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Trump is losing the debate acting like a raving lunatic

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Putin can't be trusted. He lied to everyone about the pretext for his invasion of Ukraine. He is lying to his own people constantly about how the invasion is going and the degrading state of their own military. So, if he lies to the world, and he lies to the Russian people, why wouldn't he also lie to the Ukrainians about ending the invasion? And about respecting the agreed upon borders? Just to buy time to build his military back up and try again?

No one in their right mind would trust him.
I also understand Americans who are on the other side of the Atlantic...very very far from Moscow.
They couldn't care less if we are all nuked.
Us who live around the corner.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Then why are you trying to defend him, exactly?
I'd say Trump needs all the help he can get after losing that debate so badly. He's made himself look like an unhinged delusional person.
I thought he did rather well against two hostile moderators and his opponent.

I doubt Harris could do half as well as Trump did if it was at Fox.

Trumps capabilities are certainly there.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I also understand Americans who are on the other side of the Atlantic...very very far from Moscow.
They couldn't care less if we are all nuked.
Us who live around the corner.
Italians appear to not care if Ukrainians are killed, maimed,
raped, or tortured. Their beloved Putin gets what he wants.

Note that I'm not serious...just aping your style.


Veteran Member


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I understand why so many pro-Trumpers would rather change the subject than talk about the Trump-Harris debate topic. That's why Estro is working so hard to make this about Ukraine.

That said, you've triggered another of my pet peeves, which I am entitled to have as a linguist who can read Ukrainian. The double "yy" actually stands for two different letters in Ukrainian Cyrillic. It is one of the worst transliteration schemes I can think of for that language into a romanized alphabet, but the Ukrainian government seems to prefer it. A more common rendition of the name as just "Zelensky" makes better sense, since English speakers cannot pronounce the two different vowels correctly anyway. However, better romanizations would be "Zelenskij", "Zelenskiy", or "Zelenskiĭ".

I'm not trying to change the subject and I am not a "pro Trumper" for that matter. I'm simply pointing out a truism whether you believe it or not.


Veteran Member
I thought he did rather well against two hostile moderators and his opponent.

I doubt Harris could do half as well as Trump did if it was at Fox.

Trumps capabilities are certainly there.
I agree that Trump did OK relatively speaking. He projected the angry ogre image fully and throughout. Which his sycophants (including you) seem to really like. He went there to play to that base, and that is exactly what he did. So I am sure his base (including you) ate it up. Unfortunately for Trump, that was not the strategy he should have been chasing, because it was not going to gain him any support from the moderates. And in fact, all that angry bluster and wild hyperbole was far more likely to alienate them, then attract them. Which is exactly what it seems to have done.

But the truth be told, Trump was never capable of doing anything else. Because the truth is that Trump IS THAT OGRE. He's not just playing one on TV for the audience. It is who he is and it's all he's ever been. And it's all knows how to be.

I was honestly surprised that he showed up for that debate at all, simply because there was no way he was ever going to gain anything from it. But being the stupid ogre that he is, he simply couldn't pass up the opportunity to be what he is. "Ogre gotta be ogre", as they say. And he'd do it again under the same circumstances because that's who he is. He knows nothing of parables or mythical story-telling, so he really believes that the ogre in the story is the big winner. And having grown up in the fur-lined pockets of capitalism, why wouldn't he?
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Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Another defeat for you, unable to rebut my post.
Jeeze, you changed the subject and I ignored your post that had nothing to do with what we were talking about.
As i have noted Harris said that she calls Trumps tariffs as “Trump’s s sales tax “. It’s a political point to help those uncertain about what a tariff is that it will cost them more You MAGAs going off on the meaning of the phrase aims to deflect that the criminal candidate will impose a costly fee on products from China. That’s the real issue and you can’t defend it.
Then why did Harris support the tariffs we have now. You have not answered this question.


Industrial Strength Linguist
It's on topic because Mrs. Harris lost the debate.
Because she basically said: we couldn't care less if a WW3 breaks out...all that matters is that we defeat Russia.
And she said that peace would be a negative thing.
That thing is what a man would say. So she is basically telling Putin: come here and fight like a man!

It might have helped for you to have actually watched the debate. Then you would not need to make stuff up about it, but I'm not sure how you would have dealt with what she actually did say.

It also depends on the alphabet used.

What are you talking about? If you don't know anything about a subject, your best strategy is not to say anything about it. Ukrainians use a version of the Cyrillic alphabet, and double "yy" transliteration in "Zelenskyy" stands for two different Cyrillic letters, which represent a vowel sound followed by a semivowel: Зеленський.

Anyway there is a video where this former comedian (who has lost any credibility in my eyes) said that Ukrainians and Russians should love each other and that the Kiev regime is the bad guy for preventing Russian-speaking people from using their language only.

Completely incoherent. I have no idea what "video" you are referring to, but you appear to have mixed up Putin and Zelensky here. Zelensky himself is a native speaker of Russian, and he is still learning Ukrainian. Many Ukrainians will claim to speak Ukrainian as their native language, but Russian at home. That means that Russian is their dominant language, but Ukrainian is the official national language. All government business is supposed to be conducted in Ukrainian, so Zelensky will only speak Ukrainian in public. His former TV show "Servant of the People" (also the name of his political party) was almost entirely in Russian.

There are lots of documents revealing who is the bad guy here and when the war is over, I suggest many people to disappear and to change name.

Are there? :rolleyes:


Veteran Member
I thought he did rather well against two hostile moderators and his opponent.

Trump said some really bizarre and stupid stuff. They called him on it. They probably would have done the same if Harris had made the same level of deranged claims.
I doubt Harris could do half as well as Trump did if it was at Fox.
She wiped the floor with him and I think he knows it. ;)

Why would they do anything at Fox news? They have zero credibility left. They knowingly lied on air to their viewers.
Trumps capabilities are certainly there.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.

Trump said some really bizarre and stupid stuff. They called him on it. They probably would have done the same if Harris had made the same level of deranged claims.


How many times was Trump fact checked?

How many times was Harris fact checked?


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
He was and that's done. Harris hasn't been fact checked even once.

Honestly I think it has more to do with the fact that Harris didn't make any claims that were so blatantly stupid and fantastical that people would have no choice but to say something. Dude literally said that Kamala wants to do transgender surgeries on illegal immigrants in prisons; then again, they didn't check him on that one

The moderators didn't make him say this stuff. It was all him shooting himself in the foot

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Honestly I think it has more to do with the fact that Harris didn't make any claims that were so blatantly stupid and fantastical that people would have no choice but to say something. Dude literally said that Kamala wants to do transgender surgeries on illegal immigrants in prisons; then again, they didn't check him on that one

The moderators didn't make him say this stuff. It was all him shooting himself in the foot
She said enough lies and untruths herself and it's all out there in internet world. Still not fact checked once for them unlike Trump was.


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
She said enough lies and untruths herself and it's all out there in internet world. Still not fact checked once for them unlike Trump was.

I don't know what to tell you. If people don't want to be fact checked, don't lie about stupid and fantastical things. Notice he wasn't fact checked when it wasn't stupid and fantastical (mostly - the transgender surgeries thing wasn't checked)