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Trump 2024. Why or why not.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
1) Traitor
2) Narcissist
3) Liar
4) Fraudster
5) Insurrectionist
6) Meglomaniac
7) Misogynist
8) Stupid
9) Arrogant
10) Ignorant
11) Perverted
12) Racist
13) Elitist
14) Amoral
15) Lazy
16) Offensive
17) Vengeful
18) Spiteful
19) Petty
20) Vulgar
21) Greedy

Those are some reasons why I don't think I would vote for a creature like Trump.
What do you have against perversion?


Well-Known Member
If I was caught stealing from a charity, whether it directly effects my employer or not, would be irrelevant, I would be instantly asked to hand in my notice or be sacked for conduct which could reflect poorly on the company.

Damage can be indirect, knowing Trump is a thief without any honour or dignity, no other actor, on the global stage, allies and adversaries alike, could trust him as far as they could spit.
Okay so the guy will steal if given a chance. I see that with all politicians. I don’t think it is a coincidence that many politicians become multi-millionaires after getting into office. In baseball, it is illegal for players to bet on baseball even if it is their own teams because they can affect the game and this is seen as morally unfair. But politicians can invest in the stock market even though they can dictate laws that affect companies they will choose or choose not to invest in; yet nobody see this as morally unfair. I guess I just see the crookedness of Trump as typical of all politicians.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Okay so the guy will steal if given a chance. I see that with all politicians. I don’t think it is a coincidence that many politicians become multi-millionaires after getting into office. In baseball, it is illegal for players to bet on baseball even if it is their own teams because they can affect the game and this is seen as morally unfair. But politicians can invest in the stock market even though they can dictate laws that affect companies they will choose or choose not to invest in; yet nobody see this as morally unfair. I guess I just see the crookedness of Trump as typical of all politicians.
If you get caught, you get punished, that's the best we're gonna get. Until they do, they are not the same as or similar to, Mr Trump. In that they havent, broken specific laws, that we know about.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Trump was one of the hardest working Presidents
"One of the most closely guarded and worst-kept secrets of Donald Trump’s presidency is his extraordinary laziness. Despite efforts to project a manly ardor, the current leader of the free world spends most of his free time tweeting, calling friends, and watching Fox News. Of his 745 days in office, Trump has spent 222 days unwinding at Trump-branded properties and 168 days golfing. According to the testimony of numerous West Wing staffers, he struggles to focus in meetings, largely ignores intelligence briefings, and tunes out policy minutiae. Once, according to former White House aide Cliff Sims, Trump literally got up and wandered away while Paul Ryan was in the Oval Office attempting to explain the Republican health-care bill. While Ryan was still talking, Trump walked down the hall to his private dining room and turned on the TV."

Trump is too lazy to do his job as president and spends his time watching TV and tweeting instead making him America’s first “part-time president.”

  • Trump spent one out of five days of his presidency visiting one of his properties where he spent most of his time golfing (138 days golfing since inauguration).
  • 60% of Trump’s schedule was filled with “Executive Time” and often arrived at the Oval Office late in the morning (11 am) for short 7 hour work days.
  • Trump spent a lot of unstructured time in the residence live tweeting TV programming, mostly Fox.
  • Trump was disinterested during intelligence briefings and needed visual aids to keep his attention.
  • Trump handed over international summits, national security meetings, and the Coronavirus early response to Pence while he tweeted and campaigned.
  • Trump outsourced important vetting of administration staff and judges to the media and federalist society because he was too lazy to do the work himself."


Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
"One of the most closely guarded and worst-kept secrets of Donald Trump’s presidency is his extraordinary laziness. Despite efforts to project a manly ardor, the current leader of the free world spends most of his free time tweeting, calling friends, and watching Fox News. Of his 745 days in office, Trump has spent 222 days unwinding at Trump-branded properties and 168 days golfing. According to the testimony of numerous West Wing staffers, he struggles to focus in meetings, largely ignores intelligence briefings, and tunes out policy minutiae. Once, according to former White House aide Cliff Sims, Trump literally got up and wandered away while Paul Ryan was in the Oval Office attempting to explain the Republican health-care bill. While Ryan was still talking, Trump walked down the hall to his private dining room and turned on the TV."

Trump is too lazy to do his job as president and spends his time watching TV and tweeting instead making him America’s first “part-time president.”

  • Trump spent one out of five days of his presidency visiting one of his properties where he spent most of his time golfing (138 days golfing since inauguration).
  • 60% of Trump’s schedule was filled with “Executive Time” and often arrived at the Oval Office late in the morning (11 am) for short 7 hour work days.
  • Trump spent a lot of unstructured time in the residence live tweeting TV programming, mostly Fox.
  • Trump was disinterested during intelligence briefings and needed visual aids to keep his attention.
  • Trump handed over international summits, national security meetings, and the Coronavirus early response to Pence while he tweeted and campaigned.
  • Trump outsourced important vetting of administration staff and judges to the media and federalist society because he was too lazy to do the work himself."

