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Trump is losing the debate acting like a raving lunatic


Veteran Member
That is still false, it is not an effectively a sales tax.

A national retail sales tax is a consumption tax collected as a flat-rate tax on all sales from businesses to households.

tariff, tax levied upon goods as they cross national boundaries, usually by the government of the importing country. The words tariff, duty, and customs can be used interchangeably.

Using the term effective does not make them the same and is misleading. She says it on purpose to mislead. She can just say his Tariffs will increase your household expenses that her administration has left in place by the way.

From the debate. She avoided the question just like she avoided all the questions.

DAVID MUIR: Vice President Harris I do want to ask for your response and you heard what the president said there because the Biden administration did keep a number of the Trump tariffs in place so how do you respond?

VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS: Well, let's be clear that the Trump administration resulted in a trade deficit, one of the highest we've ever seen in the history of America. He invited trade wars, you wanna talk about his deal with China what he ended up doing is under Donald Trump's presidency he ended up selling American chips to China to help them improve and modernize their military basically sold us out when a policy about China should be in making sure the United States of America wins the competition for the 21st century. Which means focusing on the details of what that requires, focusing on relationships with our allies, focusing on investing in American based technology so that we win the race on A.I. and quantum computing, focusing on what we need to do to support America's workforce, so that we don't end up having the on the short end of the stick in terms of workers' rights. But what Donald Trump did let's talk about this with COVID, is he actually thanked President XI for what he did during COVID. Look at his tweet. "Thank you, President XI," exclamation point. When we know that XI was responsible for lacking and not giving us transparency about the origins of COVID.
Anyway, Trumps tariffs on goods imported from China will cost consumers more money. And the government will collect. Meanwhile he intends to keep his tax cuts that help the wealthy the most. The middle class and poor? They get screwed.


Veteran Member
The damage will already be done.
It's better to use diplomacy to de-escalate the conflict and ask the UN to administer the Donbas after a ceasefire, waiting for a solution.
You’re waiting for Putin, who is waiting to see if his puppet DJ Trump will get elected. Until then it’s all in limbo.

All of Eastern Europe is part of the European Union...and Russia has never attacked the EU.
But he can’t be trusted.

The European Union has been at peace for almost 80 years. A warless world is possible...but it seems to me they are just throwing billions at the Military Industrial Complex, people without soul or heart, who want to sell weapons, so they need wars, wars, wars.
Peace existed until Putin invaded Ukraine. B


Well-Known Member
But he tells a different story about abortion depending on who he's talking to. And project 2025 came from his own advisors, so his claim of ignorance and disconnection with it is simply false. I think it's you that has the bias.

The problem with Trump and abortion is that he acts to support the most extreme proposals every time, and then pretends that he isn't pushing their agenda.

He also claims that giving control over a woman's body to the states is somehow more ethical and democratic than following the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Declarationof Independence. When there are states in this union that would reinstate slavery if they were not denied the ability to do that by our founding documents. A woman's right to control her own body is not a right that should be usurped by any federal or state body. Like antislavery is.
Has anyone read Project 2025 or is everyone depending on fake news for bogeyman trick or treats? It is 920 pages. I doubt the whole thing is bogeyman. I have not read it, since it is more think tank minutia and legal talk.

From what I understand, it I about streamlining government to make it a lean, mean, governing machine. It is like starting with an over weight person with relative medical problem and trimming them back to health. Many things need to be done. The Government is set up for unions jobs to keeps adding bodies and spending money, that is from tax revenue and borrowing. This is not sustainable. How do you get Big Government to work within its means; skinny down to tax revenue only? Project 2025 has a plan, but Trump does not fully support it since in the short term it can lead to pain, for those who can least take the pain.

Trump is more hoping he can get the economy revving enough to eliminate the need for some programs, and thereby mothball programs as well as consolidate others, to reduce the bureaucratic redundancy; redundant union jobs. I worked for the DOE and if there was no path upward for promotion, due to this being occupied, they would make a new lateral path with no ceiling. This is reward, but is how the government spreads out. More for the jobs and less for the need, with the bill mortgage bill sent to the tax payers.

