violence to himself when he said his head might explode? Was @Brickjectivity when he wrote his head was exploding? Or were you yourself thinking of violence when you wrote "I think my head would explode if that actually happened." in your post of June 23, 2017?

I'm not evading. But you are being hypocritical and inconsistent.


Staff member
Premium Member
Or you could just stop ascribing motivations to people based on your own stuff. It is ineluctable that you can't possibly know someone's thoughts and intentions unless they tell you. Was @JustGeorge thinking he was doing violence to himself when he said his head might explode? Was @Brickjectivity when he wrote his head was exploding? Or were you yourself thinking of violence when you wrote "I think my head would explode if that actually happened." in your post of June 23, 2017?

I'm not evading. But you are being hypocritical and inconsistent.
*blinks* A political thread... What am I doing here? *assumes fetal position*

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
What I was asking you was, who are these people that you describe as "leftest Marx's communist brigade" and "hive mind Marxist communist lap dogs."

The first comment you linked me to was a person describing themselves as "light progressive" which is nothing anywhere near a "leftest Marx's communist brigade" or a "hive mind Marxist communist lap dogs."

Wanting to move to Canada if Trump wins and being a "leftest Marx's communist brigade" or a "hive mind Marxist communist lap dog" are miles apart from each other.

The "marxists/communists" are silly straw men who live rent free in his head.


Do you prefer a doctorship as Trump said he would start on day 1? Many Republicans and former Republicans are warning us that we could lose our constitutional democracy if he's reelected, and that should be obvious based on what Trump has himself said!

Beware of "false equivalencies", plus I would never recommend ignoring immoral and/or illegal acts by any president regardless as to whether Republican or Democrat. No one is a saint, imo, but some have little to no empathy for others, and Trump is one of those according to his own sister and niece.

I think one of the many quirky things that make Trump so appealing to people (that a lot of people - even his supporters - don't seem to understand at all) is the possibility that we already live in a kind of dictatorship or international neo-imperialist state that has existed since at least the end of the Cold War and definitely since the end of WW2.

I don't know whether it was the rise of the internet, mistrust in the government that has been going on for decades coming to its head, 9/11 and it's aftermath or whatever, but I feel like the current zeitgeist is that humanity is starting to finally catch on to what has been going on all along and realize just how far we've all been duped. Suddenly, it's entirely conceivable that - while "democracy" sounds like a wonderful ideal that we should always protect and enhance - that it's never actually existed as we've presumed that it has for centuries now.

So when Trump says seemingly absolutely crazy **** like the fact that he'll start a dictatorship, goes and orchestrates an actual attempted insurrection against the US Government, brings up old fashioned populist talking points and only substantiates all the crazy **** he says and does by citing wild conspiracy theories and fake news - it actually strikes a chord with people like it never has before in recent 1st world generations.

Honestly, I think there are a lot of Trump supporters out there who aren't just poor, dusty, uneducated hillbillies with a whole lot of hatred seething - there are a lot of people who are completely fed up with the status quo that's been maintained in the White House for the duration of the USA and Trump kind of represents the only viable antidote to something that grates on so many people with so much ferocity today.

If the world is destined to burn, might as well get with the program rather than tread water with well-intentioned, pretentious, shiny-toothed career politicians whose own hypocrisy is their bread and butter - that's the appeal anyway.

Again: not a Trump supporter; never was, hopefully never will be lol.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Gerrymandering has shaken confidence in our voting system. Both parties are guilty. Of course we no longer trust those in charge. I know the system is working and that the justice system has been reviewing the vote everywhere that Trump has requests a lawsuit, however I feel I am asked to tolerate too much.

The republicans are overconfident in the loyalty of the military, and that is why they think they can run Trump again. The military is loyal, but there are limits to the human heart. The military, last time, was able to block trump; but that was because he didn't know who would block him or how. He tried hard by appointing people who would be loyal to himself, but he failed last time to end the constitutional transfer of power. If he were elected again he'd be better at it and might succeed, and that would lead to another civil war which, in turn, would leave us open to an invasion of US territory by foreign powers. The military needs to believe in our government. If we undermine that belief (as we have done) then it is tempted to take governance into its own grasp. It only takes a lack of confidence in government for a general or two to take over the country "For our own good," just like Trump recently attempted in his hubris. We need leaders with hubris, but we also need to them to believe in our government and that they cannot take it over. Otherwise they generate chaos and get stupid ideas.

