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Trump is losing the debate acting like a raving lunatic


Well-Known Member
View attachment 97514

And for citations from both "sides":

Good for them and the City should be filing a civil suit for damages to recover the wasted money due to their response to the bomb threats and whatever else they have wasted time on.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Women cheat on their taxes and husbands. You are a woman. You’ve cheated on your taxes and on your husband.

See how easy it is to do logic?
I have never said that the official reports in Springfield Ohio support this tripe.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
You flip flop all over the place, so who knows what you really think. You say things that suggest you believe it, then you deny it. You've said you don't care, but you keep posting as if you care. Flop flip, flip flop.
Whatever you say. Today is a new day, by the way.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
You flip flop all over the place
Is it really flip-flopping or something else? A flip-flopper is generally someone who has a clear position followed by a second and different clear position. This seems more akin to gaslighting: "I never said that Haitians eat cats in Springfield. I just said that they eat cats and dared you to let yours loose there in Springfield where many Haitians live, and your imagination did the rest."

But not even that explicit. It's more like, "Just saying," leaving one to wonder whether she is aware she does that, that is, whether it's some kind of drive-by sniping with plausible deniability knowingly thrown in, or that she really has no clear concept of what she thinks or what message her posting sends.

Isn't that what it always comes down to in these matters - is it a cognitive/intellectual issue or an ethical one? I've never gotten help from the poster when I've tried to probe a little, and that been with several different posters.

Another well-known RF poster continually posts that atheists believe that there is no god (and then calls them liars when they disagree) and that they refuse to consider his ideas, and no matter how many times he is corrected - most atheists are agnostic and don't assert that no gods exist, and rejecting somebody's insufficiently supported ideas is not the same as closed-mindedness - returns to repeat the same claims.

I've tried to get any kind of sense of whether he does this knowingly or is blind to it, but he plays it so close to the vest that there is no way to rule one in and the other out without his help, which is never forthcoming.

And another who uses words like sudden, consciousness, and metaphysical so atypically that nobody knows what he's actually trying to say, which seems to frustrate him. He begs readers to try to "parse" his words in a way that they make sense. Despite several posters saying that they can't make sense of them and working with him about communicating more effectively, he steadfastly refuses to budge in his anomalous and meaningless to others usage.

I've had the same question there: cognitive defect or trolling? Is he unaware of what he is doing, which is hard to believe, or is this a game for him, which also seems unlikely to me?

Another frequently gets into disagreements with the critical thinkers about what they have posted. I'm one, and after repeating myself two or three times and then being told I'd never addressed the matter, I refused to post it again and was called a liar up to no good. I tried to teach this poster about responding to all salient points when first reading them and showed him how my wife and a lifelong friend and now email pen pal for years do that using the last email from the friend as a template for the next but made no dent. I then tried to teach him to do an RF Search and find the citations he said didn't exist himself, which he never acknowledged seeing or trying.

So what's happening there? Same problem for me - whatever questions I ask that might help sort it out go unacknowledged.

The first of these last three that I described seems to hate atheists, but the next two seem to be trying to communicate but can't. Maybe all three have a kind of blinding cognitive bias and are acting in good faith, or maybe all three are aware of what they are doing and are trolling. There's simply no way to unravel that without their help, and none will help to decide. None seems confused about why these things are written to them or concerned about it, which is what I would expect if they were unaware rather than trolling - "Why do you think these things about me?" - but as I said, most don't seem malicious, so it remains a mystery which of these possibilities is correct in each as well as why none will discuss the subject.

I can't escape the belief that all deliberate behavior is driven by some combination of beliefs and psychological needs - a person is in every case attempting to accomplish something in a way that they think or hope will work to achieve some desired outcome, that is, to meet some need, and that if I could get into their heads enough to know what those beliefs and needs are, the behavior would be understandable even to those who don't share those beliefs or have those needs themselves.

But I can't do that. I can't even come up with maybes - maybe it's to accomplish this or maybe that. I can't see why anybody would troll RF members for years and how they could do that without eventually revealing that they are knowingly being malicious, but I also can't imagine why somebody with a cognitive blindness acting in good faith isn't surprised by what they read about themselves or interested in learning more.

