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Trump is losing the debate acting like a raving lunatic


Veteran Member
I am wondering how the Democratic Party will face the terrible blunder when the war is over and Ukraine will have lost.
Democrats and most republicans have supported Ukraine and it's right to sovereignty against putin's attack. What blunder has only the democrats made? Nothing. Just more of your disinformation and deception that derails most every discussion. And Ukraine has gotten the bulk of it's financial and military support from Europe, and the USA remains committed to help. The only way Ukraine could lose is if Trump wins and he offers military support to Russia instead.
How they will justify that to the NATO allies and to the American voters.
It's your bad fantasy, not reality. The reality is that Russia has no way to defeat Ukraine and will have to either find a way to give back the land he has occupied and pay for the damage to Ukraine. It could be that putin is removed from office in a coup or some other action. In any event putin's reputation is ruined and he will go down in history as the guy who sabotaged Russia's reform into a global economic partner.


Veteran Member
Yes...Ukrainian soldiers invaded Russia. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/09/13/world/ukraine-kursk-offensive-cost/index.html

And this war started in 2022...after more than two years, we should program a peace process because a war cannot last twenty years.
I've said it before and I'll repeat it here, appeasement does not equal peace. If your peace process includes returning Moscow's land gains (and the recent Ukrainian gains) then the world will perhaps listen.
I regularly talk to our Ukrainian (refugee) neighbours who are staying in our friends house, their hatred for Putin is real, I could never look them in the eyes again if the UK were to bow down to the invading dictator.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.


Veteran Member
Putin saved his own country from the financial and banking élites that wanted to rob it.
putin and his oligarchs have made billions in selling Russia's resources. Russia under putin had hosted the winter Olympics with a massive sports facility that hosted world championshsips. The facility inlcuded a Forluma 1 track and they hosted an F1 races for years.
The resources of Russia belong to the Russians.
putin is considered the richest man in the world due to his taking control of the resources. Notice has hasn't done anything to give the money to the people unlike in the EAU.
You need to be tough to beat up these élites.
Look at you keep referring to elites and never saying who you think they are. No facts. No details. No truth. No sense.


Veteran Member
I watched the debate. Though even I knew when she was blatantly lying, I didn't see the moderators call her out even once.
The only claims of Trump's that they actually fact-checked were his absolutely insane claims that are detached from reality, like "they're eating the cats and the dogs," that he won the 2020 election and that Democrats are murdering newborn babies.

Harris didn't make any claims that were anywhere close to as insane and unhinged from reality as Trump's.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
The only claims of Trump's that they actually fact-checked were his absolutely insane claims that are detached from reality, like "they're eating the cats and the dogs," that he won the 2020 election and that Democrats are murdering newborn babies.

Harris didn't make any claims that were anywhere close to as insane and unhinged from reality as Trump's.
Trump was called out at least five times and Harris was never called out by the mods. She knows her claims for instance on the Heritage Foundation's Proposition 2025 are unsubstantiated.


Veteran Member
Trump was called out at least five times and Harris was never called out by the mods.
These comparisons are baseless given the degree to which Trump lied. It's like equating someone who committed murder to someone who got a parking ticket. Did both commit crimes? Yes. Are they at the same level and degree? No. Did Harris make some unsubstantiated claims like Trump's support for project 2025? Yes. But we have reason to believe Trump would enact these plans if elected. He is a cruel and disturbed man who has no problem hurting anyone he thinks is against him.
She knows her claims for instance on the Heritage Foundation's Proposition 2025 are unsubstantiated.
Trump knows this agenda is being pushed by others, and so far Trump won't have a problem assigning these people positions in the government, and letting them do what they want. Trump is not interested in governing, he just wants the position. He's already aligned with Vance who has stated that the government needs to be cleared of anyone who doesn't agree with their goals, and replace these workers with loyalists. Being loyal to Trump means being willing to break laws.

Look for yourself what a Trump government will be filled with. He has Laura Loomer traveling with him, and she is so crazy and unacceptable that even MTG says she's nuts. When you are too extreme for MTG you're way off the rails, and that's Trump.


Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Read it again, she did not say it was a tax but effectively one in that his tariff increases would affect everybody to tune of several thousand dollars a year, and your fact checks and the analyses bear this out. Equivocation over something she didn't even say is ridiculous. Do you want to pay thousands more for what you will buy because of Trump or do you think that might not be good for the average American?
That is still false, it is not an effectively a sales tax.

A national retail sales tax is a consumption tax collected as a flat-rate tax on all sales from businesses to households.

tariff, tax levied upon goods as they cross national boundaries, usually by the government of the importing country. The words tariff, duty, and customs can be used interchangeably.

Using the term effective does not make them the same and is misleading. She says it on purpose to mislead. She can just say his Tariffs will increase your household expenses that her administration has left in place by the way.

From the debate. She avoided the question just like she avoided all the questions.

DAVID MUIR: Vice President Harris I do want to ask for your response and you heard what the president said there because the Biden administration did keep a number of the Trump tariffs in place so how do you respond?

VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS: Well, let's be clear that the Trump administration resulted in a trade deficit, one of the highest we've ever seen in the history of America. He invited trade wars, you wanna talk about his deal with China what he ended up doing is under Donald Trump's presidency he ended up selling American chips to China to help them improve and modernize their military basically sold us out when a policy about China should be in making sure the United States of America wins the competition for the 21st century. Which means focusing on the details of what that requires, focusing on relationships with our allies, focusing on investing in American based technology so that we win the race on A.I. and quantum computing, focusing on what we need to do to support America's workforce, so that we don't end up having the on the short end of the stick in terms of workers' rights. But what Donald Trump did let's talk about this with COVID, is he actually thanked President XI for what he did during COVID. Look at his tweet. "Thank you, President XI," exclamation point. When we know that XI was responsible for lacking and not giving us transparency about the origins of COVID.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Not "gun" because she's a gun owner. Fact-checking Trump about Harris and ‘gun confiscation’ has a good discussion.

"We have to have a buyback program, and I support a mandatory gun buyback program," Harris said. "It’s got to be smart, we got to do it the right way. But there are 5 million (assault weapons) at least, some estimate as many as 10 million, and we’re going to have to have smart public policy that’s about taking those off the streets, but doing it the right way."​
NBC News’ Harry Smith asked Harris, "So, say you’ve got a couple hundred thousand off the streets, I mean, isn’t that just a drop in the bucket?​
Harris said: "Well, what we’ll do is have an incentive for people to turn them in and buy them back. But when we`re talking about weapons of war, I mean, it literally is this simple. Five million assault weapons on the streets of America, period."​
"I have to stress, lawful gun ownership, that is one thing," Harris said. "We’re talking about something else and we have to stop conflating and blending all these issues."
In April 2019, Harris told reporters in Iowa, "We are being offered a false choice. You’re either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone’s guns away. It’s a false choice that is born out of a lack of courage from leaders who must recognize and agree that there are some practical solutions to what is a clear problem in our country."​
We asked the Harris campaign whether she still supports mandatory assault weapons buybacks. She does not. A campaign spokesperson pointed to a comment the campaign gave to The New York Times that, like President Joe Biden, Harris wants to ban assault weapons but not require people to sell them to the federal government.

Trump's claim?

Sorry if I don't believe her campaign spokesperson and her sudden shift to the middle. She supported mandatory gun buyback programs in the past. She is a chronic and terrible liar.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Democrats and most republicans have supported Ukraine and it's right to sovereignty against putin's attack. What blunder has only the democrats made? Nothing. Just more of your disinformation and deception that derails most every discussion. And Ukraine has gotten the bulk of it's financial and military support from Europe, and the USA remains committed to help. The only way Ukraine could lose is if Trump wins and he offers military support to Russia instead.

It's your bad fantasy, not reality. The reality is that Russia has no way to defeat Ukraine and will have to either find a way to give back the land he has occupied and pay for the damage to Ukraine. It could be that putin is removed from office in a coup or some other action. In any event putin's reputation is ruined and he will go down in history as the guy who sabotaged Russia's reform into a global economic partner.
Are Americans disposed to use Europe as battlefield for their WW3?
That is, you guys are disposed to make them nuke us all?

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Why is it that you denounce people who defend themselves after being assaulted and then have infatuation for fascists?

Never mind.
Have you actually watched that video?
No, I guess.
Shall I side with that individual?
I prefer Putin.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
That's not what I asked for so why are you deflcting from what I asked? I told you that I heard there were three lies by Harris that was fact-checked by CNN, so why can't you cite where your source of 20 came from?
On second thought, you've had plenty of opportunity to tell us where you got your list from but have refused to tell us, thus it's rather obvious that you're simply not willing to tell the truth.
Why does it matter where they came from. Are those lies or not?


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Are Americans disposed to use Europe as battlefield for their WW3?
That is, you guys are disposed to make them nuke us all?

Americans are disposed to nuke them back if they do. That goes back to the Cold War era, when the stated policy was that, if the Red Army poured into Western Europe, we would use nuclear weapons to deter them.

I guess we'll have to start increasing and enhancing our warmaking capabilities. I don't like the direction the world is going at present, but it seems we're going to have to get leaner and meaner if we want to survive.

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
Americans are disposed to nuke them back if they do. That goes back to the Cold War era, when the stated policy was that, if the Red Army poured into Western Europe, we would use nuclear weapons to deter them.
That was the Nuclear Trip Wire strategy. After WW2, we dramatically reduced our military size and our presence in Europe. Our troops in Europe were merely a trip wire. If they were attacked we threatened to use nukes.

As the Soviets began to achieve nuclear parity, our strategy shifted to building up our conventional forces in Europe to stop them. This is clearly seen in the Reagan era and slightly earlier.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Americans are disposed to nuke them back if they do.
The damage will already be done.
It's better to use diplomacy to de-escalate the conflict and ask the UN to administer the Donbas after a ceasefire, waiting for a solution.
That goes back to the Cold War era, when the stated policy was that, if the Red Army poured into Western Europe, we would use nuclear weapons to deter them.
All of Eastern Europe is part of the European Union...and Russia has never attacked the EU.
I guess we'll have to start increasing and enhancing our warmaking capabilities. I don't like the direction the world is going at present, but it seems we're going to have to get leaner and meaner if we want to survive.
The European Union has been at peace for almost 80 years. A warless world is possible...but it seems to me they are just throwing billions at the Military Industrial Complex, people without soul or heart, who want to sell weapons, so they need wars, wars, wars.