This can also be done with streamlining regulation, to reflect genuine need, and not the excuses to sustain and grow over bloated bureaucracies, where you cannot fire anyone due to union leverage over the DNC; donations. But the rank and file can become a victim of circumstances and Trump sees that, so the drastic change in four years, is not Trump's style. He wishes to keep all options open for all citizen, as the President, and not just one party, like the DNC just did. Trump is smarter and more empathetic than pin heads like Harris.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
You’re waiting for Putin, who is waiting to see if his puppet DJ Trump will get elected. Until then it’s all in limbo.
Europe will be the impediment for the warmongers in Washington DC. ;)
But he can’t be trusted.
He can.
Peace existed until Putin invaded Ukraine.
But you can't deny that the MIC is gaining billions from the sale of warfare.
So if the war terminated, they would stop gaining.
Do you deny it?


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
The damage will already be done.
It's better to use diplomacy to de-escalate the conflict and ask the UN to administer the Donbas after a ceasefire, waiting for a solution.

All of Eastern Europe is part of the European Union...and Russia has never attacked the EU.

The European Union has been at peace for almost 80 years. A warless world is possible...but it seems to me they are just throwing billions at the Military Industrial Complex, people without soul or heart, who want to sell weapons, so they need wars, wars, wars.

It does seem pretty wasteful to devote so much money, personnel, and resources to warmaking. Of course, many have argued that we have no other choice, as we live in a dangerous and uncertain world. With dictators and rogue nations popping up out of nowhere like this, what else can we do but bomb them back to the stone age? This kind of thinking has prevailed in American political thought for a long time.


Well-Known Member
When I watching the debate, what I saw with Trump is, he is a businessman and not a career politician. His name and reputation is important to his hospitality business. When Harris attacked him with lies and zingers, he fell the need to defend his reputation, since his hospitality business and his reputation is important to that end. It is not like Obama's golden parachute quid pro quo arrangement. The DNC, knew he would defend his reputation, and in doing so he has less time to attack Harris. It was a team against one like the Russian Collusion Coup.

My advice is, if they debate again, Trump needs to come up with a funny name to describe Harris spitting daggers, such Krazy Kamala, who trying to get him to waste his debate, time addressing her attacks on his reputation. Trump can make a funny, cut down to allow 5 seconds for dismissal and go back to the business of her reputation and his vision. She will get flustered. If you ever argued with a woman, not fighting and dismissal, gets under their skin.

I heard an idea that would be fair to both Trump and Harris. Each candidate can select their own moderator, to question the other candidate Trump is used to the DNC ambush; 3 against w, but Harris is used to her team of moderators. Instead of three against one, it will be two against two, which will make it easier for Trump to stay on target.


Trump was called out at least five times and Harris was never called out by the mods. She knows her claims for instance on the Heritage Foundation's Proposition 2025 are unsubstantiated.
He was given additional time over and over again to rebut, and made his firm statement that he had nothing to do with Project 2025. The moderators need not assert more in this case as Harris did not "double-down." IMO the moderators were excellent in that they are well-known definitive targets of MAGA just for being representatives of ABC.

Did you notice the difference in how Trump treated the two? Very telling.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
It does seem pretty wasteful to devote so much money, personnel, and resources to warmaking. Of course, many have argued that we have no other choice, as we live in a dangerous and uncertain world. With dictators and rogue nations popping up out of nowhere like this, what else can we do but bomb them back to the stone age? This kind of thinking has prevailed in American political thought for a long time.
I swear it to God, I used to believe that in the 21st century war was impossible in Europe...and that the only kind of war possible was an economic war through tariffs and sanctions.
It seems we are gone back to the MiddleAges.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
She calls them a "Trump sales tax", being careful to point out the extra cost to consumers is Trump's fault. The extra money goes to the government, just like federal taxes.
Aye, lies always serve a purpose.
It's not a severe lie, or one with horrible consequences
like Trump's attacks on immigrants, which threatens
their lives. Still, I prefer honesty & accuracy.


