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Tucker Carlson, Colonel Douglas Macgregor, The Ukraine War


Well-Known Member
The portion I just pointed out to you.

I'm asking you to explain what you meant in the portion of the comment I pointed out.

What I want from you is to explain your comment that I pointed out. Explain what you meant. What do Nazis have to do with COVID?

What does this have to do with COVID and your comment about it?

Why are you answering questions I haven't asked? I know what Nazis are, dude.

I'm trying to figure out what YOUR comment was about COVID and Nazis.
Try dropping the condescension and pretention for five minutes and at least attempt to explain what you meant. TIA.

First things first there padawan .. the conversation is about the war.. and the involvement of the Azov Nazi on the Ukrainian side .. atrocities against the Ethnic Russians .. can you cried out in feign disbelief .. "disingenuous oblivion" although previously you had been given this information.

Now .. you cry out again after I had made the statement on how it is ironic your boy Biden has an affinity for Nazi Ideology .. Giving Azov as an example but also COVID. In this case you don't mention the Azov Nazi .. so apparently you finally understand that one ... but can't figure how Covid - Biden-Nazi are in the same group .. How sad that you can't figure out this equation either .. is it some kind of Partisan Blindness .. as love of Biden must be Blind .. or another bout of DO ?

Now I must admit the possible influence of a third Option .. 12 years of school and we fail to teach the founding principle .. legitimacy of authority .. Essential liberty .. basic civics .. what it means to vote .. what means a constitutional republic vs totalitarianism .. and basic philosophy .. logic, logical fallacy, what constitutes a valid argument .. without which there is no such thing as a functional democratic process. as without these tools .. how is average Joe supposed to wade through the cacophonly of fallacy and bad argument reigning down on a daily basis from Politicians and the Media.

So no doubt Option 3 is a factor .. and for that you can't be faulted I suppose. I have run into a number of folks .. both on the Red and Blue side if you can believe it .. that have immense trouble understanding the concept that "Do X or lose your Job" .. is "Force - Coercion" .. but, surely you would grant that there is something wrong with your daughters Boss telling her "Blow Job or lose Job" or .. would you just tell her "Just go out and find a new Job if you don't like it .. nothing wrong with a Boss engaging in such activities"

The Nazi's were big fans of forced medical treatment .. .. thats right paddy .. "Jab or lose Job" is force -coercion .. State Sponsored in the case of Biden .. but wait there is more .. just like Adolf in the early years .. made heavy use of propaganda to engineer consent for these actions .. labeling the victims as less than human .. or dangerous ... a risk of harm .. "Unclean" .. just like the Biden Fauci CDC clownshow .. and of course all the sheep followed ..

But .. like in Nazi-Land ... and totalitarianland in general .. it was a lie .. there is no significant difference between a vaxed and unvaxed person ..and in fact we are now finding out that its the vaxed that may be more of a threat in this respect . but thats here nor there .. they lied about Transmission .. even after the CDC had confirmed that the vax did squat to prevent transmission .. the Political Punditry and Media still carried on the lie. The border remained closed to the unclean "Unjabbed" for over a year .. only being lifted a few months ago. .. except for the Illegals of course..

The lies continues to this day .. they just switched from transmission to some other made up risk of harm .. (overwhelm the Hospitals) in this case "Fallacious Utilitarianism" if looking for the technical term.. Utilitarianism itself an anathema to the founding principle (not that you would know it from looking around these days) .. never mind fallacious utilitarianism. .. the main tool of the Totalitarian Trade... that one.

Sorry to use technical word up there .. tough to avoid though .. and you need the education in any case.. Utilitarianism is a justification for law on the basis of "what will increase happiness to the collective" .. and while these justifications always sound good "If it saves one life" - it does not factor individual liberty into the equation .. completely ignores it in fact .. which is verbotten in a constitutional Republic .. and a huge anathema .. allowing for an endrun around the safeguards put in place to protect Essential Liberty. .. but as discussed previously you likely don't know much about the principle so "Essential Liberty" is another word for you to learn.

