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Trump is losing the debate acting like a raving lunatic


Veteran Member
And IF she lived in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, or Wisconsin.

But she doesn't.

Since you are on if's...

If 40 other states became swing states it would be a different race.
If Biden was still in it he would probably lose.
If Trump dropped out many would be happy.
If etc etc.

If an If was a skiff we would all go for a boat ride
If we got rid of the electoral college every vote would count and matter.


Veteran Member
If they are bad, why did this administration keep them?(she dodged answering by the way).
Why are so many clueless about this? Biden kept tariffs for certain products being made in the USA and it helps even the cost to cheaper imports.
Btw, Countries have been using tariffs for a long time to prop up homegrown industries by inducing citizens to buy goods produced domestically.
If the USA made tools and electronics loke China does then Trumps tariffs would make sense.

IOW if something from China costs as much(because of tarrifs) as something made in California, more people would buy the one made in California.
That’s the idea. But the USA doesn’t make many of the products that will cost more.


Industrial Strength Linguist
And IF she lived in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, or Wisconsin.

But she doesn't.

Thanks for pointing out to me what I already said. I had not forgotten, but maybe you did. :rolleyes:

Since you are on if's...

If 40 other states became swing states it would be a different race.


If Biden was still in it he would probably lose.

Not necessarily, but I'm glad we will never find out.

If Trump dropped out many would be happy.

Assuredly so.

If etc etc.

Yes, I think that you are getting the hang of conditionals. You could probably even write a computer program.

If an If was a skiff we would all go for a boat ride

I had never thought of that, but I can see that you have. :cool:


Veteran Member
As it is, a few counties in Pennsylvania will probably pick our president for us.
Yeah. And Harris will surely get more votes no matter what.

Back in 2016 and before my city actually was visited by the candidates. Now they only travel to a few select states. My liberal vote won’t matter in the presidential election. It will matter in my representative.


Veteran Member
She lied over and over again. And it's not a matter of "can't," it's a matter of "won't." There's a difference.
You said they "constantly" fact checked Trump, when in actuality, they fact checked him about 3 times and only when he said truly delusional things. He lied a zillion other times without being fact checked. You keep ignoring this.

Now you claim Kamala "lied over and over again" and then when asked about it you say something like, I'm not pouring through the entire debate again to find them. Okay, then you have no examples. Great. Doesn't matter whether you "won't" or "can't" find them. The result is the same.


Well-Known Member
If we got rid of the electoral college every vote would count and matter.
That is not true. A well informed vote is better than just voting D or R all the way across the board, without ever reading or learning anything. I would prefer an objectivity test, to vote, to show you understand both sides of the issue and to also show you are not a trained horse. There too many trained horse voters and if we upped the standard, all the lying and mudslinging, that works on trained horses, would not be useful. Each side would need to educate their voters, to know both sides, at the risk of the other side making more sense.

When the Founding Fathers first wrote the Constitution, only land owners could vote. This amounted to mostly men and very few women and children. These were the movers and shakers who had an iron in the fire, and contributed most to the culture, from taxes and jobs. They had the most to gain and to lose. These were the people on the ball and not under the ball; dummy vote.

Having takers who gives nothing back; welfare state, vote is the path toward socialism and not Democracy. The path of the taker is the easier path, and will eventually outnumber the givers, and their popular vote will enslave the givers; Socialism. Take from the rich and redistribute to the slackers is a recipe for national failure, since you reward the dumb down and not the doers. I believe in a social safety net but not a social safety hammock you can recline forever. Why should that count as much as the person working two jobs and paying tax to support the hammock? Other than easier to manipulate as a trained horses, it is not an edifying formula. The DNC does fear mongering and promise they don't keep, each election cycle. This year's special con for trained horses was the carrot of reparations; something for nothing.

The Founding Father decided on a Representative Democracy, and the electoral college. This kept the vote of the landowners; rich, worth more, since they can influence the political process via activism and donations to politicians. The electoral college allows more votes to count, since without it, a few large states could cancel the vote of the rest of the states. If the top ten largest population states worked together, they have about half the total national population. Together they could gain power, shake down the rest, and absorb their land. The DNC is already proficient at law fare and would be eager to rip the rest of the states off.