That may have kept Trump from being as bad as he otherwise would have been. His inability to work on policy allowed the experts to run most of it.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
1) Traitor
2) Narcissist
3) Liar
4) Fraudster
5) Insurrectionist
6) Meglomaniac
7) Misogynist
8) Stupid
9) Arrogant
10) Ignorant
11) Perverted
12) Racist
13) Elitist
14) Amoral
15) Lazy
16) Offensive
17) Vengeful
18) Spiteful
19) Petty
20) Vulgar
21) Greedy

Those are some reasons why I don't think I would vote for a creature like Trump.
That's pretty much everyone in Washington.

Both parties.

What you have is a qualifications list for people running for for office.


Industrial Strength Linguist
I would support Trump, because Trump can't be bought by big money.

True, but he takes donations of all sizes and then uses the money for whatever he likes. People who think they are bribing him often get burned.

Can you give examples? The 4 listed were theft, misogyny, xenophobia, and dishonesty.
*Theft- I’m not aware of any stealing he did while president that affected the country in a negative way, perhaps you know of something?

He has been indicted for stealing government documents--not just mishandling classified information, but illegally taking them and hiding them from the government. The stolen documents included some of the nation's top secrets, and there is solid evidence that he not only possessed them illegally, but he also shared them with other people lacking security clearances. By definition, that disclosure of highly classified documentation was putting US national security in grave danger.

*Misogyny- misogyny, jerk, yeah there are lots of adjectives that can be used to describe him; but I’m not aware of how these descriptions have harmed the country; perhaps you can explain how.

Where to start? His history of misogyny predates the presidency, but it was clearly exposed on the campaign trail with the Access Hollywood tape. More recently, there was a unanimous jury verdict that found him liable for sexually abusing Jean Carroll (legally rape outside of New York) and defaming her repeatedly in public. The harm comes from the tremendous influence that a head of state has on the behavior of its citizens--normalizing misogyny in a country where women are supposed to have the same legal rights and freedoms as men.

*Xenophobia- Lots of people called him xenophobic because he wanted to build the wall to enforce our immigration policies, but I don’t think attempting to enforce our immigration laws harms the country. Perhaps you have another perspective.

It must be hard for you to spot, but there was the time he called Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists and called for a judge to recuse himself because of his Mexican heritage. He also called for a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Repeatedly calling COVID the "Chinese flu" and "kung flu", referring to Haiti and African countries as "****hole countries", and questioning Obama's country of birth--all of these might be perceived as xenophobic behavior by a reasonable person. Needless to say, this harms the image of the US in other countries and weakens our diplomatic standing with them.

*dishonesty- I see him to be no more dishonest than any other politician.

Well, there is a Wikipedia page on that very subject. Again, the harm comes from the way a head of state represents exemplary behavior at a national level. People come to see dishonesty as normal behavior in a president. Just sayin'...

False or misleading statements by Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
He has been indicted for stealing government documents--not just mishandling classified information, but illegally taking them and hiding them from the government. The stolen documents included some of the nation's top secrets, and there is solid evidence that he not only possessed them illegally, but he also shared them with other people lacking security clearances. By definition, that disclosure of highly classified documentation was putting US national security in grave danger.
Yeah that was a stupid thing to do. Biden and Pence sorta did the same thing, but the difference is Biden and Pence handed the documents over when asked, Trump tried to hide the fact that he had them. As stupid as that was, I don’t think enough harm was done to the country to cause me to prefer Biden over Trump
Where to start? His history of misogyny predates the presidency, but it was clearly exposed on the campaign trail with the Access Hollywood tape. More recently, there was a unanimous jury verdict that found him liable for sexually abusing Jean Carroll (legally rape outside of New York) and defaming her repeatedly in public. The harm comes from the tremendous influence that a head of state has on the behavior of its citizens--normalizing misogyny in a country where women are supposed to have the same legal rights and freedoms as men.
Yeah; I know of people from Arkansas who say Bill Clinton was the same way about women when he was Governor, yet I think he was a great president.
It must be hard for you to spot, but there was the time he called Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists and called for a judge to recuse himself because of his Mexican heritage. He also called for a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Repeatedly calling COVID the "Chinese flu" and "kung flu", referring to Haiti and African countries as "****hole countries", and questioning Obama's country of birth--all of these might be perceived as xenophobic behavior by a reasonable person. Needless to say, this harms the image of the US in other countries and weakens our diplomatic standing with them.
He didn’t claim ALL the people crossing the border were criminals, just some of them; which is true. As far as **** hole countries remark, he said that in private; didn’t know it was gonna be repeated to the press. But let’s face it; if your country has a sub-50% literacy rate and employment rate, if there were ever anything that could be called a **** hole country, that would be it. As far as calling Covid the Chinese flue, that was stupid and divisive. He should have been better than that; unfortunately he was not. But under his governorship, the country was striving economically in spite of his stupid remarks.