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Understanding the holy scriptures is impossible unless God gives you the interpretation


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I'm not talking about interpretation of scriptures, I'm talking about getting the message from the source; IOW getting the message directly from God himself.
I had an employer who was an attorney and he thought if we're living in the last days why God doesn't announce it on TV.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
What superpowers are there is the snake story
other than say a magical viper.

Herr Dr. Professor Occam would find whole story
to be absurdly contrived.

Well, I'm not a fan of Marvel either but hey! it's the cat's meow for some folks.



Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I had an employer who was an attorney and he thought if we're living in the last days why God doesn't announce it on TV.
But things have changed since then. many people are afraid of what's going on in the world. And they do not yet understand what the Bible says, and who knows, maybe never will. Only God knows what will happen to each person.


Active Member
In reference to your first comment about Adam and Eve, and the compendium of opinion about that, I realize that many of the early Christians were persecuted by religious people who firmly disagreed with them. So what does that mean? That opinions are just that. And if you believe scientific propositions or premises about life starting from one cell and burgeoning further over the course of time to what we have now, that's up to you. And others, of course. It is not something I see in the actuality of historical biological data. Meaning from the first cell onward. Also from fossils, no matter how connected they seem to be, that does not validate without exception the theory of evolution. It may seem to, but that is because there is no room for doubt in scientists' minds who believe in the theory in between the organisms. Including Tiktaalik. It came out as whole, not in part as if developing legs. It was already developed. Now unless you feel that fish are now developing legs and can show it, there is nothing other than the fossils scientists have decided to fit into the theory.
Everybody is entitled to their beliefs. I'm not interested though to start a discussion on evolution vs. creation now.

Just to say that the Tiktaalik is a fossil about 400 million years old that was discovered in 2004 in northern Canada. It is the most recent discovery in the study of early tetrapod evolution. Tiktaalik is technically a full fish, with scales and gills, but it has a flattened crocodile-like head and unusual fins. Its fins have thin radial bones for swimming like most fish, but they also have strong internal bones, which would have allowed Tiktaalik to use its limbs as support as most quadrupeds do. It has a combination of features that show the evolutionary transition from fish to vertebrate tetrapods, namely it had strong wrist bones, shoulder blades, thick side bones and most importantly a neck that allowed its head to turn as in most tetrapod vertebrates. Continued examination of this fossil showed other commonalities between fish and tetrapods. But the most impressive thing of all is that it was not a simple discovery. The researchers had determined what they wanted to find. Previous research had shown that the vertebrate invasion of land took place around 375-400 million years ago near rivers. So the researchers looked for fossils in rocks about 375 million years old that could have preserved rivers.
Your last two sentences show lack of understanding of how evolution works.
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Well-Known Member
John 9:39

39 And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.

Elohim/God has to make you see that everything that you have been taught by the Beast is the Total Opposite of what Elohim/God Demands. The Beast is the False Religions-Heathen Atheist Alliance Against Elohim/God. Eyes Wide Shut From the Womb.

Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Official Trailer - Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman Movie HD

Eyes Wide Shut - Trailer [1999] HD


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
I'm not talking about interpretation of scriptures, I'm talking about getting the message from the source; IOW getting the message directly from God himself.

I always received scripture interpretation directly from "God" or perhaps it was my subconscious mind playing as God. Can't really tell you which.

Very easy, for some, to believe/be certain of receiving messages from the divine. I mean you know these messages did not come from your conscious thought process so the must have came from somewhere else. If you already believe in the supernatural, "God" is certainly a more satisfying explanation.


Active Member
Jesus words are above any disciple or apostle, let alone a "fake" one who contradicts himself
We know that Paul spent 3 years in Ephesus and when he departed, he left Timothy to govern the church there.
We also know from Paul's own testimony to Timothy, that people in Asia and Ephesus turned away from him and believed that he was a liar and a false apostle.

1 Tim 2:7 " For this I was appointed a preacher and apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying), a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.
2 Tim 1:15 "You are aware that all who are in Asia turned away from me, and among them...."

Let's see now what Revelation 2:1-2 states,

“1 To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: ‘The words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstands. 2 I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear evil men but have tested those who call themselves apostles but are not, and found them to be false;

Was in Ephesus anyone else who claimed to be a apostle, but he was not?
I wonder what jimb's spiritual insight tells him about this.. Probably.. read my signature below...:laughing:
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Premium Member
Not really. Modern interpretations typically conflate chapter one of the book of Genesis with chapter two. If you don't conflate them then the gap could be as long as you like.
Yes really . . .

No, It is common to Jerrymander the mythology to suit one;s variation on interpretation to try in vain to make things fit. The time frame and the contradictions between Genesis 1 and two remain only two of the elephants in the room. It is only two of the issues of the mythology of the Pentateuch that cannot be fixed. again, those that compiled both the Pentateuch and the NT and the Church Fathers believed in a literal interpretation and the Bible was compiled, edited and redacted with that world view. The problem of overwhelming contradictions with the lack of historical accuracy of Exodus and the supposed invasion of Canaan and, of course, the myth of Noah and the flood.
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Premium Member
John 9:39

39 And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.

Elohim/God has to make you see that everything that you have been taught by the Beast is the Total Opposite of what Elohim/God Demands. The Beast is the False Religions-Heathen Atheist Alliance Against Elohim/God. Eyes Wide Shut From the Womb.

Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Official Trailer - Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman Movie HD

Eyes Wide Shut - Trailer [1999] HD
Silly Youtube nonsense, and degrading insulting atheists and those that believe different only deepens your privy hole.

This only further confirms the hostile historical problem of Christians attitude toward those who believe differently even among the diverse conflicting beliefs within Christianity.


Premium Member
Although the Bible is a book that is considered the inspired word of God, it was written by ordinary men from different social backgrounds. The Bible is not written in unintelligible or technical terms, but in common, easily understandable language. The fact that its writers lived in many different eras and under different cultures made it easy to adapt the language they used to the specific development of each era, so readers could understand writings prior to the eras in which they were living, while others were being inspired to write new documents for future generations.

The Bible was not fossilized in ancient languages, but in each era it had translators who made it easier to read. Today we have many versions of parts of it in thousands of modern languages.

Given these and other aspects of the history of the Bible from the writing of each of its parts to modern translations, we not only have easy access to it, but we can also understand it as we read it and understand the related history with each part written in each different era. If we have good study methods we can understand it easily.

Although there are some doctrinal topics that are difficult to understand, there are many basic ones that are easy to understand. So starting from the easiest matters, it is possible to reach an understanding of its deeper teachings. We don't need theological studies to understand the Scriptures that God inspired to be written by ordinary people.
Polite euphoniums that gloss over the reality of the Bible do not reflect the reality of ancient tribal text that is believed to be a literally true text by those that compiled it and the Church Fathers. The Bible remains fossilized in ancient language and mythology.


Veteran Member
I always received scripture interpretation directly from "God" or perhaps it was my subconscious mind playing as God. Can't really tell you which.

Very easy, for some, to believe/be certain of receiving messages from the divine. I mean you know these messages did not come from your conscious thought process so the must have came from somewhere else. If you already believe in the supernatural, "God" is certainly a more satisfying explanation.
I've heard quite convincing stories from those who
received Word clear and unmistakable subsequent to
fervent prayer.

In my case, I had to decide among three differebt grad schools here labeled A, B, and C

I stewed and worried for days. Weeks.

Finally it came to me, " all unbidden" while thinking of
other things.

Clear powerful Certainty that i've decided on A!

Good enough, It's decided.

Ha! But not for me.

I went back to worrying and some days later, the same
thing happened. Only now it's B.

I expect if our self styled divine guidance folks werent so easy satisfied , they would find that if they went back to praying, and kept it up they'd get a whole new One True understanding.

Tho not so much about scrip as such maybe, as
about the nature of the human mind.


Well-Known Member
I guess you mean God delivering his message directly to each and every person on earth, all 8 billion people?
Yes! He could address the entire world in an audible voice, in a language each of us can understand; and clear up all of the misinformation we have of him
It is irrelevant that a God who can do anything could do that. God could also eradicate all of creation in one split second. Should God do that?
You jokin' right???
The relevant questions are as follows:
1. Why should God do that?
Because getting his message across using flawed sinful and dishonest people with personal agendas has not worked
2. What would happen if God did that?
Everybody would get the same message, rather than the various messages dishonest messengers give
3. Why would that be 'better' than giving the message to the messenger, who gives it to all 8 billion people?
Because messengers of God don't have the credibility a voice coming from the sky, confirmed by today's technology as real would provide.


Premium Member
But things have changed since then. many people are afraid of what's going on in the world. And they do not yet understand what the Bible says, and who knows, maybe never will. Only God knows what will happen to each person.
It is a fact in the history of humanity it is pretty universal that people are afraid of "what;s going on in the world," Fortunately we no longer need to fear the wrath Zeus, but the problem still exists for persecution, tribal wars. hatred, and worse still exist if one chooses to not believe in the politically accepted tribal belief.

The current paranoid fears in the USA are atheists, Muslims and the LGBTQ folk.
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Premium Member
Giving his message to his messengers himself! Or better yet, God himself getting his message out to humanity. If God can do anything, he should have no problem delivering his message to his creation; don't cha think?
The problem remains as how humans receive the message of God from different religions and divisions within a religion over the millennia. The problem is given this inconsistency concerning nature of the Revelation form different sources at different times.

"What we have is a failure to communicate!"

Cool Hand Luke

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Who said anything about change?
Shunya did. You've been perseverating about your new signature by continually referring others to it in lieu of contributing anything substantive to the discussion after making the claim in your signature explicitly several times beginning over a week ago. Nothing has changed for him. If you'd like a second opinion there, I concur.

Also, the hot dog vender and Zen master discussed change when the Zen master was outside Costco at the hot dog window and grinned as he asked the vendor to make him one with everything, which annoyed the vendor. After paying for the hot dog, the Zen master asked about his change, to which the vendor replied, "Change must come from within."