This hatred and disrespect for individual liberty is on of the main features of totalitarianism .. fascism .. and of course Nazism

and so .. it is a bit ironic that we have Biden supporting the Nazi ideology both at home and abroad.


Woke gremlin
First things first there padawan .. the conversation is about the war.. and the involvement of the Azov Nazi on the Ukrainian side .. atrocities against the Ethnic Russians .. can you cried out in feign disbelief .. "disingenuous oblivion" although previously you had been given this information.

Now .. you cry out again after I had made the statement on how it is ironic your boy Biden has an affinity for Nazi Ideology .. Giving Azov as an example but also COVID. In this case you don't mention the Azov Nazi .. so apparently you finally understand that one ... but can't figure how Covid - Biden-Nazi are in the same group .. How sad that you can't figure out this equation either .. is it some kind of Partisan Blindness .. as love of Biden must be Blind .. or another bout of DO ?

Now I must admit the possible influence of a third Option .. 12 years of school and we fail to teach the founding principle .. legitimacy of authority .. Essential liberty .. basic civics .. what it means to vote .. what means a constitutional republic vs totalitarianism .. and basic philosophy .. logic, logical fallacy, what constitutes a valid argument .. without which there is no such thing as a functional democratic process. as without these tools .. how is average Joe supposed to wade through the cacophonly of fallacy and bad argument reigning down on a daily basis from Politicians and the Media.

So no doubt Option 3 is a factor .. and for that you can't be faulted I suppose. I have run into a number of folks .. both on the Red and Blue side if you can believe it .. that have immense trouble understanding the concept that "Do X or lose your Job" .. is "Force - Coercion" .. but, surely you would grant that there is something wrong with your daughters Boss telling her "Blow Job or lose Job" or .. would you just tell her "Just go out and find a new Job if you don't like it .. nothing wrong with a Boss engaging in such activities"

The Nazi's were big fans of forced medical treatment .. .. thats right paddy .. "Jab or lose Job" is force -coercion .. State Sponsored in the case of Biden .. but wait there is more .. just like Adolf in the early years .. made heavy use of propaganda to engineer consent for these actions .. labeling the victims as less than human .. or dangerous ... a risk of harm .. "Unclean" .. just like the Biden Fauci CDC clownshow .. and of course all the sheep followed ..

But .. like in Nazi-Land ... and totalitarianland in general .. it was a lie .. there is no significant difference between a vaxed and unvaxed person ..and in fact we are now finding out that its the vaxed that may be more of a threat in this respect . but thats here nor there .. they lied about Transmission .. even after the CDC had confirmed that the vax did squat to prevent transmission .. the Political Punditry and Media still carried on the lie. The border remained closed to the unclean "Unjabbed" for over a year .. only being lifted a few months ago. .. except for the Illegals of course..

The lies continues to this day .. they just switched from transmission to some other made up risk of harm .. (overwhelm the Hospitals) in this case "Fallacious Utilitarianism" if looking for the technical term.. Utilitarianism itself an anathema to the founding principle (not that you would know it from looking around these days) .. never mind fallacious utilitarianism. .. the main tool of the Totalitarian Trade... that one.

Sorry to use technical word up there .. tough to avoid though .. and you need the education in any case.. Utilitarianism is a justification for law on the basis of "what will increase happiness to the collective" .. and while these justifications always sound good "If it saves one life" - it does not factor individual liberty into the equation .. completely ignores it in fact .. which is verbotten in a constitutional Republic .. and a huge anathema .. allowing for an endrun around the safeguards put in place to protect Essential Liberty. .. but as discussed previously you likely don't know much about the principle so "Essential Liberty" is another word for you to learn.

This hatred and disrespect for individual liberty is on of the main features of totalitarianism .. fascism .. and of course Nazism

and so .. it is a bit ironic that we have Biden supporting the Nazi ideology both at home and abroad.
I, too, enjoy the delicious taste in the morning of heaping bowl full of:


Look for it in the ideology aisle of your local authoritarian dictatorship!


