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Tucker Carlson interviews Putin

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Whom shall I believe?
Obama? Hillary?

They betrayed my country. I don't trust betrayers. :)
There's been a recent uptick in people, in Russia whobare opposed to the war, falling from windows to their death. It's just like people who disappear, except these ""jumpers"" get to have a corpse someone discovers.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I am speaking of serious matters concerning Germany's economy and Europe's economy.
Can I receive serious answers?
Merci beaucoup.
You're an Aunt Ruckus promoting and supporting those who would throw us against the wall. Amd too top it off you're basically never right about America and you frequently and wrongly claim to speak for Europe as a whole.


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Just few things:

1) That in 2000 Putin asked Clinton to join the NATO, but Clinton, after consulting with his team, told him it was not doable. ERGO- The USA isolated Russia and are to blame for this 21st century cold war. They should have let Russia in.

2) That the Nordstream was blown up by the CIA and the NATO

3) That an elistist and Satanic cabal of warmongers colonized Ukraine before 2014 and funded the Maidan coup, pushing Kiev to persecute dissidents and pro-Russian parties. That's how the Donbas war started.

This interview will make European Nationalists win big, this June. EU elections. The likes of Geert Wilders, Le Pen and Salvini, I mean.
I should kiss Carlson's feet.

My impression is that the U.S. dropped the ball in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and USSR. Rather than viewing it as a golden opportunity to create a lasting peace, they went in like a bunch of carpetbaggers.

I've heard that, for a lot of Russians, the US bombing of Belgrade in 1999 was a significant turning point in their attitude towards the US. A lot of Americans hardly even remember things like that. Of course, a lot of Americans don't really know that much in terms of history or geopolitics, which is why it's usually pretty easy to pull the wool over their eyes.

I don't know what happened with the Nordstream, although in cases of sabotage and vandalism I'm familiar with, it's often difficult to catch people in the act.

Elite, Satanic cabals? Isn't that a bit dramatic? I don't really believe in any "Satan." There are, of course, influential people - power brokers, movers-and-shakers - people of means who have a certain measure of power and influence. I guess they would be the "elite," but even they don't seem to be running things too well lately. The current crop of world leaders seems pretty dismal these days. And then, looking at the political candidates for the next election, it's equally grim.

But I wouldn't bet on any outcomes yet. And I think that Tucker Carlson's wife might object to you kissing her husband's feet. But then, I could be wrong about that part.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Tucker Carlson has been on camera trying to convince listeners that January 6th was a well-behaved, well-meaning tour of citizens with no malice in their hearts.

He does not only lack the credibility to be an interviewer or a newsperson; he actively avoids approaching that credibility, because it suits his popularity to keep lying often and loud.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
My impression is that the U.S. dropped the ball in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and USSR. Rather than viewing it as a golden opportunity to create a lasting peace, they went in like a bunch of carpetbaggers.
Because NATO is considered by that cabal of warmongers as the tool to conquer Russia, to take its resources it, and to dismember it.
So they cannot let their future victim join in.

We co-founded the NATO because we thought the US was the beacon of peace and prosperity against the Nazi dictatorship.
I've heard that, for a lot of Russians, the US bombing of Belgrade in 1999 was a significant turning point in their attitude towards the US. A lot of Americans hardly even remember things like that. Of course, a lot of Americans don't really know that much in terms of history or geopolitics, which is why it's usually pretty easy to pull the wool over their eyes.
That's exactly what Putin said.
I don't know what happened with the Nordstream, although in cases of sabotage and vandalism I'm familiar with, it's often difficult to catch people in the act.
I live in Europe.
Too many Scandinavians know what happened. Because they perfectly know what ships enter and don't enter the Baltic Sea and at what time.
So trust me...nobody has doubts on who sabotaged the pipelines.

Elite, Satanic cabals? Isn't that a bit dramatic? I don't really believe in any "Satan." There are, of course, influential people - power brokers, movers-and-shakers - people of means who have a certain measure of power and influence. I guess they would be the "elite," but even they don't seem to be running things too well lately. The current crop of world leaders seems pretty dismal these days. And then, looking at the political candidates for the next election, it's equally grim.
Kissinger died, recently.
It was one of them.
But I wouldn't bet on any outcomes yet. And I think that Tucker Carlson's wife might object to you kissing her husband's feet. But then, I could be wrong about that part.
Well...Mary Magdalene kissed Jesus' feet...so...
I am like a Magdalene... ;)


Not of this world
He's a liar who has ruined his reputation and nation.