Ponder This

Well-Known Member

Thank you for that wonderful link! To quote your link:
Through the end of July 2024, over 520,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans arrived lawfully on commercial flights and were granted parole under these processes. Specifically, 110,000 Cubans, 211,000 Haitians, 95,000 Nicaraguans, and 118,000 Venezuelans were vetted and authorized for travel; and 109,000 Cubans, 205,000 Haitians, 90,000 Nicaraguans, and 115,000 Venezuelans arrived lawfully and were granted parole.
Since DHS allowed more than half a million immigrants into the US in 2024 already (not even counting border crossings), it's evident that Harris has indeed failed to solve the immigration crisis through her efforts to address the root causes of immigration.

What supposed lie is that? And seriously, Trump lied ten times more often. Please support your claims with valid sources. Far right insane sources will be an admission that you are wrong.
DNC 2020: Joe Biden convention speech fact-checked
Claim 3: President Trump said there were "very fine people on both sides", when asked about a far-right rally in 2017.
Mr Biden said one of his goals would be to "wipe out the stain of racism" and he recalled the far-right protests in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 which led to violent clashes and left one counter-protester dead.

He said: "Remember what the President said when asked, he said there were, quote, very fine people on both sides".

Mr Biden said that after this moment "I knew I had to run" for president.

According to a transcript of a press conference on 15 August, President Trump did say - when asked about the presence of neo-Nazis at the rally - "you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."

During the same press conference, Mr Trump went on to say "I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally."
The claim Harris made has been debunked since at least 2020. She's not different than Biden in making this debunked claim.

Yes, there was "bad moderating".
That's the point.

In reality, you cannot disconnect policies of previous administrations, and world events .. economic
and otherwise.
In this case the policies of the Biden administration reversed many Trump policies by executive order on Biden's first day in office and there was a massive increase in illegal immigration to the U.S. within a month of Biden taking office.

It's a case of divide and rule .. find a town that is suffering from unsustainable immigration, and
blame it entirely on the immigrants .. and encourage people to be selfish, protectionist with
promises of financial reward for supporters.
So... you agree that Springfield is suffering as a result of immigration... you just don't think other towns are suffering from too much immigration. Months ago, Mayor Adams in New York City pointed out that Chicago, Denver, Houston, and Washington D.C. were forming a coalition and that "No city should have to carry the load of the migrant asylum seeker crisis. It's a national problem."

Ponder This

Well-Known Member
Oh, yes, that would be a great idea. So, top issue for Americans is the economy, of course. Everybody hates it that inflation upped their costs, even though inflation has slowed dramatically, and incomes are rising faster. Still, Trump did an interview on Sunday, September 23, on "Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson." And on the economy that so concerns Americans, she asked a simple, straightforward question:

“What are the specific mechanics of how prices come down you know the steps that would be taken in a second term for you?”

Trump’s Answer:

“First of all, she can't do an interview. She could never do this interview because you ask questions like give me a specific answer. She talks about her lawn when she was growing up, this woman is not equipped to be President; she's not equipped to deal with President Xi, who I was very…I took in hundreds of billions of dollars with him. And Putin, we had no war with Putin remember, and I'm just going to go off just for this: with Bush they took a lot. Russia with Biden, they're trying to take everything. With Obama they took a lot. With Trump, Russia took nothing. Just remember that, you know, it's a little a little chart, but what happened and when you look at what took place, was so sad when they took over. They cut the oil way down and oil started going through the roof. It was was going to go to $10 a gallon, it was going to go to numbers that nobody's ever seen, and so they went back to the Trump drilling. They said let it go back, that was the only good thing, but they stopped because I would be there, but four years later, I would be triple what the number was. Right now, they're just about even where I was, but they only did that because of the fact that they eventually have an election coming up, and the, you remember at the beginning what happened…that's one of the reasons that Putin went in, because it went to $100 a barrel instead of $40 a barrel and he could fight all the wars he wants with those kind of numbers, cuz he's a big seller of oil and gas. So what happens is they went back to what I was doing, just said reopen, just reopen ̶ it wasn't hard it's so crazy what they want to do. They're going to destroy lives, they're going to destroy the…what they have done to this country and especially in the sense of allowing millions and millions of people come in because that's something you know we can fix. The gasoline situation and we can fix the uh anything, do prices come down magically because it's not them they come down with energy and they come down with interest rates uh, we're going to get what you don't have control of her interest rates…”

Attkisson had to cut him off there, for pretty obvious reasons.