Well-Known Member
Read what I posted

No, I didn't
Perhaps I missed something .. so you agree that Doug is a Solid Patriot giving true narrative .. or one he believes to be true .. as opposed to the Western MSM Propaganda show .. purveyors of intentional falsehood ..:)


Well-Known Member
I, too, enjoy the delicious taste in the morning of heaping bowl full of:


Look for it in the ideology aisle of your local authoritarian dictatorship!
Flaming Projection Fallacy ? That would be my guess .. courtesy of the backslap Pud Pull ! The Biden Nazi Pud Pull that is :)


Well-Known Member
How many Russians have died in Ukraine? Data shows what Moscow hides

he AP

Published 2:12 AM EDT, July 10, 2023

BRUSSELS (AP) — Nearly 50,000 Russian men have died in the war in Ukraine, according to the first independent statistical analysis of Russia’s war dead.
Two independent Russian media outlets, Mediazona and Meduza, working with a data scientist from Germany’s Tübingen University, used Russian government data to shed light on one of Moscow’s closest-held secrets — the true human cost of its invasion of Ukraine.

The KYIV Independent says 263,490

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
We weren't talking about trust, we were talking about whether you could possibly know that no EU official would talk disparagingly in private about the U.S., remember? :)
What changes? In private or in public is the same thing.
I would like to know something: in the US, if a murderer confesses to a murder in a private conversation, is that irrelevant?


Well-Known Member
How many Russians have died in Ukraine? Data shows what Moscow hides

he AP

Published 2:12 AM EDT, July 10, 2023

BRUSSELS (AP) — Nearly 50,000 Russian men have died in the war in Ukraine, according to the first independent statistical analysis of Russia’s war dead.
Two independent Russian media outlets, Mediazona and Meduza, working with a data scientist from Germany’s Tübingen University, used Russian government data to shed light on one of Moscow’s closest-held secrets — the true human cost of its invasion of Ukraine.

The KYIV Independent says 263,490

KYIV independent well known for making things up .. and Ukraine been extremely silent on its own casualties .. putting out commercials telling people to shush ..

While Russia is no sticker for the Truth .. in the Fog of War .. only one of the two sides has something to hide on some of these issues .. Russia does not need to hide the fact that the war is going poorly for Ukraine ... and they publish facts and figures .. and videos on a daily basis. .. and have been far more accurate .. the WEstern Propaganda machine has turned out to be wrong .. in too many instances .. and/or they just hide stuff "sin of omission" The Ammo Question .. the Air Defense ... the list goes on and on .. blatant propaganda show on the Western Front.

Russia has set up a multi layered defense .. Ukraine has failed to breached the first line of offense now 3 months into this last gasp counter offensive.. nowhere - along hundreds of miles of front line. Russia artillery outnumbers Ukraine 10-1 .. and has plenty of ammo .. firing sometimes 40,000 rounds per day .. Ukraine use to be able to manage 5-6000 .. but now down to 2-3000 on most days.

This is Trench warfare .. artillery warfare ..where the enemy has a huge advantage .. and Further .. they control the skies .. Drones in the sky give targeting info to the artillery with pinpoint accuracy .. .. Russian planes can Lob FAB 500's all day long .. outside the range of Ukraine air defense .. So it is generally a slaughter fest .. Ukraine soldiers are drawn forward into a cauldron .. and then slaughtered .. then rinse and repeat as Ukraine keeps sending more.. This is a slaughterhouse like no other war .. the term used by the media .. "Meat Grinder" Ukrainians on the front line have a 6 hr life expentancy in the Cauldron ..

Analysts - Doug and a plethora of others .. all admit that actual numbers are difficult .. part of which there are a whole bunch of people missing .tens of thousands could be dead - deserted - captured. While we may not have accurate totals .. what we do have is casualty ratios from various battles .. and it has been ridiculously lopsided 5-1 , 10-1 in some cases... but what else would you expect given the huge differential in power.

Estimates for Ukraine are 400,000 + Dead ... wounded likely double that number .. how many return to battle .. hard to say. 50 -80K for Russia sounds like it is in the ball park..