Sorry if I don't believe her campaign spokesperson and her sudden shift to the middle. She supported mandatory gun buyback programs in the past. She is a chronic and terrible liar.
I was never a fan of Harris, but her changes in position have increased my respect for her and hope in her presidency. These "changes," NOT FLIPS, show that she listens to the people, that she is teachable and reachable, that she is true in her statement she will be a president for ALL the people. I admire a leader that is willing to bend to avoid a break. That's the heart of negotiation which is the job of the office.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I disagree. Sales taxes do not apply to all goods, but it depends on the state.
A national sales tax, by its very
definition, wouldn't vary by state.
That is basic economics.
Basic economics would recognize the differences
in definition & consequences between state sales
taxes, a national sales tax, & tariffs.
I know these things....I once ate a book on the subject.


Has anyone read Project 2025 or is everyone depending on fake news for bogeyman trick or treats? It is 920 pages. I doubt the whole thing is bogeyman. I have not read it, since it is more think tank minutia and legal talk.
I've read a few sections -- family and agriculture. The changes in adoption laws was scary as was the deregulation of bioengineering in the farming industry. It is a difficult document for non-lawyer readers, but there are clear points of worry for a safe and progressive future.


Industrial Strength Linguist
At least you admit that she is a typical politician, which in my book is not a compliment.

Nonsense. Americans only vote for politicians. It is laughable that so many Trump supporters like to claim that he is not a politician. The man spends all day watching TV and reading tweets so that he can figure out how to play the angles. He is all hat and no cattle.


Veteran Member
When I watching the debate, what I saw with Trump is, he is a businessman and not a career politician. His name and reputation is important to his hospitality business. When Harris attacked him with lies and zingers, he fell the need to defend his reputation, since his hospitality business and his reputation is important to that end. It is not like Obama's golden parachute quid pro quo arrangement. The DNC, knew he would defend his reputation, and in doing so he has less time to attack Harris. It was a team against one like the Russian Collusion Coup.

My advice is, if they debate again, Trump needs to come up with a funny name to describe Harris spitting daggers, such Krazy Kamala, who trying to get him to waste his debate, time addressing her attacks on his reputation. Trump can make a funny, cut down to allow 5 seconds for dismissal and go back to the business of her reputation and his vision. She will get flustered. If you ever argued with a woman, not fighting and dismissal, gets under their skin.

I heard an idea that would be fair to both Trump and Harris. Each candidate can select their own moderator, to question the other candidate Trump is used to the DNC ambush; 3 against w, but Harris is used to her team of moderators. Instead of three against one, it will be two against two, which will make it easier for Trump to stay on target.
He has thoroughly tarnished his own reputation by defrauding people, refusing to return classified documents, attempting to overturn a free and fair election, fomenting an insurrection, and sexually assaulting and defaming women.
Harris was merely pointing that out.


Industrial Strength Linguist
A national sales tax, by its very
definition, wouldn't vary by state.

No, Rev. The word "national" is what makes that not true. The US does not have what is called a "national sales tax". In Europe, they do, but it is called a "value added tax" (VAT), because it works like a tariff. The tax is charged before the product gets to a point of sale. American visitors can actually get it refunded for their purchases, if they feel it worth going through the hassle.

Basic economics would recognize the differences
in definition & consequences between state sales
taxes, a national sales tax, & tariffs.
I know these things....I once ate a book on the subject.

We've all eaten books. I even ate a course on economic theory in my university days. And, of course, we have our degrees accumulated from extensive google searches. :) I think you are ignoring the fact that America has no tax that we call "national sales tax", so Harris is simply creating that rubric to describe how a tariff actually works. As opposed to the way Donald Trump disingenuously says they work.


Industrial Strength Linguist
Volodymyr Zelenskyy with two Ys at the end.

I understand why so many pro-Trumpers would rather change the subject than talk about the Trump-Harris debate topic. That's why Estro is working so hard to make this about Ukraine.

That said, you've triggered another of my pet peeves, which I am entitled to have as a linguist who can read Ukrainian. The double "yy" actually stands for two different letters in Ukrainian Cyrillic. It is one of the worst transliteration schemes I can think of for that language into a romanized alphabet, but the Ukrainian government seems to prefer it. A more common rendition of the name as just "Zelensky" makes better sense, since English speakers cannot pronounce the two different vowels correctly anyway. However, better romanizations would be "Zelenskij", "Zelenskiy", or "Zelenskiĭ".