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
Gerrymandering has shaken confidence in our voting system. Both parties are guilty. Of course we no longer trust those in charge. I know the system is working and that the justice system has been reviewing the vote everywhere that Trump has requests a lawsuit, however I feel I am asked to tolerate too much.

The republicans are overconfident in the loyalty of the military, and that is why they think they can run Trump again. The military is loyal, but there are limits to the human heart. The military, last time, was able to block trump; but that was because he didn't know who would block him or how. He tried hard by appointing people who would be loyal to himself, but he failed last time to end the constitutional transfer of power. If he were elected again he'd be better at it and might succeed, and that would lead to another civil war which, in turn, would leave us open to an invasion of US territory by foreign powers. The military needs to believe in our government. If we undermine that belief (as we have done) then it is tempted to take governance into its own grasp. It only takes a lack of confidence in government for a general or two to take over the country "For our own good," just like Trump recently attempted in his hubris. We need leaders with hubris, but we also need to them to believe in our government and that they cannot take it over. Otherwise they generate chaos and get stupid ideas.
"-At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it?-- Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never!--All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

- Abraham Lincoln, Lyceum Address

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
The "marxists/communists" are silly straw men who live rent free in his head.
I'm sure the silly straw man of fascist dictators living in your own creative head is applicable as well in the political bubble world you live in. You would charge them though. At least I give it rent free with your absolutely hilarious accusations.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Honestly, I think there are a lot of Trump supporters out there who aren't just poor, dusty, uneducated hillbillies with a whole lot of hatred seething - there are a lot of people who are completely fed up with the status quo that's been maintained in the White House for the duration of the USA and Trump kind of represents the only viable antidote to something that grates on so many people with so much ferocity today.

But it's thoughts like that [not from you] that led to Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco.


Veteran Member
Or you could just stop ascribing motivations to people based on your own stuff. It is ineluctable that you can't possibly know someone's thoughts and intentions unless they tell you. Was @JustGeorge thinking he was doing violence to himself when he said his head might explode? Was @Brickjectivity when he wrote his head was exploding? Or were you yourself thinking of violence when you wrote "I think my head would explode if that actually happened." in your post of June 23, 2017?

I'm not evading. But you are being hypocritical and inconsistent.
That's why I am asking you. Repeatedly.
But you've refused to directly respond to my questions since question #1.

I wasn't thinking of violence at all. What I am thinking about is people finding happiness via the unhappiness of others, on the opposite side of the political aisle.

I'm not being hypocritical at all. I'm trying to get answers from you that you repeatedly refuse to provide.


Veteran Member
I'm sure the silly straw man of fascist dictators living in your own creative head is applicable as well in the political bubble world you live in. You would charge them though. At least I give it rent free with your absolutely hilarious accusations.
Straw man? Trump said, out loud - more than once - that he would be a dictator on Day One only.
No imagining required. The guy flat out said it. I think we should take him seriously, given his past actions and attempts to subvert democracy.

Meanwhile, you're imagining into existence these "leftest Marx's communist brigade" that you keep alluding but never provide any actual proof of such.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
That's why I am asking you. Repeatedly.
But you've refused to directly respond to my questions since question #1.

I wasn't thinking of violence at all. What I am thinking about is people finding happiness via the unhappiness of others, on the opposite side of the political aisle.

I'm not being hypocritical at all. I'm trying to get answers from you that you repeatedly refuse to provide.
I already answered this. I wrote that I didn't ascribe any connotations to it, that would include violence. Yes, you ARE being hypocritical. You claimed you weren't implying violence when you yourself used the term heads exploding. But you have put forth that I had violence in mind despite no evidence of that and a denial of that. Yes you are being a hypocrite. Very much so.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Straw man? Trump said, out loud - more than once - that he would be a dictator on Day One only.
No imagining required. The guy flat out said it. I think we should take him seriously, given his past actions and attempts to subvert democracy.

Meanwhile, you're imagining into existence these "leftest Marx's communist brigade" that you keep alluding but never provide any actual proof of such.
It's sad you simply can't recognize a joke when you see one.

And that proof?

Well this is what the Democrat Party happily accepts into their ranks without nary a complaint about it.....



Veteran Member
I already answered this. I wrote that I didn't ascribe any connotations to it, that would include violence. Yes, you ARE being hypocritical. You claimed you weren't implying violence when you yourself used the term heads exploding. But you have put forth that I had violence in mind despite no evidence of that and a denial of that. Yes you are being a hypocrite. Very much so.
I'm not talking about violence. :shrug: