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Trump Assassination Attempt


Industrial Strength Linguist
Anti-gun types use "assault rifle" inaccurately for histrionics.
It's designed to inflame passions using dishonesty.

Those who use the term incorrectly are playing a game,
ie, frightening the masses by trickery.

If you want to be serious, use terminology correctly.
Don't divert discussion with such histrionics.

That's a falsehood.

Geeze, get a grip, man.
If you want to discuss guns, learn the
terminology, & how they function.

Rev, you demonstrate exactly what I think is wrong with these logic chopping exercises people go through over word usage. If you want to have a debate with a linguist over what makes a definition accurate or inaccurate, this is probably not a good place to have it. That's linguistics 101. I wouldn't characterize your position here as dishonesty or trickery. I would characterize it as sophistry. If you want a serious discussion, drop the ad hominem tactics.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Why do you think the term godless offends atheists? Explain it etymologycally.
Use your linguistic skills.
You used the term as an insult and I already touched on the etymological roots.
No...these people are theists.
Then this means, like you, they are godly. No suprise because godly people (Christians, very typically) are often among the worst people one will meet.
What If I discribed my disliking of you by saying your godly? Surely even you can understand how that would be considered rude and most people would get on to me over it.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Rev, you demonstrate exactly what I think is wrong with these logic chopping exercises people go through over word usage.
And you defend sloppy histrionic language
designed to inflame fears & passions of
the ignorant.
It's like the pro-lifers who call pro-choicers
"baby killers".
If you want to have a debate with a linguist over what makes a definition accurate or inaccurate, this is probably not a good place to have it. That's linguistics 101. I wouldn't characterize your position here as dishonesty or trickery. I would characterize it as sophistry.
Only because you appear to not value accuracy & honest discussion
about gun issues. Preferring histrionics & demonization of us gun
rights advocates.
If you want a serious discussion, drop the ad hominem tactics.
You started with the ad hominem.
I just played along.

Lookie here, if youi're going to be sloppy,
be prepared to be called on it.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member

To be fair I would say that sometimes various media sources only go by capacity.

Though to me there are at least three categories needed to be even considered an assault rifle. A large capacity, very high speed ammunition, and of course ease of reloading. Elsewhere he brought up a tube fed .22lr. Though it may have the capacity it fails in the other two categories.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
To be fair I would say that sometimes various media sources only go by capacity.

Though to me there are at least three categories needed to be even considered an assault rifle. A large capacity, very high speed ammunition, and of course ease of reloading. Elsewhere he brought up a tube fed .22lr. Though it may have the capacity it fails in the other two categories.
Ammo needn't be high speed. The AK47
uses a much slower round than the AR15,
M16, M24, etc.
A critical feature of assault rifles is their
being capable of fully automatic fire.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I suspect the source (Bass Pro Shops) is referring to what costumers were claiming they were purchasing the rounds for?
I am not so sure. The last two rounds on the right are definitely overkill for your average black bear. Perhaps the person that had made that chart just saw this:

Warning, horror movie with a bit of fake gore, not too much, and an f-bomb or two.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
You used the term as an insult and I already touched on the etymological roots.
But addressed to theists.
Then this means, like you, they are godly. No suprise because godly people (Christians, very typically) are often among the worst people one will meet.
That's for damn sure. I guess the Vatican hides some of them.
What If I described my disliking of you by saying your godly?
You can say that. First Amendment.
Surely even you can understand how that would be considered rude and most people would get on to me over it.
I don't see any offensiveness in the word godless. God - less. Without God.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
But addressed to theists.

That's for damn sure. I guess the Vatican hides some of them.

You can say that. First Amendment.

I don't see any offensiveness in the word godless. God - less. Without God.
Then you aren't actually looking. You yourself are using it as a pejorative here. You called people "godless" as an insult, a negative. That's how it's generally used too. "Godless heathens" is a common term. Conservatives have used it to denigrate Communists and generally anyone they don't like for a long time.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Ammo needn't be high speed. The AK47
uses a much slower round than the AR15,
M16, M24, etc.
A critical feature of assault rifles is their
being capable of fully automatic fire.
It is slower, but it is no slouch. It is significantly faster than a .22lr and more than twice the velocity of a 9mm round. Granted, the latter is a handgun, but it will do clearly more damage than lower velocity round.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It is slower, but it is no slouch. It is significantly faster than a .22lr and more than twice the velocity of a 9mm round. Granted, the latter is a handgun, but it will do clearly more damage than lower velocity round.
There are 9mm rifles too.
They improve velocity over handguns.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I just said that those who paid that beta male
Let me stop you there. Using silly terms like this is the problem we're already talking about. Adding a new one in only makes it worse.
to kill Trump are godless élites.
And I will never regret saying that.
I'm sure you won't. But we're still explaining what's wrong with it, even if you refuse to listen.

No one paid that guy to kill Trump.
Calling them "godless" is silly, inaccurate and stupid. You just said you don't see it as insulting, and yet here you are specifically using it as an insult. If it's no different from "godly", then why not use godly? Because "Godly" is not an insult, while to you "godless" is.


Admiral Obvious
I agree the term is over used and thrown around way too often.
It wouldn't be so bad if those who misuse the terms were not doing so on purpose.
Which is the only sane conclusion when it is explained to them numerous times and they still insist on using the terms incorrectly.

Hard to take someone seriously when they refuse to use terms correctly.


Admiral Obvious
To be fair I would say that sometimes various media sources only go by capacity.

Though to me there are at least three categories needed to be even considered an assault rifle. A large capacity, very high speed ammunition, and of course ease of reloading. Elsewhere he brought up a tube fed .22lr. Though it may have the capacity it fails in the other two categories.
How many rounds constitutes "high capacity"?
I ask simply because there are a number of single shot sniper rifles that are single shot manual reload.
Are these not "assault rifles"?

The above also addresses the "removable magazine" requirement many people claim is required to make a rifle an "assault rifle".

I have heard some people claim that rate of fire is also some sort of requirement.

Seems most people have simply decided to ignore the "selector switch" requirement.

I much prefer my 13 round tube fed 22 over the 25 round magazine fed 22.
Easier to maneuver, carry and fire.

the problem with letting the media set the standard is that the media is all about getting viewers.
truth, facts, etc. are not nearly as important as the number of viewers.