Obviously so. You don't get baptised into a religion you don't believe in, unless you're doing what these two did.
So yes, in some ways it is the case. You have to accept and believe Mormon doctrine to be baptised into the LDS church. I know this, because I've been to Mormon church when I was learning about it. I was asked if I believed in Mormonism, I said I don't believe it even though I like it. They did not treat baptism as something to do willy-nilly.
then baptism is an oath...that whoever is baptized vows to believe this is the true church blindly
let me explain
they were called the investigators by the elders, they were not hiding their skepticism before they were baptized and they were up front telling them that they were science minded people who expected good rational reasons to believe these claims...they were met with this:
that is great and there are going to be things that are hard to understand but if you ask the heavenly father he will reveal to you that it is true?
now lets look at that for a moment.
ask and it will be revealed...BEFORE their baptism as investigators before buying into it... as skeptics
that didn't happen...
in order to have faith you need faith. it doesn't add up... not to me
their intention was to investigate and to be skeptical.
therefore all one needs to do is ask god for an answer, and to say god will reveal it to you...means you don't have to be a believer you can be skeptical, just ask. but it doesn't work that way because you have to be a believer to believe god revealed it to you.
when carrie spoke after her baptism this is what she said:
'if you asked me before i met the elders, 'what happens when you die?' i would have said...you're buried and then you decompose and so does your personality
if you asked me the same question a week after my meetings with the elders i would have said, ' you're buried and
i think (a chuckle here and there) you decompose...if you ask me the same question after a month then i would have said...
i don't know (everyone laughs) no one has reported back but i have hope...'
so here we see that in order to believe one must remain ignorant...
and in ones willful ignorance is when god reveals his answer
and this is something i totally disagree with
sorry for the rant...