Let's hope Russians can elect a better leader after putin dies.

Russia stole it. It's not their territory any more than the Crimea. They are occupiers that need to be pushed back to where they belong.
Come on now! Don't be a nation denier!


Veteran Member
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Because NATO is considered by that cabal of warmongers as the tool to conquer Russia, to take its resources it, and to dismember it.
So they cannot let their future victim join in.

Conquest is a thing of the past. The game nowadays seems to be economic control, which is what all those conquerors and imperialists really wanted in the first place. In today's world, considering the existence of nuclear weapons and multiple treaties where most countries agreed to outlaw any kind of aggressive invasion, the idea of simply conquering or annexing another nation is out of the question. But that doesn't seem to stop some of the tomfoolery that goes on between nations.

We co-founded the NATO because we thought the US was the beacon of peace and prosperity against the Nazi dictatorship.

NATO was considered necessary by the West to counter what they perceived to be a threat from the Soviet Bloc, which itself formed the Warsaw Pact. The overall policy was containment, to contain supposed communist expansion wherever they may find it. There are those who believed that the US needed to maintain a strong force (including nuclear weapons) in Europe to prevent and discourage any aggressive actions by the Soviets. The Soviets countered that they needed strong forces on their side to defend against possible aggressive actions by NATO.

It's after the Cold War ended that NATO's role seemed to be more vague and nebulous, especially since the Warsaw Pact was dissolved - and many of the former Warsaw Pact states were suddenly joining up with NATO. The USSR also dissolved, and what was left of the Russian Federation was in a state of transition.

NATO seemed to figure prominently and remained useful in the various Middle Eastern conflicts, so that may be one reason they wanted to keep it around.

That's exactly what Putin said.

I live in Europe.
Too many Scandinavians know what happened. Because they perfectly know what ships enter and don't enter the Baltic Sea and at what time.
So trust me...nobody has doubts on who sabotaged the pipelines.

I'm sure there's a lot of ships passing by. CIA ships aren't going to be flagged as "CIA" (although they might have a skull-and-crossbones flag). A Scandinavian coast watcher might see a ship that says "Sven's Fisheries" on it and not pay it any mind. But Sven could be on a secret mission for the CIA.

Kissinger died, recently.
It was one of them.

Maybe, although when I think of Kissinger and others like him - such as Nixon, Reagan, and all their cohorts and minions, I think of a line attributed to Deep Throat in All the President's Men:

"Forget the myths the media's created about the White House. The truth is, these are not very bright guys, and things got out of hand."

That pretty much sums it up right there. The "elite" are not really "elite" after all. They're more like con artists and P.T. Barnum hucksters and snake oil salesmen. They may be good at manipulating people into voting for them, but when America presents itself on the world stage, we've become the butt of jokes, with much mockery, scorn, and derision leveled at us - even from people who are supposedly on our side.

And I'm sure much of it is probably richly deserved. After all, those of us living in America can see what our government looks like from the inside. How it looks from outside America is likely the same, if not worse. In some parts of the world, they call America the "Great Satan," but many Americans believe that we are blessed by God.

Well...Mary Magdalene kissed Jesus' feet...so...
I am like a Magdalene... ;)

Tucker isn't Jesus.


I didn’t listen to the interview, but did appreciate the following critique and highlights by journalist and author John Leake


“Many, including Carlson himself, expressed frustration that the Russian President began with a history lesson, going back to the founding of the Kievan Rus state in 882. I suspect this was Putin’s sly way of expressing a salient point that has long struck me about we Americans—namely, while our government is ever keen to send weapons and armies all over the world to police mankind, we find it onerous to sit through a 30-minute history lesson about the people and places we wish to control.

Russia is, in Churchill’s formulation, “a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma,” and it has always been governed by an authoritarian state. Nevertheless, with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, there is plenty of evidence that Russia wished to cease living in a state of enmity with the United States.