While this differential is huge .... it is even bigger considering Ukraines population is now only 18 million .. Russia 140 million ..

Ukraine is running out of manpower .. Azov Nazi SS press gangs roam the streets looking for meat to feed into the Grinder .. Teenage lads and old men being pressed into service at gun point .. sent to the front with a few days .. or few weeks training.


Well-Known Member
What changes? In private or in public is the same thing.
I would like to know something: in the US, if a murderer confesses to a murder in a private conversation, is that irrelevant?

Yes .. Jury is instructed to disregard evidence obtained wrongfully. You can have a pound of Coccain in your car ... but if you can prove the police detained you illegally (and good luck with that but it has happened) the evidence is deemed "Inadmissible" and walk free. Don't think they gave the Coccain back to the fellow though.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
No no no no no. I will not let you walk this literal invasion down the route of pure semantics.

It's an invasion. Russia invaded Ukraine. They crossed their border with a military. It's an invasion. The "territory" was not "disputed". It was invaded. That's the issue.

Yes, it's an invasion. One factual statement does not change or contradict the accuracy of another factual statement.

To call it a territorial or border dispute is to play semantics. To call it an invasion is accurate.

Both would be accurate. To call it "playing semantics" is itself, playing semantics.


That's the issue.

Yes. I haven't disputed that point.

Stevicus, I am going to put you on ignore if you cannot honestly say that somebody constantly referring to an invasion as a "border dispute" is not a deliberate downplaying of the situation. This is not good faith engagement. This isn't some "oh well, TECHNICALLY...", it's plainly and clearly an attempt to downplay the act of invasion.

I'm not going to be "semantic lawyered" into both-sidsing this debate. Don't try it.

No one is denying or downplaying the act of invasion. I know the history of the region and I know the background of this dispute, and I also know the geopolitical perceptions of NATO and the United States. I have a keen interest and have avidly studied this region and the overall topic of history and geopolitics since the 1970s, so I can assure you I'm not regurgitating propaganda or trying to both-sides the debate. I know what I know.

I don't see that we have any actual disagreement over the facts of the situation at hand. It's only our perceptions of the facts and the intensity of outrage which seems to be at odds. I'm just stating my own honest opinion here, in good faith. I'm not trying to "semantic lawyer" you, whatever that's supposed to mean. We clearly have a difference of opinion here, but I see no reason to make more out of it than that.

Strictly speaking, at least from the standpoint of international law and the West's position on this matter, it is a legal matter. To bring up legalities and "lawyering" is, in my opinion, fair comment in a discussion regarding that situation.

A border dispute is a territorial dispute, and like it or not, most wars throughout history have been rooted in territorial disputes, one way or another. Countries want to expand, they want more land, resources, wealth - it's been known to happen. Countries don't go to war for the fun and excitement.

Nationalism is oftentimes used as a tool to rile up the masses and get them geared up and supportive of war. Nationalism is also rooted in history, so it might also include claims of territories which once belonged to their ancestors - and that seems to be a factor in the current war.

That doesn't make it right, but I don't know what else you want me to say. Russia is behaving abominably here, and I've not denied that.

I consider this conflict to be a matter between Ukraine and Russia. I've been to both countries in the past, and I've found them to be good people with a rich culture and fascinating history - albeit riddled with a great deal of tragedy and hardship as well. I'm very troubled by what's happening, and I wish it hadn't happened, but I'm also powerless to do anything about it. It's also quite saddening that Russia has degenerated into a malignant nationalist fascist mobster state, and I hope that someday they can overcome and overthrow that regime. But the reasons why the people support Putin now are multi-faceted.

As for "both sidesing" I don't see it as being quite so simple as that. This is a damnable situation where there are no easy, clear-cut solutions. The "hold at all costs" and "fight to last man" bravado is all very compelling and courageous, but sometimes, circumstances may call for an alternative course of action.


colors your eyes with what's not there
What changes? In private or in public is the same thing.
I would like to know something: in the US, if a murderer confesses to a murder in a private conversation, is that irrelevant?

