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Trump 2024. Why or why not.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Trump has long been a racist who's supported by other racist elements, such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers". Now he also is putting out anti-Semitic statements and potential programs of his by going after the "vermin", threatening the press, etc, exactly like Hitler and Mussolini did.
Oh yeah, he is ratcheting up the shock value and the dog whistling, he has nothing else. He's a populist. He has to go further and further to stay relevant, to keep himself and his narratives, in the news cycles. He will get worse and worser, he will ape the dictators of the past, he will become more and more extreme as time goes on. He along with his enablers in the Republican party and his Maga cult, taken together, represent the greatest internal existential threat to the United States and her people, to ever arise.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Thiscase of exaggerated worth could start a dangerous precedent. Let me give an example, say I go to a corner store and buy a coffee. I drink it and end up have this used paper cup. The cup has no value so it is discarded.

Now say Taylor Swift goes into the same store and buys the same coffee. Now because it has the lipstick mark of a celebrity, it can be worth $10,000. If you only look at the cup, and I claimed it is worth $10,000, you can be sued since you exaggerated the worth. There is non tangible worth connected to celebrity prestige. If you are buying a property for million and yo do not do your own research you will not stay in business long. Trump prestige was part of the value added.

Hunter Biden sold some of his paintings for good money. Part of that value was connected to his prestige, creating extra worth to collectors. If a collector got political, he could sue Hunter, since he was charge too much for just canvas and paint. But their original calculation added the prestige bonus.

The Trump brand has prestige that give value added to collectors of such things. Collectors will buy an old Trump comb that has little intrinsic value, but which has non-tangible value due to attachment to a celebrity. Letters by Abe Lincoln are worth $millions. This is due to more than just the value of the paper and ink. A stupid judgement could kill the collectors industry since lawyer will be able to argue intrinsic angle, ignoring prestige, based on this precedent.

The problem with using an injustice system docket, to define who is criminal, is if a criminal is not investigated, he is still a criminal. However, many none critical thinkers will think he must be innocent, which is why he was not investigated. In some Democrat run large cities, many criminals are set free, not due to being innocent, but due to selective choice not to prosecute. Many on the Left will interpret that as meaning he much be innocent or the law is obsolete. This is how an injustice system can selectively criminalize political opponents, and have their own crooks appear squeaky clean. Biden was not treated the same way for his classified document that he had even before Trump was President. He is not innocent, but it is sold that way simple because he benefited by selective prosecution or lack thereof.

The term Innocent is not connected to selective prosecution, when you have a corrupt injustice system. I am sure the Left knows this, but your party is too corrupt to admit it since it benefits by it. Trump has had three years to plan and knows how the game works. I look forward to his selective justice tour. Fairness requires he gets the same number of targets and ignore selective criminals. Citizen Obama has too much money for someone who worked as a public servant. We may need to bring this to court in Florida. This is how an injustice system can can cause hardship and alter public perception of crime. Trump supporters see the selective injustice and is why they are sticking with him, until they can see full justice served.
No, the Trump brand has no "prestige" in the business world. Other business men know that he is a hack.

Let's take Mar a Lago for example. To get a lower tax rate he signed away any rights that he had to develop it. Forever. And that applies to whoever buys it. He cannot undo that. The city could, but they probably wouldn't do that without a huge payment of money. Supposedly Trump thinks he could sell it to some Arabs that have more money than sense, and that is quite the insult towards Arabs, but they are not totally ignorant of how the world works. They might have tried while he was President, but it would have been seen as the bribe that it was.

Do you know why Trump lost his fraud case? Don't say anything dumb about an "injustice system". If you say that you are taking on a burden of proof. Do you know why there was no jury? I do.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Oh yeah, he is ratcheting up the shock value and the dog whistling, he has nothing else. He's a populist. He has to go further and further to stay relevant, to keep himself and his narratives, in the news cycles. He will get worse and worser, he will ape the dictators of the past, he will become more and more extreme as time goes on. He along with his enablers in the Republican party and his Maga cult, taken together, represent the greatest internal existential threat to the United States and her people, to ever arise.
Yep, and I find it deeply disturbing that the majority of those in the Evangelical community and the "religious right" in general still support such a morally bankrupt man who continuously says and acts counter to what Jesus taught. It's obvious that secular right-wing politics under Trump is far more important to them than Jesus and what he taught.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Yep, and I find it deeply disturbing that the majority of those in the Evangelical community and the "religious right" in general still support such a morally bankrupt man who continuously says and acts counter to what Jesus taught. It's obvious that secular right-wing politics under Trump is far more important to them than Jesus and what he taught.
Jesus? Ha! He is long dead in their minds. He means nothing to them. NOTHING. His teachings, his guidance, his stories, his allegories, they mean naught to those ********. They are but Nazis, whom have hijacked the Christian faith, and polluted it with ethnic majority nationalism. I am sure if the Bible is correct, then there is a special place in hell for these people.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Jesus? Ha! He is long dead in their minds. He means nothing to them. NOTHING. His teachings, his guidance, his stories, his allegories, they mean naught to those ********. They are but Nazis, whom have hijacked the Christian faith, and polluted it with ethnic majority nationalism. I am sure if the Bible is correct, then there is a special place in hell for these people.
I have more respect for and faith in, the teachings of Christ, than those far right ****ers, and I am not a Christian.