To me, it seems clear it was the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex, and NOT Russia, that wished to maintain this state of enmity, for without it, there would be little justification for the U.S. government to spend hundreds of billions on weapons goodies such as the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II—a program that started in 1995 and (if DoD accountants are to be believed) has cost U.S. taxpayers about 500 billion.

With Bill Clinton’s NATO expansion in 1997, no less of a Cold War eminence than George Kennan characterized this decision as a Fateful Error that would likely result in precisely the instability and insecurity it was purportedly supposed to prevent.

From the beginning of the Russian crisis that developed in the autumn of 2021—shortly after the Biden Administrations’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan after a 20-year occupation that achieved nothing—I have suspected that administration and the terrible people who advise it did everything in their power to BAIT THE RUSSIAN BEAR into invading Ukraine.

The Administration did NOTHING to defuse the crisis, and it insulted the Russians by sending the imbecilic Kamala Harris to the Munich Security Conference on February 18, 2022. I suspect that an Austrian-style neutrality deal would have prevented the catastrophe that has apparently gotten hundreds of thousands killed. It has also seemed obvious to me that, since 2014, Ukraine has been the CIA’s favorite pet project.

To to this day, not a single person has been able to explain to me why Russia would consider tolerating Ukraine joining NATO. Since President Monroe outlined his foreign policy in 1823, the United States government has increasingly pursued a policy of zero tolerance of any foreign military alliances or installations in the entire Western Hemisphere.

And yet, this same United States government, which has invaded and bombed dozens of countries since 2001, claims it is perfectly reasonable to propose that Ukraine (whose northeastern border lies 370 miles from Moscow) join NATO. The distance from the Mexican border to Dallas is greater….

continue reading:


Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Conquest is a thing of the past. The game nowadays seems to be economic control, which is what all those conquerors and imperialists really wanted in the first place. In today's world, considering the existence of nuclear weapons and multiple treaties where most countries agreed to outlaw any kind of aggressive invasion, the idea of simply conquering or annexing another nation is out of the question. But that doesn't seem to stop some of the tomfoolery that goes on between nations.
Conquest is very, very, very actual.
For instance, China is conquering Eastern Africa. Conquest is not a factual conquest: it's the creation of puppet states that obey a superpower.

Ukraine must become a EU country so it will become free: it will be none's puppet state.
It will have the chance to have representatives in a EU parliament.
NATO was considered necessary by the West to counter what they perceived to be a threat from the Soviet Bloc, which itself formed the Warsaw Pact. The overall policy was containment, to contain supposed communist expansion wherever they may find it. There are those who believed that the US needed to maintain a strong force (including nuclear weapons) in Europe to prevent and discourage any aggressive actions by the Soviets. The Soviets countered that they needed strong forces on their side to defend against possible aggressive actions by NATO.
You should really, really, listen to the interview. At least the first part, which is not that long.
Putin points out that after Yeltsin who said "God bless America", Russians did want to be America's allies and to join the NATO.
It's after the Cold War ended that NATO's role seemed to be more vague and nebulous, especially since the Warsaw Pact was dissolved - and many of the former Warsaw Pact states were suddenly joining up with NATO. The USSR also dissolved, and what was left of the Russian Federation was in a state of transition.

NATO seemed to figure prominently and remained useful in the various Middle Eastern conflicts, so that may be one reason they wanted to keep it around.
I would like to know something:
how did the US consider Europe? A colony? A worthless insignificant military colony?
Or a strategic partner?
I'm sure there's a lot of ships passing by. CIA ships aren't going to be flagged as "CIA" (although they might have a skull-and-crossbones flag). A Scandinavian coast watcher might see a ship that says "Sven's Fisheries" on it and not pay it any mind. But Sven could be on a secret mission for the CIA.
I spoke with some Danes. Everyone in Denmark knows it was NATO ships.
You need to have billions at your disposal to do something so dangerous, risky and in plain sight.
No ship can enter the Baltic Sea without hundreds of controls.
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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
By this point you should not even bother talking about what "everyone knows".

You need to back up your claims with some form of evidence, or not even bother.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
They enabled the destruction of Libya.
We had told them: please don't do that. We need a stabilized Mediterranean, we need an ally like Gaddafi.

And yet they did do it.
We will never forget that.
Now I remember why I forgot. I will forget again.