I would like you to consider telling me how you could absolutely know that no EU official would speak disparagingly of the U.S., before you change the subject to something else.


Well-Known Member
I watch the first ten minutes of the video and the Colonel is very well informed being a fighting soldier himself. Tucker Carlson sits back and listens because this guy really knows his stuff. It is too bad the Left is not allowed hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil, with evil the other side.


Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I would like you to consider telling me how you could absolutely know that no EU official would speak disparagingly of the U.S., before you change the subject to something else.

The EU don't deserve that appellative because they did nothing to the US.
In that phone call, an American official is demonstrating the US was in on it.
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Well-Known Member
Yes, it's an invasion. One factual statement does not change or contradict the accuracy of another factual statement.

Both would be accurate. To call it "playing semantics" is itself, playing semantics.

Yes. I haven't disputed that point.

No one is denying or downplaying the act of invasion. I know the history of the region and I know the background of this dispute, and I also know the geopolitical perceptions of NATO and the United States. I have a keen interest and have avidly studied this region and the overall topic of history and geopolitics since the 1970s, so I can assure you I'm not regurgitating propaganda or trying to both-sides the debate. I know what I know.

I don't see that we have any actual disagreement over the facts of the situation at hand. It's only our perceptions of the facts and the intensity of outrage which seems to be at odds. I'm just stating my own honest opinion here, in good faith. I'm not trying to "semantic lawyer" you, whatever that's supposed to mean. We clearly have a difference of opinion here, but I see no reason to make more out of it than that.

Strictly speaking, at least from the standpoint of international law and the West's position on this matter, it is a legal matter. To bring up legalities and "lawyering" is, in my opinion, fair comment in a discussion regarding that situation.

A border dispute is a territorial dispute, and like it or not, most wars throughout history have been rooted in territorial disputes, one way or another. Countries want to expand, they want more land, resources, wealth - it's been known to happen. Countries don't go to war for the fun and excitement.

Nationalism is oftentimes used as a tool to rile up the masses and get them geared up and supportive of war. Nationalism is also rooted in history, so it might also include claims of territories which once belonged to their ancestors - and that seems to be a factor in the current war.

That doesn't make it right, but I don't know what else you want me to say. Russia is behaving abominably here, and I've not denied that.

I consider this conflict to be a matter between Ukraine and Russia. I've been to both countries in the past, and I've found them to be good people with a rich culture and fascinating history - albeit riddled with a great deal of tragedy and hardship as well. I'm very troubled by what's happening, and I wish it hadn't happened, but I'm also powerless to do anything about it. It's also quite saddening that Russia has degenerated into a malignant nationalist fascist mobster state, and I hope that someday they can overcome and overthrow that regime. But the reasons why the people support Putin now are multi-faceted.

As for "both sidesing" I don't see it as being quite so simple as that. This is a damnable situation where there are no easy, clear-cut solutions. The "hold at all costs" and "fight to last man" bravado is all very compelling and courageous, but sometimes, circumstances may call for an alternative course of action.

Definitely a fine line between bravery and stupidity now isn't there .. in this case some have claimed that sending troops into this Meat Grinder the Russian's have created is so far to the stupidity scale that it constitutes murder.. or at least reckless endangerment leading to mass slaughter.

"Russia is behaving Abominably here" - War is an abominable business isn't it ... and so is Poking the Bear .. putting nuclear capable missiles on Russia's border in the case of NATO -- and other aggressive activities.... The treatment of the Ethnic Russians in Ukraine by the State Sponsored Azov Nazi Militias as also abominable .. as was not abiding by the Minsk agreement.

Troubling has been the US "Do as we say - not as we Do" foreign policy .. talking "Legalities" now. Annexation of territory from a Sovereign Nation .. like in the Case of Crimea .. where you had a large Separatist population .. or in the case of Kosovo. Didn't see the western Media crying like baby over that affair now did we. Israel is another example .. Israel wants nothing to do with this conflict .. puts them in a real bad light .. funny how we are not hearning more about the killing of civilians going on there on a daily basis of late .. annexation of land by a foreign invader.