So, you like Trump’s policies? There’s a policy – the answer to a simple question. Tell us what you like about it. Tell us, if you can, in your "free and open" way, what the heck it means!
  1. Allow more oil and gas to be mined in the U.S.
  2. Bring interest rates under control (lower them).
  3. Protect American businesses from foreign competitors, such as China
As the cost of energy in the U.S. goes down, prices, in general, will come down.

What do I think about it? Obviously, Trump took time in the question to point out the drawbacks of Kamala. Perhaps if he had spoken more he would gotten into talking about tax cuts for Americans. But just based on what he got to in the question, I think Trump, in particular, is more capable of dealing with China than Kamala is, that Trump has a solid plan to fight price inflation from the Biden-Harris adminstration, and that his economic policies are about the same as they were during his last term as President. Trump is also going to deal with the immigration crisis caused by the Biden-Harris administration. He also managed to mention the Ukraine war. Really it was a great answer to the question.

Meanwhile, Kamala answered a question on Oprah, Thursday, September 19, 2024. "We really would love to know what your plan is to help lower the cost of living."
Kamala's Answer:
Yeah, I, uh - first of all, thank you both for being here and yours is, uh, a story I hear around the country as I travel and, um, in terms of both rightly having the right to have aspirations and dreams and ambitions for your family and working hard and finding that the American dream is, for this generation and so many recently, far more elusive than it's been. And we need to deal with that and there are a number of ways. One is bringing down the cost of everyday necessities including groceries. So that's why I'm taking on, for example, price gouging, um, which is when, uh, you know, most companies and corporations are godd, but for those bad ones they take advantage of people especially during pandemic or extreme weather, and they end up jacking up prices and there needs to be acountability and consequence for that so I'm going to be taking on price gouging, but it's also about dealing with what we need to do around home ownership, right? so as someone mentioned during this this film, uh, look, I grew up a child o-of a mother who worked very hard. She raised me and my sister. And she saved up and by the time I was a teenager she was able to buy a home. And um we grew up actually for a long time in an apartment on top of a child care center that was owned by the woman we called our second mother because she helped my mother raise us. And she was a small busisness owner, Miss Shelton. So I'll bring all this togehter to tell you that the way I think about it is: one, when people work hard and have a dream of buying a home we should give you the opportunity to be able to do that which is why part of my plan is for first time homeowners, buyers, to have a $25,000 down payment assistance to buy your first home, because people just need to able to get their foot in the door and then you'll do the hard work. Part of my plan is what we need to do to support small businesses, because my second mother was a small business and I love our small businesses and our small business owners. They are not only business leaders. They are community leaders. They-they mentor. They hire locally and... we have so many enterpreneurs in our country who have great ideas, incredible work ethic, but not necessarily access to capital cause not everyone like my opponent was handed $400 million on a silver plate that he filed bankruptcy six times on. So part of my plan is to give start-up small businesses a $50,000 tax deduction to start up a small business.. Right now it's $5,000. Nobody can start a small business with $5,000. So that's part of my plan.

Oprah: that's a teeny, tiny business.
some laughter ensues

So, do you like Kamala's policies? Tell us what you think it means and what you like about it.