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
You can claim anything you want. That's not illegal.

Now if you had that cup and sold it for $10,000 and had to pay income tax on it, but you claim you only got $1000, that's fraud. And that is what Trump is in trouble doing for undervaluing his properties, and paying less tax than he owed. That's fraud.

On the flip side he is overvaluing his propertties as collateral for loans, which is also fraud. There is wiggle room in property valuation, like 10-15%. But Trump was claiming 100-200% over actual value, and this got him lower interest rates, and that is fraud. Remember, he filed for bankrupcy many times, and he was a risk. To inflate assets was a way he was able to get loans, and that is fraud, too.
Over-valuing property for the sake of getting a loan also exposes the lender (and so its depositors) to more risk than if the valuation was accurate.

Getting a bigger loan than you would have been eligible for in the first place also squeezes out the amount of money available to other borrowers.


Well-Known Member
I will not, and will never vote for someone who is by disposition incapable of actually being a public servant (e.g., pathological liars, con artists, egomaniacs, narcissists, and sociopaths). Someone who isn't capable of being a public servant shouldn't even be allowed to run for office. Someone who isn't capable of being a public servant is the sort of person who leads or incites insurrections to tear down democratic forms of governance. Which is, to the surprise of no one who was actually paying attention to the character and disposition of that thing, precisely what happened. That this thing is even permitted to run is a catastrophic failure of democracy in this country and a sign a significant portion of the people don't want a democratic nation anymore.
How can you serve when cameras keep catching you walking around your grounds repeating over and over again " I am the chosen one!"

Ponder This

Well-Known Member
Hard to say. In a few months it may be gone depending upon how hard he gets for committing fraud.
Ah yes, the imaginary crime invented by Letitia James to Get Trump. Banks gave loans to Trump, Trump paid the loans back. The Banks made money, Trump made money, the state made money, and no one was harmed.
Somehow you managed to miss the point. The issue at large is not whether it exists but what Trump & Co allegedly did to inflate its worth so as to secure more loans? Doesn't his repeated dishonesty bother you?
None of the Banks giving the loans has indicated that the properties were misvalued, that fraud occurred, or that the loans were inappropriate in any way.
I honestly cannot believe that people actually believe the nonsense that Trump claims. I mean, seriously?

What is it that you think Trump did that resulted in the "world's dictators deciding not to start wars while Trump was in office?
And remember, he almost started a war with Iran.

How do you feel about him "falling in love" with Kim Jong Un and the two exchanging what Trump described as "love letters." Is that what you want from a President? Love affairs with brutal dictators?
Hey, maybe if Winston Churchill had just written Hitler some love letters, we could have avoided WWII altogether! :rolleyes:
You'll have to ask @Wandering Monk who claimed that Trump is:
bought by flattering words from world dictators.
I don't take @Wandering Monk 's claim seriously and I don't think you should either.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member

For, because I'll vote for him if he's the nominee and there's no better choice. Mostly because he's less warmongering than most other candidates, seems to listen to the working class more and cares about our borders.

Against, because he's too old, pushes too much needless and scandalous anti-Muslim crap and supports apartheid Israel. Needs to distance himself from the Christian loons, as they are not the future of the right in America, as Christianity declines more and more.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Ah yes, the imaginary crime invented by Letitia James to Get Trump. Banks gave loans to Trump, Trump paid the loans back. The Banks made money, Trump made money, the state made money, and no one was harmed.

It is far from imaginary. And the guilt is clear. He lied so badly about his properties that his accounting firm turned on him. That is huge. He harmed others by taking what was not his. Remember, he went bankrupt multiple times. He likely used this sort of fraudulent scheme in the past. Lying to banks to get lower rates on loans that put them at a higher risk. That is why what he did was illegal. He did not harm anyone because he did so now, but he likely harmed people for his past actions. He cannot be imprisoned or even fined for those, but this was recent enough so that they could get him for his crimes.
None of the Banks giving the loans has indicated that the properties were misvalued, that fraud occurred, or that the loans were inappropriate in any way.

They did not know at that time. It was still a crime.


Veteran Member
If it was just between him and Joe Biden again, definitely TRUMP....but seriously cant see Joe running again. We also need to start getting some younger people in the game running for president!

Why Trump? Have you not seen any news since 2016?

He will surely start charging you for light and you'll go broke, because he is all in for himself.


Well-Known Member
You can't see what is in front of your nose. Trump did not refer to poor people. He referred to entire countries.
Yeah Immigrants from poor countries; that's what I said.
His references to a judge's Mexican heritage, even though the judge was as American as Donald Trump, was also an example of xenophobia--.
Why did Trump claim the Judges mexican heratige was a conflict involving the lawsuit against him?