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Unbridled Capitalism is self-destructive


aged ecumenical anthropologist
It's "interesting" that some proclaim to be "conservatives" and yet defend the likes of Trump and Netanyahu, both of which are as crooked as the day is long as they are basically neo-fascists. Fascism is the polar opposite of limited government.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
In Italy there was no recession after the Crash because the Fascist State rescued all factories and banks. The State purchased their stakes so they could pay their debts. At the beginning of WW2 the Italian State practically owned a significant portion of the banking system and owned, either directly or indirectly the nearly totality of the industrial complex. Practically the élites had to bow their heads and content themselves with little. :)

Italy still had a king throughout all this, didn't they? I believe there were also still those who held noble titles, like count/countess. So, it wasn't exactly a classless society, it seems.

FDR employed similar measures during WW2, such as the imposition of wage/price controls and the Office of Price Administration. Overall, FDR believed in more government intervention, which is why his opponents and even many today still dislike him. Some might have called him "socialist," but he was never that.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
It's "interesting" that some proclaim to be "conservatives" and yet defend the likes of Trump and Netanyahu, both of which are as crooked as the day is long as they are basically neo-fascists. Fascism is the polar opposite of limited government.
I suppose it might be interesting to someone obsessed with hatred of Trump and Netanyahu, but it is no great mystery to others. Trump and Netanyahu are conservative leaning popularists. To the extent they are more conservative than their opponents they will have support from conservatives. They don't have to be "perfect" conservatives, just more conservative among the options.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It's "interesting" that some proclaim to be "conservatives" and yet defend the likes of Trump and Netanyahu, both of which are as crooked as the day is long as they are basically neo-fascists. Fascism is the polar opposite of limited government.
As I've posted before, one can have values that lead
to joining a party, but then tribalism can supersede
values to some extent. This happens all the time, not
just to conservatives, eg, liberals & feminists supported
Bill Clinton by dissing the claims of women who accused
him of rape. Republicans & Democrats both endure this.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Italy still had a king throughout all this, didn't they? I believe there were also still those who held noble titles, like count/countess. So, it wasn't exactly a classless society, it seems.
Monarchy and aristocracy totally bowed to the Duce. Just think that Count Ciano married Mussolini's daughter, who became countess.
There was this law, Lex Serpieri which basically expropriated large extensions of lands; the aristocrats and the landowners were compensated but basically lost their large "feuds".

FDR employed similar measures during WW2, such as the imposition of wage/price controls and the Office of Price Administration. Overall, FDR believed in more government intervention, which is why his opponents and even many today still dislike him. Some might have called him "socialist," but he was never that.
Mussolini was a great admirer of Keynes.
Keynesian ideology was successful in Italy. Much less in the US. Nemo propheta in patria. :)
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I suppose it might be interesting to someone obsessed with hatred of Trump and Netanyahu, but it is no great mystery to others. Trump and Netanyahu are conservative leaning popularists. To the extent they are more conservative than their opponents they will have support from conservatives. They don't have to be "perfect" conservatives, just more conservative among the options.
Also, support for an imperfect candidate will be just
as fervent as for a saintly one because it's necessary
to win elections. The other side sees it as hypocrisy,
which it is, but they fail to understand the utility.
And of course, they do the same thing....they're just
blind to the plank in their own eye.

"Plank" must've meant something different to
them than what it means to carpenters today.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Adam Smith used to say there was an invisible hand monitoring, tweaking, and adjusting.
Fairy-tales applied to macroeconomics.
I see the "invisible hand" as tendencies created by
system structure, eg, individuals seeking gain from
their creations, sales, labor, & purchases. The various
facets of the system cause emergent properties, eg,
the relationship between price & demand.

The system operates as it does without anyone or
anything directly controlling it, hence the "invisible
hand" metaphor. So it's not a "fairy tale"...it's
system behavior.

By analogy, the "invisible hand" of particle physics
causes the emergent properties of Boyle's Law
(pressure vs volume vs temperature) for ideal gases.
And like economics, this law has complexities
that affect its results.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I see the "invisible hand" as tendencies created by
system structure, eg, individuals seeking gain from
their creations, sales, labor, & purchases. The various
facets of the system cause emergent properties, eg,
the relationship between price & demand.

It's the attempt to apply mathematical and statistical laws to the human behavior. Human behavior is very diverse, unpredictable, fluid, inconstant. So almost everything must be planned in advance. Optimism and hope are attitudes that aren't sufficient in something so complex like the monetary circuit. An authority that supervises is indispensable.

By analogy, the "invisible hand" of particle physics
causes the emergent properties of Boyle's Law
(pressure vs volume vs temperature) for gases.
And like economics, this law has complexities
that affect its results.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It's the attempt to apply mathematical and statistical laws to the human behavior. Human behavior is very diverse, unpredictable, fluid, inconstant. So almost everything must be planned in advance. Optimism and hope are attitudes that aren't sufficient in something so complex like the monetary circuit. An authority that supervises is indispensable.
If you knew the work of Hari Seldon, you'd
understand that mathematical models do
work, but they predict trends, not details.

I notice that there are 2 kinds of humans...
1) Often religious people, they see all that
happens in the world as the result of some
central control, eg, God, government,
In short...
God or the Deep State did it.

2) Often atheists, they see all that happens
as resulting from physics & the complex
systems that arise, eg, stars, planets, life,
intelligence, culture.
In short....
Shirt happens.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
If you knew the work of Hari Seldon, you'd
understand that mathematical models do
work, but they predict trends, not details.

I notice that there are 2 kinds of humans...
1) Often religious people, they see all that
happens in the world as the result of some
central control, eg, God, government,
In short...
God or the Deep State did it.

2) Often atheists, they see all that happens
as resulting from physics & the complex
systems that arise, eg, stars, planets, life,
intelligence, culture.
In short....
Shirt happens.
Interesting vision.
You are a free will denier, right? Determinist? ;)


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Interesting vision.
You are a free will denier, right? Determinist? ;)
I'm a "free will" agnostic....as I've oft said.
I see no way to test the concept.
I do seem to function as though I have free will.
But perhaps I've no choice in the matter, eh.

I treat the concept of free will as different from
the human tendency to unconsciously have
some choices innately pre-determined.
(I've read some research on the matter.)

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I'm a "free will" agnostic.
I see no way to test the concept.
I do seem to function as though I have free will.
But perhaps I've no choice in the matter, eh.

I treat the concept of free will as different from
the human tendency to unconsciously have
some choices innately pre-determined.
(I've read some research on the matter.)
A good psychologist once said: people who have a big volition, and so they use their will in a very preponderant way, are the ones who tend to perceive the world as something very deterministic. They think that things are inevitable, and so people have no choice. :)


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
A good psychologist once said: people who have a big volition, and so they use their will in a very preponderant way, are the ones who tend to perceive the world as something very deterministic. They think that things are inevitable, and so people have no choice. :)
If everything is inevitable, why put any effort into anything?
Oh, because you can't stop yourself...right?
I once wrote an ode to free will.....

I think that my will's unconstrained,
a feeling which is quite ingrained.
And though I've volition
I've still a suspicion
my choices are all preordained.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
If you take far-right authoritarianism and pour pasta sauce on it, it's still far-right authoritarianism.
For the record: Italians invented the word Fascism.

If we speak of mainstream fascism, yes, it's a far-right ideology.

If we speak of Italian Fascism, the policies were left-wing.