Veteran Member
So... you agree that Springfield is suffering as a result of immigration... you just don't think other towns are suffering from too much immigration...
I think they probably are..
Many people tell me that global inequality is improving, but immigration stats in Europe and US
show otherwise. :expressionless:


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
What's your primary objection to my assertion that, as time passes, the attention drawn to Springfield during the debate by Trump's eating pets comment, will favor Trump?
I don't believe that it does favor Trump.
Actually, I speculate that it likely works
against him because it appeals only to
Magas, but likely looks stupid & offensive
to voters he should be wooing.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for that wonderful link! To quote your link:
Through the end of July 2024, over 520,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans arrived lawfully on commercial flights and were granted parole under these processes. Specifically, 110,000 Cubans, 211,000 Haitians, 95,000 Nicaraguans, and 118,000 Venezuelans were vetted and authorized for travel; and 109,000 Cubans, 205,000 Haitians, 90,000 Nicaraguans, and 115,000 Venezuelans arrived lawfully and were granted parole.
Since DHS allowed more than half a million immigrants into the US in 2024 already (not even counting border crossings), it's evident that Harris has indeed failed to solve the immigration crisis through her efforts to address the root causes of immigration.
These are not illegal immigrants, they are persons allowed into the country due to our longstanding policy of supporting our long standing policy as exemplified by the Statue of Liberty to welcome those forced to leave their home countries due to war, violence, poverty, famine etc. They have already been vetted and cleared as not being rapists, drug dealers child molesters occupants of asylums etc. These are just the ones from the Americas there are more from Africa and Asia and even Europe. Some of these are the people willing to take the jobs that are going unfilled in meat packing, farming, elder care etc that employers are in desperate need of to keep prices for these services down. Trump calls them Black jobs in his usual clueless sense because they are jobs that in our racist past were considered to be the province of Blacks only.

This is a program that provides workers to American companies that need them. Stopping these programs will actually only increase prices and increase the pressure on the southern border where we by law have to vet them after they arrive and then deport those who do not qualify.


Veteran Member
Thank you for that wonderful link! To quote your link:

Since DHS allowed more than half a million immigrants into the US in 2024 already (not even counting border crossings), it's evident that Harris has indeed failed to solve the immigration crisis through her efforts to address the root causes of immigration.
Even Trump allowed in migrants, and he had no authority to deny them since the laws are what they are. Harris also had no choice but to follow the laws. Aren't you aware that there was a new law written and would have passed if Trump had not sabotaged it in the summer of 2024?

You can't blame Harris for following the laws that congress passed any more than Trump having to follow the same laws.


Well-Known Member
  1. Allow more oil and gas to be mined in the U.S.
  2. Bring interest rates under control (lower them).
  3. Protect American businesses from foreign competitors, such as China
As the cost of energy in the U.S. goes down, prices, in general, will come down.
Unfortunately not true, Oil companies already have plenty of unused production leases, they only drill if they can make a profit, not according to how many places they can drill. Remember Trump was all for coal? Well coal plants are shutting down not for lack of coal, but because they cost more to operate to generate electricity than wind and solar. Oil and Gas plants are only being built as short term fill ins for other sources. The cheapest energy is wind and solar and building that will bring prices down.

Trump does not have the power to lower interest rates except by causing a recession. His pie in the sky promise to cap credit card rates will only result in banks denying credit to the people who need it most. Those who use it to fix their car from a major repair while on a budget and the like.

Protecting American businesses by raising tariffs is guaranteeing profits to large corporate entities by increasing the price of consumer goods so that they can raise their prices. It is another giveaway to the rich. And then there are the foreign governments who will say, you tariff our goods, we will tariff yours thus reducing sales for businesses in America that export. Overall it is a dumb idea when applied in the broad manner Trump is implying that the last time it was tried helped to bring on the Great Depression.

Trump claims a lot of things but when cooler heads analyze them, they don't do what he says they will do.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Interesting how some people (who are opposed to me in many ways by the way) saw my post about Springfield as threatening, when I believe I simply said something like "So move to Springfield, Ohio, and be sure to let your cats roam free." Do it. I'm not threatening anyone. I won't be moving there since I just bought a house less than 20 miles from Springfield but I do encourage others to do so. By the way, no sign of cats disappearing here.


