No... I mean that you expect women to be for peace...but the debate was very clear.
Trump said that he would end the conflict in 24 hours, with diplomacy.
Is that as certain as his making Mexico pay for the wall he built? $ from Mexico.
Or that he'd end the US war in Afghanistan?
Oh...wait....he didn't.
He spent 4 years violating this campaign promise.
It's easy to make grandiose claims.
Reminds me of the memoir published by the famous
actress, Marylin Streep.
Her 1st marriage was to a farmer. But she divorced him
because he worked such long hours that he had no time
for "intimate relations".
Her 2nd marriage was to a politician. But she divorced
him over his incessant lying & cheating.
Her 3rd marriage was very brief...only one day. It was
to Donald Trump. He spent their entire wedding night
telling her how great it was going to be.