Biden and Harris ripped off all the state with floods of illegal immigration. There was no money allocated by Congress for this, and by forcing it on States it is essentiality a huge local tax increase, that even takes away from the poorest citizens. That is the middle class tax break that Harris was talking about. She does not understand the difference between tax break and more taxes that break you.

The Senators used to be picked by the State Legislatures. That assured that the states picked a Senator, who, as a State good ole boy, would look out for the best interest of each state. This was changed to the Senate being picked by popular vote. This caused the Senate to morphed into the Senate carrying more water for one of two political parties, with the state needs coming second. Big money and influence from the national parties help Senator to win an election, which beholds them to the party more than the state. Plus, since there is more prestige being part of larger the National Senate, than as a small State representative. This has forced a two party system on all of us. Everyone is dirty.
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Veteran Member
That is not true.
Yes it is. As it is the votes of most citizens won’t matter for president if they live in a red or blue state. That’s why the swing states get all of the attention. There’s too much stress on the few swing states to decide the outcome of the election, and that is undemocratic.
A well informed vote is better than just voting D or R all the way across the board, without ever reading or learning anything. I would prefer an objectivity test, to vote, to show you understand both sides of the issue and to also show you are not a trained horse. There too many trained horse voters and if we upped the standard, all the lying and mudslinging, that works on trained horses, would not be useful. Each side would need to educate their voters, to know both sides, at the risk of the other side making more sense.

When the Founding Fathers first wrote the Constitution, only land owners could vote. This amounted to mostly men and very few women and children. These were the movers and shakers who had an iron in the fire, and contributed most to the culture, from taxes and jobs. They had the most to gain and to lose. These were the people on the ball and not under the ball; dummy vote.

Having takers who gives nothing back; welfare state, vote is the path toward socialism and not Democracy. The path of the taker is the easier path, and will eventually outnumber the givers, and their popular vote will enslave the givers; Socialism. Take from the rich and redistribute to the slackers is a recipe for national failure, since you reward the dumb down and not the doers. I believe in a social safety net but not a social safety hammock you can recline forever. Why should that count as much as the person working two jobs and paying tax to support the hammock? Other than easier to manipulate as a trained horse. The DNC does it each cycle with fear mongering and promise they don't keep; reparations.

The Founding Father decided on a Representative Democracy, and the electoral college. This kept the vote of the landowners; rich, worth more, since they can influence the political process via activism and donations to politicians. The electoral college allows more votes to count, since without it, a few large states could cancel the vote of the rest of the states. If the top ten largest population states worked together, they have about half the total national population. Together they could gain power, shake down the rest, and absorb their land. The DNC is already proficient at law fare and would be eager to rip the rest of the states off.

Biden and Harris ripped off all the state with floods of illegal immigration. There was no money allocated by Congress for this, and by forcing it on States it is essentiality a huge local tax increase, that even takes away from the poorest citizens. That is the middle class tax break Harris was talking abou. She does bo understand the different between tax break and more taxes that break you.

The Senators used to be picked by the State Legislatures. That assured that the states picked a Senator, who, as a State good ole boy, would look out for the best interest of each state. This was changed to the Senate being picked by popular vote. This caused the Senate to morphed into the Senate carrying more water for one of two political parties, with the state needs coming second. Big money from the national parties help Senator to win election, which beholds them to the party more than the state. Plus, since there is more prestige being part of larger the National Senator than as a small State representative. This has forced a two party system on all of us.
It’s 2024. And we can adjust how we govern ourselves.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Yes it is. As it is the votes of most citizens won’t matter for president if they live in a red or blue state. That’s why the swing states get all of the attention. There’s too much stress on the few swing states to decide the outcome of the election, and that is undemocratic.

It’s 2024. And we can adjust how we govern ourselves.
We sure can.

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
I don't care for the Democrat Party platform! I hate it in fact. So I will not vote for it.
Just out of academic curiosity, what is it exactly in the Democratic Party platform that you loath so much?

We are a republic, not a democracy.
A Republic is a government formed by the people, and those who the people elect as their representatives.

The electoral college is a relic from the days of slavery, and effectively lets chunks of land (the two senators from each state) to get additional votes above and beyond the selection by the people.
So basically when Republicans spout that line that you have, they are saying that they don’t want the people to represent all of us in government, but instead they want the elitist politicians to have more power than the normal people. :confused:

Sorry, but that is in fact how the electoral college works, and what it does for (to) us. :shrug:
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