Well-Known Member
Interesting how some people (who are opposed to me in many ways by the way) saw my post about Springfield as threatening, when I believe I simply said something like "So move to Springfield, Ohio, and be sure to let your cats roam free." Do it. I'm not threatening anyone. I won't be moving there since I just bought a house less than 20 miles from Springfield but I do encourage others to do so. By the way, no sign of cats disappearing here.
Interesting how tone deaf you are to the implications of your posts, you even end this one with " By the way, no sign of cats disappearing here."
which implies, you accept the proposition that it may be happening there, but it isn't in my little town.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Interesting how tone deaf you are to the implications of your posts, you even end this one with " By the way, no sign of cats disappearing here."
which implies, you accept the proposition that it may be happening there, but it isn't in my little town.
First of all, I don't live in "a little town." Secondly, you're reading a lot more into my post than is there.

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
That's the point.
You entirely missed the point. You selected this one partial sentence, when the point went on with the following elaboration that the truth of the matter is that the only failure in the moderating at the debate was giving Trump too much leeway and too much ability to spew lies and propaganda. :rolleyes: And that is agreed.
In this case the policies of the Biden administration reversed many Trump policies by executive order on Biden's first day in office and there was a massive increase in illegal immigration to the U.S. within a month of Biden taking office.
Let’s take a look at Trump's favorite graph! :D
Dissecting the immigration chart Trump says saved his life

Edit: Pay site won't allow image to be copied. Editing following text.

The graph shows immigration levels over the last 18 years, with a low-point trough right right around January 2020.
--- That’s when the pandemic shut down almost all international movement across the globe. Yet Trump takes credit for it.
There's also a big red arrow at the bottom that points upward at that trough and is labeled “TRUMP LEAVES OFFICE”?
--- That is an obvious and blatant lie. :oops: The election was in the autumn of 2020. That red arrow points at the graph an entire year before The Insurrectionist Traitor actually left office. Trump and his policies left the office of POTUS in late January 2021. :shrug:

Also, we can see that even with his careless and perhaps intentionally cruel plan of splitting up family members, his presidency still oversaw 2.5 years of rapid climb in the rate of illegals entering the United States prior to COVID. And as soon as the restrictions on movement from COVID started to fade; the illegal crossings at the southern border didn't just pick up again. Oh no. During the Trump presidency, under his unnecessarily thoughtless and cruel policies, it skyrocketed to levels not seen for decades! Only after it rocketed to these lofty heights did the Biden/Harris team even get sworn in, and it began to level off.

But for a better breakdown, you really should read the linked article above.


So... you agree that Springfield is suffering as a result of immigration... you just don't think other towns are suffering from too much immigration. Months ago, Mayor Adams in New York City pointed out that Chicago, Denver, Houston, and Washington D.C. were forming a coalition and that "No city should have to carry the load of the migrant asylum seeker crisis. It's a national problem."

When you do a little reading, you will find it Springfield had lost roughly 1/4 of its population due to people leaving from job losses, etc. The city then set up many programs to welcome international immigrants such as Haitians in order to boost their population and reestablish an industrial working population, in order to keep their economy going. Immigration from other nations was in fact helping Springfield via more prosperous community.
Then along came Trump‘s comment at the debate. Since then, the city and the people in the city have received death-threats and anonymous bomb threats, to the degree that they have had to shut down schools and many other operations in day-to-day life throughout Springfield. Schools and school buses need armed escorts.

The city never had an immigration problem, other than people emigrating out of it. International immigrants were a benefit to Springfield as they are to most communities that they move into.
Trump’s racist and utter fact-free comment during the debate has resulted in fear, and job loss, and business shutdowns, and extra cost for police. Brought about by tRump's ignorant, hate-filled dog-whistle that sent brainless racist scum to assault the good people of Springfield. "Thank you Mr. President, you motherless ****-head!!"

"uh....because, the TV people told me so." :facepalm:
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It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
You entirely missed the point of @It Aint Necessarily So .
I think that was @Subduction Zone's point, not mine.

But he did miss the point at post 1349, in which he wrote, "TL;DR" about the OP, which was almost exclusively Trump's 406-word rambling word salad, and about which he rewrote a few bullet points without acknowledging that the Trump reply was unrelated to the question asked.

He then deflected to Harris' longer 486-word response (apparently not TL;DR that time) that was coherent and responsive and asked what somebody thought about that instead.