I said it at the time and I will say it now . .. The problem with throwing out the rule book .. for things you agree with .. is when others stop following the rules .. for things you disagree with.

I agree that this should be left as a Regional issue .. We had no business meddling in the elections and political affairs of Ukraine .. while crying out "Russia Russia" for our own elections .. engineering a coup .. outsing a pro Russian leader in favor of a Pro Western Leader .. who then made NATO rumblings ..

Now .. feeling obligated .. as since 2014 we had been building a great army in Ukraine .. bigger than in any other nation in Europe 250,000 Strong .. during and after the civil war .. arming and supporting .. we decided to do another proxy war .. the Azov Nazi Battalion our latest JV-Team .. speaking of which ... think we are still illegally squating on Syrian Territory .. stealing their oil .. another completely fked up situation .. "Do as we say- not as we do" and spending hundreds of Billions of dollars of money we don't have .. to the delight of the donor class .. as this directly funnels money to the defense contractors.


unknown member
Oh my, just strawman arguments. Newsguard did refute their claims. Here is a clue. If only extremists, whether right or left, are making a particular claim, the odds are rather high that it is false.
In any case if it is extremist to be anti-war then I wouldn't trust Newsguard at all for any of their so called "fact checks". I mean, reporters that are anti-war are liars and cheats we all know that. Noam Chomsky is a liar, good to know.


unknown member
No no no no no. I will not let you walk this literal invasion down the route of pure semantics.

It's an invasion. Russia invaded Ukraine. They crossed their border with a military. It's an invasion. The "territory" was not "disputed". It was invaded. That's the issue.

To call it a territorial or border dispute is to play semantics. To call it an invasion is accurate.


That's the issue.

Stevicus, I am going to put you on ignore if you cannot honestly say that somebody constantly referring to an invasion as a "border dispute" is not a deliberate downplaying of the situation. This is not good faith engagement. This isn't some "oh well, TECHNICALLY...", it's plainly and clearly an attempt to downplay the act of invasion.

I'm not going to be "semantic lawyered" into both-sidsing this debate. Don't try it.

"Hey remember that time Germany had a big "border dispute" with Poland? And then a "border dispute" with France? And then a bunch of other countries got together and "border disputed" Germany right back? I think that whole thing had a name... World Border Dispute 2, or something..."

Can you say "confirmation bias?"

Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values. People display this bias when they select information that supports their views, ignoring contrary information, or when they interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing attitudes.Wikipedia


Well-Known Member
Perhaps I missed something .. so you agree that Doug is a Solid Patriot giving true narrative .. or one he believes to be true .. as opposed to the Western MSM Propaganda show .. purveyors of intentional falsehood ..:)
Is this instruction too complicated for you? Read what I posted

Honest discussion = read what people say, respond to what they say
Your approach = dissemble and repeat the same old nonsense all of you Carlson clones swallow without the slightest attempt to even check it. It’s beyond ironic, pitiful really (bizarre? Disturbing? Unbelievable?), how you all claim to be seeing through the propaganda while you actually just accept it all without even the thought of raising a question.

Are you going to say you don’t actually understand what I wrote? If you do understand to it, why don’t you respond to it? Don’t you realise that your phoney diversions are dishonest? Don’t you think honesty is important?

Please tell me what it is you don’t understand or agree with here. You can plainly hear what Carlson has to say about the mainstream media. You can easily find out that his words are lies. What prevents you from checking? Why don’t you even try to check?

In the first few seconds he’s already told several lies. If you actually read the ‘mainstream media’, the NYT and others he refers to, the picture is entirely different. The situation is complex, the reporting is complex. Read around a bit and you can easily find out Carlson is a bare-faced liar.

This is an easily verifiable, accurate statement. You can check Carlson’s characterisation with what is actually in the content of the reporting he refers to. So, why don’t you? That would be step one: is the person presenting the video speaking the truth? No. Once you have verified that for yourself, you’ll be ready to move on to the rest of it.
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