In case anybody is wondering, I didn't count the words. I used this: Home | Free Word Counter
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Ponder This

Well-Known Member
it was just a bunch of residents in Springfield airing their grievances over the influx of Haitian immigrants.
Just that, lol.
the City Commission ignored it
Part of the problem.

Where did you hear this? Where is your source?
Statistics on immigration speak for themselves. @Subduction Zone provided a nice link demonstrating more than half a milllion immigrants have entered the U.S. in this year alone so far.

As I stated, you and Trump are victims of disinformation.
So now Trump is a victim of disinformation... but it's not really in dispute that immigration has caused problems in Springfield. You only dispute the claims of pet eating.

Trump paying attention to media means nothing
I disagree. Here's a situation where Trump was paying attention to events in the news and Kamala seems like she may have been unaware of it altogether.

threats have been from other counties.

The people of Springfiled have had to endure the sonsequences of the bomb threats that were inspired by Trump's lies.
Incorrect. Also, more likely, bad actors were looking for any opportunity to confuse the issue.

Because reputable media source are dedicated to ethics and accurate reporting. I was in journalism in high school and college, and they drilled ethics and objectivity into our heads. That was before FOX and Newsmax, and people knew the National Enquirer was fake news.
Ouch! You just believe the media sources you consume? And this is despite being in journalism in highschool and college?

No. Trump continues to fall in the polls.
Are you talking about a particular poll on the Springfield issue? Can you cite it?

I don't know how you can imagine this is anything other than an ongoing mistake.
A standing ovation for Vivek in Springfield is one reason. Trump plans a rally there. It's broken some information bubbles and drawn attention to the problems caused by immigration in Springfield. Seems like these are clear wins for Trump.

You're not explaining what is so attractive to you about the criminal candidate. Did you deliberately avoid that question? Why don't you explain it to us.
I don't support Trump because he is a criminal, but if you don't understand that when a government oppresses people, the people may react by supporting the victims of oppression, then I'm not sure what else to say to edify you... The assassination attempts also have boosted Trump's popularity, because other methods of removal have failed, and more importantly, people really believe Trump is going to win in 2024.

to quote your link:
“I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups. But not all
of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me,” he said.
Thank you for the confirmation of Kamala's lie.

She was wrong
Indeed, and she wasn't fact-checked on it.

Trump is an empty vessel that has no real beliefs.
nice ad hominem. Calling it disinformation is almost a disservice to how bad this remark of yours is.

Jews favor democrats heavily.
Actually, that might be true.

Trump does take on the beliefs of others who he is trying to manipulate or gain approval from. That's why he can't condemn Nazis in any way.
Except for the times hs has condemned them, such as at Charlottesville.

Is to prove that you are able to find a reputable source and know what it is? Then why do you make comments that suggest you use disinformation media? You must know that your sources are bogus. And then complain that others notice it is disinformation.
Your bias has been exposed. You are incapable of identifying disinformation.

They had the usual problems of any small city. But after Trump's lie about the Haitians their problems have gotten worse. And these guys don't know when to quit.
Usual problems... like those caused by mass illegal immigration?

She denial the claims Trump/Vance are making, along with everyone else like the police, the mayor, the governor, and other citizens. There is no basis for the lies these two ******** are saying.
You don't deny that Kamala is denying the problems caused by immigration in Springfield.

Trump is racist, and it is his fault, with an assist from Vance. The bomb threats never would have happened witout Trump making the false claim in the debate.
Since we know that bomb threats are coming from other countries, please enlighten us as to which other country you and Kamala think is racist.

If Trump goes it will not be good press. The more Trump pushes this lie that worse it will be for him. I think voters are getting tired of his antics and stunts.
Interesting take, but is the governor of Ohio or the Mayor of Springfield trying to dissuade Trump because it would not benefit Springfield and Trump... or are they trying to dissuade Trump because it will not benefit themselves politically? It seems to me that having a light shined on an issue they have failed to address isn't so good for them.

Ponder This

Well-Known Member
There are ZERO.

And Vance admitted to creating the story.

But here you are still claiming that this is a real story.
Disinformation. We already know that the issues have been ongoing in Springfield since before Vance was selected by Trump as VP. Yet here you are claiming Vance made it up.

As I pointed out in my last post, the problems in Springfield have nothing to do with anyone stealing and eating cats and dogs.
These problems have in common that they are caused by massive immigration into Springfield.

Judging from your responses here, that appears to be you. Look at you pushing a fake story. Still.
You are the one claiming Kamala didn't make any delusional claims... so just admit that you don't have an unbiased view.

That's not delusional. Have you heard him speak to Jews?
Last week he told them it will be their fault if he loses. He speaks to them and about them in anti-Semitic tropes and stereotypes constantly.
If people don't vote for a candidate, then, yes, obviously, that can be why a candidate doesn't get elected... I'm not sure what autocracy you are living in where that's not the case... it's even worse that you think this is some sort of anti-semitic trope. I'm sorry that you have been led down a path of such blind hate.

The Haitians in Springfield are not illegal immigrants. So please explain how Biden and Harris are responsible for them.
While some immigrants already resided in Springfield, the recent massive influx of immigrants into Springfield is part of the massive inflow taking place under the Biden-Harris administration for the past 3.5 years.

Sorry, what hoax? A woman was killed there.
The lie alleges that Trump called nazis fine people, when, in reality, Trump condemned them.

I never said anyone in Springfield was lying about anything.
I'm saying you, Trump and J.D. Vance are spreading lies about people stealing and eating cats and dogs.
LoL, it's only a lie if Trump or Vance says it?!? What are you on? Seriously, where do you even get your information from that you've somehow ended up with that point of view?

You're not talking about any actual issues that are going on in Springfield. You're talking about a fake story meant to demonize and marginalize a whole group of people.
I've brought up many issues besides the pet-eating issue: car crashes, harassment of residents, and an over-loaded health care system, to name a few. Springfield has multiple problems as a result of immigration under the Biden-Harris administration.

Who has denied that immigration impacts the US?
Perhaps you'd like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the problems Springfield faces as a result of immigration.

You don't deny it.

She was, in fact. Did you miss the question where she was asked about how she has apparently flip flopped on multiple issues? Or did you not even watch it?
That was a question to Kamala, as opposed to a fact-check of her response. Perhaps you didn't watch the debate.

And again, I've already pointed out to you that Trump was only fact checked on the absolutely insane things he said.
Suggesting Trump is anti-semitic because of Charlottesville is insane - and not fact-checked by the moderators.

They're right.
Trump demolished their fact check in real time at the debate.

YOU Are. Spreading. Lies. About. Springfield.
Why don't you come out and admit that you believe the residents of Springfield are lying? You accuse Trump and Vance of lying and you malign me for simply pointing out that this issue is going to go well for them politically, but you can't say that you don't believe what the residents of Springfield have said? Maybe you need to take a break from this.

How many of them said the problem with Haitian migrants is that they're stealing peoples' dogs and cats and eating them?
Good question! In some cases, residents are speaking for multiple others - as indicated in the March 12, 2024 City Commisssion Meeting. We only see a fraction of the people who are experience problems at the City Commission Meetings. So I don't actually know how many people have experienced problems, but there are a lot of them. Moreover, I guess your lack of response to my question means that you don't actually know what Vance said about Springfield. You were simply spreading disinformation by saying that Vance had invented the stories.

Did you watch Kamala at the debate? Do you think it looked like she knew about the problems in Springfield?

It's not a problem at all.
Not a problem for you at least.

It brings negative attention, and death and bomb threats. Yay. How great for them! Good times!
It's not been great in Springfield. People (including children included) have been killed or hospitalized as a consequence of immigrants not being acclimated to life there. So, yes, it is a negative experience in many ways.

What a bizarre POV you've got there. But when you have to defend Dear Leader's lies at all costs, that tends to happen.
I've been clear that even if you don't believe cats are being eaten... that the issues in Springfield mean the attention there will swing in Trump's favor as time passes. Moreover, this is the main point of the post I made (that you replied to). Yet you've shown that you are quite willing to say Trump is lying while balking at affirming the claim that the residents who reported the stories are lying. I think that shows that you are commited to maligning Trump at all costs.